Thinking of this, Han Xiao opened the door of the alchemy workshop and walked towards Albedo's residence.

A few days ago, Abedo said that he had an important theory to study, and then he locked himself up at home without leaving the house.

He wanted to see what the other party was studying, whether it was studying electric energy.

Soon, Han Xiao arrived in front of Abedo's residence.

Looking at the half-covered door in front of him, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to open the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the living room, Han Xiao found that the floor of the entire room was littered with drawings filled with text, while Albedo himself was sitting in front of the table, holding a quill in one hand and writing and drawing on the paper, his brows furrowed. The lock was obviously thinking.

Seeing this, Han Xiao did not disturb the other party, but gently picked up the scattered drawings on the ground bit by bit.

As if he noticed a voice coming from behind him, Abedo looked back and saw Han Xiao who was cleaning the room for him.

Huh? Han Xiao, when did you come?

I just came here not long ago.

Han Xiao raised the drawing in her hand:

What are you studying, so sleepless and forgetful about food and drink?

Of course it's a power energy issue.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo directly stated the topic of his current research without any concealment.

Since the last time he rode an electric car made by Hanxiao, he has been thinking about how to obtain absolute electric energy. Since the discharge capacity of the battery is not enough to drive a four-wheeled vehicle, he must find a way to develop a strong enough discharge core.

Seeing that Abedo was studying the core of electric energy as he had guessed, Han Xiao couldn't help but became more interested and quickly asked:

Then have you come up with any results from your research now?

It's already a bit sketchy.

Abedo nodded proudly. He had almost figured out the theoretical data regarding the storage and discharge of electrical crystals. The next step was to see if the actual measurement could be successful.

As long as the final experiment is successful, four-wheel vehicles driven by electricity will be just around the corner.

Good guy, he is indeed Doraemon!

Hearing that Abedo had almost mastered the theory, practice was still needed. Even though Han Xiao had known for a long time that Abedo was a genius, she still couldn't help but be amazed in her heart by his level of genius.

If he didn't cheat, he wouldn't be Abedo's opponent at all!

He is indeed a ruthless person who can equal a country.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's hurry up and do the experiment.

With extremely excited expressions, Han Xiao and Abedo rushed into the alchemy workshop with theoretical data and started experiments.

After fighting almost sleeplessly for many days, a colorless and transparent crystal was finally born from the hands of the two of them.

In the alchemy workshop, looking at the transparent crystal that no longer looked like an electrical crystal on the experimental table, Han Xiao, who had messy and somewhat burnt hair, looked uneasily at Abedo, who looked almost like him:

Are we successful?

This crystal not only contains Abedo's theoretical knowledge, but in order to change the explosive nature of electrical crystals, Han Xiao has prepared countless alchemical potions for Abedo to use during this period.

Explosions were common during this period, and the reason why their hair was messy and burnt was because of the black smoke raised by the explosion.

You'll know after you try it.

Albedo, who had two huge dark circles under his eyes, couldn't help but stretched out his hands to rub his eyes. Then he carefully picked up the crystal and placed it on the base that had been made earlier. Then he connected a piece of copper wire to the base and passed it through the machine. The switch is linked to the battery on the side.

After all preparations were made, Han Xiao gently stretched out his finger and pressed the mechanical switch at Abedo's instruction.


The sound of electric current sounded immediately, and soon the lavender color emitted after electrons jumped from high energy level to low energy level appeared inside the transparent crystal.

We succeeded!

Seeing the electric energy being stored in the crystal in a lavender color, Albedo finally felt relieved and had a faint smile on his face.

Chapter 123 Abedo doesn’t want to get on the street lights

With the influx of electric energy, the transparent crystal was quickly dyed lavender, and lightning-like phenomena flashed inside from time to time.

This is our result!

Looking at the crystal that was gradually glowing due to the influx of electric energy, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

It is really not easy to make this crystal.

In order to solve the problem of the stability of the electrical crystal, he and Abedo thought of countless ways.

Finally, relying on the alchemy of World of Warcraft and wasting countless materials, I finally found a formula that could stabilize the electrical crystal.

The new electrical crystal no longer explodes when exposed to open flames as before.

It can be said that the crystal that now appears in front of Han Xiao and Abedo is an energy core that is more stable and has a larger capacity than a battery.

Albedo, give it a name. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to call it electric crystal now.

After sighing for a moment, Han Xiao looked at Albedo and asked him to give the new crystal a name.

Just call it the Charged Crystal.

After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Abedo didn't refuse. He stretched out his hand to rub his chin for a while and then gave Crystal a new name.

The charging crystal is quite simple and easy to understand.

It's just a name, the key is its purpose.

Abedo didn't care much about the name. Calling it the charging crystal was just for convenience. What he cared more about was the use of the charging crystal.

In fact, Albedo was already confident of creating the charging crystal after he and Han Xiao entered the alchemy workshop to verify that the theory was correct.

But the alchemy method used was too complex and not suitable for mass production, and it was also unstable.

So Abedo and Han Xiao have been looking for the simplest way to create stable charging crystals during this time.

Fortunately, all the efforts paid off, and he and Han Xiao finally found a way to use relatively simple materials to create stable charging crystals.

In terms of purpose, first the power supply system can be replaced.

Han Xiao quickly gave an answer.

Thanks to the machine tools manufactured by mechanics, light bulbs were mass-produced and applied to every household in Guili City. However, their power supply was only operated by batteries equipped by Guili City, which was quite troublesome to operate.

Now that it's okay, after having the charging crystal, Han Xiao plans to install wires and lines on every building in the house, and then Guili City will uniformly transmit power.

In the future, users who return to the city will only need to pay the electricity bill and then press the switch to get electricity.

After listening to Han Xiao's thoughts, Abedo nodded and said:

This is simple. Thanks to the participation of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, the mechanical engineer has developed a charging conversion device based on the drawings designed by you and me.

But this requires a large number of lightning creatures or electrical crystals. After all, they are born with electricity. Of course, users of the Eye of Thunder God can also provide power.

Forget about the latter one, just consider the first two.

Han Xiao twitched the corner of her mouth and decisively rejected the idea of ​​using the Eye of Thunder God to power the device.

This method is so inhumane that even someone like him who can swing under a streetlight would not dare to do it.

The advantage of using lightning-type creatures is that they can be cultivated, but the disadvantage is the method of breeding.

As for electrical crystals, the advantage is definitely stability, but the problem of supply is more troublesome.

Abedo thought about it carefully and felt that both methods had their own advantages and disadvantages. For a while, he couldn't decide which mode was better.

Then use them all.

Compared to Abedo's hesitation, Han Xiao happily decided that he wanted them all.

With a stable power supply, Liyue Port should be able to popularize it soon.

This way everyone can work overtime at night.

Ah, are you a devil?

Abedo couldn't help but look at Han Xiao who sighed with horror.

This idea is too scary.

Teyvat used to have a leisure time except for a few people at night.

Let's talk about four-wheelers.

In order to avoid being hunted down by the people of Mondstadt in the future, Albedo decisively changed the topic and decided in his heart to give all the credit to Han Xiao.

He didn't want to be hung on a street lamp with the other person in the future.


Just when Han Xiao and Abedo were planning to build a four-wheeled vehicle, Gan Yu's disbelieving scream suddenly came from Yuehai Pavilion.

Let me go to Guilicheng to discuss work with Han Xiao?

Due to the previous wave of corporate deaths, Gan Yu almost locked himself in the office as soon as he went to work these days, in order to reduce the attention of secretaries on him.

Fortunately, she has enough prestige in Yuehai Pavilion, and the influence brought by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is slowly fading.

Just when Gan Yu thought everything was over, Ning Guang found her and asked her to go to Guilicheng to discuss work with Han Xiao in person.

What's wrong with you, Gan Yu?

Ningguang, who had finally come down from Qunyu Pavilion, looked puzzled at Gan Yu, who was standing in front of him, looking completely arrogant.

She had never seen Gan Yu like this before.

Is there anything that's bothering you?

No, not really.

After Gan Yu reacted, he quickly pretended to be calm and shook his head, then deliberately changed the topic:

I'm just curious as to why I was asked to go to Guili City. Is there any work that I can definitely discuss with Han Xiao using my magic skills?

It's better to discuss important matters concerning Liyue Port in person.

Although she didn't know what happened to Gan Yu before, Ning Guang still explained it calmly, but she still secretly wrote it down in her heart and planned to go back and check the information of the past few days.

Intuition told Ningguang that something terrible must have happened to make Gan Yu lose his composure.

Hanxiao has developed a method to mass-produce light bulbs, as well as the latest energy core.

I believe you have heard of Gan Yu's nickname that was circulated in Guili City some time ago.

The city that never sleeps, the shining pearl of night on the land of Liyue.

Seeing that he was getting down to business, Gan Yu's mind started to work again and he quickly came up with the nickname that was popular among the people of Guili City in Liyue Port.

Keqing has urged me several times to have Liyue Port use light bulbs as soon as possible.

It was just that the light bulbs were not in mass production before, so I temporarily put it on hold. Now that light bulbs are in mass production, Liyue Port naturally needs new lighting tools.

As he said that, Ningguang glanced at Gan Yu and made the other person restless before continuing to explain:

Furthermore, Gan Yu, you have been sharing the work in Liyue Port with Han Xiao during this period. Yu Qingyuli, you two should also communicate in person.


Gan Yu fell silent for a moment.

Ningguang said that she understood that as Han Xiao was a Seven Star, certain tasks in Liyue Port should also be completed by Han Xiao.

However, Guilicheng is currently under the full management of Han Xiao, so Gan Yu, as Qixing Secretary, performs this function on his behalf. The two really should meet to summarize the situation.

It's just...she doesn't know how to face Han Xiao now.

Chapter 124 Two people and one bird

After the charging crystal was created, Han Xiao immediately contacted Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who was instructing the mechanics in Mingyun Town through the thousand-mile sound transmission conch.

But as soon as Conch was connected, he heard the angry cursing voice of his cheap master.

Stupidity is simply rotten wood that cannot be carved into stone.

I have never seen anyone as stupid as you.

You are truly the worst class I have ever taught!

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