These two unlucky kids don't want him to have any leisure time, right? Yes or no!

Although Zhongli's expression remained unchanged, his fingers holding the information unconsciously pinched the paper to some extent.

Having said that, the insurance proposed by the two is indeed a good idea.

If implemented, it will be a very important means for the financial system and social security system of Guilicheng and Liyue Port.

It’s just that there are too many things to deal with inside.

In the information, Han Xiao also mentioned that insurance is divided into personal insurance, medical insurance, property insurance, and a series of other types that made Zhongli feel dizzy just looking at them.

There are only so many types of insurance, not to mention how to formulate contracts, how to ensure the interests of policyholders, and how insurance institutions will not be deliberately defrauded and other measures to be formulated.

If he really accepted this, he might not even have time to drink tea in the future.

But if he didn't answer, Zhongli felt that it couldn't be justified.

After all, insurance is of great benefit to Liyue from all aspects, and because insurance requires too many places to avoid pitfalls, if he does not pay close attention, it will be easy for others to take advantage of the loopholes, and then the insurance will become a scourge.

I... took this job.

After struggling for a long time, under the expectant eyes of Han Xiao and Hu Tao, Zhongli closed his eyes and nodded silently.

He took the insurance job and closed his eyes because he didn't want to see these two unlucky children hanging around in front of him now.

It's really too bad.

I knew Zhongli you would pick it up!

When he heard that Zhongli had taken over the insurance job, Hutao jumped three feet high with joy, and he kept spouting nice words from his mouth.

On the contrary, Han Xiao sat down on the chair in front of Zhongli and said in a faint tone:

Mr. Zhongli, you still have many things to deal with, so you can't rest now.

Hearing Han Xiao's profound words, Zhongli picked up the teacup on the table and covered his face.

There are some things I always have to let go of.

What about this matter?

I will do this, but before that, can you please do me a favor, little friend Hanxiao?

You say!

Glancing at the happy Hu Tao next to him, Zhongli lowered his eyes and spoke in a rather 'heavy' tone.

Can you let the hall master stay with you for a few days? I haven't been feeling well these days and it's not suitable to see guests.

Chapter 121 Gan Yu: I want to take a look outside Teyvat

So Zhongli just left me alone?

While walking back to the alchemy workshop with Han Xiao, Hu Tao clasped his hands behind his back, taking steps as if he didn't recognize his relatives, while pouting and complaining rather dissatisfiedly.

She was obviously the master of the Hall of Rebirth, but as a guest, Zhongli felt as if he disliked her.

Maybe it's because Mr. Zhongli is really not feeling well.

Facing Hutao's complaint, Han Xiao didn't know how to explain it. After all, they had just teamed up to trick Zhongli, so it was normal for the other party not to want to see them for the time being.

But Hu Xiaotao, are you really not going to stay at my house?

Humph, this hall master doesn't know how to do that.

In response to Han Xiao's question, Hu Tao's little face raised up and pretended to be disdainful.

I feel relieved to leave the insurance matter to Zhong Li, so I have to fulfill my responsibilities.

What responsibilities do you have to fulfill? Every time I see you, you seem to be selling business to others.

Han Xiao couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Hu Tao, and retorted unceremoniously.

Hey, hey, hey, I'm not the slut like Zhongli who just walks around and watches the show. This hall master has been guarding the boundary between life and death at Wuwanpo.

Seeing Han Xiao talking about herself like this, Hu Tao quit.

As the leader of the Rebirth Hall, she has always tried her best to protect the boundary between life and death in Wuwanpo, and she has never neglected it.

As for looking for customers to promote the business of the Palace of Purity, that's just to increase some income.

Otherwise, I really think Zhongli, who spends money lavishly, is so easy to take care of!

Okay, okay, Hu Xiaotao, thank you for your hard work.

Humph, that's what it is!

Along the street, Han Xiao and Hu Tao walked towards the alchemy workshop one after another. The cool breeze blew across their faces, which unexpectedly gave them an indescribable meaning.

When the two of them reached the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao turned around and looked at Hu Tao and asked again:

I will probably stay in the alchemy workshop recently. If you come back from Wuwangpo, you can rest at my house.

I know, let's talk about it after I come back from Wuwangpo.

After taking the key thrown by Han Xiao, Hu Tao casually stuffed it into the Eye of God and waved his hand carelessly to indicate that he was clear.

And don't forget to open a branch in Guili City.

Hey, Han Xiao, why are you so verbose like an old lady? I think the hall master already knows about it!

Seeing that Han Xiao was still planning to warn him, Hu Tao quickly stretched out his hands and pushed Han Xiao's back hard, pushing him into the alchemy workshop.


Han Xiao, who was pushed into the workshop, heard a loud noise from behind before she could react. It turned out that the door was closed directly by Hu Tao.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but shook his head and whispered:

This girl is still so hot-tempered.

Han Xiao walked to the test bench. Since Hutao planned to go to Wuwangpo, he had to start today's homework.

After all, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun really gave him a lot of homework before he left.

But outside the door, Hu Tao did not leave directly as Han Xiao imagined. Instead, she pressed her back against the door panel and raised her head wondering what she was thinking.


The next day, on the roof of Yuehai Pavilion.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Gan Yu's curled up body trembled suddenly, then he opened his eyes in a daze and sat up.

Am I asleep?

Gan Yu squinted his eyes for a while to adjust, then looked around with his little head, his wet eyes showing a hint of confusion, and the dull hair on his head swaying, looking very cute.

After her mind cleared up a little, she finally remembered why she was on the roof of Yuehai Pavilion.

Due to the heavy work done by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun yesterday, Gan Yu didn't make up her mind to go back to work in the end because she really didn't want to face the gossipy eyes of her secretaries.

Gan Yu, who had no place to go, had no choice but to jump on the roof of Yuehai Pavilion, intending to have some quiet time alone, but fell asleep unknowingly.

Looking up at the sky, the sun has revealed a little outline in the distance, and the sound of secretaries moving around can be heard in the house below.

Apparently the secretaries have started their day's work.

It's just...the problem is still not solved!

Thinking of the scene where he died in front of many secretaries yesterday, Gan Yu's little face suddenly turned red again, and he was about to cry without tears.

However, just escaping like this is not an option. She will have to face it sooner or later.

Gan Yu...Believe in yourself, you can do it!

Miss Ningguang said don't care about other people's opinions, just be yourself!

Silently cheering himself up in his heart, Gan Yu stood up shakily, stabilized his mind, and jumped off the roof of the house.

After landing lightly, Gan Yu straightened his clothes that were messed up due to his sleeping position, and then walked into Yuehai Pavilion with a straight face as if nothing happened.

The moment she walked in, the originally bustling Yuehai Pavilion suddenly became quiet, and all the secretaries working in Yuehai Pavilion subconsciously turned their attention to Gan Yu.

Everyone... don't be lazy... hurry up and get to work.

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at him, Gan Yu suddenly felt a thorn in his back. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to subconsciously pull the hair hanging down by his ears. His eyes wandered around, and he pretended to be normal but actually stammered.

Then she ran into her office regardless of everyone's reaction.

As soon as Gan Yu left, the atmosphere in Yuehai Pavilion suddenly became lively.

All the secretaries whispered to each other, with aunty smiles on their faces.

I never expected that Mr. Gan Yu would also be urged to get married.

Yes, yesterday was the first time I saw an immortal. I thought immortals were indifferent to worldly affairs. It turns out that immortals sometimes worry about their descendants.

You're right. Lord Gan Yu usually looks calm and calm. Unexpectedly, when facing an immortal, he is no different from an ordinary person.

Mom, what do you think grandpa would think if he knew Lord Gan Yu was being urged to get married?

I think Master Tianshu will be quite depressed. I heard my father say that Master Gan Yu was the faith in their hearts. What do you think, Huixin?

Ah, my father should be very happy. After all, he has been worried about Gan Yu before. He has been alone all this time and looks quite lonely.

Shh! Keep your voices down, it will be bad if Master Gan Yu hears you.

Thanks, I heard you.

In the office, Gan Yu resented her half-human, half-immortal physique for the first time. Even though the secretaries were discussing in low voices, she could still hear them clearly.

I want to die so much!

Gan Yu couldn't help but cover her hot face with both hands, and slowly slid to the ground against the wall.

Chapter 122 The development of electrical crystal is a great success

Han Xiao, who was doing homework in the alchemy workshop, didn't know that it was because of him that Gan Yu was in a state of shame and anger.

If she knew, Han Xiao would probably regret it.

Although he knew before he became a disciple that Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng had never been able to speak to him, he never expected that the other party would be so devoid of emotional intelligence.

In other words, maybe this is the natural result of being at home for a long time?

Finally done.

In the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao looked at the completed homework in front of him, raised his hands high and stretched hard, with a somewhat relieved expression on his face.

It must be said that Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun completely listened to Zhongli's orders. Before she left, she left a lot of basic homework for Han Xiao.

Although there was a little more homework, Han Xiao still completed all her homework seriously.

After completing his homework, he also roughly understood Teyvat's mechanism technique, but after understanding it, Han Xiao felt a little speechless.

Because he found that apart from the basic part of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's mechanism technique, which was not much different from the mechanism technique he knew, the remaining small part was completely different.

The core aspect of energy actually involves the use of immortal power.

In desperation, he could only complain to other selves in the chat group.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I feel that my apprenticeship is in vain. The energy core of the machine technique actually involves immortal power. I don't have immortal power so I can learn a hammer.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I just said that the ultimate machine looks no different from a crossbow bed. Why can it condense light arrows? It uses immortal power with emotions.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Don't worry about Yuanxiao yet, maybe Liuyun Jifeng Zhenjun will teach you how to practice immortal power.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Actually, I think it doesn't matter whether you learn or not. You can find another energy source to replace it.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Jixiao is right. Yuanxiao can learn techniques. Now you are still using Chinese martial arts and ripples to train your body. You can definitely embark on the human-immortal martial arts in the future.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I know everything you said. It's just that after you understand the basics, you suddenly find that you lack some ability, which always makes you feel a little unhappy.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Then let's change it. Wouldn't it be good to use steam power? It's more cyberpunk!

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Or you can wait for Abedo. He is studying electricity. It would be good to build an electric mechanism.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: “This is the only way we can do it for the time being.”

Closing the chat group casually, Han Xiao let out a long sigh. She originally thought that by learning Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun's mechanism technique, she could create the ultimate machine.

In the end, I just learned an idea.

It seems that we should still count on Doraemon.

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