If they spend some money to buy a contract at the Rebirth Hall, and if they are injured or die in danger in the wild and the hall owner pays the medical expenses or funeral expenses, I think they will be moved.

You have so many clever ideas.

After hearing Hu Tao's idea, Han Xiao turned into an old man on the subway and looked at the phone.jpg.

He really didn't expect Hutao to be able to think of insurance as a contract economic management method.

With this talent, it can be said that he is worthy of being the master of the hall of Mr. Zhongli.

Why don't you tell me my hall master's idea first?

Seeing the headache on Han Xiao's face, Hu Tao stared at him with her plum blossom eyes, her voice became sweet, and her little hands stained with black nail polish grabbed Han Xiao's sleeves and shook them desperately.

That's good, but insurance is very troublesome.

Han Xiao, who couldn't resist Hu Tao, could only evade it.

Insurance is a protection mechanism and a tool used to plan life's finances. Hanxiao had thought about developing insurance a long time ago. After all, this industry is indeed profitable.

However, various bizarre operations in the insurance industry in his previous life and policyholders' deceptive behavior made him undecided to promote the establishment of Liyue's insurance industry.

It doesn't matter if it's troublesome, we can let Zhongli sum it up!

Hearing that Han Xiao just disliked the trouble of insurance instead of denying it blindly, Hu Tao immediately gave her suggestion diligently.

Listen to me, Han Xiao, do you think you and this hall master have been provoked?

You mean Mr. Zhongli?

Han Xiao glanced at Hu Tao in surprise. He didn't expect that the other party would also realize it.

Hehe, it seems you have guessed it a long time ago.

Seeing that Han Xiao was not surprised at all, the smile on Hu Tao's face became cunning.

This Hall Master has thought about it carefully and I always feel that when we fight, that guy Zhongli always instigates us. Are you right?

Yes, this is so right!

If Zhong Li hadn't taken action, you, Hu Xiaotao, wouldn't have been able to find my location.

So you plan to let Mr. Zhongli take over the insurance job?

Correct answer!

Hu Tao released her hands holding Han Xiao's sleeves, and then clapped quickly, the smile on her face becoming more and more dazzling.

“Since you think insurance is a good idea, but it’s more troublesome to implement, then we can find someone who is knowledgeable and free to do it, right?”

This hall master thinks Zhongli is good, and if it is done well, it can also make money for Shengsheng Hall and Guili City. What a good idea!

Well, the suggestion you mentioned is feasible.

I have to say that Han Xiao was a little moved by Hu Tao's suggestion.

Although the insurance industry is more troublesome to do, if it is left to Zhongli, the contract will definitely be controlled by the other party, and there will be no weird things like insurance fraud.

What's more, Zhongli had given him a counterattack before, and Han Xiao had long wanted to give him a big hit.

Then it's settled?

Okay, how about I go back and sort out the information and give it to you, and then you go and hand it over to Mr. Zhongli.

Okay, let's do it!

Hearing that Han Xiao had finally made up her mind, Hu Tao quickly raised her right hand and gave Han Xiao a high-five as an oath.

The next moment, Han Xiao and Hu Tao both had 'bad smiles' on their faces.

Zhongli wants to hide behind his back and manipulate them into fighting each other, so they can also unite to fight against Zhongli!

Zhongli, who was drinking tea while hiding in the pavilion on the rooftop of the school, suddenly put down the teacup in his hand and turned to look around.

Just now, he felt a vague premonition in his heart.

Is it my imagination?

Not noticing anything wrong, Zhongli hesitantly picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip, but he became wary.

Based on Zhongli's many years of experience, he had a hunch that there would be no problem, so there must be some trouble coming to him soon.

Who else in Guili City could bring him trouble?

Naturally, Hanxiao and Hutao.

Zhongli couldn't help but cast his gaze in the direction of the alchemy workshop. He had previously 'fooled' Hu Tao to test Han Xiao's current level. Logically speaking, the two should be bickering at this time.

Do you want to use your spiritual thoughts to take a look?

After only thinking for a few seconds, Zhongli let go of his mind and began to explore the inside of the alchemy workshop.

It didn't matter. His heart skipped a beat.

Because Zhongli saw smiles on Han Xiao and Hu Tao's faces, and they were whispering something to each other. Obviously, there was no bickering scene as he expected.

Oh, things don't look good.

Could it be that these two unlucky kids have joined forces?

No, I have to go out to visit friends.

Thinking of this, Zhongli stood up and planned to go to Jueyunjian to visit his old friends.

It was definitely not because he sensed something was wrong and wanted to escape.

But just after taking two steps, Zhongli stopped again, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, because he found that he seemed to be trapped by the school and could not leave for too long.

As a last resort, Zhongli sat back on the chair in the pavilion.

Under the gaze of Shen Nian, he watched Han Xiao and Hu Tao walking side by side towards the school.

Alas, I am trapped here now, and God is going to kill me.

Zhongli couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he thought that he was about to face the attack of two unlucky children.

Just as Zhongli sighed that he was about to face trouble, Gan Yu in Yuehai Pavilion had already fallen into social death one step ahead of him.

As for the reason, it was naturally Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who appeared in Yuehai Pavilion.

Originally, Gan Yu was working as usual, but Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun suddenly appeared and said in public that he wanted to talk to her about her sweetheart's problem.

Zhenjun, let's go out and talk about it. It's not good to talk about the impact here.

Under the strange gazes of the Yuehai Pavilion secretaries, Gan Yu's delicate face turned red, her voice trembled, and her lavender eyes seemed like she would cry in the next second.

To be honest, she really wanted to escape from Teyvat. She really couldn't stay in this miserable place.

Weddings and funerals are business matters, why can't I talk about it here?

True Lord!

Okay, okay, I am the one who agrees.

Although she didn't quite understand why Gan Yu was so reluctant, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun complied with her wishes because of the other party's insistence.

Taking Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng to a remote corner, Gan Yu held back his shame and asked:

Zhenjun, why did you suddenly come to ask me this question?

Chapter 120: The sweet rain of social death and the cold night of passive social death

I just took in a new apprentice, the one who always loved to hug your thighs when you were little.

Faced with Gan Yu's doubts, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun expressed his thoughts frankly. Although Han Xiao had no thoughts of marrying for the time being, she still wanted to ask Gan Yu what he thought of his little apprentice.

I can't guarantee that two people will develop a good impression after getting along with each other.

Han... Hanxiao?

Hearing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's words, Gan Yu's blush, which had faded a lot, once again spread all over his face.

This happened more than ten years ago. How could Zhenjun...

Wait, how did she know Zhenjun?

Thinking that he had never mentioned this incident, Gan Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, his almond-shaped eyes full of shock.

Zhenjun, are you peeking at me?!

Uh...how is that possible? I just happened to see you accidentally when I happened to have something to do with you.

Realizing that he had spilled the beans, Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng subconsciously turned his head and his eyes became wandering.

Seeing Lord Liuyun Jiefeng behave like this, Gan Yu's breathing suddenly became heavy and his chest kept rising and falling.

Inexplicably, she had the urge to pull out her weapon, as if the person standing in front of her was not Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng but two pieces of poultry meat.

Zhenjun...you asked me if I have a sweetheart, are you trying to bring me and Han Xiao together?

It's not a matchmaking, I just want you to communicate more.

Seeing Gan Yu talking about business, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also turned around and said seriously:

Gan Yu, you are already quite old. You can't be alone in the future. It will be good for you to get to know a few more outstanding young people now.

Then we can't let Han Xiao and I...

Gan Yu was about to refuse, but stopped mid-sentence.

How is her relationship with Han Xiao?

In the past, Gan Yu only had a vague image of Han Xiao.

That is a child who liked to hug her thigh when he was a child. When he grew up, he was a young man who relied on his own craftsmanship to make a living.

There is a high probability that he is a passer-by in her life.

However, as Han Xiao gradually showed his talents, and after the two of them worked at Yuehai Pavilion for a period of time, Gan Yu's image of Han Xiao changed drastically.

It can be said that the more he came into contact with Han Xiao, the talents he displayed also made Gan Yu fall in love with him. It is said that men who work hard are the most attractive, so Gan Yu naturally developed a good impression of Han Xiao. .

Zhenjun, we are just colleagues, and there is a big age difference.

After thinking about it carefully, Gan Yu endured the shame and gave Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun a polite answer.

She does have a slight affection for Han Xiao, but this affection is not enough to make her fall in love.

Now you are not only colleagues, you are also brothers and sisters. You can move around more in the future.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun didn't care at all.

She didn't intend for Gan Yu to agree immediately. The two of them could communicate more first.

As for age, it is not a problem. Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng has already planned to ask the emperor if he can teach Hanxiao the magic.

Age, lifespan, etc. won't be a problem until the other party's life level improves.

I am now planning to go to Mingyun Town over Hanxiao to help. This boy's talent for mechanism skills is very good and is worth cultivating.

If you want to come see me from now on, just ask Han Xiao to bring you here.

After saying that, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng ignored the dumbfounded Gan Yu and directly flapped his wings to fly high into the sky, losing sight of him within a few seconds.


Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun disappearing quickly in front of his eyes, Gan Yu's hand that he had just raised when he was about to persuade Liu couldn't help but stop in mid-air.

Slowly lowering his arms, Gan Yu sighed helplessly and turned around to return to Yuehai Pavilion.

However, her body froze completely in the next second, and her delicate and soft little face showed unprecedented fear.

It's over. Many secretaries in Yuehai Pavilion heard what Zhenjun said just now.

Am I unable to go back?


Just when our lovely Coconut Sheep was in an unprecedented crisis, Zhongli was also hit hard by Hanxiao and Hutao.

Insurance...you two can really make things happen for me.

Holding the information that Han Xiao had written down before, and after listening to the two men's suggestions for the insurance industry, Zhongli reached out and pinched his somewhat swollen temples.

How many years has it been, how many years have I not had such a headache?

It seems like I had a headache last time or how to reconcile the balance between Ruo Tuo and Li Yue?

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