So you and my father plotted against me?

In the carriage driven by coachman Ah Wu, Xingqiu looked at Han Xiao with a ridiculous expression.

Originally, he was reading a novel leisurely in the study, but he was called out by his father for no reason, and was put on the carriage to return to Li City by Han Xiao for no reason.

Then when the carriage left Liyue Port, he was told that he was going to Guilicheng to participate in work.

In response to this, Xingqiu said that there are such strange things in the world, and I dare not write about them in my novels.

Yes, uncle said it's time for you to come out and have a try.

Looking at Xingqiu with a ridiculous face, Han Xiao replied calmly.

Oh, I made a careless friend.

In the end, in the face of the powerful fact, Xingqiu was forced to accept the fact that his father had already agreed to the other party.

Tell me what job you want me to do.

It depends on what you want to do.

I'd rather you do nothing at all.

That must be impossible!

Han Xiao immediately rejected Xingqiu's suggestion that he wanted to ruin it.

He finally caught a deputy, how could he let him lie down?

You have changed into Han Xiao. You were not like this before. You are becoming more and more like Ke Qing!

Xingqiu, who was directly rejected, looked at Han Xiao with resentment on his face. He didn't understand at all how his friend who had always been a flat-minded person turned into a 996 enthusiast like Ke Qing.

Hmph, call me Lord Tianshuxing.

Get out!

Amid the commotion, the carriage finally returned to Guili City after several days of travel. As for the work of Xingqiu, Han Xiao had also arranged it, starting with the secretary.

Han Xiao's ultimate goal is to train Xingqiu to become the second-in-command of Guili City.

There are actually several reasons why I chose Xingqiu.

First of all, Han Xiao doesn't have many friends, and the only candidates who can truly hand over the work of returning to the city with confidence are Ke Qing, Xing Qiu and Yun Jin.

However, Yun Jin has a job at Yunhan Club to make her first pass, and Ke Qing is too busy to be distracted. Among the remaining people he can trust, Xing Qiu is the only one who is the most suitable.

Secondly, Xingqiu, who was born in the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, has been influenced by his business skills since he was a child. Guili City also needs a leader with business acumen to manage it.

Therefore, no matter from the perspective of ability or trust, Xingqiu becomes the best goal after eliminating other options.

Kuixing Tower.

Taking Xingqiu to the office in Kuixing Building, Han Xiao picked up a few documents from the table and handed them to him.

You should take a look at these documents first. They are all about business issues. Just give me an answer tomorrow.

Suddenly Han Xiao seemed to remember something, and she quickly spoke and warned:

Don't use a brush when correcting documents. There are quills and inks from Mondstadt in Guili City. You can try using them.

Your calligraphy is too abstract, I can't stand it.

It seems like your calligraphy skills are not much better than mine!

As a result, Xingqiu couldn't help but refute Han Xiao's document when he heard that the other party was joking about his handwriting.

In his opinion, his calligraphy was indeed a bit unsatisfactory, but Han Xiao's calligraphy was not much better.

When the two of them were learning calligraphy since childhood, the teacher said that Han Xiao's calligraphy was empty but not spiritual, and that it was beautiful in appearance but lacked spirit.

Yes, yes, your handwriting is spirited, but you also need others to recognize it.

After hearing Xingqiu's rebuttal, Han Xiao immediately quit. I can't learn the artistic conception in calligraphy, but at least others can recognize it.

Unlike Xingqiu's calligraphy, Zhongli once commented that Xingqiu's calligraphy showed the essence of the swordsmanship of the Guhua School. Anyway, Han Xiao didn't know how the old man could see the artistic conception in a bunch of ghostly drawings.

If the founder of the Guhua Sect could see the words Xingqiu, he would be so angry that he would tremble all over.

Oh, by the way, Xingqiu.

After complaining about Xingqiu's words for a while, Han Xiao also thought of another thing and quickly said to the other party:

Albedo has also returned to Licheng recently. You can communicate with him in your free time.

Did you really invite Teacher Bai Chuo here?

Hearing that Han Xiao said that Abedo was also returning to Licheng, Xingqiu gave up the plan of continuing to bow his head, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

After arriving in Guili City, he finally heard good news.

After using Albedo's news to give Xingqiu some sweetness, Hanxiao walked towards the alchemy workshop.

He wanted to make the remaining dolls and the Eye of All Things first, and first ensure that he could counterattack under various elemental attacks.

Arriving at the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao moved boxes of materials out from Yuperii, and soon the floor was covered with all kinds of rare materials.

He stayed in the alchemy workshop for the next few days.

As the material decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, Han Xiao had a look of satisfaction on his face when the last doll was born on the experimental table.

He finally completed the Seven Elements Doll.

Of course, in addition to the seven dolls, Han Xiao also made the Eyes of Everything for each element.

In order to make himself look slightly normal, he also made some small modifications to the Eye of All Things.

The shape of the current Eye of All Things has been completely changed, replaced by a code that looks like a book.

The shell of the code is trimmed with gold, and seven transparent gems are inlaid in the center of the code. The sides are covered with metal lines, making it look quite mysterious.

As for the inside of the codex, it is not paper. The eye of all things with seven elements is assembled by complex mechanical parts to form a rectangular parallelepiped similar to a circuit board and is fixed inside.

Even out of bad taste, Han Xiao deliberately arranged the seven Eyes of Everything in the shape of a spoon of the Big Dipper.

It's okay. It doesn't feel as heavy as the codex that Yan Fei carries with her.

After weighing the feel of the code and realizing that it might not be as heavy as Yanfei's Torah Dictionary, Han Xiao was quite satisfied, and then tied the code around her waist with a decorative cord wrapped in metal wire.

The first is the rock element.

Han Xiao moved her fingers slightly, and the khaki color that belonged to the rock element lit up on the code shell, and then the rock stars on the experimental table danced with the elemental threads.

And then there's the fire.

With a thought, the color of the gem instantly turned into a fiery bright red, and Akabane flew up and down in the air with an agility that was not inferior to that of a rock star.

Then the wind!

Soon, the remaining elements were displayed one by one under Han Xiao's control, and the corresponding dolls also appeared vividly under the elemental threads.

Inspired by the circuit diagram of his previous life, Han Xiao specially adopted a parallel scheme when making the code, and this scheme also gave him perfect returns.

Because Han Xiao discovered that with the coexistence of the seven elements, they did not cause elemental reactions, but coexisted quite harmoniously, which allowed him to switch between various elements easily.

Well, let's call it the Code of All Things.

Taking the jade pendants back one after another, Han Xiao gave her alchemy weapon a name in her heart.

Chapter 101 Guilicheng Industrial Foundation

With her new weapon, Han Xiao's next days were quite simple.

During the day, he went to work in Kuixing Building, and when he finished the things at hand, he went to the alchemy workshop to conduct alchemy experiments with Albedo.

The good news is that after many experiments and the alchemy potion prepared by Abedo, Han Xiao finally extracted the tungsten ore from the stone, and then used the calcination method and wet extraction method to extract tungsten powder with reasonable purity.

In this way, the filament of the light bulb finally had material.

Not only that, even the inert gas nitrogen needed for light bulbs was successfully diverted by Hanxiao.

He first injects air into a sealed box, uses external work to compress the volume of the gas, and then uses ice element materials such as condensed flower and arctic core as coolants to take away the heat and cool down the air. Finally, through continuous Repeat the work to extract colorless and transparent liquid nitrogen.

With nitrogen and tungsten filament, Han Xiao finally made a stable light bulb.

I didn't expect you to actually make a stable light bulb.

Looking at the dazzling white light bulb connected to the battery on the experimental table, Abedo felt relieved that Han Xiao's experiment did not explode.

This is all thanks to Albedo for your automatic charge and discharge controller, otherwise the light bulb may explode if the voltage is too high.

Han Xiao didn't respond to Abedo's compliments, but praised him in return.

After all, the light bulb was only completed by him based on the production steps of his previous life. Albedo truly completed the power control problem from scratch.

There's just one problem now, that is, it can't be mass-produced.

Looking at the light bulb that had been working steadily, Albedo looked a little distressed.

It is certain that the lighting effect of the light bulb is better than that of the lantern, but the key point is that all the materials of the light bulb are made by Han Xiao and him by hand. It is very difficult to use it on a large area.

For example, if they want to replace all the street lights in Guili City with electric bulbs, this quantity alone will be enough for the two of them to work on it for a while.

This is a nuisance.

Han Xiao was also in a bit of trouble at this time. He and Abedo couldn't spend the next few days doing nothing but rubbing light bulbs.

It doesn't matter to him, it's just a waste to let someone like Abedo waste his time doing repetitive work.

It seems that we have to find a way.

After returning home, Han Xiao opened the chat group and started asking for help:

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Do you know how to mass-produce light bulbs?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: How many machines should I buy for you and send them over?

[Original God·Han Xiao]: That's not necessary. Foreign items are too troublesome. It's best to use local methods to solve them.

[World of Machinery·Hanxiao]: Now that you and Abedo have developed a battery, I think you can try building a machine tool first.

Yes, why did I forget the machine tool!

The self in Jiji World reminded Han Xiao that if he wanted to mass-produce, he could use machine tools to mass-produce parts.

[Genshin Impact Han Xiao]: Thank you for the reminder, You Xiao. Please buy me a book introducing the development of machine tools. Remember to bring the drawings. Thank you!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Wait a minute, by the time I finish this round, I've already locked up my blood.

After waiting for more than two hours, Han Xiao finally received the books sent from himself in the Yu-Gi-Oh World.

As soon as he got the book, he couldn't wait to read it.

The content of the book You Xiao chose is very detailed, ranging from the rotary and chain transmission devices of the ancient Song Dynasty, the bow lathe of ancient Egypt, to the pedal lathe of the Middle Ages and the epoch-making tool turret lathe of the eighteenth century.

Except for some of the latest high-precision lathes that do not have drawings, the rest of the lathe books have compositions attached.

After drawing these drawings one by one, Han Xiao took the drawings to find his secretary Xu Wan.

Xu Wan, how many mechanics are there in Guili City?

About...three hundred people.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xu Wan immediately found the registration form that had been saved during the previous population registration, read it carefully and gave a rough answer.

Inform these mechanics that I have something I need them to complete.


Following Han Xiao's order, Xu Wan quickly found all the more than 300 mechanical masters and brought them to Kuixing Tower.

The mechanics who had not yet had time to figure out the situation were immediately taken to the empty warehouse behind the alchemy workshop by Han Xiao.

Three hundred mechanics looked at each other, not knowing what had happened. Finally, under the recommendation of everyone's eyes, an older mechanics stood up and asked Han Xiao cautiously:

Lord Hanxiao, I don't know what you want to do by calling us here?

These are drawings. See if you can make them.

Han Xiao directly handed over the drawing without any nonsense.

The older mechanic took the drawing with some confusion. He just glanced at it and was immediately attracted by the structure on the drawing.

What a clever idea!

Looking at the detailed drawings of various lathes on the drawings, the elderly machine engineer finally couldn't help but exclaimed, and his face turned red from being too excited.

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