Excuse me. You can't compare to Han Xiao, who became a Seven Star at such a young age.

Seeing Han Xiao, who was handling the situation appropriately in front of him without showing any signs of panic, Beidou also had a smile on his face.

You came to pick up the goods from me, right? Everything is ready for you.

With that said, Beidou called Chongzuo and asked him to bring out all the goods ordered by Han Xiao.

The Smoldering Pearl, the Heart of Eternal Mechanism, the Magic Puppet Machine Heart, etc. Basically, I have collected hundreds of special materials for you that Inazuma can find.

There are also electrical crystals. I also asked my subordinates to buy you a lot.

As boxes after boxes of materials were moved to Han Xiao's eyes by the sailors, Beidou introduced them proudly.

How about it, is it enough?

Thank you Big Sister Beidou for your help. It's enough.

Hearing that Beidou had basically collected all the materials he needed, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

The two quickly negotiated the price and delivered the goods.

Watching Han Xiao put boxes of goods into the jade pendant, Beidou couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This method of accommodating goods felt very similar to the ability of the immortal family in the legend of Liyue.

Didn't you hear Ningguang say that Han Xiao is still related to the immortal?

Now that the goods have been received, I'll take my leave first, Sister Beidou!

After putting the goods into the jade pendant, Han Xiao planned to leave, but as soon as he said the words, Beidou grabbed his shoulders.

Don't be in such a hurry, little brother Hanxiao, how about we go have a drink first and just make friends!

I'm counting on you to take more care of my business in the future.

If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey.

Han Xiao thought about it but didn't refuse. He also wanted to hear Beidou talk about Ina Wife's current situation.

The two of them quickly came to Wanmin Hall along the street.

Master Mao!

As soon as he walked into Wanmin Hall, Han Xiao saw Master Mao working in front of the stove, and he quickly smiled and waved hello.

Boy Han, you haven't been here for a long time!

Isn't it because now that I'm a high official, I don't like Wan Min Tang anymore?

Seeing Han Xiao, Master Mao was startled for a moment, and then he joked about Han Xiao as usual.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Han Xiao is a seven-star, a big shot.

But in his eyes, Han Xiao was still the lazy boy who even wanted food delivered to his door.

No way, Master Mao, I'm busy!

Faced with Master Mao's teasing, Han Xiao also repeatedly 'begged for mercy' and promised to patronize Wanmin Tang when she returns to Liyue Port.

Captain Beidou is here too. You go to the private room at the back first. I'll serve you drinks right away.

Seeing Beidou walking in with Han Xiao, Master Mao said hello to Captain Beidou first, and then asked the two of them to go to the box at the back.

Brother Hanxiao, this is our first meeting. Let me toast you first.

As Master Mao brought the wine into the box and closed the door of the mountain room, Beidou picked up the wine jar, poured two glasses of wine, pushed one of the glasses in front of Beidou, and picked up the other glass himself.

You're welcome.

Han Xiao picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Beidou, then drank the wine in one gulp.

After three cups and five drinks, both of them were a little tipsy.

At this time, Beidou suddenly put down the wine glass in his hand and said:

Brother Hanxiao, do you know why I invite you to drink?

Appreciate further details!

Although I often travel at sea, I have never stopped hearing from Liyue. You are much better than that female fox Ningguang.

Ouch, things seem to be developing in a strange direction.

Han Xiao, who was holding the wine glass, didn't know for a moment whether he should answer Beidou's words.

Chapter 99 Xingqiu was sold

Regardless of whether Han Xiao wanted to listen or not, the atmosphere had reached this point and he could only continue to listen.

With a hint of drunkenness, Beidou seemed to have started talking.

I'm different from you, Han Xiao, a young master like you. When I was young, my family was so poor that we couldn't even eat, so we had to rely on stealing food to fill our stomachs.

I got to know Ning Guang at that time. How should I put it? This woman cares about too many things and always wants to use a balanced approach to deal with things.

As a result, everything is delayed when it comes to balance.

As he spoke, Beidou took another sip of wine, and his tone became more emotional:

When I heard about you through the carrier pigeon on the ship, I really felt that you were different from Ningguang. I also heard about the school. You did a great job!

We have become acquainted today. From now on, we will be friends. If you need anything in Guili City, you can tell me and I promise to help you.

Then I won't be polite to you, eldest sister.

Hearing Beidou's heartfelt words through being drunk, Han Xiao didn't show any pretense and accepted it openly.

As for Beidou complaining about Ningguang?

Hahaha, if their relationship is not good, can Beidou's Southern Cross fleet be accepted by Qixing?

This is a maritime armed force. If the relationship was not good, the Southern Cross Fleet would have been banned long ago.

The most Beidou could do was complain to himself about Ning Guang while drinking.

Sister Beidou, I want to ask you about the situation at Inazuma.

Han Xiao, who didn't take the other party's complaints about Ning Guang seriously, quickly asked what she wanted to know.

He wanted to know from Beidou the specific situation of Inazuma after she was locked up in the country, instead of relying on the plot in the previous game to guess.

Dao Wife...just one word, chaos.

Hearing Han Xiao ask about Ina's wife's situation, Beidou thought for a while while holding the wine glass and then gave his own opinion, that is, chaos.

The foreign businessmen of Inazuma were suddenly stranded on the outlying islands due to the sudden national lockdown order, and all prices were rising.

Anyway, from Beidou's point of view, a huge disaster will break out sooner or later if Inazuma continues to lock down the country like this.

Then, did the eldest sister find anything wrong in it?

Something wrong?

Han Xiao's words made Beidou confused. What does something wrong mean?

Don't tell me, this lockdown came very suddenly.

After carefully recalling what he saw and heard in Inazuma, Beidou couldn't help but put down the wine glass in his hand. His eyes that were originally drunk suddenly became clear, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

It seems a little too fast.

Now that I think about it, it seems that the order to lock down the country was passed by the God of Thunder overnight, without any warning at all. Among the three executions, in addition to the execution by society, both the appointment execution and the Tianling execution seemed to have been well prepared for the moment the decree was issued. They immediately sent people to seal off the island.

She had never seen the other party be so efficient when dealing with them before.

Beidou, who realized something was wrong, immediately looked at Han Xiao and guessed:

Do you suspect that there is another force behind Inazuma's order to lock down the country?


Han Xiao thought for a while but still didn't say that it was the fools who were behind Dao's wife's back. After all, he didn't have conclusive evidence in his hand now, so it would be useless even if he did.

Sister, please help me pay attention next time when I go to Dao Wife. Since the other party dares to cause trouble in Dao Wife, we in Liyue should also be careful.

Okay, I will pay attention to it for you.

Beidou nodded and accepted the matter, but a hearty smile appeared on her face the next second:

Let's stop talking about these bad things and come drink!

Then I'll toast to my eldest sister.

The sun gradually sets and the stars slowly climb into the sky.

Han Xiao and Beidou drank until Master Mao was about to close, then staggered away.


At noon the next day, Han Xiao got up from the bed and felt a splitting headache.

Hiss, uncomfortable.

While reaching out to press his swollen temples to relieve the pain, Han Xiao tried to remember how much he drank last night.

He only remembered that after the two of them finished talking, Beidou persuaded them to drink one glass after another. As for how much he drank, he seemed to have no memory.

After changing out of her alcohol-stained clothes, Han Xiao, who had just finished washing up, suddenly smelled a scent in the air, and quickly followed the scent through the hall to the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw Yun Jin who was busy in the kitchen.

A Jin, why are you here?

When I went to Wanmingtang for breakfast this morning, I heard from Master Mao that you and Captain Beidou were drunk last night, so I came to see if you had eaten.

Looking back at Han Xiao who was leaning against the door frame and not feeling very energetic, Yun Jin explained while placing the steaming dishes on the plate with a spatula.

Hurry up and take the plates out, let's eat.

A Jin, you are so kind.

After hearing Yun Jin's instructions, Han Xiao slipped into the kitchen, picked up the plate with hot dishes, and walked towards the hall.

How about it, it tastes okay.

Well, your craftsmanship is pretty good. I'll catch up with Xiangling soon!

Han Xiao, who was working hard to cook, heard Yun Jin's inquiry and gave her own evaluation without raising her head.

Compare me to Xiang Ling, you really think highly of me.

Yun Jin, who was holding her chin while watching Han Xiao finish her meal, couldn't help but laugh when she heard the other party's comments.

Her skills are at best just making some home-cooked dishes. How can she be compared with a culinary genius like Xiang Ling?

So full.

After eating two bowls of rice, Han Xiao rubbed his stomach with satisfaction, and his tired spirit seemed to be much better.

Don't drink so much next time.

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to be energetic, Yun Jin started to complain.

Well not anymore.

Hearing Yun Jin's complaint, Han Xiao quickly promised her Qingmei that she would never drink too much again.

After sending away Yun Jin, who never forgot to remind him, Han Xiao also went out and found the president of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, who was Xingqiu's father.

Ask Xingqiu to go to Guilicheng to help you?

Hearing that Han Xiao wanted Xingqiu to go to Guilicheng to help him, Xingqiu's father's eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement:

Yes, it's time for Xingqiu to go out and explore. It's not a problem to stay in the room all the time.

Then uncle agrees?

Agree, I couldn't agree more!

Xingqiu's father couldn't help but feel happy. Guili City was currently developing very well, and countless people were eager to enter the administrative department of Guili City.

Why did he invest in Hanxiao before? Was it for the future future of his second son Xingqiu?

Look, isn't the reward coming now?

Chapter 100 Han Xiao’s new weapon

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