Let me see it, let me see it too!

Let me also see what mechanism it is!

As soon as he heard this, the curiosity of the surrounding mechanics suddenly rose, and they all gathered around the older mechanic to look at the drawings in his hand.

It's amazing. We have similar things like this bow lathe and rotary machine in Liyue before, but these latter ones are really leap-forward designs.

Indeed, there are milling machines, boring machines, planers and grinders. I didn't expect there to be so much knowledge in them.

At one time, three hundred mechanical engineers had a heated discussion about the various machine tools on the drawings.


Seeing that the discussions among these mechanics were getting more and more heated, Han Xiao had no choice but to cough loudly and interrupt them:

Tell me first if you are sure you can make it?

Don't worry, Lord Hanxiao, we are absolutely capable of reproducing the machinery on the drawings!

The older mechanic who was the first to receive the drawings quickly stood up and assured Han Xiao loudly.

The joke and the drawings are all in front of them. If they still can't make it, then they shouldn't be this mechanic.

Then it's up to you. Please make it as soon as possible.

Looking at the group of craftsmen in front of him who could rival seventh-level fitters in his previous life, Han Xiao immediately announced that they would all become official scientific researchers of Guili City from now on, and then sent Qianyan Army to guard the warehouse.

After walking out of the warehouse, he looked back at the mechanics who were already at work. Han Xiao believed that it wouldn't be long before Guili City would use light bulbs that were far superior to lanterns.

While Han Xiao and Guili City were working hard to develop the industrial base, far away on a beach in Mondstadt, a blond girl was looking blankly at the blue sea in front of her.

Chapter 102: The city that never sleeps in the original place

It has to be said that although these mechanical masters in Guili City have not been well developed in thinking, they are all top craftsmen.

For them, rubbing mechanical gears with a file is like playing.

Now that they have detailed drawings, these mechanical engineers have exploded into powerful work capabilities like a weasel falling into a henhouse.

In just a few days they recreated a universal tool-holder lathe with a precision lead screw and interchangeable gears.

Looking at Han Xiao who was surprised by the tool turret lathe, all the mechanics showed proud expressions on their faces.

Although the non-stop work these days makes people feel tired, they are also very excited to be able to reproduce the mechanism on the drawing.

Sir Hanxiao, because the time you requested is tight, we have chosen a less difficult and universal lathe to reproduce. As for more advanced mechanisms, we are still researching it.

Have you done experiments on the lathe?

I've done it. The metal parts are processed by manually controlling the lathe. The speed is much faster than the previous manual polishing!

Very good, your next task is to reproduce all the mechanisms on the drawing bit by bit.

After simply instructing Qian Yanjun to take good care of the daily lives of these machine masters, Han Xiao sent someone to carry the lathe to the factory that Xu Wan had arranged long ago.

As soon as he entered the factory, Xu Wan, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him.

Master Hanxiao, according to your needs, I have recruited a group of workers to follow your arrangements at any time.

Let them become familiar with the operation of the lathe as soon as possible, and start working after they are familiar with it.

My lord, what exactly did you ask them to produce?

Xu Wan stood next to Han Xiao and watched the workers surrounding the lathe. She listened attentively to the instructor sent by the mechanic to explain how to use the lathe. Finally, she couldn't help but ask her own doubts out of curiosity.

A product that can make Guili City a city that never sleeps.

Hearing Xu Wan's doubts, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth with a smile, and her eyes shone with a different kind of light.

A few days later, as the workers became familiar with the operation of the lathe, they produced a large number of light bulb parts.

Kuixing Tower.

The secretaries working in Kuixing Building these days have all discovered a strange thing, that is, their immediate boss Han Xiao has been wearing a happy smile recently.

At the same time, Master Abedo, who rarely showed up except to teach some basic alchemy in schools, also appeared in Kuixing Building with a group of workers, and the workers also installed many strange wooden pipes in Kuixing Building.

At first the secretaries didn't know what these things were for.

However, when the sun sets and night falls, every room in Kuixing Tower emits light like daylight.

This was also discovered by residents who were relaxing in the square outside Kuixing Tower.

Wow, it's so bright!

Kui Xing Tower must have obtained the legendary Night Pearl!

For a moment, all the residents had a look of surprise on their faces, and then they all discussed what was the reason why Kuixing Tower became so bright at night.

From legendary luminous pearls to artifacts, there's everything.

It wasn't until someone got the news that Han Xiao deliberately released from a familiar Qianyan Army guard that everyone learned the truth of the matter.

The reason why Kuixing Tower is so bright at night is because it uses an invention called the electric light bulb that Hanxiao and Abedo recently researched.

In the next few days, residents of Guili City also discovered that a large number of workers had also begun to renovate the street lights.

On an ordinary night, Liyue ushered in a city that truly never sleeps for the first time.


The Lantern Festival passed in the blink of an eye.

In the first Hai Lantern Festival in Guilicheng, Hanxiao still used the projectors and other advanced products used in previous parties.

Yun Jin and many artists from Liyue Port brought their new works to Guili City for their first performance.

Well, Xin Yan is here too.

But compared to Yun Jin's performance, her rock music program in Guili City can only be said to have mixed reviews.

People who like it think Xin Yan's performance is quite top-notch, while those who don't like it think it's noisy.

But no matter what, Xin Yan has a certain fan base in Guili City.

Of course, the Hailantern Festival in Guili City attracted many people from Liyue Port, and these people also discovered that every house in Guili City lit up with white lights at night.

The name of the light bulb soon spread back to Liyue Port through these people.

Everyone was attracted by this lighting tool that was brighter than a lantern.

No, Han Xiao, who was working in the alchemy workshop, suddenly received a communication from Ning Guang.

What's the matter, Ningguang?

Of course!

“How many light bulbs were produced?”

Ning Guang's rather solemn answer came from the other end of the communication device.

She had received relevant information through channels since the day after Kuixing Tower was lit up. Considering that it might be an alchemy product made by Han Xiao and Abedou, she didn't ask any more questions.

After all, no matter how good something is, it’s of no use if it can’t be mass-produced.

It wasn't until after the Hai Lantern Festival that every household in Guili City used light bulbs that Ningguang realized that Han Xiao had been able to mass-produce them without even realizing it.

Only then did she call Han Xiao to inquire about the production volume.

You can have as much as you want.

Han Xiao answered quite confidently.

After the lathe was reappeared by the mechanics, he directly integrated this group of people and moved them all to the large alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town.

After several months of construction, Mingyun Town has now become a large production area. In addition to various factories, only the Qianyan Army is stationed there.

Next, he plans to build residences and a supermarket for daily necessities in Mingyun Town, so that the families of the mechanics and Qian Yanjun can live in them.

In this way, Mingyun Town has become an industrial production area integrating scientific research and production.

What does Guili City need? Mora or policy preference?

Hearing that Han Xiao seemed confident, Ningguang was not polite and directly stated his conditions.

Her Qunyu Pavilion must be equipped with such good things as light bulbs.

The same applies to Liyue Port.

I don't want it, whether it's Mora or policy inclination.

Although Mora and the policy tilt are tempting, Han Xiao said that Guili City has passed the most difficult period.

Construction of the cement road between Mondstadt and Mondstadt has begun. Once the road is completed, the taxes paid by the merchants will surely increase a lot.

Then what do you want?

I'm in urgent need of a lot of thunder slimes and cheat flowers!

Finally, Han Xiao revealed the items she was currently in urgent need of.

Due to the extensive use of light bulbs, Albedo's batteries were also mass-produced. This resulted in a rapid decline in the number of scammers and slimes in the Guiliyuan area.

Han Xiao has already begun to think about whether to enclose a piece of land for artificial breeding.

Chapter 103: Get in the car quickly, I’m about to start the car

Han Xiao needed a lot of thunder slimes and deceive flowers, so the well-informed Ning Guang didn't know how to react.

Because she has really never seen this scene before.

Why do you want these two monsters?

I can't help you if you need the materials. If it doesn't work, I can use thunder slime condensation and nectar.

Let me collect it for you through channels.

After hanging up the communication, Han Xiao felt very troubled by the fact that she was in urgent need of raw materials.

He would like to use electric crystal instead. The key is that this thing is too unstable and will easily explode when it encounters fire.

Albedo is currently researching solutions to electrical crystals. If the instability problem can be solved, electrical crystals will definitely be an excellent material for developing electricity.

Doraemon, I leave everything to you!

After treating Albedo as a fat blue man, Han Xiao temporarily put this matter behind him, and now he planned to make a small toy for himself.

Because of the tool turret lathe, some fine parts can be mass-produced, so Han Xiao quickly asked the mechanics to customize a large number of them for him.

Although the mechanical engineers were not sure what Han Xiao planned to use these parts for, they quickly rushed out the parts since their superiors had spoken.

Before Ningguang's communication arrived, he was drawing the final drawings in front of the experimental table.

Han Xiao took the final drawing in his hand and checked it carefully. After finding that there were no special errors, Han Xiao became very excited.

Because he will have a car soon.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

The reason Han Xiao customized a large number of mechanical parts was because he planned to make a car.

He actually thought about making a car a long time ago, but unfortunately he has never heard of anyone collecting oil. Without oil, gasoline cannot be refined, and even if he makes an engine, it will be useless.

Therefore, Han Xiao's desire to make a motorcycle was put on hold. It was not until Abedo's battery came out that his idea of ​​making a motorcycle was rekindled.

If I can’t make a motorcycle with full horsepower, then I’ll make an electric vehicle headquarters!

With this idea in mind, Han Xiao quickly started assembling the parts according to the drawings she drew.

What are you doing?

Albedo, who had just walked into the alchemy workshop, saw Han Xiao assembling an item he had never seen before, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Electric car.

Hearing Abedo's question, Han Xiao replied without raising his head.

Electric car?

Abedo was slightly stunned, and then quickly realized what the other person meant by the electric car.

You're going to use the battery as a source of energy to propel the vehicle.


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