Chapter 97: Toward the stars and...f key

The adventurer branch in Guili City has a similar layout to that in Liyue Port. There is a front desk outside a house, and of course there is Catherine who often can't even finish her words.

Hello, Miss Catherine.

Hello Mr. Hanxiao.

How do you think the collection of materials I ordered from the Adventurers Association has been completed recently?

Looking at Catherine, who was probably a robot, Han Xiao resisted the urge to study it and said.

There is no way, the Adventurer Association of each country arranges for Catherine to come and receive them, and they often say some strange things. It is difficult not to make people suspect that Catherine is actually a robot.

Please wait a moment, let me take a look.

Catherine picked up the folder on the front desk and flipped through it, then looked at Han Xiao again and said:

Mr. Hanxiao, there was a slight accident in the mission you issued.

What is a little accident?

The adventurer associations in Fontainebleau and other countries have purchased the materials you need through adventurers. Only Inazuma has no news.

I want to take away the materials sent by other countries. As for Inazuma's commission, please ask Miss Catherine to cancel it.

Han Xiao understood that the entrustment could not be completed due to the country's lock-down on Daozu's side, so he simply canceled Daozu's commission.

Fortunately, he has other channels.

A total of two hundred million molas.

This is the deposit receipt for the Licheng branch.

Taking out a 200 million Mora deposit certificate issued by the Guilicheng branch and handing it to Catherine, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Fortunately, I made a lot of money by making clay dolls in the past, otherwise I might not even be able to afford alchemy materials now.

Alchemists are indeed big spenders.

After taking the deposit slip, Catherine turned around and walked to the room behind her, took out the filled cloth bag and handed it to Han Xiao.

This is the material you entrusted, please keep it.

Putting the materials in the bag into the jade pendant, Han Xiao said goodbye to Catherine and came to Kuixing Tower to call Xu Wan who was working.

Xu Wan.

Lord Hanxiao.

I'm going to Liyue Port. You can keep an eye on Guili City. I'll be back in a few days.


After notifying Xu Wan, Han Xiao arranged for a carriage to embark on the road to Liyue Port.

In two months, the road between Guili City and Liyue Port has been paved with a smooth cement road. In addition, the carriage is equipped with the latest shock absorption system developed by Abedo, and the bumpy problem is almost negligible.

At least Han Xiao felt like the tricycle she rode as a child in her previous life.

Ah Wu, how do you feel about this journey?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry in the carriage, Ah Wu, the coachman who was responsible for driving officials from Guili City, said very honestly:

Lord Hanxiao, I only know that this road is well repaired.

It used to take at least ten days to walk, but now we can get there within five days.

Looking through the window at the caravans coming and going on the wide concrete road, Han Xiao hummed softly and stopped talking.

The driver Ah Wu also focused on driving again.

Liyue Port

After three days of running around, the carriage finally arrived at Liyue Port.

After the carriage stopped by the bridge, Han Xiao raised the curtain and jumped out, then turned around and told Ah Wu:

Ah Wu, today you go around Liyue Port by yourself. I'll come find you after I finish my work the day after tomorrow.

I understand, Lord Hanxiao.

After parting ways with Ah Wu, Han Xiao came to Yun's house to visit her Qingmei, and happened to see Yun Jin who was frowning at the desk.

Seeing this, Han Xiao quietly came behind Yun Jin, stretched out her hands to cover her eyes:

Guess who I am?

Hanxiao, stop making trouble.

Hearing the voice of her childhood sweetheart from behind, and the warmth brought by the hands on her face, Yun Jin reached out angrily and opened the other person's palm, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

Why are you back?

Come back to do some errands, but you...

Han Xiao retracted her hands and pulled a chair over to sit next to Yun Jin, and asked in a doubtful tone:

Why do you look so sad? What are you thinking about?

What else can I think about? It's about the new drama.

Yun Jin sighed helplessly. Ever since she finished a performance in Guili City, she had been planning to write a story about human beings, but she had been stuck with no ideas.

I can't help you with this.

After hearing Yun Jin's troubles, Han Xiao said that he was helpless. Writing opera requires a deep literary foundation, and he couldn't do this kind of thing.


But you can go to Guili City for a few days to change your mind.

Don't come here, others don't know that I don't know you yet.

When Yun Jin heard Han Xiao's suggestion, she immediately rolled her eyes at him.

As childhood sweethearts who grew up growing up, Han Xiao still doesn't know what Xiao Jiujiu is in her heart?

Why go out for a few days to change your mind? You must be trying to trick yourself into working for him.

Seeing that her little trick was exposed, Han Xiao was not angry, but deliberately pretended to be aggrieved.

Guili City is very busy and I urgently need someone to help me share the burden.

I have never been involved in government affairs. You might as well go to Xingqiu to find me.

Xingqiu, it's not impossible.

Hearing Yun Jin talk about Xingqiu, Han Xiao reached out and touched her chin, her eyes gradually brightened.

It seems that Ah Jin was right, Xingqiu is really a good choice.

First of all, Xingqiu has some abilities, which can be seen from the way Mao Caigong is dealt with in the game.

In addition, Xingqiu's father has been worried about Xingqiu's future, so he can drag Xingqiu to Guili City to work for him.

It doesn’t matter if Xingqiu doesn’t like to be in business, he can go into politics!

A Jin, you are indeed my lucky star.

Han Xiao, who became more and more excited as she thought about it, couldn't help but give Yun Jin a big hug, and then quickly ran towards the door.

You're such a big man, yet you're so arrogant.

Reaching out to straighten the clothes that were messed up by Han Xiao, Yun Jin's little face had a hint of blush, and she couldn't help but complain about the other person.

Han Xiao didn't go to Xingqiu immediately after walking out of Yun's house. He had to discuss the other party's issues with Xingqiu's father.

It's better to do what needs to be done now.

Walking along the street to the dock, today is the day when the Star of Death returns to Liyue.

At this time, the dock was already crowded with people, most of whom were merchants waiting for the Death Omen Star to return with Inazuma's goods.

Han Xiao found an open space at random, folded her hands on her chest and looked at the sea in the distance.

Look, it's back! It's back!

It's Captain Beidou's Death Star!

After waiting for more than an hour, bursts of cheers suddenly came from the crowd, and many people were so excited that they pointed at the sea and shouted.

Hearing the cheers of people, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her head and look at the sea.

I saw a small black spot on the sea in the distance slowly getting bigger, and finally revealed the appearance of the Death Star.

Chapter 98 The deal between Beidou and Han Xiao

The sea breeze blows at the pier and has a slight salty smell. The businessmen gathered at the pier look forward to the distance with eager anticipation.

In the distance, the Death Star, which was several stories high, was leading the fleet towards the port slowly.

Captain Beidou is finally back.

Who says it's not the case? Inazuma's lockdown has caused thunderstorms all around her. Only Captain Beidou has the ability to pass through thunderstorms.

Seeing the Death Star getting closer and closer, the businessmen started whispering to each other, and most of their words were filled with praise for Beidou, the captain of the Death Star.

Originally, before Daozu was locked down, many merchants in Liyue organized fleets to go to Daozu for trade, but unexpectedly, a lockdown order made most merchants shy away from the thunderstorms surrounding Daozu.

Nowadays, in the entire Liyue, there is only one ship from the Death Omen Star that can travel through thunderstorms and enter Dao Wife.

It can be said that all Inazuma’s specialties can only be purchased here in Beidou.

This is why the merchants gathered at the dock when they learned that the Death Star was about to arrive in Liyue.

The same goes for Han Xiao.

He had considered the issue of Inazuma's seclusion when he commissioned the Adventurer Association before, so he got to know Beidou through Ningguang's introduction.

Soon, under the eyes of everyone at the pier, the Death Star folded its sails and slowly docked at the unloading dock of the pier along the current.

Captain Beidou, do you have the Scarlet Sakura Hydrangea?

Captain Beidou, I want a bundle of singing grass!

As soon as the Omen of Death docked, businessmen swarmed up to the ship, talking to the heroic woman wearing an eyepatch, a cheongsam, and high-heeled over-the-knee boots on the bow of the ship.

It was Tou Beidou, the eldest sister of the Southern Cross Fleet that almost everyone in Liyue knew.

Everything is available, don't worry!

Seeing everyone crowding at the unloading area of ​​the dock, Beidou laughed so boldly that he ordered his men to move the goods out while laughing.

Soon, as the subsequent ships from the Southern Cross Fleet entered the port, the entire Liyue Pier suddenly turned into a lively market.

Han Xiao, who was standing in the distance, saw this and crossed the crowd, walking towards the Death Star.

Get out of the way and see who that is.

Isn't that Master Tianshu Xing Hanxiao? Why is he here too?

Keep your voice down and let's check the situation first.

Many merchants who were rushing to buy goods accidentally saw Han Xiao and quickly pulled the people around them to make way for a passage.

Maybe they haven't seen the true faces of the other seven stars, but Han Xiao must remember the appearance of the new Tianshu star.

How should I put it, because after the two regulations were promulgated in Liyue Port, the merchants in Liyue had a deep memory of Han Xiao.

Many businessmen who are accustomed to using small tricks have been made crazy by the laws and regulations promulgated by the other party.

For example, the time-honored restaurant Sanwanbubuigang was fined a large sum of money for allegedly mixing wine with water.

After Han Xiao followed the passage and boarded the plywood of the Death Omen Star, Beidou led him to the stern of the ship, with a trace of scrutiny in his only exposed eyes.

Are you the Han Xiao that Ningguang said?

Exactly, I have admired the reputation of Beidou Sisterhead of the Southern Cross Fleet for a long time. Today I saw her and it is indeed well-deserved.

Facing Beidou's slightly scrutinizing eyes, Han Xiao smiled and cupped her hands.

Although on the surface Han Xiao's status is higher than Beidou's, in fact Beidou still has a great say in Liyue.

After all, the Southern Cross Fleet can be said to be the only maritime force in Liyue.

So Han Xiao looked very humble when facing Beidou.

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