You're back from Mondstadt so soon?

Well, I'll be back after collecting the materials.

Walking into the courtyard, Han Xiao came to squat down next to Albedo, pointed at these objects and asked:

What is this?

Oh, this is the battery I mentioned to you before you left.


Han Xiao recalled briefly and found the previous conversation with Albedo from her memory, and the expression on her face immediately became excited:

Did you solve the problem of charging and discharging!

It was obviously not resolved before I left, but it was resolved in less than two months?

As expected of Dorabedo!

Abedo nodded and said slightly tiredly:

The problem of charging and discharging has been solved through my research, but I used alchemical methods to extract the raw materials for the battery. There is currently no way to extract it in large quantities.

Thank you for your hard work!

Seeing that the circles in Abedo's eyes were already heading toward pandas, Han Xiao thanked him repeatedly.

These days, it is a blessing to find a R\u0026D boss who is both talented and willing to work like him.

Using a little profit from Guili City in exchange for three more years for Abe, this business is really profitable.

But then again, what are you going to do with the battery?

Abedo changed the subject and asked.

He knew that the other party had been very excited ever since he learned that he was studying how to extract the energy escaping from thunder monsters.

So Abedo wanted to know what Han Xiao was planning to do with the battery.

You come with me.

Han Xiao did not explain immediately, but stood up and pulled Albedo towards his home.

Soon the two of them walked through the workshop and arrived at the study room of Han Xiao's home. Under Albedo's gaze, Han Xiao moved the bookcase away to reveal the door of a secret room.

Secret room?

Han Xiao also built a secret room in her home?

Abedo glanced at Han Xiao with some confusion and followed him into the secret room without saying a word. He wanted to see what the other party planned to do in such a secretive manner.

The lanterns hanging on the walls of the secret room emitted dim light, and Abedo entered the core area under the leadership of Han Xiao.

The core area is surrounded by extremely solid walls made of cement. There is an experimental bench in the center, and various parts are piled next to it.

Han Xiao directly picked up a small object on the experimental table and said to Albedo:

“That’s what I’m going to use the battery for.”

It is a gourd-shaped transparent cover made of glass with a large top and a small bottom. The bottom is sealed with an iron sheet and there is something like a metal wire inside.

Abedo held his right elbow with his left hand, held his chin with his right hand and carefully looked at the small object in Han Xiao's hand. After thinking for a long time, he tentatively gave his guess.

It looks like it's for lighting.

Yes, this is the latest lighting tool I plan to install in Guili City, the light bulb.

Han Xiao nodded, knowing that with Albedo's knowledge he could guess it quickly.

The explanation was too pale, so Han Xiao decided that it would be better to demonstrate it to Albedo.

As he spoke, he turned around and inserted the light bulb in his hand into the bayonet on the experimental table and tightened it, and then pulled out two copper wires with clips from below.

Han Xiao didn't need to say much, Abedo immediately understood what the other party was thinking, and immediately took out a battery from the Eye of God and handed it over.

Next, it's time to witness the miracle!

Han Xiao connected the clip with the copper wire in his hand to the discharge port of the battery. He heard a buzzing sound and a spark flashed from the copper wire.

The next moment, the light bulb on the experimental table emitted a dazzling white light.

The originally dark secret room suddenly seemed like daylight.

Hmm, how about this lighting tool?

Seeing that the light bulb was successfully lit, Han Xiao smiled and raised his eyebrows at Albedo, as if his alchemy was still improving.

It's really good. It's a very good invention.

Looking at the secret room that was completely illuminated by white light, Albedo spoke highly of it.

This object, which Han Xiao calls a light bulb, is made of very simple materials. It only requires some less valuable glass and metal wires, and the light emitted by the light bulb is much brighter than the candle flame of the lantern.

Abedo can responsibly say that the emergence of light bulbs will completely replace lantern lighting.


Just when Abedo was about to continue asking, there was a sudden sizzling sound in the air, and then a snap was heard, and the entire secret room suddenly returned to its previous darkness.

Hey, why did it explode suddenly?

Uh... It seems that too much voltage caused the explosion.

Under the orange light came Han Xiao's slightly embarrassed answer.

Chapter 96 New functions of chat group

Although the light bulb ended up exploding, Albedo still gave his approval after coming out of the secret room.

As he said before, the emergence of light bulbs will completely change the existing lighting methods in Liyue and Mondstadt.

Of course, the premise is that Han Xiao can improve the stability of the light bulb first.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a big deal if a lightbulb exploded from time to time, right?

It seems that there is still a lot of knowledge about electricity that I need to study.

Abedo roughly understood what voltage was from Han Xiao's words. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the value of research in electricity was indescribably high.

As for how high it is, Albedo feels that using electricity as the core of energy is probably stronger than the steam power at Fontaine.

That’s not to say that steam power is not strong, but from the perspective of future development prospects, electricity definitely has an advantage over steam.

The main reason is that the source of materials that generate electricity is too simple.

Substances for making batteries can be extracted from thunder slimes and cheat flowers, and Inazuma also has a mineral called electric crystal.

In the past, because electrical crystals were prone to explosions when exposed to fire, no one could appreciate this unstable material.

Now that Han Xiao has given him the power he developed, electrical crystals may become a hot commodity in the future.

Electricity has just started. Specifically, steam mechanical power is the main one.

After listening to Abedo's vision for the future of electricity, Han Xiao pondered for a while and gave his own suggestions.

Electricity is a good thing, but with Liyue's current industrial level, it is still very difficult to skip the steam stage and achieve electricity.

At least now Han Xiao can't mass-produce light bulbs. The one in the secret room was rubbed by his own hands.


Albedo, who calmed down from his fanatical thoughts about the future, nodded. Electricity currently needs to study too many problems and cannot completely replace steam power.

But soon his conversation changed:

But the light bulbs can be made first to improve the lighting environment in Guili City.

This is no problem.

I'll go back to the workshop first to study the voltage you mentioned, and find a way to make a device to control the amount of battery discharge.

Leave the stability of the light bulb to me.

Can you really do that?

Hearing that Han Xiao planned to make a stable light bulb, Abedo couldn't help but feel suspicious.

The lightbulb just exploded, which may not be due to the other party's talent. Can Han Xiao really complete this task?

Don't worry, it'll be okay.

Regarding Abedo's doubts, Han Xiao quickly patted her chest and assured her.

Making light bulbs does not require much alchemical materials. The previous explosion was just caused by excessive battery discharge and had nothing to do with his craftsmanship.

Alice can make a precise and stable electric discharge fishing rod, but he can't make a light bulb easily.

After bidding farewell to the suspicious Albedo, Han Xiao turned back to the secret room at home and started making a new doll.

Since most of the materials collected in Mondstadt contain the element of wind, the new doll naturally chose the wind element.

With the experience of making dolls from the previous two times, a doll of a beautiful girl with long hair of a forgiving color was soon born in Han Xiao's hands.

Taking out Yanxing and Akabane Ji from Jade Perry at the same time, Han Xiao placed the three dolls on the experimental table, then took a picture with a photo camera and sent it to the chat group.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: The third doll is born, and soon I will be able to collect seven gourd dolls!

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Good guys, I can't tell what the first two are based on, but this green hair looks like CC!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I think he looks a lot like Enkidu.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: But don't just make dolls. Find a way to solve the control problem.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: There is already a solution, but we still have to experiment to see if it works.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: If you ask me, you should find a system to learn as soon as possible. You can refer to my magic theory at any time.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: There is no way. Unless a certain system can reach the sky in one step, I have to make sure that the maintainer cannot take care of things.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I think you can learn power based on vitality or spiritual power. These two powers are quite universal systems.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Yes, the magic here is the magic that uses life force as raw material to transform. Maybe you can transform it into elemental power in Teyvat.

Just when a few people were giving Han Xiao advice, the chat group suddenly sent out a reminder for a long time.


[The chat group activity level has been reached and has been upgraded. ]

[The group member joining method adds the function of using points to specify the general direction of search. ]

[The group live broadcast function is enabled. ]

As the prompt tone fell, the group became lively again.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: It's not easy. It took me several months to upgrade.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: After looking at the search function, I can use points to specify a specific search direction.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: It's okay. One of the new features is practical and the other is for entertainment. I guess the same will happen with future upgrades.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Hey guys, I checked a series of narrowed-down conditions to search for 40K. Guess what, if you ask me for 800,000 points, I'll give it to you with my life!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Just don't shrink it so accurately. I just tried it. The magic tag only costs tens of thousands, and the more general extraordinary power tag is over ten thousand.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It's not bad, I don't have to look at the faces of new people every time they come.

Hanxiao is quite satisfied with the newly expanded functions of this chat group upgrade. At least in the future, in addition to random searches, he can also use tags to narrow down the world where members live.

Although this crap chat group still wants money.

Originally, Han Xiao's points were rarely used, so he bought some Holy Light Essence every month for Mandrill to purify the Demon God's resentment. It seemed that he would need to save a few more points in the future.

With this thought, Han Xiao closed the chat group and devoted his energy to polishing the free turquoise stone. He wanted to make the eye of all things of the wind element first.

The next day, after a night of hard work, he finally completed the new Eye of All Things.

Han Xiao was quite satisfied with controlling the wind puppet to fly up and down in the air in a green and flexible manner. Sure enough, he could control the corresponding element puppet by using the Eye of All Things.

As long as he switches quickly, he can give himself elemental reactions.

Putting away the greenery, Han Xiao walked out of the house and walked towards the newly opened adventurer branch in Guili City Square.

He had to ask if the adventurer had completed the order he had placed previously.

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