Thinking of many things in an instant, Han Xiao thought that if Hai Xiao's guess was correct, then he might have touched a corner of the truth about the world.

After several days of travel, the carriage finally returned to Mondstadt.

In the past few days, while Han Xiao and Sanduang were collecting various precious alchemy materials, they also used segmented thinking to discuss the issue of Teyvat with themselves in the group.

It has to be said that although there is currently no clear evidence to prove Hai Xiao's statement, Han Xiao has been somewhat convinced by the other party.

After all, the other party's statement can indeed explain a lot of things from some aspects.

In addition, Han Xiao is still thinking about how to continue to improve her strength.

After a simple battle with Sora, he realized that his strength was still a bit weak. Of course, this weakness was compared to top combat powers like the Demon God and Sora.

Compared to ordinary owners of the Eye of God, Han Xiao's current strength can actually be ranked in the ranks of 'below the gods'.

Just thinking about Teyvat, who was about to be turbulent next, and the abyss staring at him, he felt that he still had to master more power as soon as possible.

At least the next time you face Sora, you have to fight back and forth.

Knights of the West Wind·Office.

Mr. Hanxiao, are you leaving Mondstadt now?

Qin looked at Han Xiao who looked like she was saying goodbye as soon as she returned to Mondstadt, and there was a bit of surprise in her words.

How many days are you going to have fun? Keli wanted to play with you when she came back a few days ago.

It's been a while since I came out. I have to go back and see how Guili City is developing.

Hearing Qin's plea to stay, Han Xiao smiled and gave her own explanation.

He came to Mondstadt for two reasons, one was to collect alchemy materials.

Now that Keli has been released a long time ago and a lot of materials have been collected, it is time to go back and improve her strength.

Chapter 94: Working overtime without being paid is a crime!

In fact, there was one thing that Han Xiao didn't say, that is, Kong had already begun to take action, and Tvarin was expected to attack Mondstadt soon.

The reason for not telling Qin is very simple. Do you want to tell her that something is going to happen to your Dongfeng Dragon?

Others thought you were cursing their four wind guardians.

Han Xiao originally planned to take part in a trial of the North Wind Wolf King, but now it seems she has no choice but to give up.

Fortunately, the alchemy materials have been collected and will come later.

Faced with Han Xiao's intention to leave, Qin finally gave up on trying to keep him.

However, the previous decision to build the road was still confirmed by Qin.

She found Diluc in private and had a serious discussion with him, and finally decided to contract the road construction project to Liyue at the official expense of the Knights.

As for Mondstadt people, if you want to earn this hard-earned money, you can also sign up for the construction team.

In this way, Han Xiao took the contract signed with Qin and embarked on the journey home in a carriage.

After several days of long journey, the convoy passed by Chenxi Winery and passed through the stone gate to the land of Liyue.

Oh, there are quite a few changes.

As the carriage passed Wangshu Inn, Han Xiao lifted the curtains and looked outside, unable to help but sigh.

I saw that Guiliyuan, which was originally covered with weeds, had been replaced by square fields of farmland. The seeds on the land had sprouted young seedlings about one finger long.

A huge waterwheel is standing by the river and working. Each bucket is filled with river water and is lifted up step by step. The bucket at the top naturally tilts, and the water is poured into the aqueduct and flows to the irrigated farmland.

The faces of the residents of Guili City who were working in the fields were covered with sweat, but they still couldn't wipe away the hope in their eyes.

Because in a few months, when the seeds mature, they can sell the grain they grow to make money.

Guilicheng Kuixing Tower.

Han Xiao, who had just returned to Guili City, had no time to rest before Ke Qing sent her secretary to pull her to Kuixing Tower.

My Young Master Han, are you feeling comfortable after playing outside for almost two months?

Looking at Han Xiao sitting in front of her, Ke Qing, who had been working at a high intensity for the past two months, immediately let out a cold snort.

On this cold night, people who had finished building the city went out to play for two months. They really thought that they were the bosses who had given up their hands!

I went to collect alchemy materials, how can I call it play?

Facing Ke Qing's complaints, Han Xiao retorted with a guilty conscience.

You...forget it.

When Ke Qing heard Han Xiao's sophistry, she immediately became blank. She was about to refute but gave up the plan and started talking about business:

The Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon. This is the first Sea Lantern Festival in Guili City. This is the proposal I wrote. You can make a decision.

Okay, let me take a look.

After receiving Keqing's proposal, Han Xiao read it carefully before putting it back on the table and said:

Basically, just follow what you said. The idea of ​​the Hai Lantern Festival Party is very good, but what's going on with Xin Yan's rock show in the process?

Not long after you left, Xin Yan came back to Licheng to sing.

Keqing explained casually while lowering her head while correcting the document:

Although many people still don't like her relatively noisy music, it is surprisingly popular among young people and people building dams. Is it because listening to Xin Yan's songs makes you feel so energetic that you can even dig dirt?

So I think there is no problem in adding Xin Yan's program to the Hailantern Festival party.

Ah this...

After listening to Keqing's story, Hanxiao was a little confused.

He remembered that Xin Yan sang rock music, but why did it feel like it had become a boatman's song?

Okay, let Abedo make the specific props that are missing.

Although Han Xiao felt a little strange about the composition of Xin Yan's fan group, since the other party already had a certain fan base, it was okay to add a program for the other party at the Hailantern Festival party.

By the way, Keqing, how's it going at Beiguo Bank?

After talking about the preparations for the Sea Lantern Festival, Han Xiao thought of the fools she caught when she left Liyue, and quickly asked Ke Qing.

Ningguang didn't tell me the specific situation.

Keqing put down the pen in her hand, and when she talked about the problem of the fools, her tone became more serious.

But Beiguo Bank must have suffered a lot. At least the head office in Liyue Port has occupied about 70% of the total deposits.

Hey, Ningguang, that's not good. Why haven't you kicked out Beiguo Bank yet?

Han Xiao felt it was a pity that Ningguang only suppressed Beiguo Bank instead of driving it away.

This is a special financial institution that implements monetary policy, conducts macro-control of the national economy, and supervises and manages financial institutions and even the financial industry.

Not returning all power to Liyue officials is always a hidden danger.

You think Ningguang doesn't want to?

Ke Qing couldn't help but roll her eyes at the idea of ​​Han Xiao getting an advantage and being nice.

Beiguo Bank entered Liyue through proper procedures. There was no mention in the law that other countries were not allowed to open banks in Liyue.

But Ningguang has already planned to propose to the emperor to amend the law at the next immortal invitation ceremony.

That's it...

Knowing that Ningguang planned to make suggestions to Zhongli during the ceremony of inviting immortals, Han Xiao could only express her silence for her.

Because the next immortal invitation ceremony will be a big event.

That scene was so exciting.

I hope Ningguang can still think of this incident after the incident.

How's the situation over there at school?

When thinking of Beiguo Bank, Han Xiao couldn't help but think of Zhiyi, and quickly asked Keqing about the current situation of the school.

Everything is going well so far. Yan Fei said that she has found a few legal talents who are flexible and eloquent, and she plans to cultivate them.

There is also Zhiyi. Uncle Tian and Ningguang worked together to give the fools a good beating and then let him come back to teach in Licheng. He is quite peaceful now.

After feeling that the general situation was almost understood, Han Xiao stood up and prepared to leave:

I understand everything. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.

However, before he had even taken two steps, he was caught tightly by Ke Qing's ruthless iron hand.

Don't even think about leaving today. There are still a lot of official duties waiting to be handled. Work overtime with me!

Ah, sister Qingqing doesn't want this!

Who are you calling Sister Qingqing? Are you disgusting? Come and work for me!

With Ke Qing's ruthless iron hand pinching the back of fate, Han Xiao finally had no choice but to accept his fate and stay with him to handle government affairs.

With this processing, most of the time has passed.

It's not until the stars come out at night that the weather turns clear.

It's really killing someone!

After walking out of Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao, who was exhausted, kept mumbling and secretly made up her mind.

We must find a time to finalize the regulations. From now on, the legal working hours will be up to 9 pm, and overtime must be paid.

Working overtime without being paid is committing a crime!

Especially people like Keqing who work overtime for free and drag others to work overtime together are even more crimes among crimes.

In Liyue Port, Zhongli, who was resting in the Shengsheng Hall, suddenly paused. His eyes looked in the direction of Guili City, and his fingers holding the tea cup felt a little stronger.

For some reason, at that moment he actually had the idea of ​​beating someone up.

Chapter 95 I am Teyvat Edison

Early the next morning

After waking up, Hanxiao got up, freshened up, and walked down the street to Kuixing Tower. He also learned from his secretary Xu Wan that Keqing left Guili City overnight after work.

Why are you leaving in such a hurry?

Looking at the piles of documents on his desk, Han Xiao suddenly felt a little regretful. What a good tool man, why did he leave?

Sir Keqing said that she has been tutoring you for two months, and there are still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with at Liyue Port.

Xu Wan on the side quickly relayed the message Ke Qing left for Han Xiao last night.

Okay, you go and do your work first, and I'll see what else I have to do today.

Han Xiao first waved to Xu Wan to go about her business, and then looked at the documents placed on the desk by Ke Qing.

Only then did he realize that Keqing, a workaholic, had already arranged all the major events for the next two months.

Good guy, he is indeed the king of Liyue Juan. It seems that only Yuehaiting Coconut Sheep can defeat him.

Putting down the documents in his hands that had been almost processed by Ke Qing, Han Xiao suddenly felt relaxed.

Most of the documents handled by the other party were related to the preparations for the Hai Lantern Festival, and there were not many issues regarding the planning of Guili City.

This is normal. The establishment of Guili City has long been on the right track, and all trivial matters are usually completed by the secretary below.

If there were still a lot of things waiting for Han Xiao to deal with every day, then it would be a big deal.

After carefully reviewing the Hai Lantern Festival preparation documents left by Ke Qing and making slight modifications with a pen, Han Xiao called Xu Wan and asked her to distribute the tasks while she walked out of Kuixing Tower.

The weather is warm and fresh. Walking through the streets and alleys of the city, there is a huge flow of people on the streets, everyone is smiling, and the hawking sounds of the shops on the streets come and go. There is already a hint of Liyue Port.

This is my city.

With a proud mood, Han Xiao walked along the street to the alchemy workshop and saw Albedo squatting in the courtyard at the entrance of the workshop, playing with piles of cube-like things.

Long time no see, Abedo!


Abedo, who was playing with objects, heard the sound and raised his head to see Han Xiao standing at the door of the workshop. He was immediately surprised:

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