She regards you as a good friend, so I sincerely hope that we can restrain her a little together, after all...

As she said that, Qin also showed a hint of helplessness on her face.

Some of the toys Keli plays with are too dangerous.

I will pay more attention in the future.

Facing Qin's sigh, Liyue's potential 'exploder' Han Xiao could only agree to the other party's suggestion.

Who knows whether he will listen or not.

Then let's talk about other things.

Although it was not clear whether Han Xiao's guarantee was reliable, Qin quickly ignored Keli's topic and turned to the business.

Even the expression on her face became solemn.

It's about building roads.

Yes, it seems that Diluc has already talked to you.

Seeing Han Xiao directly mention the issue of road construction, Qin nodded. This was what she wanted to talk to him about.

In fact, after receiving Abedo's letter, she understood the benefits and naturally hoped to build the road to Shimen together with Liyue.

It's a pity that Qin's recruitment order was sent out, but not many people came to sign up.

For some reason, we haven't been able to find people.

I'm afraid I can't find anyone if I don't have enough people to recruit.

After hearing what Qin said, Han Xiao basically understood what was going on.

Most people in Mondstadt have jobs and enough to support themselves, so they don't really want to build roads.

Who knows that building roads is a hard job? Since you won't starve to death, why would you earn the hard money?

To put it simply, the people of Mondstadt have been in a free environment for a long time, and the overall life is relatively comfortable and undisciplined. In addition, they are not like Liyue, where there are countless unemployed labor forces all at once.

So Qin's recruitment order naturally has no effect.

Master Diluc told me about this matter. He and the merchants in Mondstadt hope to complete this matter with the Knights of the West Wind.

Han Xiao seriously thought about how she would respond if she were in Qin's position, but found that she still couldn't carry him and decisively chose to throw out the ideas of businessmen like Diluc.

I know this, it's just...

Hearing that Han Xiao's idea was to agree with Diluc's request, Qin felt a little embarrassed.

She knew very well that accepting the help of Monds merchants to build the road was not a problem with the people and funds, but the key was that once the merchants got involved, the ownership of the road could easily cause disputes.

First sign the contract and confirm the ownership of the road.

Then a series of preferential policies will be given to businessmen.

Han Xiao expressed understanding of Qin's concerns.

Sometimes when there are many people, there are always two or three people who are not smart. In my previous life, there were people who set up private checkpoints on the road.

As Han Xiao said this, the conversation changed:

Of course, if Captain Qin really can't make up his mind, we can also change our thinking a little bit.

For example, the Knights of the West Wind will fund it, and Guili City will be responsible for contracting the construction of roads.

What do you think?

Chapter 88 The cat-eared girl in the Cat Tail Tavern

In the end, Han Xiao failed to get an accurate answer from Qin.

But judging from Qin's performance, she must have been tempted by her last proposal.

It seems that compared to the hard-working Liyue people, the other party may have no hope in the work efficiency of Mondstadt residents deep down.

But this has nothing to do with Han Xiao.

As long as the road in Mondstadt can be repaired, the rest won't be a problem.

If the Knights of the West Wind plan to provide funding for Liyue to contract the project, Han Xiao believes that many residents of Guili City will make some extra money in their spare time.

As for Qin, if she chooses to cooperate with the businessmen in the end, Han Xiao will have nothing to do with the quarrel between them.

If the interests of merchants who privately set up cards to allow people to leave the city are really harmed, it will affect the trade relations between the two countries at the official level.

Anyway, Hanxiao was not at a loss, so as soon as he left the Knights, he forgot about this matter.

As dusk approached, the city of Mondstadt was gilded with a layer of golden color by the afterglow of the sun, and the towering Aeolus statue looked extremely solemn under the light.

The people of Mondstadt have finished their day's work and have begun to live their beautiful life in the evening.

Many guests came to drink in front of the large and small pubs in Mondstadt. Among them, the Cat Tail pub had the largest number of customers.

Seeing so many people gathering in front of Maowei Tavern, Han Xiao couldn't help but think of going for a drink.

He also wanted to see how delicious the legendary wine made after being blessed by the spring water elves was.

So Han Xiao quickly sneaked into the queue of customers.

Brother, it's very unfamiliar.

Some guests were surprised at first when they saw Han Xiao, and then greeted him warmly:

You just came from Liyue, right? Let me tell you, the wine at Maowei Tavern is excellent. You must try it.

Yes, brother, I just came from Liyue. On the way, I heard people say that the wine here is delicious, so I came here.

Han Xiao started chatting with the other party quite naturally.

In some ways, I'm afraid Mondstadt's drinkers are the most enthusiastic group in Mondstadt.

After a while, Han Xiao followed the team into the Mao Tail Tavern.

Diona, have another drink!

You bastards can drink you to death!

Hahaha, if you can drink Diona's wine, it's worth it even if you drink to death!

As soon as he entered the tavern, various noises reached Han Xiao's ears. At the same time, the most attractive thing was the cat-eared girl standing with her feet on the bar and her hands on her hips.

Come on, brother, let's go order a drink quickly.

The drinker who had been chatting happily with Han Xiao before grabbed Han Xiao's shoulders and squeezed towards the bar.

Miss Diona, two cups of the amazing Summer Dream Melancholy Coral Sparkling Tea!

Know it!

Diona, who was fussing over the guests in the tavern, looked back with dissatisfaction at the bartender who squeezed in with Hanxiao, then jumped off the bar and started mixing drinks.

I'm telling you, bro, this amazing Summer Dream Melancholy Coral Sparkling Tea is Miss Diona's latest hot product.

The taste is amazing!

Then I have to taste it.

Han Xiao sat down on the seat in front of the bar and agreed with a smile on his face.

Here, drinks for you two.

After about a while, Diona placed two glasses of wine in front of Han Xiao and the drinker.

Thank you, Miss Diona.

Han Xiao picked up the wine glass, took a small sip, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

This wine is really good.

Haha, brother, I didn't lie to you. Miss Diona wants another drink!

Ah this.

Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth when she saw the drinker who had just been chatting happily with him finishing his drink in one go and then immediately adding another drink.

I have seen people drinking, but I have never seen people drinking so hard.

Darling, I have learned a lot today.

Seeing that the drinker who brought him in was already blushing, Han Xiao decisively took the wine glass and chose to go to a remote corner.

Hello, strange guest.

Strange guest?

Han Xiao, who was holding a glass of wine and savoring it, suddenly heard a voice coming from next to her. She quickly followed the voice and saw Diona, who was mixing drinks before, standing behind her with a pair of bright green cat eyes. Staring at himself.

It turns out to be Miss Diona. Just call me Hanxiao. Why do you call me a strange guest?

That's because you're not like those drunkards who never stop drinking.

Diona answered matter-of-factly.

She had seen too many drunkards in Mondstadt who drank endlessly, but Han Xiao was extremely rare.

Does the guest think the wine doesn't taste good?

As if she had thought of something, Diona looked at Han Xiao with excitement.


Han Xiao shook her head and gave her own evaluation very pertinently.

Miss Diona's wine tastes very good. I just rarely drink.

So this is ah.

Diona, who was a little excited at first, thought that someone finally felt that the wine she mixed was not good enough, and a flash of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

By the way, has Miss Diona ever thought about going to Liyue to develop?

Shaking the wine glass in his hand and looking at the crystal clear liquid in the glass, Han Xiao asked Diona nonchalantly if she would like to come to Liyue for development.

Liyue is too far away, and it's not bartending even if I go there, it's the same thing.

Diona rejected Han Xiao's suggestion without even thinking about it.

It was not like no one had invited her in previous years. Businessmen from Liyue had previously invited her to go to Liyue to make wine and then destroy the wine industry in Mondstadt.

Diona didn't understand before and was still a little moved, until one night she met the legendary hero of the night. After a simple conversation, she realized that she just didn't want there to be so many drunkards in Mondstadt.

Even if the Mondstadt wine industry is really destroyed, in the end these drunkards will still choose wine from other countries to drink.

Well, that's really a pity.

Seeing that Diona simply rejected her, Han Xiao said it was a pity, but her heart did not waver at all.

It was just a casual mention. Whether Diona agreed or disagreed, he had nothing to lose.

However, when talking about wine making, Han Xiao remembered that Mondstadt's famous wines seemed to be mainly wine, and there didn't seem to be too many types of liquor.

Perhaps after Guili City has a good harvest, he can use modern technology to improve the wine-making process, and maybe he can get a share of the Mondstadt wine industry.

Holding the wine glass, Han Xiao began to wonder whether his idea would work.

What a strange guest.

Seeing Han Xiao being lost in thought, Diona shook her head in confusion, then turned and walked towards the bar. She had to continue mixing drinks for the drunkards in the tavern.

When Han Xiao came back to his senses and saw that Diona had left long ago, he drank the rest of the wine in the glass, paid the bill, and walked towards the address assigned to him by the Knights.

Now that Keli has been released, she can return to Licheng after collecting the alchemy materials.

Chapter 89 Green Man

Early the next morning, Han Xiao woke up from the warm bed.

After briefly freshening up and getting dressed, he opened the door and walked out of the dormitory arranged for him by the Knights.

Han Xiao's purpose today is very simple, which is to find relatively rare monsters and alchemy materials in Mondstadt.

He knew that there was a formless thunder codenamed Aleph far away at Cape Oath.

Following the road in front of the dormitory towards the city gate, Han Xiao quickly arrived at the Fountain Square. Just when he was about to order breakfast at the Deer Hunter, a stammering sound suddenly came from behind him.

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