Seeing the pigeons fleeing in all directions in the sky, Han Xiao, who was following the convoy, couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

He didn't expect that Timmy actually raised so many pigeons on the Mondstadt Bridge.

This is the main road.

There is so much grass nearby that it is not easy to grow it, but why should it be raised on a bridge?

The people of Mondstadt are really too liberal.

With some concerns for the residents of Mondstadt, Han Xiao followed the convoy and completed the procedures for entering the city.

Mr. Eze, you still have things to do. I can just walk around the city alone.

As soon as they entered the city, Han Xiao made a request to Eze to separate.

Then I wish Mr. Hanxiao a happy stay in Mondstadt. If you need anything, you can always come to the tavern and let us know.

Well, I understand. Thank you Master Diluc for your kindness.

Watching Eze leave with the convoy, Han Xiao walked alone on the streets of a foreign country.

Vendors setting up stalls on the street, passers-by walking on both sides of the street.

Although it looked quite prosperous, he always felt that the residents of Mondstadt had an indescribable sense of laziness all over their bodies.

It must be an illusion.

Feeling that she might have been affected by the giant baby-level performance of the Mondlanders in the previous game, Han Xiao decided not to jump to conclusions yet.

After all, a country’s capital city cannot be ruined by everyone.

A flower market selling flowers, a tavern crowded with people, and walking up the stone steps, Han Xiao soon saw his first destination in Mondstadt.

It is the Deer Hunter restaurant located near the square.

In front of the bar of the open-air restaurant, the waiter Sarah looked at Han Xiao walking over with a smile on her face and asked very enthusiastically.

Have some fried pork with carrots and honey sauce.

Han Xiao glanced at the menu next to him and saw the dish he wanted to eat at a glance.

In the game, Amber ordered this when she invited her father to dinner. When you come to Mondstadt, you must try the authentic fried carrots with honey sauce.

Okay please wait a moment.

After ordering the meal, Han Xiao walked to the outdoor dining table and sat down. He rested his right elbow on the table and his chin in his palm, looking around at the streets filled with people.

Suddenly, a slightly frivolous male voice came from behind.

Hello, I'm a guest from Liyue from afar. Do you mind if I sit here?

Xun Sheng turned his head, and Han Xiao saw a man with dark skin and an eye patch on his face looking at him with a smile.

Hey, isn’t this the True Monarch of Ningbinghai Crossing?

Seeing that the person coming was Kaiya, Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, then straightened up and made a gesture of invitation.

Of course I don't mind, please sit down.

Thank you.

Kaiya followed Han Xiao's invitation and pulled out a chair next to him, sat down, and then asked:

Introducing myself, I am Kaia Alberich, captain of the cavalry of the Knights of the West Wind.

Liyue Hanxiao, please give me some advice.

Hanxiao, could it be that the guest is Liyue's new Liyue Qixing?

Seeing Kaiya's slightly exaggerated performance, Han Xiao couldn't find it easy to expose, so she could only look at him with a smile.

After all, he can't tell you to stop acting. I know you will get information from Diluc.

Captain Kaia is so complimentary. I am just an ordinary tourist now.

So the Hanxiao guests come to Mondstadt for tourism.

Well, part of it is, and part of it is because of Keli.

Speaking of the purpose of coming to Mondstadt, Han Xiao also had a somewhat embarrassed look on her face.

There is no way, who made Keli get into a big trouble this time, but he can be regarded as the 'accomplice' behind it from a certain perspective.


It turns out that Han Xiao came here because of Keli's matter.

Seeing Han Xiao's slightly embarrassing explanation, Kaiya couldn't help but laugh out loud, and felt much more relaxed in her heart.

Thinking about it, a Seven Star from Liyue suddenly came to Mondstadt without following the official procedures. This made Kaiya, who had just experienced the trouble caused by the Fools and Executives, not worried.


Keli blew up a big gap in Xingluo Lake this time, and Qin was very angry.

As far as Kaiya knew, the reason why Keli's bouncing bomb suddenly upgraded seemed to be tinkered with the new Tianshu star in front of him.

Facing Han Xiao who could upgrade the explosive formula with Keli, even if Kaiya was a fun person, he had to come to the square to wait for him as soon as he got the news.

Well, this is the third bomber Mondstadt has received.

I have long been accustomed to how to deal with it.

Two guests, this is the meal you ordered.

In the chat room between the two of them, the waiter Sarah came to the table with two plates of fried pork with honey sauce and carrots.

Thank you.

Kaiya held the steaming fried carrot meat with honey sauce in her hands, placed one portion in front of Han Xiao and said enthusiastically:

Mr. Hanxiao, let's try Mondstadt's specialties first.

After eating, I will take you to the Knights to meet Keli. By the way, Captain Qin also seems to want to have a good chat with you, Mr. Hanxiao.

Then I'll start.

The Commander's Office of the Knights of the West Wind.

Qin, Kaia has passed?

Lisa, who was lying on the sofa in the office reading a book, suddenly raised her head and looked at Qin who was working, and asked a confused question.

Yes, Kaia got the news from senior Diluc, so he was waiting at the square early in the morning.

I believe I will bring someone here soon.

Hearing Lisa's question, Qin put down the quill in her hand and pinched the bridge of her sore nose.

She actually knew why Han Xiao came because Qin was working in the office when Keli secretly contacted Han Xiao that night. the middle of the night, Jean was still working.

Suddenly I thought about what to do if I cried.

Chapter 87: Unrestrained Mond

Han Xiao and Kaiya chatted while eating fried pork with honey-sauce carrots.

Maybe it was because both of them had a talent for having fun, and the relationship between them soon became much harmonious.

Here I would like to express my special thanks to the kid Keli who opened the conversation between the two of them.

She successfully used herself as the topic and laid a good foundation for communication between senior officials of the two countries.

It seems that Captain Qin is really angry this time.

Hearing Kaiya mention that Keli had been in the solitary room for several days, Han Xiao scratched his head and sounded a little embarrassed.

Who can count him as an 'accomplice'?

Well, it's actually not bad.

Kaia, on the other hand, shrugged indifferently and said in a slightly weird tone:

Hanxiao, you have never seen Ms. Alice's power. Keli's power is nothing like that. She just hit the muzzle of the gun.


Hearing Kaiya mention Keli's mother, Han Xiao couldn't help but recall the introduction to her in the previous game.

Alice enters the wind dragon ruins, and Alice leaves the wind dragon ruins.

In just one sentence, the other party's destructive power was like a natural disaster.

After having enough wine and food.

Kaiya picked up the napkin on the table and wiped her greasy lips, then looked at Han Xiao:

Hanxiao, let's go meet Qin?

Of course. I happen to have something to discuss with Captain Qin.

Knowing that what Kaiya meant was for Captain Qin to meet him, Han Xiao did not refuse. He had this plan in the first place.

Road construction has begun in Guili City, but there is no movement yet in Mondstadt.

Oh, it's not that there's no movement at all, at least Diluc has found himself.

So Han Xiao really wanted to hear how Qin arranged it.

After paying the bill, the two got up and left the Deer Hunter Restaurant, walking along the circular stairs beside the square towards the headquarters of the Knights of the West Wind.

Soon, under the leadership of Kaiya, the two came to the door of Captain Qin's office.

Then I'll take my leave first, Han Xiao.

Captain Qin is waiting for you inside.

After arriving at the door, Kaia said goodbye directly. He had finished his work for the day and it was time to go to the pub for a drink.

I'll buy you a drink if you have time.

After nodding her thanks to Kaiya, Han Xiao reached out and knocked on the office door.

Please come in.

Along with the rhythmic knocking on the door, Qin's voice came from the office.


Han Xiao opened the door and walked in. The first thing she saw was Qin, who was busy working at her desk, and Lisa, who had put away her books and sat upright.

Hello, I am Jean Gunnhild, the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

Seeing Han Xiao walking in, Qin put down her work and quickly stood up and saluted to express her welcome.

On behalf of Mondstadt, I welcome you.

Liyue Tianshu Xing Hanxiao has met Captain Qin.

Han Xiao first performed the ancient Liyue ritual to the piano, and then said in a rather relaxed tone:

Captain Qin, just call me Han Xiao. I'm here in my personal capacity this time, mainly to beg for mercy on Keli's behalf.


When Han Xiao mentioned Keli, Qin couldn't help but sigh.

Little Keli has been released by Qin, but as far as I know she has gone to play on the Star Cliff.

Before Qin could speak, Lisa suddenly laughed, then stood up and walked towards the door.

She just wanted to take a look at Liyue's new Qixing, and now that she has seen him, she naturally doesn't plan to stay any longer.

I won't interrupt you now, you can chat slowly.

After Lisa left, Qin and Han Xiao were left alone in the office.

Please sit down, Mr. Hanxiao.

Qin first invited Han Xiao to sit down, and then continued to speak after he sat down:

Mr. Hanxiao, Keli is still a child and is quite playful.

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