Um...please wait a moment, is this Mr. Han Xiao?

Turning her head after hearing the sound, Han Xiao saw that the person calling her was a green-haired girl wearing a blue skirt and a cape behind her.

The big round glasses covered one third of the girl's small face, and her amber eyes were looking at her slightly uneasily.

It was Sugar who belonged to the Knights of the West Wind and was Albedo's assistant and student.

I am Han Xiao, and you...are Miss Sugar.

Seeing the familiar dress of the girl in front of him, Han Xiao immediately thought of the other party's identity in his mind, smiled and nodded in recognition:

I am Han Xiao, hello Miss Sugar, I heard Abedo mention you.

Hello Mr. Hanxiao, I am the alchemist Sugar from the Knights of the West Wind.

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning Albedo, Shatang knew that he had found the wrong person and quickly saluted Han Xiao.

After a brief introduction between the two, Han Xiao asked:

I wonder if Miss Sugar has anything to do with me?

Ah, that's right.

When Han Xiao asked why she stopped him, Sugar quickly gave her reason.

It turned out that when she was doing the alchemy experiment yesterday, Captain Qin sent someone to call her over and gave her a task.

That is, Han Xiao, who hired Teacher Abedo to Liyue, came to Guili City and planned to find unique alchemy materials in the Mondstadt area.

So Qin hopes that Sugar, the alchemist, can be his guide.

So that's it. That's really troublesome for Miss Sugar.

After listening to Sugar's explanation, Han Xiao nodded clearly, and then extended an invitation to the other party:

Miss Sugar must not have had breakfast yet. How about we finish breakfast before setting off?


After a simple breakfast, Han Xiao and Sugar set off together to find alchemy materials.

The Commander's Office of the Knights of the West Wind.

That little brother Hanxiao is gone?

In the office, looking at Qin who was still immersed in her work, Lisa suddenly appeared and asked.

The guards just sent word that he and Sugar have walked out of Mondstadt.

Really, how was your talk yesterday?

After hearing the answer without raising her head, Lisa leaned against the window and folded her hands on her chest. Slime also became extremely prominent because of her movements.

We have roughly shared ideas but I'm not sure yet.

It seems that you are very confused, Qin.

Yeah, I'm afraid the people in Mondstadt will complain.

Qin put down the pen in her hand and sighed, with a look of fatigue on her face.

Yesterday, Han Xiao proposed the idea of ​​Mondstadt providing funds and letting Liyue contract the road construction project, which made her very excited.

But she still hesitated.

Because if you do this, some people in Mondstadt will definitely think that the Knights don't even leave the opportunity to make money to their own people.

I'd say you think too much.

After hearing Qin's concerns, Lisa curled her lips and retorted unceremoniously.

There are hard-working people in Mondstadt, but most of them are as lazy as she is.

We really need the Mondstadt people to take charge of the road construction project. This road will not be repaired until the monkey year and the horse month.

I think Brother Hanxiao's suggestion is very good.

Oh, let me think about it again.

After hearing Lisa's suggestion, Qin just waved her hand, indicating that she still needed to think about it.

After all, as the acting leader of the Knights, she needs to be responsible for the entire Mondstadt, and naturally needs to consider all aspects of the issue.

Mr. Hanxiao, the wind is coming up ahead.

While Qin was still struggling, Han Xiao and Sugar were already driving the rented carriage to a huge oak tree.

Is this the sapling left by the legendary Lion-Tooth Knight Vanessa?

Looking at the tree that had grown into a towering tree under the care of thousands of winds and the illumination of countless suns and moons, Han Xiao sighed in admiration, but she couldn't help but let her thoughts wander away in her heart.

After leaving Mondstadt, Vanessa landed on Sky Island and became a god. She has been watching Mondstadt for thousands of years.

But this is really a good thing, maybe not necessarily.

Otherwise, why would the bard who did not do anything serious keep secret about Sky Island?

Even Vanessa looked scared when asked, but refused to reveal any information about Sky Island.


Sugar, who was standing next to Han Xiao, was also looking at the huge oak tree in front of him, with more longing in his eyes.

Legend has it that Lady Vanessa set foot in the sky and became a god here.

While talking, a leaf containing the element of wind suddenly broke away from the branch, and then slowly fell down under the gaze of the two people.

Han Xiao stretched out his hand and watched the leaf fall into his palm, feeling the wind element breath coming from it. He didn't say anything, just took a deep look at the oak tree and put the leaf into the jade pendant, and then turned around. He turned to look at Sugar and said:

Miss Sugar, let's go.

Are you leaving now? Oak leaves are also a very good alchemy material.

One slice is enough.

Oh well.

Although Granu didn't understand why Han Xiao didn't collect more of these fallen leaves that contained the breath of the wind element, he still nodded to show that he understood.

The two of them boarded the carriage and left the windy land amidst the sound of horse hooves and rushed towards Cape Oath.

Not long after Han Xiao left, a burst of emerald green wind element suddenly blew from the huge oak tree, and then a green figure gradually took shape in the element.

How long have I been asleep again?

The green man first reached out and scratched his head, muttered to himself in confusion, and then turned his attention to the carriage that had gone away.

It was the arrival of that child that woke me up?

His eyes fell across the far distance on Han Xiao who was driving, and the green man frowned handsomely.

Although he looks very ordinary, why would the oak tree take the initiative to give the other party the leaves formed from his escaped aura.

Moreover, he could also feel the aura of the old man from Liyue on the jade pendant around his waist.

Vanessa, is this your choice?

Taking his eyes away from Han Xiao, the green man reached out and stroked the surface of the oak tree, with a hint of unspeakable sadness on his beautiful face.

Chapter 90: Noon has arrived, look at my guns

Ahead is the Dadaupa Valley.

On the carriage, Sugar opened the curtain and leaned out, reminding Han Xiao who was driving:

There are many Qiuqiu people gathering here, please be careful, Mr. Hanxiao.

I see.

Han Xiao, who was driving the car, pulled the reins and nodded in response, but his face was a little absent-minded out of sight where Su Tang couldn't see it.

Just now in front of the wind-swept oak tree, Han Xiao faintly felt that the fallen leaves seemed to be falling on her hands on their own initiative.

Moreover, that leaf not only had the wind element that Sugar mentioned, he felt an aura on it that was very similar to Zhongli's.

The wind rises from the ground, with an aura similar to Zhongli's.

Han Xiao realized at that time that the leaf might be contaminated with Barbatos' aura, so he immediately put the leaf into the jade pendant.

Although it was unclear whether the guy who was not doing business was awake or not, judging from the fact that the leaves broke free from the branches and floated to his hands, there must be some unknown reason.

This was one of the reasons why Han Xiao was eager to leave Feng Qidi.

He didn't want to be fooled by Wendy's guy who talked about running trains.

at the same time

Far away in the Wind Dragon Ruins at the other end of the Mondstadt region, a blond boy was standing at the entrance looking silently at the huge building shrouded in the wind.

Your Highness, we have found a way to break through the barrier.

Behind the blond boy, an abyss mage suddenly appeared out of thin air and said while saluting the boy respectfully.

Hearing the voice coming from behind, the blond boy turned his head and asked calmly:

Are you ready for the ceremony to transform the Dragon of the East Wind?

Yes, Your Highness, the transformation ceremony of the abyss has been arranged.

That's good.

The blond boy hummed and returned his gaze to the building covered with wind element barriers.

Your Highness, there is one more thing I need to report to you.


There have been changes in Liyue. A new city has been built on Guiliyuan. Our plans may be disrupted.

What exactly happened.

Hearing Master Abyss say that a new city had been built on Guiliyuan, the blond boy couldn't help but narrow his eyes and his tone became more intense.

It is said that the new Seven Stars led their people to build a new city on Guiliyuan in order to solve the problem of the Strata Rock Abyss. The people of the Abyss and the Fools were all expelled.

The new Seven Stars?

The blond boy raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then asked:

his name.


It's interesting. Let's find some time to test him.

Your Highness, according to the news, Han Xiao is in Mondstadt at this time.

The ritual of transforming the Dragon of the East Wind cannot be interrupted. You continue to preside over it, and I will go see him.

Your Highness, why are you?

The Abyss mage's tone suddenly rose after hearing the blond boy's decision, and even with the mask on, he could feel the other's surprise.

It seems that he doesn't understand why His Highness would choose to take action personally.

This matter has been decided.

Without giving Master Abyss a chance to finish his words, the blond boy made his own decision.

His close relative was about to wake up, but a sudden change in Liyue disrupted his plan. Naturally, he wanted to meet the Qixing named Han Xiao.

Han Xiao, who didn't know that he had attracted the attention of the Abyss, was waving his horsewhip and driving the carriage at high speed like crazy.

Mr. Hanxiao...slow down!

Sutang, who was clutching the edge of the carriage with both hands, looked at Han Xiao nervously and screamed in horror.

Can't slow down, Miss Sugar!

Feeling the strong wind blowing against her face, Han Xiao kept hitting the horse's rear with the whip in her hand.

Behind the carriage, a large number of Qiuqiu people were chasing the carriage in groups holding torches.

Are these Qiuqiu people crazy?

Looking at the Qiuqiu people who were always chasing behind him, Han Xiao couldn't help but curse.

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