It is the famous Morningside Winery in Mondstadt.

Looking at the large manor in the distance, Han Xiao was amazed at the choice made by Diluc's ancestors, the Legenfund family.

Geographically speaking, although Morningside Winery is a long way from the main city of Mondstadt, it firmly holds the stone gate road.

Normally, Morningside Winery is just an ordinary manor, but if something goes wrong, it can be transformed into a portal fortress guarding Mondstadt.

The Legenfund family's belief in defending Mondstadt is vividly reflected in this ancient manor.

Han Xiao sighed as she headed towards the manor.

Because he had already seen Diluc standing at the gate of the manor with his maid and butler, seemingly waiting for his arrival.

As Han Xiao arrived at the door of the manor, Diluc strode forward to greet him and stretched out his right hand.

Is this Mr. Hanxiao from Liyue?

Yes, you must be Mr. Diluc of Chenxi Winery.

Stretching out his hand to shake Diluc's hand, Han Xiao also looked at him carefully.

Similar to the game, Diluc, who has long fiery red hair, looks quite cold because of his father.

In the words of his previous life, he had the face of a kitten.

However, Han Xiao would not underestimate the other party. After all, the Diluc in front of him was not only a big businessman who controlled half of Mondstadt's liquor industry, but also a mysterious intelligence organization behind him.

I am afraid that the other party got the news about his coming to Mondstadt through this organization.

Han Xiao was looking at Diluc.

Diluc was also looking at Han Xiao who was smiling in front of him.

He knew from the organization behind him that Han Xiao, who had just assumed the post of Tianshu Star, came to Mondstadt. Naturally, he wanted to see him.

After all, he also wanted to see this new generation of Seven Stars who rose from obscurity to fame overnight.

The two of them arrived at the winery surrounded by the maids.

The banquet in the hall had been prepared for a long time. After Diluc and Hanxiao sat down and the maids left one after another, Diluc said:

Mr. Hanxiao, I am interrupting you this time because I have something to discuss.

Master Diluc is too polite. I wonder why you are looking for Mr. Han?

Of course it's a matter of road construction.

Diluc simply stated his purpose of waiting for Han Xiao to come to the manor:

I wonder what Liyue's plans are for the journey from Mondstadt to Shimen?

Chapter 85: Captain Qin, you are so miserable!

I remember that I have informed the Knights of the West Wind about the road issue. How come Master Diluc doesn't know about it?

Han Xiao was a little surprised when she heard Diluc's inquiry.

Didn't he already write letters to Commander Qin and finalize the construction plan?

Why would Diluc wait for him specifically for this matter now?

Knights of the West Wind...tsk.

After learning what happened from Han Xiao, Diluc just wanted to 'step on' the Knights of the West Wind out of habit, but when he thought of the Seven Stars of Liyue sitting in front of him, he could only tut and say the sarcastic words. Swallowed it back.

That's it, Mr. Hanxiao.

After sorting out his somewhat complicated emotions, Diluc quickly expressed his thoughts:

Morning Winery is the leader of the Mondstadt Wine Guild. Recently, many businessmen have approached me and hope that I will come forward to discuss the road issue with you.

Diluc was actually a bit conservative on this point.

Among the businessmen who came to his door recently, not only those in the liquor industry, but also businessmen from other industries also came to him, hoping that he would come forward to talk to Liyue.

After all, they have personally experienced the newly built road in Guili City. It is much faster than before, and it can also add a lot of benefits to them.

Unfortunately, after coming out of the stone gate, it returned to the original bumpy dirt road, which made many Mondstadt businessmen feel a little uncomfortable.

It's not like they haven't heard the news and know that the Knights of the West Wind are planning to recruit workers to build roads.

But I waited and waited, but there was still no movement.

So the businessmen who couldn't sit still found the Mondstadt business giant, that is, Diluc, hoping to implement this matter as soon as possible.

At worst, they can contribute money.

Ah this...

After listening to Diluc's narration, Han Xiao didn't know what expression to use to face the situation in front of her.

Although we know from the game that people in Mondstadt have always been very free, but there has been no movement for so long...

Somehow, Han Xiao suddenly felt great sympathy for Qin, the acting leader of the Knights.

Captain Qin is really miserable.

No wonder Keli was imprisoned for so long this time because of the fish fry issue.

In addition to the more serious relationship issues, Keli probably just happened to run into the gun of Captain Qin who was full of anger.

Looking at Diluc who was waiting for his response, Han Xiao considered it carefully before asking tentatively:

So Master Diluc, what is your plan?

We can bear part of the funding and manpower issues, and we hope that the sooner the road construction starts, the better.

I can't give you an accurate answer to this question yet.

As for Diluc's idea of ​​uniting businessmen to organize their own manpower to build roads, Han Xiao thought about it and decided that it would be better to discuss it with Captain Qin.

I will meet with Commander Qin to discuss this issue. If Commander Qin agrees, I have no objection.

Then please leave it to Mr. Hanxiao.

Diluc nodded, agreeing with Han Xiao's idea.

He didn't expect the other party to agree immediately, but he just hoped to use Han Xiao's mouth to indirectly urge Qin, and at the same time express his dissatisfaction in a subtle way.

After all, Liyue next door is currently booming, so you should at least make some moves here in Mondstadt.

Don't be like a dead fish, okay?

After talking about the business, Hanxiao enjoyed a delicious Mondstadt meal at Diluc's reception, and by the way, stayed one night at Chenxi Winery under the service of the maid.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Xiao, under Diluc's arrangement, boarded the Dawn Winery's motorcade and headed for Mondstadt.


Liyue Port·Northland Bank.

You mean that Guili City escorted one of our people into the city today?

After hearing the report from his subordinate, Dadalia's eyes were extremely sharp, and he broke into cold sweat as he stared straight at the other person.

Yes...yes, Sir, my subordinates have seen it with their own eyes.

Feeling the pressure coming from Dadalia, the subordinate dressed as a debtor added cautiously regardless of the cold sweat on his forehead.

Which team are you from?

My subordinates have checked and found that there are no missing personnel in all teams.


Dadalia was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that things seemed to be getting complicated.

As the new envoy sent by Zhi Dong, he came to Liyue this time with his own team and some new soldiers.

Except for the staff of Beiguo Bank, all the previous Fools should have withdrawn to Winter.

How did Guilicheng arrest people?

Dadalia felt irritated when thinking about Ning Guang, who had frequently launched commercial competition against Beiguo Bank recently.

The other party's business methods are superb, and he is not a person who likes business and can only barely parry.

Now the other party has arrested a fool and brought them into the city with great fanfare, obviously hoping to take this opportunity to deal another heavy blow to Beiguo Bank.

It seems that the person's identity is probably not false, and he may have even made a big mistake.

But the problem is that there are not many of them.


Dadalia suddenly thought of a possibility, and immediately called Ekaterina and asked:

Did the doctor keep anyone in Liyue before?

Yes, Sir.

Ekaterina, who was called, quickly gave the news Dadalia wanted to hear.

The doctor sent a small team to leave Liyue Port with supplies. I don't know the specific destination.

It's really that bastard.

Seeing that his guess was correct, Dadalia's eyes flashed with disgust.

The twelve executioners gathered around the queen, each with their own purposes, and it was nothing new to dislike each other.

Just like he really hates the doctor, a guy who lacks humanity.

If it weren't for maintaining the superficial peace, he would have started fighting with the other party.

Contact Pantalone and ask him to tell me about the doctor.

As he spoke, Dadalia had a cold face and his tone of voice became extremely dangerous:

If the Queen's mission fails because of his problems, I will definitely settle the score with him when I go back!


Ekaterina responded quickly, and then trotted out quickly to prepare to execute the order given by Dadalia.

At the same time, Andre who was outside the door quickly walked in and whispered in front of Dadalia:

My lord, Tianquan Xing Ningguang sent someone to convey a message. I hope to invite you to the General Affairs Department, saying that you have important matters to discuss in detail.

It came really fast, you go down first.

After hearing the news from Andre, Dadalia closed her eyes and suppressed the anger in her heart to show that she knew.

He was stabbed in the back by the doctor, and now Qixing had specially set up a trap to invite him over. He was really feeling aggrieved.

However, for the sake of the Queen's great cause, Dadalia could only suppress her dissatisfaction with the doctor in her heart and get up and go to the General Affairs Department.

He was already prepared to be killed by Ning Guang once.

At the same time, after several days of journey, Han Xiao finally arrived in Mondstadt with the convoy.

Chapter 86: World Famous Painting, Qin at Work

Mr. Hanxiao, we have arrived in Mondstadt.

Beside the big bridge outside Mondstadt, the motorcade stopped first. Eze, the steward of Diluc Winery, came to Han Xiao's carriage and said very politely.

It turns out we've arrived.

Han Xiao, who was bragging to himself in the chat group, heard Eze's voice and then withdrew from the chat group. He reached out to lift the curtain and jumped out of the carriage. He couldn't help but look at Mondstadt City not far ahead.

It was a huge city with high walls built of huge stones. The entire city was located on a large lake, with only a stone bridge connecting it to the mainland.

Butler Eze, let's go in.

Looking at the city of Mondstadt, which was even more majestic than in the game, Han Xiao withdrew her gaze and turned around to thank Eze warmly.

Please, Mr. Hanxiao.

Eze put his left hand on his chest and saluted Han Xiao, then directed the convoy to slowly step onto the bridge.

The moment I stepped onto the bridge, countless pigeons who were eating on the bridge were frightened and flew into the air with fluttering wings.

Wow, there are really so many pigeons.

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