Who, come out!

Guys, can you tell me why you appeared in Wuwangpo?

Looking at the four fools who were making defensive postures, Han Xiao slowly walked out from behind the tree and asked with a smile on her face.

Who are you and why do you appear behind us?

Although Han Xiao looked weak, the thunder hammer holding the weapon shrank his pupils and asked Han Xiao's name directly.

Obviously he didn't know Han Xiao's identity.

You don't even know me?

Han Xiao frowned and asked tentatively:

Can you tell me which executive officer you are subordinate to?

Wuwangpo is a forbidden area in Liyue. It would be inappropriate for the fools to send people in without authorization.

The members of the advance team of Fools didn't speak, but just glanced at each other. They came out under secret orders this time.

Moreover, if their commander knew that several of them had been discovered by the Liyue people, then they would definitely have nothing to gain, and the only thing waiting for them would be death.

Seeing this, several people were furious and planned to strike first.

Thunder Hammer suddenly raised the sledgehammer in his hand, and the thunder elements quickly gathered on the hammer, and then hit Han Xiao hard.

At the same time, the Fire Gun guerrillas disappeared in a blink of an eye, apparently hiding and preparing to snipe in the dark.

You guys are really brave to attack me without even asking me for my identity.

Trespassing into the forbidden area of ​​Liyue and attacking the Seven Stars of Liyue are considered serious crimes in Liyue.

Han Xiao first glanced at the location where the guerrillas were hiding with the corner of his eye, tapped the ground with his feet, and stepped back to avoid the sledgehammer attack.

The sledgehammer with the element of thunder hit the ground hard, making a huge noise, and the soil was splashed everywhere.


A gunshot rang out in the dark, and the bullet came straight towards Han Xiao's back with flaming light.

The next moment, a flash of sword light was seen, and then there was a clang sound. The bullet with sparks was bounced off the blade wrapped in rock elements, and bounced into the ground and splashed a small pit.

You want to sneak attack me with just a fire gun? Are you underestimating me?

After blocking the sneak attack of the Fire Gun guerrillas, Han Xiao's silk thread on his right hand danced wildly, and Yan Xing, who entered the elemental control mode, quickly attacked with the help of flying dust.

There was just a sound, and the rock star turned into a sharp arrow and passed through the obstruction of the trees and rushed behind the heavy guard of the water gun in an instant.


As soon as the sword fell from his hand, a stream of blood burst out from the back of the heavy guard's neck, and then the blood shot high into the sky like a fountain.


The moment the water gun heavy guard fell to the ground with a roar, the ice gun heavy guard next to him saw the doll appearing in front of him.

As a white light flashed, he felt a pain in his neck, and then lost consciousness.

Two heavy firepowers were lost almost instantly, and the remaining two were immediately stunned.

They were obviously the ones who made the first move, yet someone else still had the upper hand.

at the same time.

Han Xiao, who had dodged the thunder hammer's attack, stepped forward. Her whole body was like a vigorous swimming dragon, bypassing the sledgehammer wrapped with thunder and lightning. The left fist with the condensation of rock elements stamped hard on the chest of the thunder hammer, which was too late to change the attack.


After suffering a heavy blow to the chest, Thunder Hammer immediately let out a painful groan, and his tall body was instantly knocked away by the huge force, breaking several large trees before stopping.

Han Xiao, who was thinking in division, saw this and rushed towards Thunder Hammer again. With his other hand, he directed Yan Xing and the Fire Gun guerrillas to pursue.

Lie down!

As soon as he got up from the ground and tried to get rid of the huge dizziness, Thunder Hammer heard Han Xiao's 'soft' words in his ears.

Then he saw a palm with rock elements appearing in front of him.

With a click, Thunder Hammer's chin came into close contact with Han Xiao's palm, and the last image left to him was the sound of broken bones.

Looking at the lifeless Thunder Hammer lying on the ground, Han Xiao suppressed the discomfort in her heart.

It’s not that he has never seen dead people after traveling to Teyvat for so many years, but it’s just his first time to do it in person, so it’s normal to feel uncomfortable.

However, Han Xiao had already been mentally prepared, and he had seen blood when killing monsters before, so he quickly recovered and turned to look at the Fire Gun guerrillas who were being chased by Yan Xing.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

Okay, now you're the only one left.

Damn it!

Seeing the team members being harvested by Han Xiao one by one, the Fire Gun guerrillas couldn't help but cursed secretly. While dodging Yan Xing's attack in embarrassment, they quickly jumped into the distance in an attempt to escape from the battlefield.

The fire gun guerrillas who kept escaping with their evil eyes were very regretful at this time. They didn't expect that the target they chose to attack would be Liyue's Seven Stars.

This time it was bad luck.

The rumor that there is a boundary between life and death in Wuwangpo seems to be true. He must bring this information back, and maybe he can use this credit to get his boss to save him.

You can't run away.

Seeing the opponent's evil eye embedded in the fire gun getting brighter and brighter, obviously being drained of life force, Han Xiao just said softly, and Yan Xing's speed suddenly increased, rushing to the front of the fire gun guerrillas, and the two Bingyan The elemental war blade sliced ​​through the tree trunks on both sides like cutting tofu.

Seeing that the route ahead was blocked, the rapidly jumping figures of the Fire Gun guerrillas were forced to stop and planned to change direction.

Before he could make a move, big trees fell down without warning, forming a huge surrounding net.


There was a low roar in the air, and the threads composed of countless rock elements directly entangled the Fire Gun guerrillas tightly.

At the other end of the silk thread, Han Xiao slowly walked out from behind.

You can't run away now.

Hmph, just kill me, there's so much nonsense!

Feeling the severe pain radiating from his body, the Fire Gun guerrilla gritted his teeth and stared at Han Xiao while uttering harsh words.

Trespassing into Liyue's forbidden area and attacking Liyue's Seven Stars is a capital crime.

Arriving in front of the Fire Gun guerrilla who was tied to the ground, Han Xiao looked at him condescendingly, with solemnity in his tone.

Tell me who sent you.

Dadalia, or another executive.

You can't get any information from me.

Even after being imprisoned, the Fire Gun guerrillas still gritted their teeth and refused to reveal any information.

It's really troublesome.

Regarding the Fire Gun guerrillas who planned to fight to the end, Han Xiao shook her head helplessly.

It seems that he wants to learn from Grandpa Lu in the game and use his torture techniques.

Chapter 84: Diluc is sullen and embarrassed

I won’t describe the torture methods in detail, but they must be a bit brutal.

As long as we know that the Fire Gun guerrillas did not survive in the end, they honestly explained the purpose of their team's mission to Han Xiao.

It turns out you are soldiers under the doctor.

After listening to the Fire Gun guerrilla's explanation, Han Xiao raised his eyebrows, but he didn't feel surprised.

After all, in the game, the doctor built an underground factory under Qixing's nose, so it was okay to leave a team of soldiers in Liyue.

However, the other party has been away from Liyue for so long, and still wants to manipulate the advance team of fools to explore the secret of Wuwangpo.

This is really a bit much.

The expression on Han Xiao's face slowly turned cold.

Wuwangpo is related to the boundary between life and death. There must be no problems. In addition, it is not far from Qingce Village. It would be bad if the doctor had his idea to target the children of Qingce Village.

He knew that a doctor could do such a crazy thing.

After all, the other party caused a big incident in Mondstadt not long ago.

Facing this madman, he had to be on guard.

After getting the information he wanted, Han Xiao simply knocked out the Fire Gun guerrillas, and then took out the Dudu communication device from the jade pendant.


When the communication device was connected, Ningguang's voice came over.

It's me. I captured the fools on the forbidden slope. After interrogation, they were soldiers under Dr. Executive Officer.

Han Xiao did not delay and quickly told Ningguang the information he had obtained here.

I will take the people down the mountain now and let Keqing lock him up first. You can arrange the manpower to escort him back to Liyue Port.

Doctor's man?

Ning Guang on the other side of the communication device was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and his tone became cheerful.

I think Mr. Dadalia would be happy to apologize to his colleagues for sending someone to break into the forbidden area of ​​Liyue without permission.

Kill more, this Dadalia is rich!

Hearing that Ningguang planned to take this opportunity to 'greet' Dadalia, and for this reason, he also followed his wishes and said that Wuwangpo is a forbidden area, Hanxiao immediately expressed his agreement, and was even quite considerate. Gave his own suggestions.

After settling the matter, Han Xiao picked up the unconscious Firegun guerrilla and walked down the mountain.

Shimen, the station of Qianyan Army.

Qian Yanjun, who was on guard duty, saw a huge shadow coming from a distance. After getting closer, the guard realized that it was the newly appointed Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, who was carrying a shadow on his back. A soldier of fools.

Lord Hanxiao!

The guard quickly saluted Han Xiao.

Go and arrange for someone to send him to Guili City, and inform Keqing to lock him up first, and then escort him back to Liyue Port when Ningguang sends someone.

Throwing the injured and unconscious Fire Gun guerrilla to the ground with a muffled sound, Han Xiao took out a custom-made Tianshu Star Token from his jade pendant and threw it to the guard before giving direct instructions.


The guard put away the token with a serious look on his face, and then called to the Qianyan Army stationed there. A few of them tied up the Fire Gun guerrillas with ropes.

Remember not to kill the person. I want him to be sent to Liyue Port alive.

Han Xiao waved her hand, turned around and left after leaving the last instruction.

Being so disturbed by the fools, his time was delayed for another two days. He had to rush to Mondstadt as soon as possible.

Little Keli is still waiting for his ‘rescue’.


When Han Xiao walked out of the stone gate along the winding road, a breeze suddenly hit his face.

Apparently he has left the land of Liyue and set foot on the land of Mondstadt.

Looking at the vibrant green grass in front of him, Han Xiao squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil on the ground and squeezed it.

Feeling the slightly moist soil, he couldn't help but let out a tut.

It would be great to farm such a large area, but it's a pity.

He hadn't noticed it when he was playing games in his previous life, but now that he had experienced it personally, Han Xiao had to admit that Wendy, a guy who didn't do anything serious, was definitely not as weak as he said.

You must know that Mondstadt used to be a bitter cold place with ice and snow. It was Barbatos who used the wind to blow away the ice and snow, making Mondstadt habitable.

This is a permanent change in the terrain, and it has lasted for thousands of years.

Barbatos said he was weak, who would believe him?

After sighing a few times, Han Xiao stood up and continued walking along the road in the direction of Mondstadt.

Soon, row after row of grape trellises appeared in his sight, and a large manor not far away was also vaguely visible.

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