With that said, Zhongli took out a jade pendant from his arms and threw it to Han Xiao.

This is?

Looking at the slightly simple jade pendant in his hand, Han Xiao looked at Zhongli with some confusion, as if he didn't quite understand why the other party gave him the jade pendant.

I asked an old friend to customize this for you, using a jade pendant as a medium to create a small cave heaven and paradise with immortal power.

When you go out, I think you need a safe place to live, and...

Zhongli paused slightly, looked at Akabane Ji sitting on Han Xiao's shoulders and Yan Xing in his arms and said:

You also need a place to store the dolls, right?

It turns out to be the jade pendant version of the Chensong Pot?

After hearing Zhongli's introduction, Han Xiao still couldn't understand what the other person had given him.

He's so good at it, Zhongli is so good at it that he actually gave me a home (bah).

just kidding.

In that case, I'll accept it.

Understanding the function of the jade pendant in his hand, Han Xiao thanked Zhongli and at the same time put Yanxing and Akabane Ji into the jade pendant according to Zhongli's instructions.

By the way, Mr. Zhongli, Senior Mandrill said that all the fools from Guiliyuan have evacuated.

Putting the jade pendant into his pocket, Han Xiao thought of the situation Mandrill mentioned before and asked Zhong Li for his opinion.

Would you like to check where they are now?

Need not.

Zhong Li shook his head and signaled to Han Xiao that he didn't need to worry about this matter, as those fools had their own arrangements.

Seeing this, Han Xiao stopped talking and chatted with the other party about other topics.

They waited until the people who signed up gradually dispersed before saying goodbye.


Han Xiao hummed a little tune and walked towards his home. Yanxing and Akabane Ji appeared on his shoulders from time to time and then quickly disappeared.

That's great. This feature is really nice.

After playing with it like a toy several times, Han Xiao couldn't help but give Uncle Zhongli a thumbs up in her heart.

Before, he was still thinking about how to solve the problem of carrying the doll. After all, his current alchemy level was not enough to transform the Eye of All Things into having its own storage space like the Eye of God.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Zhongli would notice this and specially customized a jade pendant containing the power of the cave for himself.

With the Chenge Pot and Jade Pendant Edition, Han Xiao can not only store and store the dolls during battles, but also have a comfortable home in the wild.

It really kills two birds with one stone.

Chapter 82 Yan Fei: Han Xiao, the old cheater

Early in the morning, we returned outside the city.

Han Xiao and Ke Qingyan Fei were saying goodbye.

Remember to pay attention to safety on the road when you go to Mondstadt. I will help you handle the matters in Guili City.

Looking at Han Xiao who was getting ready to go, Ke Qing first asked him to pay attention to his safety, and then promised that he would manage the affairs of Guili City well.

Thank you Keqing.

Han Xiao smiled and cupped her hands at Ke Qing. He felt more at ease with the other party's assurance.

Boss Hanxiao, I agreed that I wouldn't be busy. You are cheating.

On the other hand, Yan Fei, who was standing beside her, put her hand to her forehead and complained to Han Xiao in a 'complaining' tone.

no way.

Before coming, Han Xiao said that work was not busy at all and there were other benefits, so she chose to accept the job.

But in the end, the benefits promised by the other party were realized one by one.

With this working hours, Yan Fei said that she, a barrister, had been frauded.

So what does Lawyer Yanfei think of this job?

Han Xiao didn't panic at all about Yan Fei's 'accusation'. He just spread his hands and asked the other party what he thought in a very bachelor manner.

Well, it's not bad.

Yan Fei turned her gaze to the side and muttered something softly.

She had already been satisfied by formulating the laws and regulations of Guili City with Ningguang.

Not to mention that school started yesterday. Thinking that some of these children would study law with her in the future, Yan Fei actually had no complaints.

This is probably what makes me tired and happy.

It's getting late, so I'll leave first. I'll leave it to you to Guili City!

With that said, Han Xiao said goodbye to the two of them directly, and then embarked on the journey to Shimen alone.


Walking on the road, Han Xiao breathed in the fresh air and admired the surrounding scenery.

Although it is still early, many residents who have contracted the planting land outside the city have already started a new day of work.

Good morning, Mr. Hanxiao!

Morning, Lord Hanxiao!

Seeing Han Xiao walking on the road, these people put down their hoes and greeted him respectfully.

It's early for you too.

Han Xiao smiled and waved her hand, telling them to continue working and not pay attention to him.

I have to say that the Qianyan Army is quite powerful. On the road from Guili City to Wangshu Inn, not to mention the Qiuqiu people, not even the slimes were seen.

This made him a little regretful.

Continuing to move forward along the road, Han Xiao opened the chat group by the way. It seemed that a new person came yesterday, but he didn't notice it because he was busy.

He had to see what the newcomer was like.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It seems like a new person came yesterday?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Yes, there is one more.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Which world are the newcomers from? I beg you for knowledge.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Well, I am the newcomer, from the moon world.

Shape Moon World?

Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. This was not a simple world.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: So, newcomer, which one will you start with, Tianhu or Tianbeng?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: It's neither good nor bad. I'm similar to Weber. We both belong to the previous generations of magicians in our families, so our qualifications are not very good.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: The only good thing is that my family is distantly related to Eltenham, so I was taught some Atlas Academy techniques when I was a child.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: What technology, alchemy?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: No, it's just the technique of segmented thinking that allows you to deal with things faster.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Good technology, please put it on the store!

Han Xiao was immediately overjoyed when she learned that Xingyue herself had the opportunity to learn the separation thinking of Atlas Academy.

This is really sleepiness hitting the pillow.

He was still thinking about how to control multiple dolls before, but he didn't expect to find a solution from the newcomer.

Soon Han Xiao purchased the newly uploaded segmentation thinking technology in the mall.

As soon as he got it, he couldn't wait to experience it.

It's such a special feeling.

Looking at his hands, Han Xiao clearly felt that his thoughts seemed to be divided into two pieces, each piece being an independent thought.

This feeling made him feel a little magical.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Thank you, boss, this skill is very useful to me!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: As long as it's useful, putting this skill here will make me think more. It's not as good as the magic control skills uploaded by Jixiao.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: I think your magic circuit is a bit screwed up. I'm trying to find the source of magic in my world.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Don't mess around, be careful.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: It's not that easy to find things like Dayuan. Just like me, I don't know if the legend of the Devil Fruit Tree is true or not.

In this way, while chatting with herself in the group, Han Xiao released the rock star and controlled it to fly up and down with silk thread.

Thanks to countless Han Xiao's physical and mental superpositions, he soon became more and more proficient in segmented thinking techniques.

By the time they reached Shimen, near Wuwang Slope, Han Xiao finally reached Ziyuan's lowest level, which was to be able to freely divide his thoughts into seven parts and process them side by side.

To use a martial arts analogy, it is probably one mind and seven functions.


As the gentle wind blew, Han Xiao reunited her thoughts and raised her head to look at the top of the mountain to feel the tranquility.

On the high mountain peak, Wuwangpo is always covered with clouds, and most people rarely go there.

Only Hutao travels to Wuwangpo all year round because of border issues.

But today Han Xiao unexpectedly discovered something strange. At this time, on Wuwan Slope, wisps of fire flickered in and out of the dense fog at the peak.

How is this going?

Seeing that these were not like the will-o'-the-wisps that usually appeared on Wuwangpo, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

After thinking again and again, he turned around and walked towards Wuwangpo.

After all, Wuwangpo is related to border issues, and any abnormality that occurs here is not a trivial matter.

Climbing up the mountain road, about half an hour later, Han Xiao finally arrived at Wuwang Slope shrouded in darkness.

Putting Yanxing on his shoulders, Han Xiao cautiously moved towards the place where he saw the fire before.

Soon, he saw rows of footprints of different sizes where he saw the fire before.

Following the footprints, Han Xiao continued to walk forward quietly for a while, and finally saw a group of guys who were sneaking forward and fully armed.

The advance team of fools?

Seeing the advance team of fools dressed in winter style, a trace of doubt flashed in Han Xiao's eyes.

Didn't Mandrill say that all the fools on Guiliyuan's side have evacuated?

Why is Wuwangpo still there?

But Han Xiao didn't think much, he was already ready to take action.

Although he didn't know how the advance team of Fools appeared in Wuwangpo, it was a matter of life and death, and there was no room for any mistakes.

No matter what the reason is for the other party to come, leave them alone first.

Chapter 83: Wuwangpo is a ‘forbidden area’

The advance team of Fools in front of Han Xiao is the standard configuration of a small team.

That is, the fire gun guerrillas, ice gun heavy guards, water gun heavy guards, and thunder hammer forward troops.

The configuration is quite good, with front, middle and rear seats.

Seeing this, Han Xiao, who was hiding behind a tree in the distance, released Yanxing from the jade pendant and placed it on his shoulder, deliberately making some noise.


Hearing the sudden sound of branches stirring behind them, the members of the Fools' Team reacted quickly. They clenched their weapons and looked at the place where the sound came from and shouted:

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