In addition to the above two points, food crops have been planted in the planting area outside Guili City after a series of methods to remove soil salt content.

When the food matures, Liyue's dependence on food imports should improve.

During this period, Han Xiao successively recruited a group of talents from Liyue Port and placed them in various departments.

With the addition of new forces, the framework of Guili City is slowly taking shape. Now Han Xiao does not need to review everything, he only needs to grasp the general direction and important decisions.

With a lot of free time, Han Xiao naturally devoted more energy to research with Albedo.

It's just that alchemy requires a large amount of materials, and adventurers and merchants alone cannot support their research progress.

After at least finishing Akabane Hime, Han Xiao faced a big problem of material shortage for her third doll.


Dudu - Duduke -

One night, while Han Xiao was making design drawings for her third doll at home, the beeping communication device rang for the first time in a long time.

Hey, who is contacting me so late?

With some doubts, Han Xiao connected to the communication device.

Brother Hanxiao, please save Keli!

As soon as the communication device was connected, Keli's panicked cry for help came from the other side.

Xiao Keli, what's wrong?

Ugh, I accidentally blew a hole in Xingluo Lake. Captain Qin wants to put me in confinement for a month. Brother Hanxiao, please come and save Keli!

Ah this...

Is Keli's bouncing bomb already so powerful?

Obviously I have only iterated to about forty formulas. How many generations of formulas did Xiao Keli iterate through?

In this regard, Han Xiao couldn't help but question:

Keli, tell me how you blew the gap in Xingluo Lake?

I used a new formula and accidentally filled it with the wrong amount.

No, now is not the time to talk about this. Brother Hanxiao, come and save Keli. Captain Qin is really scary this time!

Listening to Keli's slightly panicked cry for help, Han Xiao remembered that now was not the time to discuss the explosion theory with Keli, and quickly offered comfort.

Don't panic, Xiao Keli, you stay in the confinement room for two days and wait for Captain Qin to calm down.

Albedo and I will be coming to Mondstadt soon.

Yeah, brother Hanxiao, you and brother Abedo must come to save Keli, otherwise Keli won't be able to see the sun for a month!

Hanging up the communication, although she was very curious about the ingredients of Keli's new formula, Han Xiao still put down the design drawing in her hand and went straight to the residence he arranged for Abedo.

So, Keli made a mistake again?


At Abedo's home, his expression did not change at all after hearing Han Xiao's intention.

There was no way, he was used to Keli being detained by Captain Qin for frying fish.

It's just that this time the situation is a little more serious, so it's not a big problem.

Then what are you going to do? Contact Captain Qin through the communication device?

No, I plan to go to Mondstadt.

Han Xiao shook her head, denied Albedo's guess, and expressed her thoughts.

Are you going to Mondstadt?

Only then did Abedo's face show some surprise.

How did you come to Mondstadt?

Actually, it doesn't matter about Keli. I originally had a plan to go to Mondstadt.

It’s impossible not to go.

After all, Guili City is just a newly built city, and there are still not many channels for obtaining materials. Learning alchemy requires a lot of materials.

In addition, Han Xiao also needs to make seven-element Eyes of All Things and dolls, and the materials in Guilicheng are simply not enough.

If Abedo hadn't brought his own inventory, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to make the first doll Yan Xing.

So Han Xiao had already decided to go to several other countries to collect materials in person very early on, but he was delayed by the construction of Guili City.

Now that Guili City is on the right track, he only needs to deal with some major decisions now, and usually the people below can handle some things.

Hanxiao naturally thought of traveling when she had some free time. It would be a shame not to go on an adventurous trip when she came to Teyvat.

Just in time to receive Keli's request for help, Han Xiao placed her first stop in Mondstadt.

Is there really no problem here in Guili City?

After hearing Han Xiao's reasons, Abedo accepted the other party's remarks, but still expressed his worries.

Guilicheng is Han Xiao's hard work, isn't he afraid of others disrupting his development plan?

Don't worry, Ke Qing is still focusing on the construction of the dam. When the time comes, let her help me take care of it, and then call Yan Fei to assist.

In fact, Han Xiao didn't say a word.

That is, in addition to Ke Qing and Yan Fei, Zhongli will soon be stationed in the school. If someone really wants to cause trouble while he is away, Han Xiao believes that the old man will teach him how to behave.

After all, the weight of the rock is soothing.

Then when do you plan to leave?

The school will hold an entrance ceremony tomorrow, and I will set off after it's over.

What about you, do you want to go back with me to see Keli?

My words won't stop. Say sorry to Keli for me.

Abedo shook his head. Among the topics Han Xiao had provided him before, one of the topics had reached a critical stage. He needed to devote all his energy to overcoming this last difficulty.

If successful, some of Han Xiao's previous ideas will no longer be empty talk, but will become reality.

Chapter 81 Abedo has shipped!

Which subject?

Upon hearing that Abedo's research had made progress, Han Xiao immediately asked excitedly.

He proposed several topics for Abedo, no matter which one would have a big impact on Guili City.

First of all, I made the shock-absorbing device for the carriage.

The difficulty we are currently encountering is the problem of deceiving Huahua and Slime to extract energy.

Abedo first reported some pretty good news to Han Xiao, and then told him about the difficulties he was currently encountering.

It turns out that since he received the project, he has been studying the electricity that escapes from thunder-type flowers and slimes.

In Abedo’s view, this topic is the most core one among several topics.

Then have you researched anything?

Knowing that Abedo was studying the electricity problem that she was most concerned about, Han Xiao waited expectantly for the other party's next answer.

I extracted a substance from the nectar of the cheat flower and the condensation of the slime, and combined it with lead and other metals to use alchemy to create a device that can contain electricity.

It's just that I can't charge and discharge stably yet. I still need to study the principles carefully.

Good guy.

Isn't this a lead-acid battery?

Hearing Abedo's current research results, Han Xiao was pleasantly surprised. The other party actually came up with a Teyvat version of lead-acid battery.

Sure enough, our chalk teacher is invincible!

Then Abedo, please study carefully. I'm waiting for your good news.

When Han Xiao saw Abedo looking a little troubled, he quickly said a few words of comfort to him.

If we have problems, let's think about them slowly. There will always be ways to solve them.

Let me lend you your good advice and give it a try.


Early the next morning.

The residents of Guili City got up early one after another.

Especially families with children at home have made preparations early, and the faces of the adults are full of excitement and a little bit of apprehension.

Zhuang Cong is one of them.

Zhuang Cong used to be a miner in the Layeryan Abyss. He followed the large army to Guiliyuan and built Guili City with everyone.

Then he worked as a worker in a cement factory and made a little money.

Zhuang Cong, who felt that Guili City might develop well in the future, simply took over his wife and children from Liyue Port and chose to become the first batch of residents of Guili City.

As for why I chose this.

That was because Zhuang Cong was very grateful to Han Xiao, the new Seven Star.

When the Layeryan Abyss was sealed, if Han Xiao hadn't stepped forward to take them to Guiliyuan and give them jobs, he would have almost despaired of losing his source of income.

What Zhuang Cong didn't expect was that two days ago, he learned from the square bulletin board that Han Xiao had announced the opening of a school in Guili City.

As long as the children in the family reach the age of six, they can enroll in the school, and the tuition is so low that it is almost free.

Zhuang Cong has experienced the hardship of being uneducated, so he naturally does not want his children to be like him.

Therefore, Zhuang Cong and the parents of the children he knew were so happy when they learned that the school would provide children with a four-year enlightenment education.

Well, in the words of Han Xiao's previous life, it was probably a surge in happiness index.

Dad, what are we doing up so early?

We'll find out later when dad takes you to a place.

Looking at his son who was eating with a spoon in one hand, Zhuang Cong reached out and touched his head with a sigh in his tone.

About an hour later, after everything was settled, Zhuang Cong took his son out and went out.

Both sides of the street were filled with parents with their children.

With joyful expressions on their faces, everyone walked towards today's destination.

Soon, Zhuang Cong and others arrived at the school.

A brand new wooden building is standing in front of a playground. Many secretaries from Kuixing Building have opened many windows on the playground to handle the admission procedures for children.

There are many Qianyan troops on the side of the playground maintaining order in the queue.

Mr. Zhongli, Liyue's future hope depends on you.

On the rooftop of the teaching building, Han Xiao and Zhong Li stood side by side, their eyes focused on the long queues on the playground below.

Hope for the future...

Looking at the smiling faces below with longing for the future, Zhongli suddenly felt that Han Xiao did not 'trick' him this time.

This is indeed a good job.

I will take care of these seeds for you.

Then please leave it to Mr. Zhongli.

By the way, little friend Hanxiao.

Zhongli suddenly turned his head to look at Han Xiao and asked:

I heard you are planning to go to Mondstadt?

Well, go for a walk and collect some alchemy materials.

In that case, take this with you.

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