For the sake of his family, Kamisato Ayato could only place his hope on Kujo Sora, who could directly meet the general, hoping that the other party would allow the general to give him some time.

He believed that Kujo Sora, even if he was extremely loyal to the shogun, was not the kind of person who was ignorant.

Moreover, after the travelers made a big fuss in Inazuma, the general himself also changed a lot.

Maybe after Kujo Sora reported the difficulties faced by Inazuma, the general would revise the order as appropriate!

Oh... let me give it a try.

After a long silence, Kujo Sora finally let out a sigh and chose to listen to Kamisato Ayato's advice.

After all, the other party did not lie about Dao's wife's current situation. At present, Dao's wife really cannot withstand too much trouble.

So after thinking about it, she decided to go to see the General and ask him to grant him some more time to give San Fengxing some time to breathe.

Thank you so much, General Kujo!

Upon hearing that Kujo Sora was willing to come forward to meet the general, Kamisato Ayato immediately gave him a very solemn salute.

Chapter 882: Shooting yourself in the foot 2

Lei Xingying, who was designing the forging blueprints in his pure land, didn't know that his order was misunderstood by his subordinates as a plan to reignite the war.

However, this cannot be blamed on Kamisato Ayato and the others for their random thoughts. In fact, the amount of forging materials she requested was a bit too much.

Well...probably so many people who don't know the specifics of the matter will think that Lei Movies is preparing to arm a new army this time.

One can imagine the amount of material she proposed.

Fortunately, as the latest news came back from Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayaka, the new head of the Shinsan Order, headed by Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Sora, realized that they had made a mistake in this matter.

Their general did not want to start a new round of war. He forged weapons just to complete the deal with Liyue.

But even so, Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Sora are still preparing to meet General Raiden according to their original plan.

Although they were relieved that there wouldn't be another war this time, the problem was that there were so many materials that Inazuma couldn't gather in just a few months.


Castle tower.

Looking at Kujo Sora kneeling on one knee in front of him, General Raiden remained silent. After a while, Raiden, who was designing weapons blueprints in Isshin Pure Land, received the news.

Get up, San Luo!

After descending from Isshin Pure Land to General Raiden, Raiden opened his eyes and asked Kujo Sora to get up first.


After receiving the order, Kujo Sora stood up with a respectful expression.

After the other party stood up, Lei Movie finally asked:

Tell me, why are you requesting to see me this time?

Yes, General!

Hearing Raikage's words, Kujo Sora did not dare to neglect, and quickly told the other party everything she had discussed with Kamisato Ayato.

After she finished speaking, she cautiously said:

Since the amount of materials that need to be collected is too large and the time is somewhat tight, General, please allow us a little longer.


As soon as Kujo Sora finished speaking, she felt that the air pressure in the entire castle tower instantly dropped a lot.

The entire air became extremely thick, making it difficult to breathe.


Kujo Sora, who felt something bad, was about to open her mouth to make amends, but under the huge pressure, she couldn't even speak at all, and even her consciousness gradually became blurred under the pressure.

Obviously, Kujo Sora's words made Raikage dissatisfied, causing him to subconsciously burst out with the pressure of the devil.

I don't know how long it took, but just when Kujo Sanra felt that he was about to lose his mind and faint, Raikage slowly took back his pressure.


Kujo Sora was let go and gasped for air. Her consciousness, which had been almost blurred, slowly recovered. Only then did she realize that all her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Is this the true pressure of the General as a demon?

Feeling the terrifying aura that suddenly came and suppressed her to the verge of collapse, Kujo Sora couldn't help but feel lingering fears while gasping for air.

All Inazuma people know that General Raiden is supreme, and his [Wu Xiang's Sword] symbolizes the ultimate limit of Inazuma's martial arts.

But in the past five hundred years, since the General rarely took action personally, all the Inazuma people only knew that the General was very powerful but had no real concept.

It wasn't until just now that Kujo Sanra had personally experienced a glimpse of Raikage's terrifying ability to carve out a way to become a god from the war between demons and gods.

It was obvious that the General just subconsciously exuded a ray of pressure, but she almost lost consciousness under this pressure.

Kujo Sora, who had recovered from his heart palpitations, was not afraid. On the contrary, his belief in thunder movies became more and more fanatical.

Because this is the supreme Lord Gosho in her mind!

Well... I can only say that this crow is a little too loyal.

Shen Luo, do you know what you are talking about?

Looking at Kujo Sora who was gradually calming down, Raikage looked at him with an indifferent expression, and his tone was a bit more sharp.

These materials are related to whether her sister can reappear in the world, and she does not allow anyone to dare to interfere with this matter.

I only give you one chance to explain!

If Raikage hadn't known that Kujou Suoruo was extremely loyal to her, she would have let him die under her pressure as soon as the other party's words were spoken, instead of giving him a chance to explain now.

General, please forgive me. San Fengxing will never dare to delay or slack off in this matter. He is really suffering from limited abilities. I hope you will forgive me, General!

Faced with the opportunity for explanation given by Raikage, Kujo Sora quickly knelt down on one knee and begged the other party for forgiveness.

Looking at Kujo Sora in front of him, who lowered his head and begged for forgiveness, Raikage's angry mood slowly faded away, and he pondered for a moment before speaking to break the silence in the castle tower.

Suluo, are you saying that today's rice wife can't even come up with this little material?

It's my subordinates who are incompetent!

Hearing this, Kujo Sanluo lowered his head and could only apologize.

How can this be?

Looking at Kujo Sanra who was pleading guilty in front of him, Lei Shiqing's brows were furrowed, and his handsome and heroic face was covered with dark clouds.

There are indeed a lot of materials required to forge an artifact, and twenty is a relatively huge number.

But Rice Wife is a country after all, so how could it not be able to produce even this bit of information?

Could it be that today's rice wife is really at the end of her rope?

Thinking of this, Lei Qianqing's face became even more ugly.

Because if what Kujo Sora said is true, it means that the country-locking order and the eye-hunting order he issued at the beginning brought almost devastating damage to Inazuma.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but cast her gaze on Kujo Sora who was kneeling on one knee:

Siuluo, do you have any conclusive evidence in your hand?

Your Majesty General, there are some!

Kujo Sora immediately pulled out the materials that Ayato Kamisato had prepared from his God's Eye space, and then raised them above his head with both hands.

Seeing this, Lei Shiqing paced up to Kujo Sura, stretched out his hand to take the materials and documents from the other party's hand, and looked through them carefully.

The entire castle tower fell into silence again, with only the sound of rustling pages turning.

Mikage Furnace was suspended for half a year during the national lockdown?

Looking at the records on the materials jointly compiled by San Fengxing, Lei Movie felt extremely dazzling.

She wanted to be angry, but found that in the final analysis, this matter had to be blamed on herself.

It is precisely because of the national lockdown order and the eye hunting order that he issued that not only caused devastating damage to Inazuma's economic environment, but also the war has never stopped for more than a year.

Large stocks of jade steel and other materials are used in the army.

Home # Asking for leave Yiran|

Chapter 883 Computer Popularization Conference, which

Lei Qingqing was depressed to find that there was no war in Inazuma before the national lockdown, and the weapons forged from jade steel produced by Mikage Luxin were basically exported to the other six countries.

It can be said that arms exports can be regarded as a pillar industry of Inazuma.

With the issuance of the national lockdown order, not only did the export channels for weapons disappear, but Haiji Island also started to rise up, which resulted in the weapons produced by Mikage Lushin being basically used to equip the army of Tianling.

Therefore, the ore materials that can be saved in the entire Inazuma City warehouse are quite scarce.

Thinking that Inazuma's current situation was all caused by the country-locking order he issued, Lei Xingqing could only sigh deeply.

Shenluo, how long will it take from now on to save the amount of materials I need?

Return to the general, at least two years.

Kujo Sora did not dare to neglect, and quickly told the time she got after discussing with Kamisato Ayato.

so long?

After hearing Kujo Sora say that it would take two years to collect the amount of materials she needed, Raikage immediately frowned, confusion written all over his face.

Now that the national lockdown order has been lifted, Haiji Island has also ceased operations.

Now that Inazuma has returned to her usual calm, why does it still take so long to gather the materials?

Your Majesty General, please...

Seeing that Raikage didn't seem very satisfied with her answer, Kujo Sora quickly lowered her head and carefully stated her reasons.

The two years given by her and Kamisato Ayato are actually well-founded.

First of all, due to the national lockdown order, Inazuma's national strength dropped significantly, and the ore materials originally in stock were used to forge weapons and equipment for the army.

Today, the remaining materials in Inazuma's warehouse are almost at the bottom.

In addition, due to Inazuma's special geographical location, the island's ore reserves are not abundant.

A large amount of ore used to forge jade steel is purchased from Liyue and other places.

Although the national lockdown order has been abolished, it is estimated that those businessmen who have fled from abroad will not dare to come to Daozhu to do business in the short term.

Local ore reserves are scarce and the external ore supply chain is broken.

Under the dual effects, Inazuma simply couldn't produce the amount of material that Ray's movie was tied to.

Is that so...

After hearing about Kujo Sora and San Fengxing's current predicament, Raikage had no choice but to sigh.

She had been meditating in the Pure Land since five hundred years ago and rarely left. Her understanding of Inazuma was naturally not as detailed as that of Kujo Sora and the others.

Since San Fengxing agreed that it would take at least two years to collect the materials needed for Qilei's movie, then the order she had given before was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Lei Qianqing slowly said:

Two years is too long. I hope that with the help of San Feng Xing and more efforts, the materials can be collected as soon as possible.

Yes, General!

Kujo Sora could only choose to accept the request made by Rai Movie.

Although the new directive extends the time limit by more than half a year than the original one, the time is still quite tight.

So after leaving the castle tower, she went straight to Kamisato Yashiki and planned to discuss with Kamisato Ayato how to complete the mission assigned by the shogun.


Just when Daozhu was busy because of Lei Movie's orders, there were also great changes in Guilicheng.

With the introduction of the Internet and the launch of functional software such as chat, after a period of adaptation, most people who have purchased desktop computers have given these functions a very high evaluation.

The content on the Internet has also begun to gradually transform from official output to user input.

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