Regarding the fact that Rice Wife has not been able to obtain improved seeds for a long time in late winter, it is extremely normal that Rice Wife can quickly obtain improved seeds but cannot get them in late winter.

Who made them make the wrong choice before winter, causing the diplomatic relations between the two countries to fall to freezing point!

Yes, how could I forget this!

Adjutant Anna had just finished speaking, and Columbia on the side realized with hindsight how she had forgotten this matter.

Compared with Dao Wife, the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue is indeed not that good.

Even the reason why she came to Liyue to serve as Zhidong diplomat this time was because she wanted to repair the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

...I was negligent!

After understanding the 'root' of the matter, Columbia suddenly felt a headache.

With the goods, she now understood why Dao's Wife was able to obtain the fine seeds produced in Liyue in a short period of time, but how to solve this matter became a difficult problem in front of her.

The climate is always low in winter. Although the land surface is quite large, the cultivated land area is actually not very large.

Therefore, I naturally don’t want to miss out on the improved varieties that can produce hundreds of kilograms per mu in winter.

The problem is that even if she is trying to repair the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue, she may not see any results in a short time.

How to get good seeds as soon as possible under this situation?

After thinking for a long time but still unable to come up with a solution, Columbia raised her head and focused her eyes on her adjutant Anna:

Is there any way for Zhidong to get good seeds as soon as possible, Anna?


Hearing her boss's inquiry, Anna was speechless for a moment.

Repairing the diplomacy between the two countries is a relatively long process. It is really difficult for Zhidong to get good seeds immediately like Inazuma.

Unable to think of a solution, she could only tell her boss her opinion.

Does that mean we can't get the better seeds at the moment?

I'm afraid so.

...Inform Harlequin about this and let him figure it out.

Seeing her adjutant looking at her with a troubled expression, Columbia also knew that the other party really couldn't think of any good solution.

But improving seeds is a matter of livelihood in winter, so the sooner you can get the seeds, the better.

After pondering for a moment, she decided to leave this difficult matter to Piero.

Yes, Lord Columbia!

After hearing the girl's instructions, Anna quickly responded, and even the expression on her face became much more relaxed.

Soon, the news about the improved seeds traveled across the ocean and reached the hands of Piero the Harlequin.

However, like Colombia, the other party has no good solution.

After all, Liyue is developing very rapidly nowadays, and all walks of life are also developing quite balancedly, with almost no shortcomings.

In the winter, even if you want to find a place, you can't find it.

In desperation, the clown Piero could only ask Pantalone to urgently withdraw a large amount of funds from the Northland Bank and send someone to transport it to Liyue.

There is no other way. Since we can't find a good solution, we can only rely on the stupidest way to throw money at it.

The relationship between the two countries is indeed not good, so they can just accept it at a price higher than the market price.

Even if Liyue doesn't want to, she won't have trouble with money, right?


Just when Zhidong decided to spend a lot of money to obtain improved seeds from Liyue, Daoqi also had some problems.

Sangogyo, who was originally trying his best to restore the entire Inazuma environment, also received an order from the castle tower to collect various precious materials as soon as possible. At the same time, the jade steel for the Mikage furnace heart must be put back into mass production.

As soon as the news came out, San Fengxing suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Kamisato Yashiki.

Master Shenli, I wonder what you want from me?

Looking at Kamisato Ayato sitting in front of him, Kujo Sora looked confused.

Originally, she was leading people to eliminate the nomads and sea monsters in various places, but she received a message from Kamisato Ayato asking her to come to Kamisato Yashiki.

Due to the crimes committed by the former head of the Kujo family, Kujo Takayuki, the current status of the Kujo family has been greatly reduced. Naturally, Kujo Sora attaches great importance to the invitation of Kamisato Ayato, who has gradually led the Kamisato family to the top of the Sangoyo family.

After all, the Kujo family really can't make any more minor mistakes now. Once they make a mistake, the Kujo family may fall from the position of Tianling.

Miss Kujo, I must have received the order from the castle tower that Tian Ling followed, right?

Facing Kujo Sora's inquiry, Kamisato Ayato stretched out his hands to pick up the teacup in front of him and took a slow sip. Then he put down the teacup in his hand and then said in a leisurely manner that he invited her over today. s reason.

Are you talking about the General's order to collect materials?


Kamisato Ayato nodded, then picked up the document from the table and handed it to the other party.

Let's see, this is the amount of materials required by the General.

Why so many?

After taking the document and just glancing at it, Kujo Sora's forehead wrinkled instantly.

The number of them here is already a bit incredible.

Not to mention those extremely precious materials, the jade steel alone would require nearly two to three years of Mikage Furnace Heart's output.

Quantity is not a problem. It's not impossible to get it all together slowly.

Hearing this, Ayato Kamisato sighed heavily.

The problem is time. The General asked us to get it together in a few months.

Na, drop eight hundred and eighty one, the rice wife who can’t stand the tossing 4

How many months to get all the materials together?

Hearing this, Kujo Sora's face also became a little solemn.

Jade steel is a material used to forge weapons, and the other precious materials on the document are no exception.

As for why the General suddenly needs so much forging materials so urgently?

Is it possible that the General is preparing to use a large army against Kaiji Island?

After thinking about it, Kujo Sora felt that perhaps this was the only reason that could explain why the General would suddenly issue such an urgent order.

After all, Haiji Island had just revolted before. Although the two sides were currently in a state of peace talks because of the traveler's relationship, this was only a last resort choice made by Tian Ling due to his unjust principles.

Who made this war started privately by Kujo Takayuki?

However, the problem is that Inazuma's real master is the shogun. Even though Kaijijima was justified and forced to fight back, he actually fought back.

To be honest, it can be regarded as disobedience to the general.

So in Kujo Sora's opinion, maybe Kaijijima's resistance made the shogun think that Kaijijima needed to be beaten, so he decided to lead his army on an expedition?

If this is the case, could these forging materials be war materials prepared for this war?

General Kujo's speculation is not unreasonable.

After listening to Kujo Sora's guess, Kamisato Ayato also felt that the other person's guess seemed reasonable.

Because only in this way can we explain why the General is so urgently in need of a large amount of forging materials.

Does the head of the Shenli family agree with my opinion?

Seeing that Kamisato Ayato seemed to think her opinion was justified, Kujo Sora immediately thought about the Rai movie:

In this case, we ministers must share the worries of the General. I wonder if the master of the Kamisato family can complete the orders of the General on time?


I can complete a ghost!

Under the smiling appearance of Kamisato Ayato, he was almost going crazy.

Although he knows that Kujo Sora is loyal to the General, are you a little too loyal?

There are so many materials on the list that need to be collected within a few months. Do you really want to consider the difficulty?

And according to the calculations by him and the staff of the Kamisato family, these materials are enough to arm a high-combat team armed to the teeth.

Kamisato Ayato believed that Kujo Sora's speculation was reasonable.

What is the army used for?

That is naturally used for fighting.

Who else in Inazuma can be the target of this army now?

After thinking about it, there was only one place that Inazuma might become a target, and that was Haiji Island, which had just signed a peace treaty with Tian Ling.

He even thought of an excuse.

Kaiji Island openly rebelled during the Seclusion Order and Eye Hunting Order, and even took in a large number of wanted criminals who escaped from Narukami Island.

Such a place that shakes the national system naturally endangers Inazuma's territorial integrity, so it is only normal for General Raiden to prepare to attack Kaiji Island.

Thinking of this, Ayato Kamisato, who had always been calm and rational, wanted to curse.

He and the other two leaders finally managed to stabilize the situation in Inazuma, but now the general is planning to reignite the war.

Doing this is simply kicking the rice wife who has just survived into the quagmire with no bottom.

General Kujo, Inazuma cannot continue fighting.

After much consideration, Kamisato Ayato finally decided to show off the situation that Inazuma was facing now to the opponent.

The national lockdown and eye hunting orders have caused irreparable damage to the country's environmental system, and the rice wife is now in a fragile balance.

If we continue to choose to use the military, the entire market will collapse.


After hearing Ayato Kamisato's explanation, Kujo Sora couldn't help but frown.

Although she was adopted by the Kujo family, one of the three clans, since she was a child, she is not the kind of playboy who doesn't know the sufferings of the world.

On the contrary, because of his years of experience in the army, Kujo Sora actually had a very clear idea of ​​the soldiers' private views on Inazuma.

Therefore, she also knew that the 'vulnerable' rice wife should focus on resuming production and should not use weapons anymore.

It's just that collecting various forging materials is an order from the General.

In Kujo Sora's view, the General's order is Inazuma's highest will.

She didn't want to see the country in turmoil, but she also wanted to complete the orders given by the General.

After thinking about it, Kujo Sora could only put his hopeful eyes on Kamisato Ayato.

As a person who can stabilize the extremely weak Kamisato family and gradually climb to the top of the three professions, there is no doubt about the other party's wisdom and skill:

Master Kamisato, can you fulfill the Shogun's orders while ensuring that the country is not in turmoil?

You really think highly of me, General Kujo!

After hearing Kujo Sora's plan, the expression on Kamisato Ayato's face turned into a bitter smile.

He is only a human being, not a god. Stabilizing the rice wife market that has been in chaos for nearly two years has taken a lot of thought on his part.

Now that he had to stabilize the market and produce enough supplies in a short period of time to complete the orders given by the shogun, Ayato Kamisato thought it would be better to simply kill him.

This is simply not something humans can accomplish, okay!

General Kujo, if the time can be extended to two or three years, I will be sure to get the supplies together. A few months is really too short.

Is there really nothing you can do?

Really not!

Kamisato Ayato spread his hands in front of Kujo Sora without hesitation, showing a helpless posture.

He didn't care about his face in front of Kujo Sora. If this order issued by the general was carried out, it would really bring down the Kamisato family completely.

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