Forums, chat groups, etc. have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Guili City and Liyue Port have also completed cross-distance barrier-free connectivity for the first time. Today, Liyue truly has the shadow of an information-based country.

Even the daily meetings of Qixing used the multi-person video conferencing function in the chat software.

Hanxiao, can the production of desktop computers be increased a little more?

Ningguang on the Qunyu Pavilion looked at the real-time video of Han Xiao and others on the desktop computer, and slowly spoke into the microphone.

Want to improve?

Returning to Han Xiao's residence in Licheng, Han Xiao in the study was quite embarrassed after hearing Ning Guang's request.

Currently, the production lines here in Mingyun Town are running day and night, and the output really cannot be increased.

What do you think about opening up another production line?

After hearing Han Xiao's answer, Yao Guangxing, who participated in the meeting, gave his own suggestions.

Since one production line is saturated, just open up another one.

I agree with Yao Guangxing's idea!

Regarding Yao Guangxing's suggestion, Ke Qing, who was in the office of the General Affairs Department, also agreed.

The Internet is developing very rapidly among the people, and its reputation is also very good. I think we can vigorously promote the popularization of the Internet, instead of slowly spreading like it is now.


Hearing what Keqing said, Kaiyangxing looked at the other person in the video in surprise.

What does Yuhengxing mean?

It's very simple. Increase the ownership rate of desktop computers among Liyue residents and strive to have one for every household!


As soon as Ke Qing's words came out, Han Xiao subconsciously grinned, and the look in her eyes at Ke Qing in the video became extremely complicated.

Do you know how huge the number is by doing this?

After several years of development, Liyue's population is now close to 10 million. Even if Keqing's plan is to have one per family, it would still require two to three million desktop computers.

Millions of units, this will be produced until the Year of the Monkey!

I have a suggestion.

Before Ke Qing could speak, Tianxuan suddenly spoke and took up the topic.

Except for the weapons production line, other official production lines can be temporarily suspended and concentrated on the production of desktop computers.

As for daily necessities, private production lines are enough to cope with the current environment. What do you think?

It's okay, it's okay...

After listening to Tianxuan's suggestion, Han Xiao first nodded and agreed with the other person's idea, but then he raised a more important question.

“What about the costs beyond that?”

You have to know that the cost of a desktop computer is not low. The cost of two to three million units adds up to an astronomical figure.

As soon as these words came out, several Seven Stars in the meeting frowned.

Yes, they only saw the benefits of desktop computers, but how could they ignore the price issue.

A desktop computer would cost at least over 100,000 Morads even if Hanxiao calculated it based on cost price.

Even if one unit costs 150,000 molas, two million units would require 300 billion molas.

It seems that the only thing standing in front of us now is money.

After a little calculation in his heart, Ningguang's brows furrowed and he was troubled.

She found herself stumped by Maura's question for the first time since her fortune.

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