Regarding Yae Kamiko's inquiry, Kamisato Ayaka did not answer the other party, but expressed her attitude with practical actions.

Although it is also a difficult problem for She Fengxing to collect the forging materials for twenty artifacts, he agrees first anyway.

This is what the General needs most at the moment. If the Imperial Palace can be satisfied, the society can stand firmer.


The next day.

Are you saying that Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka have left Guili City?

Han Xiao, who was at home thinking about how to arrange a resurrection ceremony in Daozhu, put down the pen in his hand and looked at Xingqiu with a surprised look on his face, who came to report to him.

Yes, I left overnight.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xingqiu nodded slightly confused.

He was also planning to continue negotiating the transaction process with Kamisato Ayaka today regarding the fine seeds, but the other party dropped a letter and prepared to set off from Liyue Port back to Daozhime.

The only thing left in the letter was that 'Daozhu's side will not send people to Liyue to receive good seeds in the future'.

That's it. Let's talk about the fine seeds after Dao's wife comes.


Xingqiu nodded, and then he put down his posture and sat down on the sofa. His whole temperament returned to the gentle and bookish atmosphere of the past.

Hanxiao, is it true that you said in the group that Daozhu would pay twenty artifacts as a reward for the transaction?

Of course it's true. After the contract is signed, how can I still lie to you?

Han Xiao looked at her child in surprise, as if she didn't understand why the other party would ask such a strange question. He was not the kind of person who liked to brag.

It's not a question of whether to lie or not...

Xingqiu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, not knowing how to explain to Han Xiao.

In the end, he had to give up the idea of ​​looking for excuses and directly raised his doubts to his family.

Forget it, I'll make it clear.

Actually, I'm just curious about what kind of agreement you and Yae Shenzi reached in order to make the other party willingly pay twenty artifacts as reward?

As I said before, twenty artifacts are not a big deal.

So Xingqiu was naturally interested in the deal that he was willing to take out twenty artifacts to do business with Han Xiao.

Even though he still doesn't know the specific content of Han Xiao's deal with Yae Shenzi, it's definitely not simple to think about.

I wonder if you could reveal some of the details of the deal?

Is this something you want to ask yourself, or do Ningguang and the others want to ask?

Han Xiao did not reject Xingqiu's request immediately. Instead, she folded her hands on her chest and asked with a smile on her face.


Xingqiu told the truth without hesitation.

Ever since Han Xiao told the group that the reward for the deal between him and Daozhi was twenty artifacts, most people in the group were curious about the specific content of the deal.

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Chapter 879: An unhappy Columbia

The main reason why Ningguang and others were curious was because the counterparty of Han Xiao's transaction this time turned out to be the ruler of the rice wife.

Even for this deal, Inazuma's side specially sent Yaegomiyaji from Narukami Taisha Shrine to travel thousands of miles by boat to Liyue specifically to discuss the deal with Han Xiao.

In other words, in this transaction, Inazuma Raijin, who is obviously one of the seven rulers, is actually the one in demand, while Han Xiao is the one who takes the initiative.

After coming to this conclusion, the entire chat group seemed a little excited.

Regarding the situation of Daozhu's thunder god, Ning Guang and the others in Liyue were not particularly clear about it. Even Gan Yu had only seen thunder movies a few times when he was a waiter at the gathering of seven gods.

However, considering that the God of Thunder and the Emperor are both rulers of the Seventh World, there is no doubt that their abilities are strong.

However, it was this kind of powerful being who came to Han Xiao specifically to seek a deal, and even chose to agree to the high price of twenty artifacts.

How could this not arouse the curiosity of Ning Guang and the others?

So after everyone's discussion, everyone decided to let Xingqiu do the interview. Maybe Hanxiao wouldn't hide this matter!

In this regard, Zhongli, who probably guessed why Lei Movies sent Yae Shenzi to come to discuss the deal, did not intend to remind him. Instead, he watched the 'conspiracy' of several people in the group with great interest.

This thing seems interesting and a good entertainment opportunity.


What is the content of the transaction...

Seeing that Xingqiu and the others wanted to know what he and Lei Qianqian had discussed at the trading center, Han Xiao sighed at first, then put a mysterious smile on his face and said meaningfully:

For the sake of protecting the confidentiality of my customers, I cannot reveal the contents of the transaction at will!

Tsk...can't you really reveal it at all?

It would be okay if it's just a little bit.

To Xingqiu's expectation, Han Xiao did not refuse after hearing his words, but unexpectedly agreed.

Then tell me quickly and see what you can reveal!

Seeing that his faxiao was willing to reveal some information, Xingqiu immediately urged him impatiently, with a curious look on his face.

What I can tell you is that once the deal is completed, Inazuma's national strength is expected to recover from its ruin in a short period of time, and there is a high probability that it will experience explosive growth.

Hey hey hey! Is it true or false?

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Xingqiu was extremely surprised.

After more than a year of continuous devastation by the national lockdown and eye hunting orders, the entire domestic environment is now in a state of decline and dilapidation.

Judging from Inazuma's governance policy in recent years, it is estimated that it will take at least ten years to restore the national strength to what it was before the lockdown.

But what did he hear now?

Han Xiao actually said that as long as the deal between him and Daozu's Mingshen was completed, Daozu's national power would return to the standard of living before the national lockdown in a short period of time.

Not only that, can Inazuma even become stronger next?

Even Prince Yan might not be able to do this kind of thing, right?

Is Han Xiao really capable of this?

Thinking of this, Xingqiu couldn't help but shout and ask his faxiao:

You really didn't lie to me?

As long as the transaction is completed, what I said before may not become a reality. Inazuma's national power and strength may usher in an explosive growth.

No wonder Yae Shenzi and Narukami are so determined to make a deal with you!

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Xingqiu suddenly understood.

If so that makes sense.

Perhaps Inazuma Raishen discovered through deduction that his family had some advanced technology that could help Inazuma quickly restore his national power, so he decisively sent people to find Han Xiao to trade.

He even didn't hesitate to give twenty artifacts as a reward for this.

In that case, why don't you use this technology in Liyue?

Xingqiu, who felt that he understood the content of the transaction, immediately asked with doubts.

If Han Xiao really had such technology, why didn't the other party use it in Liyue instead of selling it to Dao Wife?

Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows in response to the question asked by her friend.

He always felt that Xingqiu was thinking wrongly.

It’s not technology but people that can quickly restore Inazuma’s national power!

After all, Inazuma's national power has basically been at a standstill in the past five hundred years. In the final analysis, Raiden Movie actually spent most of his time eating off the legacy left by his sister Raiden Shin.

When the deal is completed, it is not impossible for Raiden to return to the world and develop Inazuma again with the governance skills of the first generation of Raijin.

Sensing that Xingqiu might have gone astray, Han Xiao quickly explained:

I would like to have technology that can quickly restore national strength, but the problem is that I don't have such technology.

Otherwise, how could I not take it out and use it on Liyue!

“If it’s not technology, then what is it?”

It will be kept secret for the time being. You may understand the truth after the transaction is completed.

Really, then I'll wait and see!


What did you say?

Liyue Port·Beiguo Bank.

After listening to the information that her adjutant Anna had collected in recent days, the girl Columbia frowned and spoke much louder.

Dao Wife and Guilicheng have reached a deal on improved seeds, and Dao Wife is ready to return home with the first batch of seeds?

Yes, Lord Columbia.

Seeing the frowning expression on his boss's face, Adjutant Anna took out a piece of paper recording the latest information sent back from Guili City by the Fools' intelligence officers, and then read it aloud in a serious tone:

According to the feedback from our intelligence personnel who finally broke into Guili City in Zhidong, the envoys from Daoqi's side decisively chose to retreat after meeting Yu Tianshuxing Hanxiao and not go around causing trouble.

Furthermore, Yae Kamiko, the palace minister of Inazuma Narukami Taisha Shrine, took Kamisato Ayaka into Kuixing Tower. It took about three hours before the two of them walked out of the building and went straight to Liyue Port.

No accident, they should have signed a contract with Han Xiao.

This is really surprising and angry news!

After listening to the adjutant's report, Columbia was quite unhappy and took out a handmade doll with a face that was 70% similar to Han Xiao's. She clenched her other small hand into a fist and hit the doll's face hard.

The idea of ​​trading high-quality seeds was obviously the one she first proposed to Ning Guang.

But it turns out that Zhidong, who proposed the idea first, is still stuck in the transaction negotiations and has not yet obtained the seeds. On the contrary, Inazuma, a latecomer, got the high-quality seeds that Zhidong wanted in less than a day after negotiations.

Even Columbia, who didn't particularly care about these matters, couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

2 Beidi 880 pieces are difficult to collect!

Ana, send someone to notify Liyue Tianquan!

Columbia, who came back to her senses, had no time to get angry and immediately gave instructions to her adjutant:

Please explain to her why Dao Wife was able to get Liyue's fine seeds in a short period of time, but we have been in negotiations with Zhidong!

Uh...Lord Columbia.

Hearing that Columbia wanted to send someone to go directly to Liyue Tianquan to ask for an explanation, Anna, as the adjutant, did not agree immediately. Instead, she showed a troubled look.

I think even if we send people to find Tianquan Star Ningguang, we probably won't be able to find an explanation.

what do you mean?

Columbia frowned for a moment and looked at her adjutant with some confusion.

What, are they still not as good as a rice wife whose vitality has been severely damaged due to the lockdown?

Lord Columbia, have you forgotten that our relationship with Zhidong and Liyue is not very good!

Seeing that Columbia didn't seem to have thought of this at all, the adjutant Anna looked dumbfounded.

Although she knew that her boss didn't pay attention to certain things and thus was very forgetful, she did not forget it.

Ever since the lady and the young master made a big fuss in Liyue Port, the diplomatic relations between Liyue and Zhidong have never been better, and were even on the verge of severing diplomatic relations.

That is to say, Zhidong has now changed its strategy towards Liyue, and the two countries have barely resumed normal exchanges.

But if we really talk about it, the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue is not comparable to the relationship between Liyue and Dao Wife.

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