Lord Hanxiao, the Eightfold Palace Secretary is here to visit!

Invite her in!

As Xu Wan finished speaking, Han Xiao's voice rang out in the office.

After hearing Han Xiao's instructions, Xu Wan reached out and pushed open the office door, then turned sideways to get out of the way and said to Yae Shenzi:

Lord Hanxiao is inside, please come in, Lord Eighth Palace Secretary!

Thank you.

Yae Shenzi first nodded and thanked his secretary Xu Wan, and then slowly walked into the office.

As soon as she entered the office, she saw Han Xiao standing in front of the window looking down at Guili City.

Han Xiao, who heard the footsteps, turned around immediately and saw Yae Shenzi walking into the office.

Wow...it's really pretty!

When he saw Tan Fox in person for the first time in real life, Han Xiao couldn't help but have a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Although he knew in the game that the other party was indeed good-looking, he didn't expect that he was many times more beautiful in real life.

It should be said that he is worthy of the legendary vixen (fog).

Chapter 870 Conversation with Yae Shenzi

Yae Shenzi appeared in front of Han Xiao wearing the classic red and white armpit-baring miko costume from the previous game. The huge golden accessories on her chest made her towering slime extremely eye-catching.

The ends of her long pink hair were tied together, and a similarly flattering scenery headdress was worn on the back of her head.

The lower body of the miko skirt is carefully tailored, highlighting her long, delicate and white legs.

If he were asked to describe the first impression of Yae Shenzi, perhaps the adjective pure and lustful in his previous life would be the most appropriate.

Fortunately, he met many beauties after traveling to Teyvat. Han Xiao quickly returned to normal and looked at the other party with a business-like smile:

We finally meet in reality, Miss Yae!

Although this is the first time we have met in real life, we have communicated from a distance before. I think we should be friends, right?

It's natural.

He didn't quite understand the purpose of Yae Shenzi's sudden mention of this matter, but Han Xiao still nodded along with the other party's intention, which was regarded as acknowledging the relationship between the two.

Since we are friends, adding Miss after the name is a bit too unfamiliar. Brother Hanxiao, just call me Shenzi.


Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Good guy, did the other party start playing the emotional card as soon as they met to lay the foundation for future negotiations and transactions?

Although he has never been to Daozhu in this life and does not know the specific customs of Daozhu, he thinks it should be similar to some of the customs in Neon in his previous life.

As early as when Han Xiao was an ordinary person in her previous life, she had learned about some neon interpersonal customs because of anime.

In Neon, calling a person by his or her name can only be done by very close friends.

Since the prototype of Rice Wife is neon in the previous life, I think this custom should be similar.

Even Han Xiao would not believe that there was nothing wrong with Yae Shenzi asking him to call the other party by his first name when they met in real life for the first time.

Thinking about it, this was probably a little trick Yae Kamiko used to close the distance between the two.

The etiquette cannot be revoked, Miss Yae!

After understanding what Yae Shenzi was paying attention to, Han Xiao gave a reluctant explanation in a serious manner.

Liyue is a country of great etiquette, and Miss Yae came here because of official business between the two countries. How can the two be confused?


This thought is powerful enough!

Hearing that Han Xiao rejected him on the grounds that the two were discussing national affairs and could not mix personal emotions, Yae Shenzi lowered his eyes to cover up his fleeting dark light.

Sure enough, it is not easy for someone who can climb from a white body to the Seven Stars of Liyue and build Guili City at a young age.

The little trick he used to bring the two of them closer was easily fooled by the other party, and the reason he used was very convincing.

Seeing that his 'cautious plan' failed, Yae Shenzi was not annoyed. Instead, he first pulled a chair and sat down in front of the desk. At the same time, he looked at Han Xiao who was sitting opposite him with a smile:

What Mr. Han Xiao said is true. In this case, I won't beat around the bush. I wonder if you can give me an accurate answer for what happened last time?

What happened last time?

It seems that Mr. Hanxiao is a noble man and forgets things a lot!

Seeing Han Xiao who deliberately chose to act stupid, the corners of Yae Shenzi's eyes twitched slightly, and his words became a little sharper.

She could finally see that the other party had tried to avoid her from the beginning until now, and made it clear that he did not want to mention the original transaction.

Yae Shenzi didn't want Han Xiao to get over the topic just by pretending to be stupid, so she decisively chose to make it clear to the other party:

I came to Liyue this time on the orders of the Grand Imperial Palace of the Lord Yujianming God, and I specifically asked you, Mr. Hanxiao, about resurrecting Baal, the first thunder god of Rice Wife.

Good guy, is it so direct?

Seeing the Eightfold Divine Son acting so directly, Han Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly and thought there was trouble in her heart.

Judging from the importance that Thunder Movie and Fox Fox paid to the resurrection of Thunderbolt, he might not have to give an explanation today.


Han Xiao, who was constantly thinking about how to word her words, subconsciously put her hand on the desk and tapped her index finger rhythmically on the table to make a sound.

Facing Han Xiao who was deep in thought, Yae Shenzi did not say anything to interrupt his thoughts. Instead, he sat quietly on the chair and waited for the other party's reply.

Miss Yae...

After a long time, Han Xiao woke up from her thoughts and suddenly spoke to break the silence, with an expression of determination on her face.

Obviously after thinking about it, he did not intend to continue to use words to prevaricate the Yae Shenzi, but was ready to point out the pros and cons.

I wonder what you think of the first generation of Thor?

What do you mean?

When Han Xiao suddenly asked her what she thought of Raiden Zhen after thinking for a long time, Yae Shenzi frowned, with a look of confusion on his face.

She really didn't understand the meaning of the other party's question.

Let me tell you!

At this moment, a cold but extremely beautiful female voice suddenly sounded from Yae Shenzi's waist.


Yae Shenzi was startled when he heard the sound, and then quickly took out the small remote communication mirror that he had used to communicate with Han Xiao from his waist.

as expected.

As the mirror opened, Yae Kamiko saw Raikage kneeling on the tatami in the main room of Narukami Taisha Shrine, looking at the mirror seriously. It was obvious that the other party had used magic to listen to the whole process of the two of them without her knowledge. dialogue.

Son of God, leave the rest of the matter to me. I, the younger sister, will naturally explain my sister's matters.


Yae Shenzi nodded, then placed the mirror in front of his desk, and at the same time turned the mirror to point it at Han Xiao.

Looking at the purple-haired beauty sitting upright on the other side of the mirror, and the cold temperament exuding from her body from the inside out, Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows and asked with a serious face:

But the Lord of the Imperial Palace, Mingming God, is in person?

My name is Lei Qianqian, and I have met Mr. Han Xiao!

You and I have equal status. Mr. Hanxiao doesn't need to use the honorific title.

On the other side of the mirror, in the main room of Narukami Taisha Shrine, Raikage folded his hands on the tatami in front of him, then lowered his upper body and bowed in an extremely solemn manner.

Why did the general give such a great gift!

Seeing Lei Qianqian coming up, he gave himself a big salute. Han Xiao quickly got up and returned the ancient Liyue salute to him.

As Mr. Han Xiao said before, etiquette cannot be abolished!

Raikage slowly stood up and knelt on the tatami again, while not forgetting to explain his reasons for doing so.

Mr. Han Xiao has achieved the status of a demon god with his human body. You and I are of equal status, so those who ask for help must naturally position themselves accordingly.

Chapter 871 Conversation between Lei Movie and Han Xiao

For Han Xiao, whom he met for the first time, Lei Movie gave him great respect.

Seeing this, Yae Kamiko couldn't help but secretly lament that her best friend was really risking her life. This was the first time she had seen the other party with such a low attitude.

You must know that Raimoki is the supreme imperial palace of Inazuma, the Supreme Lord of Inazuma, and it is the belief of all Inazuma people.

The only thing that can allow her to treat her equally is the governance of the other six countries.

And because the seven rulers have the same status, Raikage has nothing to ask for help from other rulers, so for thousands of years, she has not bowed to anyone except her sister Raiden Jin.

But what about now?

Yae Shenzi actually saw a scene that she had thought would never appear.

Should I say that my best friend is worthy of being a sister-controller? She didn't hesitate to show a low profile to Han Xiao for her sister's sake.

But after the brief surprise, Yae Kamiko felt that there was nothing wrong with the Rai movie.

First of all, although Han Xiao is only one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, her own status is at the level of a demon god.

It can be said that the other party's status is not weaker than that of his best friend, the God of Thunder.

Secondly and most importantly, they are Liyue who came to ask Han Xiao to use the resurrection method to resurrect the thunder and lightning.

Isn't it normal to maintain a low profile in front of a being of the same personality?

After all, even mortals who entrust others to do things sometimes need to give gifts.

...Oh, I can't bear the general's courtesy.

Seeing Lei Jingqing on the other side of the mirror showing such a grand gift, Han Xiao was silent for a moment before sighing deeply in front of the master and servant Lei Jingqing and Yae Shenzi.

The Great Mercy Tree King can be resurrected because her own problems are not particularly big, so I can resurrect the opponent and help her solve the hidden dangers at the same time. But resurrecting the first-generation Thunder God is different. There are too many constraints on her that make it difficult for me to make up my mind.


Whispering about Han Xiao's worries about resurrecting his sister, Lei Qianqian slowly spit out a name:

Is it because of Istaru?

It seems that the general also knows.

When Lei Movie mentioned this ruler of time whose name was only heard in the game, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with a strange look, and then he nodded seriously.

The Great God of Eternity, the ruler of time, one of the four shadows of the original man Phanes, and the symbol of the holy relic Sands of Time.

The first-generation thunder god Raiden really has an irreconcilable relationship with Istaru, and it is difficult not to make him wonder if there is an unspeakable secret in it.

After all, one thing has been mentioned before, that is, in the Canaanite mythology of Han Xiao's previous life, Baal and Astalu (Istaru) were both husband and wife and brother and sister.

Seeing that the other party admitted that he was unwilling to help because he was not sure about the relationship between Raiden and Istaru, Raikage felt a little anxious.

She clearly had a way to resurrect her sister in front of her, but Han Xiao, who had mastered the method, was still unwilling to use it for her. To be honest, as a warrior, she could no longer suppress her temper.

Just for the sake of his sister, Lei Qianqing had to force himself to suppress the impatience in his heart and stay calm and asked Xiang Hanxiao:

Can you tell me what exactly you are afraid of Istaru?

Hey, General, is it possible that you don't know Istaru's identity?

Hearing Lei Qianqing ask him about Istaru's specific information, Han Xiao looked at the other party in surprise, as if he didn't understand why the other party didn't know the other party's identity information even though he already knew Istaru's name.

Sorry, I only know that my sister and Istaru have a good relationship, but I don't actually know who the other person is.

Lei Qiyue on the other side of the mirror lowered his head in embarrassment, as if he was ashamed that he couldn't answer Han Xiao's question.

In fact, it's not her fault.

When Raiden was still alive, Raiden was a shadow warrior. He was focused on improving his martial arts and never cared about some unofficial secrets.

That is to say, the identity of Demon God Istaru made Lei Movie remember the name of this person who seemed to have a good relationship with her sister. As for other information, she was not interested in knowing.

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