It seems that Istaru is really not that simple?

After explaining why he only knew Istaru's name but not the other party's identity, Lei Movie also confirmed his previous speculation from Han Xiao's attitude towards Istaru.

Istaru, who rarely appeared even during the Demon God War, may have quite a secret.

Otherwise, there is no need for Han Xiao to be afraid of the other party.

After realizing this, Lei Qingqing realized that he didn't seem to fully understand how many secrets his sister knew back then.

I can only say that the one who is called Immortal Wind, the Eternal Great God of White Night Kingdom, etc., and has some relationship with the sky.

Jian Lei Movie didn't know about it, so Han Xiao had to briefly introduce the information about Istaru to him, and vaguely told him that there was an unknown connection between the other party and Sky Island.

Which means that if I want you to resurrect my sister, I must first ensure that the ceremony will not attract Istaru's attention?

Yes, I wonder if the general knows the myth of the creation of the original man?

Han Xiao nodded very simply.

To be honest, he wasn't really worried that the resurrection ceremony might attract Istaru.

After all, ever since he learned the world bubble inversion to give Liyue a safe escape route, Han Xiao's behavior of being tied up due to some reasons in the sky has rarely happened.

Anyway, if the quarrel was unpleasant, the table would probably be overturned. Now Han Xiao had the confidence to overturn the table, but the maintainer in the sky did not.

So if he really wants to resurrect Raiden, he can do it now.

The excuse for launching Istaru was also very simple.

Although Han Xiao now has a trump card that can tip the table, he won't reveal it so early.

Moreover, Liyue has just seized the second excellent opportunity for rapid development, and Han Xiao does not want to attract the attention of the maintainers of heavenly principles at this juncture.

Even if the Maintainer can't kill him, he's still very annoying.

Therefore, Han Xiao did not want to attract the attention of Istaru, who was closely related to the sky, before Liyue's development was completed. Even though he was now capable of solving this problem, he still did not change his mind.

The blood of the giant Pangu turned into rivers, Purusha's body was cut and nourished all living beings in the universe, and Ymir's brain became the sky and sea of ​​clouds. This should be the myth of the original man.

Hearing Han Xiao mention the myth of the creation of the original man, Lei Qianqian also told everything he knew.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Han Xiao in surprise.

You mean Istaru is related to the original people?

Chapter 872: The Original Man and Istaru


Did you find out that Ray Movie knew the creation legend of the original man Phanes but didn’t know the connection between Istaru and him?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but glanced at Lei Movie in the mirror with surprise.

It seems that there is a reason why the other party can stay alone in the Pure Land for five hundred years. She doesn't even know all the information about her sister's friends. This shows that she probably had a temperament before that she didn't pay attention to anything except martial arts and her sister. .

To put it nicely, this is called focusing on one thing without any distractions.

If you don’t say it nicely, it’s just crazy!

Wait, can I ask you a question!

At this moment, Yae Shenzi, who was watching the whole process, finally couldn't help but interrupted the conversation between the two.

Son of God, what do you want to ask?

Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Raikage on the other side of the mirror was the first to ask.

Seeing that Lei Qingqing said what she wanted to ask, Han Xiao swallowed back her words and turned to look at Yae Shenzi to see what the other party's doubts were.

I don't seem to have heard of the creation myth of the original man that you just discussed!

Facing the gazes of Han Xiao and his best friend, Yae Shenzi asked the biggest doubt in his heart quite directly.

That is what they call the creation myth of the original man.

In the past five hundred years, she has been well-read, and has read some rare and unique books, but none of the ancient books contain records of the original people.

So Yae Shenzi wanted to know what this creation legend was all about.

You don't know it's normal, Son of God.

Regarding Yae Kamiko's doubts, Raikage on the other side of the mirror very simply explained the reason why there are currently no classics on the myth of the original being recorded in the Inazuma Castle collection.

Because my sister ordered all the books about the myth of the Original Man to be burned.

Master Zhen? Why is this? Why did Master Zhen order the burning of books recording information about the original people?

Hearing this, the Eightfold Divine Son was immediately shocked.

A pair of autumn-like eyes widened, and the whole person looked extremely surprised.

The explanation of Lei's movie was a bit beyond her imagination.

Yae Kamiko couldn't believe that the gentle, considerate, and super-good character in his memory would actually take such drastic measures to destroy knowledge.

In this regard, Han Xiao could only say that the 'filter' applied by this team of masters and servants to the first generation Thor in their impression was too big.

Lei's movie is gentle and has a good personality?

Perhaps this is indeed the case for Raikage and Yaegamiko.

But it would be a joke to say that the other party cannot take strong actions to destroy knowledge.

Although Raiden is really a relatively low one among the demon gods in terms of force value, the opponent is the first generation thunder god who has personally experienced the demon god war and won the victory.

This shows that there is more to Raiden than just the tenderness in the eyes of Yae Shenzi and the others.

I didn't lie to you, Son of God.

Seeing Yae Shenzi's look of disbelief, Raikage didn't feel that his sister did anything wrong.

According to my sister's original instructions, the other party believed that the legend of the Original Man was likely to bring disaster to Inazuma, so my sister chose to destroy all the ancient books containing the legend of the Original Man.

After explaining to his best friend, Lei Qianqing sighed with some annoyance.

I wish I had known I wouldn't be so immersed in practicing martial arts before.

The general's words are wrong. If he hadn't put all his thoughts on improving his martial arts, the general's martial arts would not be as perfect as it is now.

Han Xiao didn't feel too sorry that Lei Qianqian missed a lot of information that he should have known because of his obsession with martial arts.

After all, during the Demon God War, Raiden's real force value was not high. If the sister Lei Movie could not guarantee the superiority in force, they would not be one of the seven final winners.

If Lord Shin ever chose to destroy the records of the original people because he was worried that they would bring disaster to Inazuma, then...

After learning from Raikage the reason why Inazuma didn't have any ancient books recording the original people, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but turn his attention to Han Xiao.

Mr. Hanxiao, how do you know about the Original Man?


Hearing Yae Shenzi's question, Lei Jingqing suddenly raised his head and looked at Han Xiao, with a dark light flashing in his eyes.

My best friend was right. I am afraid it was my sister who destroyed the ancient books recording the legend of the Original Man.

Maybe the seven gods have done this operation, otherwise the entire continent of Teyvat would not have only a little record of the original people.


Seeing that the topic was brought to her head by Lei Movie, Han Xiao answered readily.

The reason I know this is because I got it from the Emperor. 1

This is a lie!

Although Zhong Li would not hide many things from Han Xiao, he was not the kind of person who would hide everything.

At least he has never mentioned anything about the original man Phanes.

If Han Xiao hadn't played games in his previous life, how could he possibly know this kind of knowledge that is quite secret even in the Teyvat continent.

Morax? He has told you everything!

Although Han Xiao lied that Zhongli told him everything he knew, Lei Qianqian had no doubts about his explanation.

Maybe the emperor took the initiative to tell me because he was afraid that a junior like me didn't understand certain things.

Seeing that Lei Qianqian believed his explanation, Han Xiao rolled his eyes and instantly made up a good reason for Zhongli.

That's true!

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Lei Movie on the other side of the mirror nodded slightly.

As the oldest among the demon gods, Morax naturally knows a lot.

In addition, Han Xiao is the Seven Stars of Liyue, and he is also the new demon god.

In order to prevent Han Xiao from causing unnecessary trouble due to his arrogant mentality due to his expanded strength, it is understandable that Morax chose to tell the other party this secret knowledge.

After all, this knowledge can be regarded as another kind of Liyue's foundation.

Understanding Han Xiao's 'method' to obtain secret knowledge, Lei Jiaqing looked at him expectantly:

Hanxiao, can you tell me in detail about the original people, and of course the relationship between Istaru and the original people?

The emperor didn't tell me the details. He just told me that Istaru is one of the four shadows created by the original man Phanes.

And her ability is time!

Who are the other three shadows?

Thunder Movie has long known that Istaru has the power of time.

But Han Xiao's news that the other party was one of the four shadows created by the original people immediately made her interested.

Chapter 873 Lei Movie’s Decision

Facing the thunder movie that was full of curiosity for knowledge, Han Xiao did not speak immediately. Instead, he raised his hand and mobilized his power to imitate Zhongli and block all the earth veins near Kuixing Tower.

Seeing this, Raikage seemed to understand the other party's intention, and immediately used his power to surround Narukami Grand Shrine with violent thunder and lightning.

After the two of them finished their protective work, Han Xiao slowly told a story to Lei Shiqiu on the other side of the mirror.

In ancient legends, the original man Phanes fought with the seven terrifying kings and defeated them after more than forty years.

Then Phanes created four glowing shadows of himself.

Hundreds of years later, Phanes and a shadow created birds, animals, and water fish. Together, they also created flowers, plants, and trees. Finally, they created humans.

These four shadows are the four rulers of time, life, death and space, and Istaru is the ruler of time.

Time, life, death and... space!

When he heard Han Xiao finish explaining the meanings of the four rulers, Lei Qianqian's expression changed drastically and he seemed restless.

If the fact that the Teyvat continent had four higher-status rulers in addition to the seven earthly rulers was not enough to impress her, then the attributes represented by the following four rulers completely frightened her.

Because according to Han Xiao, Lei Qianqian had an extremely terrifying idea in his mind.

Five hundred years ago, although she arrived at Kanria at the last stage, she also witnessed the action of the keeper of heavenly principles.

The endless power of purple space became Raikage's nightmare for hundreds of years after she lost her sister Raiden Shin.

The Maintainer of Heavenly Law uses the power of space, while Istaru uses the power of time.

Doesn't that mean that the keeper of heavenly principles is one of the four shadows once created by the original man Phanes?

If this is the case, then shouldn’t the so-called natural law be...

Thinking of this, Lei Qingyue quickly raised his head to look at Han Xiao and asked him pointedly:

Han Xiao, could it be that the one above is...

With that said, Lei Qianqian decisively swallowed back the rest of his words and just pointed to the sky as a gesture.

I don't know exactly whether it is, but the probability is very high.

Got it, now everything makes sense!

Seeing Han Xiao saying that he could not guarantee the accuracy of his statement, Lei Qianqian noticed from the other party's face that the other party was confident in the conclusion he said.

No wonder Han Xiao cares so much about the relationship between Istaru and her sister. The person in the sky is involved behind this.

Let's get down to business!

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