Think about my words carefully and give me an answer when you return to Dao Wife.

Then she opened the door and walked out without looking back.


Just when Yae Shenzi left a meaningful word to Kamisato Ayaka, another conversation took place in Guili City.

At Han Xiao's home, Han Xiao was blocked by Xing Qiu as she was about to go out to hide from the Eightfold Divine Son.

What do I mean by that?

Xingqiu was speechless when he saw Zijia Faxiao who was planning to 'run away'.

You don't want to see the Eightfold Divine Son that much?

Because I knew what she wanted to talk about when she came to me, so I planned to hide.

Han Xiao sighed slightly. If possible, he really didn't want to see the other party.

Han Xiao felt that she was the only one in Liyue who knew the purpose of the eighth level god's visit to Liyue.

The other party made it clear that Raikage, who was taking over Inazuma's place, came to him to resurrect the first-generation Thunder God, Raiden Makoto.

Although he has the experience of resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King, Han Xiao is currently very confident that he can bring the long-dead Thunderbolt Shinya back to the earth.

But he didn't particularly want to take the job.

The reason is very simple, just two aspects.

On the one hand, it is naturally a matter of chips.

If it was at the early stage of the Lockdown Order and the Heart of God was still in the hands of the master-servant pair of Raikage and Yae Shenzi, then he would still be willing to consider it.

After all, the price for resurrecting the Great Merciful Tree King is also the Heart of God.

But the problem is that the Heart of Thunder God has been handed over to the stragglers of the Fools by the Eightfold Divine Son.

Without such a high-value bargaining chip as the Heart of God, Han Xiao was naturally unwilling to do this business at a loss.

On the other hand, Raiden Zhen had some unknown and secret relationships with the time ruler Istaru in his early years, which also made him have reservations about resurrecting the original Thor.

Han Xiao was worried that because of his true act of resurrecting Thunder, Istaru would return from time, which was not what he wanted to see.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that when Han Xiao was chatting with Yae Shenzi last time, she used sky-high prices of chips to try to persuade the other party and the thunder movie behind her, so that they would suspend their attention on the matter.

It's a pity that Han Xiao failed.

Although he overestimated Raiden Shino's influence on Yae Kamiko and Raiden's movies as much as possible, in fact he still underestimated their determination.

For the sake of Raiden Shin, these two people even ignored Inazuma's most important reconstruction project and only wanted to trade with him.

Can't you sit down and have a talk with Yae Kamiko?

Xingqiu, who couldn't tell what was going on in Han Xiao's mind at this moment, frowned and made his own suggestion.

His idea was also very simple. The Eightfold Divine Son was a guest from afar anyway. As Han Xiao was one of the seven stars in Liyue, it was his duty to receive foreign guests.

In the end, his 'old man' was doing well. Not only did he not come forward to receive him, but he even planned to avoid him?

If this spreads out, won't Liyue Qixing be laughed at for not knowing the etiquette of hospitality?

Uh... I'm not the only one in the Seven Stars. Couldn't Ningguang Keqing and the others come forward to receive the Eightfold Divine Son on my behalf!

The problem is that they are specifically looking for you now!

Seeing that Han Xiao wanted to continue to evade, Xingqiu rolled his eyes at him angrily.

No matter what, you have to meet the other person.

Oh... ok!

When Xingqiu used Liyue's face question, Han Xiao could only give up and run away with a sigh.

There is no way, he is still Liyue's Seven Stars, so naturally he cannot let Liyue lose face in front of the other six nations.


The next day.

At dawn, Yae Shenzi took the packed luggage of Kamisato Ayaka and left Liyue Port in the vehicle arranged by Ningguang, heading towards Guili City.

A few hours later, as the sun got closer and closer to the highest point of its daily movement, they finally arrived at the emerging city on Guiliyuan.

This is Guili City?

“It’s really a lively city!”

Getting out of the car and entering the city with Kamisato Ayaka, Yae Kamiko looked around at this busy and somewhat noisy city, with a different kind of light shining in his eyes.

Although she had known from the intelligence a long time ago that Han Xiao was leading people to build a city on Guiliyuan.

But the bustling scene in front of him still made Yae Shenzi somewhat unable to believe that this was a city that had only been built for just three years.

The scene in her eyes now is comparable to that of Inazuma Castle in the past.

Based on this alone, Han Xiao, the new Seven Star, is as good as any of his predecessors in terms of achievements.

Yes, that Tianshu star's skills are really good.

Hearing Yae Shenzi's exclamation, Kamisato Ayaka who was accompanying him couldn't help but echoed the words.

Both inside and outside the words were full of admiration for Han Xiao.

Because she knew very well that she did not have the ability to manipulate things like the other party.

In terms of status, the three pursuits and the seven stars can be roughly equated.

Therefore, what Han Xiao did was equivalent to the fact that the newly succeeded Zeng Xing did not choose to develop in Inazuma City, but instead started anew on Yaoji Island and built a big city that was no less than Inazuma City.

And the time is only three short years.

Even his brother Kamisato Ayato was silent for a long time with the information, and in the end he could only give Han Xiao an evaluation of not like a mortal.

Hey, wait?

Kamisato Ayaka was suddenly stunned. Han Xiao seemed to be really not a mortal as his brother said?

Chapter 869: Reality Meeting

Although Yae Shenzi was amazed by the bustling scene of Guili City, she did not wander around the city much, but went straight to Kuixing Tower under the leadership of Kamisato Ayaka.

Outside the building, I received news that the Qianyan Army soldiers who were standing guard at the city gate had returned. Xingqiu, the secretary-general who returned to Licheng, had been waiting outside Kuixing Tower for a long time.

When he saw the Kamisato Ayaka who came last time walking towards Kuixing Tower with a beautiful pink miko, he went to meet her.

Seeing Xingqiu step forward, Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka stopped in unison.

We meet again, Miss Kamisato!

Walking in front of the two of them, Xingqiu first said hello to Kamisato Ayaka with a smile on his face, and then he looked at Yae Kamiko, who was holding his arms and smiling broadly.

This must be Mr. Yaegomiya of Inazuma Narukami Grand Shrine. I am Xingqiu, the secretary-general of Guili City. Welcome to Liyue!

Brother Xingqiu, you're welcome.

Hearing Xingqiu's words of welcome to the two of them, Yae Shenzi nodded slightly and then moved the topic to business.

This time Linghua and I came to Liyue mainly to introduce high-quality seeds from Guili City. I wonder if the Secretary-General can make the decision on this matter?

An improved variety of rice?

Knowing that Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayaka proposed to buy high-quality seeds as soon as they arrived, Xingqiu nodded thoughtfully, and then stretched out his right hand to make a virtual salute.

This matter is rather complicated to discuss. Please come into the building with me. We will talk slowly later.

Then excuse me!

Immediately, Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka walked into Kuixing Tower under the leadership of Xingqiu.


meeting room.

As soon as the group sat down, Yae Shenzi did not directly ask about the improved seeds, but instead brought the topic to Han Xiao.

Secretary-General Xingqiu, I wonder if Tianshu, one of the seven stars of your country, is in the building?

finally come!

When he heard Yae Shenzi asking about Han Xiao's whereabouts, Xingqiu sighed a little in his heart, and then said:

You said Han Xiao is here!

Strange, the other party didn't hide?

Knowing that Han Xiao was in Kuixing Tower at this time, the Eightfold Divine Son raised his eyebrows and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Before, the other party asked Gan Yu to come forward to 'stop' her. Logically speaking, the other party should not be willing to meet her.

So Yae Shenzi had already prepared to hear the news from Xingqiu that Han Xiao was not in Guili City. However, what she never expected was that the other party did not choose to avoid it.

This is really strange. What was the reason that made the other party change their attention?

But since Han Xiao has not 'disappeared' from the public's sight, Yae Shenzi will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Therefore, she immediately proposed to Xingqiu the idea of ​​meeting Hanxiao.

Secretary-General Xingqiu, Linghua and I came to Liyue this time on orders from Lord Mingshen to make a deal with Tianshu Star in your country. Can the Secretary-General make a recommendation for me?

It turns out that the person who wanted to make a deal with Han Xiao was actually Daozuma's God of Thunder!

Upon hearing Yae Shenzi's request, a flash of understanding flashed through Xingqiu's eyes. He already understood why he didn't want to meet the two people in front of him before he was a child.

As a demon god, General Thunder basically lacks everything, so the deal proposed by the other party must be extremely difficult in terms of difficulty. No wonder Han Xiao wants to avoid the eighth level god son.

If it weren't for Liyue's bad reputation, Xingqiu felt that his previous choice was the right one.

It's a pity that Han Xiao is the Seven Stars of Liyue, and every action represents Liyue. He cannot choose a decision that is not good for Liyue.

Thinking of this, Xingqiu had no choice but to continue according to his preset ideas:

Of course it's no problem. Han Xiao is in the office on the roof right now. I'll take you two up after we finish talking about the thoroughbreds.

That's not necessary.

Yae Kamiko shook his head, raised his right hand and pointed at Kamisato Ayaka sitting next to him and explained to Xingqiu:

As for the purchase of fine seeds, Inazuma has full authority over Ayaka. Secretary General Xingqiu can send someone to negotiate with her.

Then, Yae Shenzi paused, pointed his right hand behind him, and then continued:

As for what I said, the General has your orders. I want to meet with Tianshu Star as soon as possible. What do you think of Secretary Xingqiu's consent?

This...I know.

Seeing that Yae Shenzi had even left the matter of good breeding to Kamisato Ayaka, and he just wanted to see Han Xiao as soon as possible, Xingqiu was silent for a moment before slowly nodding in agreement.

Immediately, he called his secretary Xu Wan on his mobile phone.

Mr. Eighth Palace Secretary, this is Miss Xu Wan, Han Xiao's personal secretary. She will take you to the office on the second floor to meet Han Xiao.

Xu Wan has met Mr. Yagongsi and Miss Kamisato.

Secretary Xu Wan, who was standing next to Xingqiu, first bowed to the Yae Shenzi and the two, and then said the order Han Xiao had given before.

Master Eighth Palace Secretary, please come with me. Master Tianshu Xing has been waiting for you in the office for a long time.


Knowing that he could finally see the Han Xiao who had been remembered by Lei Movie for a long time in reality, Yae Shenzi stood up and prepared to follow him out of the conference room.

While standing up, she did not forget to reach out and pat Kamisato Ayaka on the shoulder to encourage her:

Xiao Ayaka, I will leave it to you to purchase high-quality seeds. Don't let me and the general down!

Ayaka understands.

Secretary-General Xingqiu, please forgive me for taking my leave first!

After saying that, Yae Shenzi followed his secretary Xu Wan out of the conference room and walked towards Han Xiao's office on the top floor of Kuixing Tower.

Not long after, she was led to the top floor by secretary Xu Wan.

Dong dong dong——

Facing the closed office door, secretary Xu Wan raised her hand and knocked three times rhythmically, and then slowly said:

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