She thought this would make her feel that her thousands of years were probably not in vain, and that she couldn't even keep up with the other person's three years of hard work.

Emmm, if Han Xiao knew what Gan Yu was thinking, he would probably laugh out loud.

He's the one who opened the cheat, so isn't it normal to behave in a special way?

Okay, maybe Han Xiao is indeed special in the eyes of the Seven Gods.

After accepting Han Xiao's 'plug-in' performance, Gan Yu recovered his mood for a moment before asking Yae Shenzi his doubts:

But this only proves that his abilities are outstanding. It doesn't seem worthy of attracting the attention of the Seven Gods, right?

The next thing is the secret matter.

In response, Yae Shenzi put a finger in front of his lips and hissed at Gan Yu.

Anyway, let's get down to business. I wonder if Sister Gan Yu can help me contact Han Xiao?

To be honest, Son of God, even if I want to help you, I really don't know where Han Xiao is currently.

Seeing that the other party was talking about business, Gan Yu sighed softly.

He has indeed not appeared in public since he sent me the news. Now I can only confirm that he is still in Guili City, but no one knows where he is specifically.

Guilicheng? I know!

In that case, I won't disturb Sister Gan Yu any more. I have to take Linghua to Guili City.

After learning that Han Xiao had not shown up for several days, but was probably still in Guili City, Yae Shenzi nodded immediately, then thanked Gan Yu and hurriedly left Yuehai Pavilion and headed towards Guili City. Go in the direction where you are.

Looking at the departing figures of Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka, Gan Yu sat back in front of the desktop computer, and then contacted Han Xiao in Qixing's private group.

[Secretary Yuetei]: Sorry Hanxiao, Shenzi saw through my refusal, and now she is taking Shenzato Ayaka towards Guili City.

[Guili City Lord]: Ah, is it so fast?

[Keqing]: Gan Yu, you didn’t stop the other party? This is a bit unlike you!

[Secretary Tsukikaitei]: There is no way, Shenzi is no longer the easy-to-deceive little fox she used to be. She is now the palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, and she has grown up too fast.

[Guili City Lord]: Oh...forget it, if you didn't stop him, then you wouldn't have stopped him. I'm thinking about running away for a while now.

[Tian Quan]: Han Xiao, are you so afraid of meeting that eighth-level godly son?

[Tianquan]: I heard from Gan Yu that you two have never met in real life. Why do you try to avoid each other?

[Keqing]: Is it possible that during the national lockdown period, Hanxiao, you were too ruthless in harvesting private funds from the rice wife, so Yae Shenzi targeted you?

[Guili City Lord]: That's not the case. The problem with Dao's wife is not due to me. I just took the opportunity to make a little money.

[Guili City Lord]: The Yae Shenzi is actually not troublesome. What is troublesome is the person behind her.

[Secretary of Yue Haiting]: Are you saying that General Raiden is targeting you?

[Guili City Lord]: Yes, she is the one who really has her eye on me.

[Tianquan]: Inazuma’s Narukami, you won’t offend him, right?

[Guili City Lord]: No, no, no, where did I get the chance to offend Dao's wife? She did it because... Forget it, in short, all you need to know is that the other party is asking for something from me.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Does a being of the same level as Prince Yan want something from you? Han Xiao, are you really not joking anymore?

[Secretary of Yuehaiting]: Xingqiu, maybe Han Xiao is not joking.

[Keqing]: Oh, what’s the explanation?

[Secretary of Yue Haiting]: Shenzi told me something today. If what the other party said is true, maybe Ina Wife really wants something from Junior Brother Hanxiao.

[Guili City Lord]: Sigh... I have a headache. I'd better find a way to hide from him.

Chapter 867: Kamisato Ayaka’s Inquiry

the other side.

Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayaka, who had left Tsukikai-tei and were about to leave for Kuri Castle, were returning to the ship anchored in the port to pack their luggage.

In the room, Kamisato Ayaka was neatly putting the clothes and daily necessities she needed into the suitcase.

But while she was cleaning up, she was a little absent-mindedly thinking about the secret about Han Xiao that she had heard at Yuehai Pavilion.

To be honest, what Yae Shenzi said not only shocked Gan Yu, but even Kamisato Ayaka was shocked when she heard it.

Because she really didn't expect that Han Xiao, whom she had met before, would rise to the level of a demon god.

Although there may still be some gap between the opponent and the general who is already a demon god in terms of strength, at least the two are on the same level in terms of personality.

This is really amazing news.

Originally, Kamisato Ayaka thought that without the protection of the Rock King, Liyue Society's status among the Seven Kingdoms would be greatly reduced.

After all, in the continent of Teyvat, whether a country has the protection of gods is still very important.

Wasn't Mondstadt's influence among the Seven Kingdoms at the bottom just because the God of Wind rarely appeared before?

Now it seems that her judgment has changed.

Although Han Xiao did not inherit the divine throne, a seven-star demon god level was enough to make the other six nations fear him.

The most important thing is that after learning the news, Ayaka Kamisato also became suspicious of the 'death' of Emperor Ganwang.

If she thought it was the Fools who caused Morax's downfall before, this idea has changed now.

When Liyue has two demon gods, even the fools may not be able to get a good deal.

The water is very deep here!

Dong dong dong——

Just as Kamisato Ayaka was speculating on various possibilities in her mind, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and then the voice of Yae Kamiko came from outside the door.

Ayaka, can I come in?

Lord Palace Secretary?

Kamisato Ayaka stopped packing her luggage, then quickly walked to the door and opened it. As the door was opened, the figure of Yae Kamiko also appeared in her field of vision.

Hey, haven't you finished packing your luggage?

Seeing Kamisato Ayaka opening the door, Yae Kamiko immediately smiled and made a joke at him.

There are a lot of things to make you laugh!

Kamisato Ayaka turned sideways and let Yae Kamiko in, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

She rarely traveled far, and her brother bought her a lot of things for her convenience.

It's normal. After all, you came out without any guards this time.

Regarding Kamisato Ayaka's shyness, Yae Kamiko thought it was normal. She was originally the eldest lady of Inazuma's three major shrines, and it was understandable that she didn't have much travel experience.

He stretched out his hand to pull a chair in the room and sat down. Only then did Yae Kamiko look at Kamisato Ayaka standing in front of him:

Xiao Linghua, do you want to ask me anything about my conversation with sister Gan Yu?

Actually, there is.

Kamisato Ayaka was a little surprised and looked at Yae Kamiko. After realizing that he didn't seem to be joking, she mustered up the courage and nodded.

Master Palace Secretary, is Liyue's Tianshu Xing Hanxiao really a demon?

According to our Lord General, the opponent is indeed a demon in terms of status, but...

As he said this, Yae Shenzi suddenly paused and changed his tone.

Actually, it's a bit inaccurate to call him a demon god. Perhaps it's more appropriate to call him the original god.

Original God?

Yes, all owners of the Eye of God in the Teyvat continent have the qualifications to become the original gods, but for thousands of years, only Vanessa, the first leader of Mondstadt, has successfully landed on Sky Island.

People like Vanessa are called original gods. Han Xiao is the second person to transform from a human into a god in so many years.

The only second person in Teyvat in thousands of years to become a god in human form?

It turns out that the other party is so powerful!

After listening to Yae Shenzi's explanation, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After curiosity, comes doubt.

Lord Palace Secretary, since Han Xiao is the second person to become the original god after Vanessa, why didn't he land on Sky Island like the first leader of Mondstadt?

I don't know about this. Your general has never explained the secret to me.

Yae Shenzi shrugged his shoulders at Kamisato Ayaka in a somewhat indecent manner, looking extremely relaxed.

Okay, Ayaka-chan, let's ask something important.

I'm here specifically to explain it to you this time. There's no store like this after passing this village!

Seeing that the other party was talking about this, Kamisato Ayaka no longer hesitated and asked straightforwardly about the biggest doubt she had when accompanying her to Liyue this time.

Master Palace Secretary, your visit to Liyue this time should be under the order of the General. Logically speaking, this is an extremely important matter.

Linghua has no official position, why did you specifically ask me to follow the fleet to Liyue, and even told me the secret of Tianshu Xing Hanxiao without hesitation?

Right now, Dao Wife is still under reconstruction. Why did the General send you to Liyue instead of taking charge of the reconstruction work in Dao Wife?

And what exactly are you, General, planning to talk to Han Xiao about?

Hearing Kamisato Ayaka asking several questions in one go, Yae Kamiko couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and looked at the other person, with a bit more smile in his words:

There are so many questions. It seems that Xiao Ayaka, you have indeed accumulated a lot of doubts!

Please also ask the Palace Secretary to clear up Linghua's doubts! asked so many questions at once and I don't know which answer is better first.

Hearing this, the Eightfold Divine Son immediately fell into deep thought.

Seeing that the other party was deep in thought, Kamisato Ayaka did not urge him, but stood quietly waiting for the answer to be revealed.

And she didn't wait long. Yae Kamiko, who quickly sorted out her words, spoke slowly and broke the silence in the room.

Let me first tell you why I asked you to follow me here. In fact, the answer is very simple. The general was quite satisfied with your last trip to Liyue, so this time I leave it to you to purchase fine seeds for Dao Wife.

Leave it to me? Then, Mr. Palace Secretary...

Of course I have something to discuss with that Tianshu star. As for what we're going to talk about, I can't tell you the content.

But based on the general's opinion, what I can tell you is that this matter is more important than the reconstruction of Inazuma, and once it is negotiated, it will also have a very big change in the future of Inazuma.

It's better not to say anything.

After listening to Yae Shenzi's announcement, Kamisato Ayaka looked helplessly at the palace minister who was sitting in front of him with a smile on his face.

She had speculated before what the other party said, but the really important information was not revealed at all.

Chapter 868 Han Xiao failed to escape

Little Linghua, you have to know that if our general hadn't been guarding Dao's wife and couldn't leave, I'm afraid she would have come to Liyue to negotiate with Han Xiao in person.

Regarding Kamisato Ayaka's slightly complaining words, Yae Kamiko calmly told a fact that made the other party's face change instantly.

Master Palace Secretary, you didn't lie to me?

Kamisato Ayaka was shocked to hear that the shogun was willing to step out of the castle tower that he had not stepped out for hundreds of years in order to negotiate with Han Xiao.

How important is this matter for Narukami to take it so seriously?

Look what you said, I'm not going to deceive you on this matter.

Seeing that Yae Kamiko's vows didn't seem to be a lie, Kamisato Ayaka just accepted the fact that shocked her.

So the Palace Secretary is here just to see Han Xiao on behalf of the General. As for the good seeds...

The general has left the matter of thoroughbreds to you.

Before Kamisato Ayaka finished speaking, Yae Kamiko took over the conversation and finished the rest of the story.

Xiao Linghua, since you brought back Liyue's aid last time, our general has had the idea of ​​using you. Otherwise, do you really think I brought you to Liyue when I had nothing to do, and even told you some of the secrets? For you?

After saying that, she stood up and walked towards the door.

Passing by Kamisato Ayaka, Yae Kamiko suddenly reached out and patted the opponent on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear:

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