Then this matter will be difficult to deal with!

As for Inazuma's current Narukami, Gan Yu had only met him at the gathering of the Seven Gods, but his warrior style and fierce aura left a deep impression on her.

But how could Han Xiao be noticed by that person?

There was no way, things related to the Demon God were never trivial, that's why Gan Yu was so troubled.

However, before she could think too much, there was a knock on the door of her office.

Dong dong dong——

Please come in!

Lord Ganyu, the Yaegongji of Inazuma Narukami Grand Shrine and Miss Kamisato who came to Liyue before are outside the Yuehai Pavilion at this time. They hope to visit you.

It came so quickly!

Gan Yu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she heard that Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka had appeared in front of Yuehai Pavilion.

Chapter 865 The Request of the Eightfold Divine Son

Soon, under the leadership of Secretary Tsukikaitei, Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayaka met Ganyu who was already prepared to receive them in the office.

Long time no see, sister Gan Yu!

The first time he saw Gan Yu, Yae Shenzi smiled and greeted him.

Long time no see, Son of God.

Although Han Xiao thought that the other party was an 'unwelcome guest' this time, Gan Yu was still relatively happy to see the Eightfold Divine Son.

After all, they haven't seen each other again for at least five hundred years.

After saying hello to Yae Kamiko, she turned her attention to Kamisato Ayaka who was following behind her.

Miss Kamisato, we meet again!

I'm bothering you again, Miss Gan Yu!

Kamisato Ayaka first bowed to Ganyu, and then took out the prepared Seishinkawa confectionery gift box and handed it to him.

This is a gift prepared by the Palace Secretary for you. Please accept it.

Son of God, why did you come to Liyue and spend so much money?

Gan Yu reached out and took the gift box and put it aside, then looked helplessly at the Yao Shenzi who was now taller than him.

How can my sister come to see my sister empty-handed!

Hearing Gan Yu's words, Yae Shenzi smiled nonchalantly.

Although she has not been to Liyue for a long time, she still remembers some of Liyue's 'rules'.

After all, there is an old saying in Liyue that eats people with a soft mouth and takes advantage of others with short hands.

Okay, Son of God!

Looking at the Eightfold Divine Son who was looking at him with a smile, Gan Yu raised his hand and interrupted what the other party was about to say next, and directly showed his cards to him.

Tell me, what is your purpose for coming to me this time?

Seeing Gan Yu being so direct, Yae Shenzi also suppressed the smile on his face and made his request solemnly:

Forget it, I'll just say it bluntly. I want to ask Sister Gan Yu to be my go-between to contact Tianshu Xing Hanxiao.

Is that really the idea?

Upon hearing the request made by the Eightfold God Son, the expression on Gan Yu's face did not change at all, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Han Xiao's guess was really accurate.

The other party really came for him.

So she started to prevaricate as she had planned before.

I'm sorry Shenzi. Han Xiao has been busy with his new invention recently. He hasn't been seen for a month or two. I'm afraid I won't be able to get in touch with him in the short term.

New invention?

Faced with Gan Yu's perfunctory, Yae Shenzi did not feel disappointed. Instead, he turned to look at the desktop computer placed in the corner of the office, and then pointed at the other party with his finger.

Sister Gan Yu, could that thing in your office be that Tianshu star's new invention?

Looking in the direction of Yae Shenzi's finger, Gan Yu saw that the other party had directly noticed the desktop computer, so he nodded.

This is a desktop computer, a new type of office equipment made by top geniuses such as Han Xiao and Abedo.

Desktop computer?

Hearing this, Yae Shenzi suddenly became interested.

The strong premonition from her brain told her that this thing was definitely more powerful than a mobile phone.

And the facts did not exceed Yae Shenzi's expectations.

When Gan Yu only briefly explained the functions of a desktop computer, she realized that this so-called desktop computer was definitely a powerful invention.

Sister Gan Yu, do you sell desktop computers in Liyue?


Seeing Yae Shenzi's great interest in desktop computers, Gan Yu could only look at him with an apologetic look.

Currently, the output of desktop computers in Liyue is a bit low and the cost is quite expensive. For the time being, they can only be used in the Liyue area.

If you, Godson, are interested in desktop computers, you can only wait for the production to increase.

That's it.

After listening to Gan Yu's explanation, Yae Shenzi nodded thoughtfully.

Although she was very interested in a desktop computer, which sounded similar to the Xumi Void System in terms of functionality, since Liyue's production capacity was insufficient, she did not ask any more questions.

I just kept this stuff in my mind secretly and planned to talk about it later. At the moment, another thing is more important.

After skipping the topic of desktop computers, Yae Shenzi returned his attention to Gan Yu.

Sister Gan Yu, did you already know that I was coming?

Son of God, what do you mean?

Hearing the sudden question from the Eightfold God Son, Gan Yu asked calmly.

Han Xiao is one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, so ordinary people can't see each other's face. Sister Gan Yu, as the secretary of the Seven Stars, can't see her either. Isn't this a bit outrageous?

Before Gan Yu could speak, Yae Shenzi expressed his guess first:

So, did Han Xiao ask Sister Gan Yu to do this?


Gan Yu sighed softly. She knew that she was not good at lying. It didn't take long for Yae Shenzi to discover the truth.

Fortunately, Han Xiao only asked her to help stop him. Since Yao Shenzi had guessed it himself, Gan Yu told him the truth:

It was indeed Junior Brother Han Xiao who asked me to help. He wanted me to help hinder you.

Sister Ganyu, please come and stop me?

Hearing this, the Eightfold Divine Son couldn't help but lower his head and whispered in his mouth:

He doesn't want to meet me!

Son of God, can I ask you why you came to Han Xiao specifically?

Seeing that Yae Shenzi was so concerned about meeting Han Xiao, Gan Yu couldn't help but ask out the curiosity in his heart.

Obviously you two have never met in real life.

Sister Gan Yu, I can't explain the specific situation. I can only say that I have no ill intentions towards Han Xiao. On the contrary, I am asking for help from him. Unfortunately, that Tianshu star doesn't seem to want to see me.

Does the Son of God want anything from Hanxiao?

After hearing the other party's explanation, Gan Yu couldn't help but be stunned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

As the palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, Yae Kamiko is a religious leader, and his status is even higher than Sangogyo.

Completely inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

What does a person like her want from Han Xiao?

Could it be that, as his junior brother said, the purpose of Yae Shenzi's visit this time was related to the devil?

Sister Gan Yu, there are some things you don't understand. Your new Tianshu star in Liyue has an extraordinary status in the eyes of the ruling powers of various countries!

Seeing Gan Yu's stunned look, Yae Shenzi sighed slightly, and then said meaningful words that made his expression change.

But she didn't deceive Gan Yu.

Although the Sumeru Moon incident is now a mystery in various countries, it is not actually a secret to the ruling gods of various countries.

Behind the incident, someone resurrected King Daci Shu.

Although Han Xiao's puppet clone can hide it from most people, it can't hide it from the Seven Gods who are also demon gods.

Chapter 866 Han Xiao as the Demon God

The reason why Han Xiao's puppet couldn't hide the Seven Gods from the demon gods was not that his skills were not up to par, but mainly because even if he cut off his consciousness to control the puppet, his own personality was still there.

The Seven Gods, who are also at the level of demon gods, can discover the true identity of the doll as long as they pay a little attention.

It just so happened that Lei Movie was extremely concerned about the return of the Great Ci Tree King to the world. She even walked out of the Pure Land where she had been staying for a long time, which shows how much she attached importance to it.

Therefore, it seems normal for Inazuma to find out that Han Xiao is the manipulator behind the resurrection of the Daci Tree King.

So seeing that Gan Yu didn't seem to be very clear about Han Xiao's status in the eyes of the ruling powers of the Seven Kingdoms, Yae Shenzi decisively and kindly explained in detail for his good sister whom he had not seen for a long time.

Of course, Han Xiao's use of dolls to create the moon in Xumi was relatively confidential information, and she deliberately concealed it. The rest of the information was in decline.

You said Han Xiao is a demon god. Are you sure you're not kidding, Son of God?

However, after listening to the words of the Eightfold God Son, Gan Yu looked at him in shock, as if he couldn't accept it.

In fact, she did receive a relatively big impact.

You must know that Han Xiao was just an ordinary person who could be seen everywhere in Liyue three years ago.

If the Eightfold Divine Son did not lie, wouldn't it mean that his junior brother had risen from a mortal to a demon god in just three years?

Isn't this a bit too fanciful?

This is admitted by Ying herself. Do you think she is the kind of person who makes jokes?

Yae Shenzi spread his hands towards Gan Yu with an expression that said, Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth.

In fact, even she herself was surprised when she first heard about Ray's movie judgment.

Less than three years!

Although every owner of the Eye of God has the potential to become the original god, in the past thousand years, only Vanessa, the leader of Mondstadt's first generation of knights, has achieved this achievement.

Can you imagine how difficult it is for the owner of the Eye of God to become the original god?

And what about Hanxiao?

Three years!

Just this jump speed can make a genius among the owners of the God's Eye depressed to death.

No wonder!

Although Gan Yu was a little shocked after hearing Yae Shenzi's explanation, she soon realized that the other party had no reason to deceive her.

And she also thought of the evidence that Han Xiao became the devil.

That is, when dealing with Ruotuo Dragon King's seal before, the opponent was able to suppress the opponent head-on.

At that time, Gan Yu didn't think much about it, but now that he thought about it, something was wrong.

Even if Ruotuo Dragon King has lost his mind due to wear and tear and his strength has dropped significantly, it is not something that ordinary Eye of God owners can handle.

Han Xiao was able to suppress Ruotuo Dragon King in a head-on battle. It's hard to explain how he did it if he didn't have the strength of a demon god.


Gan Yu felt a little heartbroken when he thought that his junior brother had transformed from a mortal into a top combat power in the Tiyvat continent at the level of demon god in just three years.

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