That is, the true identity of Mr. Zhongli, the guest at the Hall of Rebirth, is probably the emperor.

Why didn't Ke Qing and Gan Yu notice such an obvious thing?


Ningguang remembered that it seemed that Gan Yu and Ke Qing had spent overtime on the night when Dijun and his old man asked him for a dream?

This wave, this wave was something she didn't expect.

Ning Guang, who just missed learning the truth about the emperor's fake death because of Ke Qing and Gan Yu, was suddenly startled, and then seemed to think of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly.

Hold on!

If her guess is correct and Mr. Zhongli is really the emperor...

Then it is not a performance in the PV but a true performance!

Of course, it's not unusual for one to play oneself. What really makes Ningguang feel explosive is that the original ceremony of sending immortals seemed to be handled by the Palace of Rebirth, right?

And the organizer seems to be Mr. Zhongli?

Doesn't that mean that the emperor and his old man put on a good show of burying himself in front of all the people of Liyue?

Thinking of this, Ning Guang, who had always been rational and calm, felt a little bad.

Because the feeling this kind of conjecture gives people is really indescribable.

Just when Ning Guang looked extremely 'uncomfortable', the chat in the group continued.

[King Qing from the Hall of Rebirth]: Actually, the answer is very simple. Secretary-General Xingqiu promised that as long as I appeared in the role, not only would Maura make money, but he would also pay for my extra expenses in Guili City for the next year.

[The second monument is half price]: Hey, this condition is quite generous. Speaking of which, Xingqiu, you are really very wealthy. You are worthy of being the young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce!

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Huh? Why do you say, walnut?

[Guili City Lord]: I finally know how Mr. Zhongli was persuaded by Xingqiu!

Seeing the answer given by Zhongli, Han Xiao, who was at home, couldn't help but put her head in her hands, her face filled with 'pain' as she followed in Ningguang's footsteps.

Zhongli’s extra expenses for a year are all covered!

This person never looks at the price when buying things!

And he often buys things that others don't even need.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao now wanted to rush out of the house and go to Kuixing Tower to pull out Xingqiu and beat him up.

Believe it or not, Zhongli's extra consumption can completely consume Guilicheng's GDP for a year!

At this time, Zhongli also made a meaningful speech in the group.

[King Qing of the Past Life Hall]: I have signed a contract with Xingqiu regarding this matter, and you have to work hard next, Hanxiao.

[Guili City Lord]: Xingqiu, your salary for the next year is gone!

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]:? ? ? ?

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Hanxiao, I provoked you, why did you suddenly deduct my salary for a whole year?

[Guili City Lord]: It won’t take long for you to know the reason why I did this, and you will probably regret it by then.

After saying this, Han Xiao decisively closed the chat group.

If he continued talking like this, he was afraid that he would really suffer from mental breakdown.


At the same time that the reputation of desktop computers in Guilicheng was soaring due to PV, a recent batch of merchant ships coming to Liyue from Daozhi also arrived at Liyue Port.

When the big wooden ship just docked at the port, Shi Shiran, the Yae Shenzi with long pink hair, walked out of the cabin.

Looking at Liyue who was completely different from what she remembered, she just stood on the deck, holding on to the edge of the boat with one hand, and couldn't help but sigh.

I haven't seen you in hundreds of years. Liyue has really changed a lot!

As Yae Kamiko finished speaking, a second person walked out of the cabin. It was Kamisato Ayaka who had just returned to Inazuma some time ago.

Hearing the emotion of the palace minister in front of him, Kamisato Ayaka walked to the other party and asked softly.

Master Palace Secretary, why did you choose to come to Liyue in person this time, and why did you choose to bring me with you?

Kamisato Ayaka was very confused about Yae Kamiko's behavior of specifically asking her to go out with her, considering that she had just returned to Inazuma not long ago.

Now, he was called out by Yae Gongsi again.

These two consecutive trips to far away places have made his brother Kamisato Ayato a little reluctant.

Hearing Kamisato Ayaka's inquiry, Yae Kamiko turned around and looked at the other party with a smile. He did not directly explain the purpose of doing so, but got close to the other party.

Now that we are familiar with each other, how about I call you Xiao Ayaka? You can also call me Shenzi?

Your Excellency, the Palace Secretary, is a member of the General's family. How dare Linghua overstep his bounds?

It's so boring.

Looking at Kamisato Ayaka who looked at her sternly and without any disrespect in front of him, Yae Kamiko couldn't help but curled his lips.

This guy is too rigid sometimes and it's really boring. It's not fun at all.

However, it was boring, so she still told Ayaka Kamisato her purpose of coming to Liyue in person.

Didn't you say before that there are high-yielding seeds in Liyue? Rice Wife is in urgent need of food now. Naturally, I came here for the seeds that can produce hundreds of kilograms per acre.

It's just that, the Eightfold Divine Son actually had another purpose in coming to Liyue this time.

Such as mobile phones and desktop computers.

Of course, she wanted to meet Han Xiao in person to discuss the real issue of resurrecting Leiden.

Because since the other party decided to postpone the matter last time, the other party has not answered her calls for a long time.

Yae Shenzi knew very well that this made it clear that Han Xiao did not want to trade with them prematurely.

If it was an ordinary thing, forget it, she wouldn't be so confused about the style.

The problem is that whether it is Yae Kamiko herself or the Raiden movie, resurrecting Raiden is even more important to them than re-ruling Inazuma.

Han Xiao lost contact for almost half a year after just suspending the transaction, which made both of them a little impatient.

That's why the Eightfold God Son chose to take a boat to Liyue in person.

Chapter 864 Han Xiao: Please, senior sister!

Master Palace Secretary, shall we go to Yuehai Pavilion to meet Miss Gan Yu next?

Although he knew that Yae Shenzi might have another purpose in coming to Liyue, since the other party used the good seed thing as an excuse, Kamisato Ayaka would not be stupid enough to explore the other party's secrets, but would change the subject and ask about the business.

She is now more concerned about the thoroughbred than the purpose behind Yae Shenzi.

To be honest, the last time she came to Liyue was not a perfect trip for Kamisato Ayaka. On the contrary, it was quite a failure.

The General asked her to investigate the Sumeru Moon incident, but she found nothing. The General and the Palace Secretary later seemed to have put the matter behind them and no longer paid attention to it.

The meeting with Han Xiao did not achieve much results. At most, it was the completion of Liyue's material support for Dao's wife.

Although neither the General nor the Palace Secretary blamed her for this incident, Kamisato Ayaka herself was somewhat unwilling to fail.

So when Yae Shenzi came to invite her to come to Liyue for the second time, even though her brother seemed a little reluctant, she still chose to go together.

Sister Gan Yu naturally wants to meet her.

Hearing Kamisato Ayaka's question, Yae Kamiko nodded slightly.

She and Gan Yu hadn't seen each other for hundreds of years, so naturally they wanted to see each other when they came to Liyue.

And she also needs Gan Yu's help with some things.

Thinking of this, the Eightfold Divine Son immediately ordered Ayaka Kamisato:

Little Ayaka, please send someone to purchase a batch of fresh Qingshin and come back. I'll prepare wagashi on the ship first.

I understand, Mr. Palace Secretary!

After receiving the order from Yae Shenzi, Kamisato Ayaka immediately called the accompanying servants and asked them to go to Liyue to purchase Qingxin.


On the other side, Ningguang, who received the news of Inazuma's fleet entering the port, was thoughtful. She first sat in front of her desktop computer and opened the chat software to create a chat group. Then she brought Han Xiao, Ke Qing and Gan Yu in. .

[Tian Quan]: Gan Yu, there is an acquaintance of yours coming from Dao's Wife.


Gan Yu, who was working at Yuehai Pavilion, suddenly heard a cough-like sound coming from his desktop computer. He turned around and found that he had been pulled into a new group by Ning Guang.

At the same time, she also saw the words left by the other party in the group.

My acquaintance?

Gan Yu was slightly startled. She didn't know many people in Inazuma. She only knew a few people she met when she attended the gathering of seven gods in previous years as an attendant of the Rock King.

For example, Foxsai Palace, Sasa Yuri and others.

However, due to the chaos in Dao Wife five hundred years ago, these people have left one after another. Among the people she knows in Dao Wife, there seems to be only one person who can come to Liyue at this time.

Thinking of this, Gan Yu put his guess among the group.

[Secretary of Yue Haiting]: Is the Son of God here?

[Tianquan]: Well, according to the informant report I arranged at the port, she saw a pink-haired miko in a miko costume.

[Secretary Tsukikaitei]: It sounds like she is indeed the son of a god, but she has now inherited the position of Inazuma Narukami Taisha Shrine. Logically speaking, she should not be able to leave Inazuma without permission, right?

[Keqing]: So there shouldn’t be any problem with the Eightfold Divine Son coming this time, right? Do you need me to check?

Son of the Eightfold God?

At this time, Han Xiao, who was far away in Guilicheng, was seeing the content of several people chatting on his home desktop computer. He had a premonition, so he stopped Keqing's plan.

[Guili City Lord]: No need to check, I guess she is here for me.

[Secretary of Yuehaiting]: Han Xiao, you said that the Son of God is here for you?

[Keqing]: What did you do to lure the religious leaders of Daozi to Liyue?

[Guili City Lord]: This is a long story, Senior Sister Gan Yu, if the Eightfold God Son wants to see me, please help me stop him.

[Secretary Yue Haitei]: That's fine, but you have to tell me the reason for doing this, right?

Looking at the request made by her junior brother in the group, Gan Yu frowned slightly. She had a lot of confusion about the current situation.

Han Xiao has never been to Inazuma, and has never met Yae Shenzi.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be much intersection between the two. At most, it was only possible for the two of them to get to know each other when Kamisato Ayaka came to Liyue last time.

According to the news, Inazuma is currently undergoing a comprehensive reconstruction, and Yae Kamiko, who is the palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, should be unable to escape.

What was the reason that made the other party abandon the work of rebuilding Dao Wife and come to Liyue, and it seemed that he still wanted to find Han Xiao, who had at most one or two remote interactions?

[Guili City Lord]:'s not easy to talk about this matter. Senior Sister Gan Yu is watching the private chat.

[Tianquan]: Oh, it seems that Keqing and I can't know either?

[Lord Guili City]: Sorry, this matter is indeed very important. I can only say that it involves the general Daizuma.

After explaining to Ning Guang and Ke Qing in the group, Han Xiao opened Gan Yu's private chat window.

[Guili City Lord]: Senior Sister Gan Yu, it is very likely that the Eightfold Divine Son came to Liyue this time to come to me on the order of the thunder general, but I don’t want to have too much contact with them yet, so I still Please help me, senior sister, to stop me!

[Secretary of Yue Haiting]: Han Xiao, did you and Shenzi get in touch through the last time Kamisato Ayaka came to Liyue?

[Guili City Lord]: Yes.

[Secretary of Yuehaiting]: After just one or two contacts, the Son of God traveled thousands of miles to come to Liyue?

[Secretary Tsukikaitei]: What did you do to get Inazuma's Narukami to pay so much attention?

[Guili City Lord]: Uh... I can’t disclose the specific situation for the time being. I can only say that it’s related to the Demon God. Anyway, please, senior sister!

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Well, let me try it first.

What a headache!

After seeing Han Xiao's chat avatar darken, Gan Yu just leaned his back against the back of the chair and kept pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand, with a troubled look on his face.

According to his junior brother, the Eightfold Divine Son actually came to Liyue on the orders of General Thunder and Lightning.

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