...Forget it, I'll let you do it this time.

After listening to Han Xiao's thoughts, Zhongli sighed and agreed to the other party's request.

Rumors about Guili City have indeed spread quite intensely these days. If left unchecked, who knows what will happen.

So after thinking about it, Zhongli finally decided to help Han Xiao complete the PV shooting and use this to divert the Liyue people's attention.


Looking at the documents of The Listener, he couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Han Xiao, are you sure this can solve the rumors that are spreading around the city?

Mr. Zhongli, you seem to underestimate the importance of the emperor in the hearts of Liyue people.

Seeing that Zhongli didn't seem to believe that just a PV video of Lord Yan could divert the Liyue people's attention, Han Xiao couldn't help but curl up the corner of her mouth.

This is Liyue. In the previous life, the people in Liyue were all crazy fans of the emperor, and the rest are all twisted fans. This is no joke.

It seems that the only person in Liyue who really sticks to Prince Heiyan is Zhongli himself.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Han Xiao believes that once the matter involves the Yan King Emperor, the IQ of the Liyue people will drop significantly.


Within a few days, just when the rumors in the streets were already turning to the outrageous statement that this is the emperor ascending to the immortal world to obtain the throne to impose divine punishment about the sudden changes in the sky, a piece of breaking news came out at lightning speed. Spread throughout Guili City.

The Internet cafe launched by Tianshu Xinghanxiao seems to have launched a new function called Internet, and as soon as the function was launched, a pv called Listener was released.

It is reported that people who have watched the PV of Listening to the Book said that this PV was more powerful than the one they saw at the last Hai Lantern Festival party, and it was also particularly infectious. After watching it, he also had a deeper understanding of the emperor.

In short, many people who have watched it are full of praise for Han Xiao's Listening to the Book PV released this time!

Where can I see this The Listener?

After hearing the boasts of people who had seen the PV, many people were naturally curious and asked how they could see it.

And these people who have watched the PV are actually people who Xingqiu and Hanxiao deliberately let out to spread the news. They will soon be able to see it by connecting to the Internet using a desktop computer.

The day after the news spread, the Internet cafe, which had basically stabilized its customer flow, once again welcomed a full flow of people.

[Although I have no intention of competing, I know the suffering of the people! ]

[That was Liyue's first contract, and now...it's the last contract! ]

Every line in the PV made Liyue people immediately satisfied with the video's portrayal of the Rock King. In private, they even discussed how the emperor led the ancestors of Liyue to create this land on the Teyvat continent. Deeds.

This is not over yet. With the release of The Listener, not long after, The Listener 2·Creating the Dragon Eye also appeared on the Internet.

Now all the residents of Guili City are even more crazy. The storytelling industry, which had been in decline due to the emergence of television, radio and other industries, suddenly showed signs of recovery.


Kuixing Tower·Hanxiao Office.

According to recent intelligence, the rumors about the sudden change in the sky between Jueyunjian are rarely mentioned anymore. Nowadays, the most discussed thing in pubs, restaurants and other places is the PV you posted.

In the office, Xingqiu took out the documents sent by his secretary Xu Wan and placed them in front of Han Xiao. He also described the trend of people returning to Licheng in recent times.

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but express his admiration for his family:

In short, the Liyue people's attention has been successfully diverted. I have to say that your method is really good.

Is the method good...

Picking up the feedback from the public in the past few days compiled by Xu Wan, Han Xiao curled her lips and did not explain too much to Xingqiu.

In his opinion, his method of diverting hot searches was actually a bad method in his previous life.

The reason why the effect is so good is that the people of Liyue have not been baptized by all kinds of strange public opinion methods. In short, people are very simple, and a small trick can fool them.

Another point is that what he pulled out this time was news related to Emperor Yanwang, which was a natural buff that attracted the attention of Liyue people.

However, it was precisely because of this time that Han Xiao realized how much the people of Liyue admired Emperor Yan Wang.

Even though nearly a year had passed since Zhongli faked his death, their faith never seemed to fade.

This firm and pure belief made Han Xiao, who had received education in his previous life, not know whether this situation was good or bad for Liyue.

However, Han Xiao did not dwell too much on this matter. After all, having faith was much easier to manage than having no faith at all.

Putting this matter aside, Han Xiao then looked at Xingqiu and asked about the business:

Xingqiu, what is the public's attitude towards the Internet recently?

Thanks to the two PVs you released, most people in Liyue currently have favorable opinions on the emergence of the Internet.

Hearing Han Xiao ask about the recent situation of the Internet, Xingqiu quickly gave Liyue people's current evaluation of the Internet.

Since Listening to the Book and Chuanglong Jinjing perfectly hit the Liyue people's preferences, the public has a lot more favorable impressions of the Internet.

Chapter 862: Hot searches drive desktop computer reputation?

There is such an unexpected surprise?

Han Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment after learning that the two PVs Listening to the Book and Creating Dragon's Eyes had caused Liyue people to have a favorable impression of the Internet.

Obviously he only used these two PVs as a means to divert hot searches. Unexpectedly, they not only diverted people's attention from the changes in the sky in Jueyunjian, but also indirectly increased people's favorability towards the Internet.

This is really surprising.

Yeah, I didn't expect the PV you released to have such an effect.

Seeing that Han Xiao was a little surprised by the news she had brought, Xingqiu also felt amazing and quickly accepted the reality.

The reason is also very simple. In his opinion, once matters involving Prince Yan and his elders are involved, it seems normal for Liyue people to make any choice?

Emmm, this is probably the self-cultivation of the emperor's fan?

The so-called love house and bird?

Although Han Xiao has lived in Liyue for almost twenty years, he has more respect for Zhongli than belief because of his past life memories.

So he really can't understand the attitude of fanatical fans towards idols.

However, a big boss in the past life said it well, it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

Since PV can make Liyue people have a better impression of the Internet, Han Xiao will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity.

Wait a moment, Xingqiu.

Thinking of this, he said something realistic to Xingqiu, who was sitting on the chair opposite the desk, and then reached out to open the drawer of the desk, took out paper and pen, and began to write and draw quickly.

After doing all this, he handed the paper filled with words to the other party and ordered at the same time:

I still have a few PV ideas here, and some of them require professionals. Go and invite Shaoyin to help.

Let me see...

When he heard that his little boy had a pv about the Rock King like The Listener, Xingqiu immediately became interested. He stretched out his hand to take the paper and started reading it carefully.

Jingshi, Thousands of rocks are solid, and the mountains will never move...

While reading, Xingqiu couldn't help but mutter in a low voice. After reading, he first carefully put the paper into his God's Eye space, and then raised his head to look at Han Xiao:

The description seems quite interesting, but who do you plan to find to play the role of the emperor? Oh yes... I forgot to ask who will play the emperor in these PVs of The Listener, the performance is very charming. Yes!

Suddenly thinking of the PV that had been broadcast on the Internet, Xingqiu just remembered to ask who played the emperor in the PV he posted. It was really similar.

It can be said that The Listener and Creating Dragon Eyes are widely praised among the people of Liyue, and this actor has also made great contributions.

A guest from the Hall of Purity, Mr. Zhongli.

It turns out to be Mr. Zhongli. Could it be that the PV played at the last Hai Lantern Festival was also the same?

You just knew?

You didn't tell me before!

After hearing Han Xiao's answer, Xingqiu's face suddenly filled with surprise.

It turns out that Mr. Zhongli, who came from a young age to play the role of the Rock King, was Mr. Zhongli, a well-versed man from the Hall of Rebirth. No wonder he performed so well!

Fang Shanzhi Yuanting's temperament is very similar to that of the Emperor.

Okay, I will discuss it with Mr. Zhongli and see if we can shoot the remaining PVs as soon as possible.

Then I'll leave it to you!


Although Han Xiao didn't know how Xingqiu talked with Zhongli and persuaded him, it didn't take long for several PVs of the emperor to appear on the Internet.

Moreover, as Han Xiao had expected, this batch of PVs received unanimous praise from the people of Liyue, and people's interest in the Internet also gradually increased during the relaxation period of PVs.

In the past, most desktop computers were bought by various chambers of commerce and used as office props.

It wasn't until Han Xiao released several PVs that these people in Liyue discovered that the Internet was not just for office use.

So the relatively wealthy Liyue people did not hesitate to buy one from Mora and plan to try it out.

Soon these people were attracted by the rich capabilities of the Internet.

Not to mention a series of office functions such as sending and receiving emails and writing documents, watching videos, long-distance chatting, reading news, games and other functions are eye-opening for them.

Especially the latest chat software.

You only need to enter your latest registered digital ID code to register an account, and then you can chat with other friends who use the software.

You can even form a small circle with several people to chat at the same time.

All of this has greatly changed Liyue residents' image of desktop computers.

Originally, they thought that the desktop computer was designed by Han Xiao mainly to meet the convenience needs of office work. They never expected that the entertainment function is the main part of the desktop computer!

After discovering this, the reputation of desktop computers increased rapidly, and its current evaluation is second only to electric cars, an invention that changed the way Liyue people travel.

And judging from the fact that the reputation of desktop computers is still rising, it will soon surpass electric vehicles and become the invention that has the greatest impact on Liyue people.


One day after desktop computer sales surged.

In the [Liyue Family] group, Ningguang was congratulating Han Xiao on this matter.

[Tianquan]: Congratulations to Han Xiao. The reputation of desktop computers is rising rapidly recently. It is estimated that it will surpass electric vehicles in a short time. It seems that your intention to promote it throughout the country is about to be realized.

[Guili City Lord]: It’s a fluke, it’s a complete fluke!

[Keqing]: Although Han Xiao, you borrowed the reputation of the emperor to make the reputation of desktop computers soar, but the functions of the machine are indeed very powerful, so it is not an insult to the gods.

[Tianquan]: Tsk! Praise if you want, but I didn't expect that our Yu Hengxing would be so 'beating around the bush' when he mentioned the emperor?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: I watched a few PVs. Could it be that the one who plays the emperor is Mr. Zhongli?

[The Second Monument is Half Price]: Hahaha... Who else could it be besides a certain guest who is always busy away from home?

[Guest Guest of the Past Life Hall]: Well, Hall Master, I’ve been very busy recently.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: I can vouch for Mr. Zhongli on this point. Mr. Zhongli is not only a guest at Guisheng Hall, but also the principal of Guilicheng School. He even accompanied Shaoyin for a PV shoot a few days ago. He is really Very busy.

[Second Monument Half Price]: It’s up to you whether you’re busy or not, Zhongli, I’m just curious what Xingqiu and Hanxiao told you before you agreed to participate in the filming?

[Guest Guest of the Past Life Hall]: If the hall master asks this, it would be a long story.

Chapter 863 Xingqiu invites Zhongli’s bargaining chip

[The second monument is half price]: Oh yo yo...that’s interesting, tell me about it!

[Keqing]: I am also very curious as to why Mr. Zhongli agreed to Han Xiao and the others to star.


Seeing Ke Qing following Hu Tao in the group and adding something, Ning Guang on the group of jade pavilions couldn't help but reach out to touch his forehead with a look of 'pain' on his face.

My dear Yuhengxing, forget it if Hutao doesn’t know, don’t you really doubt the true identity of Mr. Zhongli?

As a Seven Star, after the Immortal Ceremony, Ningguang was entrusted by the emperor in his dream and learned the fact that he had faked his death.

At the Hai Lantern Festival some time ago, the PV of Yan Qiangu played by Han Xiao, the Rock King Emperor played by Mr. Zhongli, even Gan Yu almost admitted his mistake.

This made her have a lot of doubts about the identity of Zhongli, the guest of the Palace of Death.

Following the private investigation, Ningguang made a vague guess about Zhongli's attitude through Han Xiao, Abedo and others.

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