As she is now stationed in Mingyun Town, and Shen He lives with Gan Yu in Liyue Port, Aozang Mountain has been empty for some time.

In addition, as the saying goes, the old will not go and the new will not come.

If the cave is really bombed, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun feels that he can directly go to Han Xiao, a brat, to deal with it.

After all, as the saying goes, every wrongdoer has his own debtor, and it was this bastard who gave Keli advice. It was inappropriate for him to take the blame.

Okay, thank you Aunt Liuyun!

Keli, who didn't know Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's inner activities at this time, was very happy after getting his permission. After all, besides researching explosives, her favorite activity was fish frying.

Now that Shen He's problem has been solved, I will take her to Liyue Port to rest first.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who was thinking about sending some kind of thank-you gift to Keli, did not continue, but turned to Han Xiao and told Han Xiao about her next arrangements.

I will come back to you after I have settled Shen He.

After saying that, Liu Yun borrowed the power of Feng Zhenjun's luck to hold Shen He up in the air, then fluttered his wings and left Jueyunjian towards Liyue Port.

Xiao Keli, let's go back too!


Watching Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's leaving figure, Han Xiao also held Keli's little hand and walked towards the location of the electric car parked outside the mountain.


On the way back to Licheng while driving Keli, Han Xiao sat in the driver's seat and held the steering wheel while driving along the avenue, opening the chat group with her consciousness.

The chat group was very lively at this time, and everyone was discussing the fate-changing ceremony that had been held previously.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: I didn't expect that this ceremony would go smoothly. What surprised me even more is that there was no response from Sky Island?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: It's probably not that there's no reaction, it's probably just that he didn't pay attention.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Oh, Yixiao, you mean that Sky Island has actually noticed it, but just ignored it?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I can prove this. When the Pillar of Starlight came down, I felt like I was being stared at by a stranger, but this feeling disappeared quickly, so I guess The person staring at me is probably Asmodeus, the maintainer of heavenly principles.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Hey, this is interesting. You made such a big fuss and the other party just glanced at you and ignored you?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Although I don't know what the other person's inner activities are, my perception tells me this anyway.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: It seems that the keeper of the law fell into a deep sleep for physical reasons. She is probably dying.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: It's not necessarily possible. I wonder if Yuanxiao chose to temporarily treat it coldly because the birth of the Flower of Heart's third-level power, which is completely different from the Sea of ​​Trees system, makes the maintainers of the heavenly principles undecided.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: What Guixiao said is possible. After all, although Yuanxiao may not be as good as heaven in terms of physical strength, his power level is quite high. In addition, he only changed one person's life. It was just a matter of fact, and it did not bring much damage to the Teyvat continent, so the other party did not choose to take action.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: It should be said that the keeper of heavenly principles was asleep before and didn't notice the changes in Guili City. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't be able to continue sleeping so easily.

Chapter 860: Solution to Rumors

So you really completed the ritual to change Miss Shen He's fate?

The day after Han Xiao returned to Guili City and sent Keli back to Abedo, he was approached by Xingqiu as soon as he arrived at Kuixing Tower.

Is there something wrong? Before I left, didn't I say that the probability of success this time would be high?

Seeing Xingqiu suddenly come to ask about the results of Shen He's treatment, Han Xiao couldn't help but look at her child in surprise, as if she didn't understand why the other party would ask such a result that should have been guessed long ago.

Before going to Jueyunjian to hold the ceremony, he had estimated to Xingqiu that the success rate would be around 80%.

Eighty percent, if you round up, it’s ten percent.

How could it be impossible to complete the ceremony with such a high success rate?

It's not because of the previous vision in Jueyunjian!

As if seeing his doubts, Xingqiu immediately rolled his eyes at Hanxiao angrily.

He had heard the other party talk about it before and guaranteed that the ceremony would have a high success rate, but the noise was too loud!

At that time, the entire sky above Jueyunjian was suddenly shrouded in darkness, while the rest of the place was still clear and clear. This extremely contrasting phenomenon aroused heated discussions among all residents of the entire city.

Some people say that this is because the emperor did not die under the lightning disaster but ascended to the immortal world. The vision in the clouds was caused by the appearance of his old man.

Some people say that this is actually caused by immortals. The evidence is that legends of immortals have been circulating in Jueyun since ancient times.

There are even visions that are retaliatory measures devised by the Fools to protect Liyue and drive them away.

In short, there is anything to say.

In order to debunk these unreliable rumors, Xingqiu has been leading the staff to refute the rumors these days. In just a few days, he was so tired that he wanted to hit someone.

After all, the workload is too great.

Speaking of which, what reason do you plan to use to suppress the heat of the vision in Jueyunjian?

After making a small complaint, Xingqiu changed the topic to the main point.

In terms of relative status, Miss Shen He is Chongyun's aunt, so it is indeed gratifying that Fang Guchen's fate can be changed.

However, the speculation caused by the strange phenomenon in Jueyunjian is really a bit large, and there are also a lot of rumors. If there is no explanation that can be found, this matter will probably spread among the people for a while.

If word gets out that Han Xiao can change a person's life, it will definitely attract unnecessary covetousness.

This is not simple, just say that the emperor appears!

Hearing Xingqiu's inquiry, Han Xiao's lips slightly raised, and she told with great interest one of the most widely circulated rumors in Guili City.

You see, they have noses and eyes.

Han Xiao, don't make fun of me at this time! Do you think Guili City is not chaotic enough?

Xingqiu glared at his friend angrily, hit the table with his right hand several times and said speechlessly.

If you really explain it according to Han Xiao's idea, believe it or not, the whole of Liyue will go crazy by then.

It had taken nearly a year for the people of Liyue to get over the pain of the emperor's death. If the official admitted this rumor, wouldn't it be taking the lead in showing that Prince Yan was not dead?

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He did not expect that in the end Liyue would find out that everything was just imagination and cause another chaos.

It's not that serious... Okay, okay, no kidding.

Seeing the serious expression on Xingqiu's face, Han Xiao had to change her words halfway:

It's easy to suppress the popularity of Jueyunjian's vision. Just find a more hot-button news and release it.

“Where can I find more hot news?”

“Have you pushed the Internet out these days?”

It was pushed out, it's just...

While speaking, Xingqiu paused, and then explained:

“Due to the anomaly problem in Jueyunjian, the Internet did not cause much commotion after its launch.”

As early as when Han Xiao took Keli to Jueyunjian, Xingqiu officially launched the Internet to the market according to the date set by the other party.

It's just that because desktop computers are not very popular now, and the price of a desktop computer is not cheap, it did not cause too much trouble in Guili City.

Even after the strange phenomenon occurred in Jueyunjian, no one mentioned it again on the Internet where there was originally a little discussion.

Everyone is more concerned about the rumors that the emperor may have appeared.

I understand, leave this matter to me.

Oh, what did you think of?

It needs to be kept secret now, you will know in a few days!

Han Xiao smiled and made a secrecy gesture to Xingqiu, and then assured him that he would soon be able to completely reverse the rumors in Guili City.

Then I'll just wait and see?

Just watch it!


Guili City, Zhongli's residence.

So, you came to me to resolve the rumors in Jueyunjian?

Seeing Han Xiao appearing in front of him, Zhongli looked at him with a headache, and his tone was a little helpless.

Yes, Mr. Zhongli.

Han Xiao, who was sitting opposite, nodded solemnly, and then relayed to Zhongli what Xingqiu said to him intact.

The rumors caused by the vision in Jueyunjian have caused quite a commotion in Liyue, so I want to resolve these rumors as soon as possible.

But what does this have to do with me? Did you start this rumor yourself?

The people of Liyue believe that the strange phenomena in Jueyunjian are caused by Emperor Yanwang, so this rumor continues to be popular among the people.

In this case, it is naturally most effective to use the news about Prince Yan to suppress this rumor.


Zhongli knew that Jueyunjian had caused rumors. He had heard several versions in the past few days since he returned to Guili City.

What Han Xiao said was reasonable. If the spread of these rumors was not resolved, and if they were used by people with malicious intentions, it would probably cause a big riot.

The question is what is the use of the other party coming to him?

We can't let him change back to his true form and appear in front of the people of Liyue, right?

Wouldn't that confirm the news that Emperor Yan Wang is not dead? This is not what Zhongli wants to see.

He has obviously retired!

Seeing that Zhongli rejected his proposal without hesitation, Han Xiao seemed to have been prepared to take out a document from Yu Perry and put it in front of him.

Don't worry, you don't need to come forward in this matter. I just need you to put in a little effort, Mr. Zhongli, and leave the rest to me.

What's this?

Seeing Han Xiao put a stack of documents in front of him, Zhongli was a little surprised and stretched out his right hand to pick up the documents.

Soon, the huge title on the cover of the document caught his attention.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Zhongli reached out to open the document and read it carefully. Finally, he closed the document and nodded slowly.

If that's the case, I can agree.


Zhongli suddenly paused, pointed to the title Listener on the document and asked:

Is this really possible?

Believe me, Mr. Zhongli, it's absolutely possible!

Chapter 861: Transfer Hot Searches

How do you want me to help?

Putting the document titled The Listener in his hand back on the table, Zhongli folded his hands on his chest and looked at the other person seriously.

The content of this document is well written, and some of the lines in it are very consistent with his original thoughts.

If you follow the above content to conduct PV shooting, it is indeed a good idea, and it can also cause a certain sensation in Liyue.

Han Xiao might not be able to use this pv to divert the attention of Liyue people.

It's just that Emperor Yan Wang has passed away in the hearts of Liyue people, and he is now just a guest at the Rebirth Hall.

Zhongli had no idea how Han Xiao planned to shoot this PV called The Listener.

Shouldn't he be asked to 'play' the Rock King Emperor again like in the Hai Lantern Festival?

If that was really the case, Zhongli wouldn't want to.

After all, some things can be done once or twice, but as time goes by it will be easy for interested people to see some clues, and then it will be difficult for him to continue his leisurely travels in the world.

It's easy. You just need to put on your magical costume and show off your appearance.

Regarding Zhongli's worries, Han Xiao was not worried at all.

In order to prevent the news that Emperor Yanwang is not dead from leaking out, he will definitely not shoot like the PV of The Listener in his previous life, and certain places will definitely have to be covered up.

Moreover, there was not much noise in the PV. As long as his face was not shown, almost no one could guess that Zhongli played the role of the Rock King Emperor in the PV.

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