[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Wait a minute, Yixiao, are you saying that this time the power of the stars changes Shen He's fate, it will only be considered a normal phenomenon by Sky Island?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Based on Yuan Xiao's speculation, it is very likely to be true. After all, the fall of the Fate Seat did not attract the attention of Sky Island. It is likely to be regarded as a normal phenomenon this time.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: And even if he is noticed, Han Xiao has also released the power that symbolizes the third pole. I think Sky Island, who knows some of the real situation of the Sea of ​​Trees system, will probably choose to stay put.

That's right, Yuanxiao still has a trump card.

After hearing Yixiao's explanation, everyone in the crowd understood their plan.

Yixiao and Yuanxiao had no intention of hiding it from Sky Island, and such a big movement couldn't be hidden.

They just made a judgment that Sky Island would not take any action because of this.

In fact, Han Xiao and Yixiao's guesses were correct.

At the moment when the star's beam of light fell from the real starry sky, a pair of golden eyes lit up from the depths of the sky island hanging high in Teyvat, looking toward the outside of the false sky.

But when he saw a touch of blue power in the light pillar, the owner of the golden eyes didn't know if he understood something, and then slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep again.

At this point, a ceremony that could awaken the keeper of heavenly principles from his slumber in advance came to an end.

Chapter 858 The Ceremony Ends

The pillar of starlight went away as quickly as it came, and it didn't take long before it completely disappeared into the air.

The bright sunshine once again descended on this area among the clouds.

The raging wind and thunder and lightning disappeared without a trace as if they had never appeared.

If it weren't for the scratches left on the land near the formation that had been ravaged by the strong wind, no one would have believed that this place had just experienced a terrible disaster.

Brother Hanxiao, is this the end?

Looking at the surrounding environment that had become bright again, Keli's face turned red and she looked at Han Xiao curiously.

It can be seen from her expression that the other party was obviously not frightened by the scene just now, but actually looked extremely excited.

It should be over.

After looking up and staring in the direction of Sky Island for a long time, Han Xiao found that there was no response, then she looked back and nodded to Keli.

But then he couldn't help but ask Keli:

Xiao Keli, aren't you scared after seeing what you just saw?

Keli is not afraid!

When Han Xiao asked if she was scared just now, Keli shook her head without hesitation.

Although the vision in Jueyun just now did look scary, she did not feel scared.

Oh? Xiao Keli is very courageous. Can you tell me why you are not afraid?

Seeing that Keli didn't seem to be lying, and that the other person's expression did not look afraid at all, Han Xiao immediately became interested.

An ordinary person would probably be scared to death by the scene just now, but Li was not afraid at all. Is this little guy so brave?

Because Brother Hanxiao and her mother told her that Keli would not be in danger when participating in the ceremony this time, so Keli will not be afraid!

Regarding Han Xiao's question, Keli said matter-of-factly.

In her heart, her mother is the most powerful person. Since her mother thinks that Brother Hanxiao can ensure her safety during the ceremony, then she has nothing to fear.

Ah this...

After hearing Keli's explanation, Han Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment.

Does this little guy think that he will not be in danger because of Ms. Alice?

He didn't know whether it was Keli who was more arrogant or Ms. Alice.

Brother Hanxiao, is this eldest sister recovering from her illness?

Keli, who didn't know what Han Xiao was thinking, saw that the other party was silent, so she turned her little head towards Shen He, who was still sitting cross-legged in the formation.

Although Keli had only a partial understanding of the effectiveness of the battle method, she still knew clearly that Brother Han Xiao was holding the ceremony this time to treat the white-haired elder sister.

That's why Keli asked the questions in her heart.

My 'disease' has been cured!

Before Han Xiao could speak, Shen He, who was sitting cross-legged in the formation, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Keli. The corners of his mouth were raised rather stiffly, as if he wanted to give her a smile.

It's a pity that because she hasn't shown a rich expression in front of outsiders for a long time, the smile on her face looks extremely stiff at this time.

But based on Shen He's small change in expression, Han Xiao knew that the other party was not lying.

After all, before his destiny was changed, Shen He couldn't smile at all.

Unlike now, although she has not smiled for more than ten years due to suppressed emotions for a long time, at least now the other party has shown a little emotional feedback.

Even though the emotions shown are not too much, this is already a huge improvement.

Senior Sister Shen He, come on, try to take off the red rope and see!

Seeing that Shen He seemed to have normal mood swings, Han Xiao's eyes flashed and he whispered in the other person's ear.

After hearing his suggestion, Shen He hesitated slightly.

For so many years, she has relied on the method of binding souls with red ropes to suppress the evil aura brought about by Gu Chen's evil destiny.

Now Han Xiao asked her to take off the red rope...

Sister, didn't you say that your 'disease' is cured? Now that it's cured, you can try to take off the red rope!

Seemingly sensing Shen He's hesitation, Han Xiao quickly reminded him.

Yes...my 'illness' should be gone.

After being reminded by Han Xiao, Shen He just came back to her senses. Since she could no longer feel the evil aura brought by the Gu Chen Jie evil destiny in her body, she really did not need the red rope to bind her soul.

Thinking of this, Shen He slowly raised his right hand to pinch the thread on the red rope on his left wrist, and then gently pulled it.

The red rope originally tied to her left wrist was immediately untied.

Excited, excited, melancholy...

In an instant, various emotions that had been suppressed by the red rope for many years surged into Shen He's heart. The strong emotional stimulation caused a glistening tear to fall from the corner of her eyes involuntarily.


Sister Shen He, congratulations!

Seeing Shen He with pear blossoms and rain in front of him, Han Xiao suddenly laughed in front of the other party, and at the same time, he did not forget to say congratulations to the other party.

It’s good to cry.

This is like a normal person.


At this moment, Han Xiao and others heard a rush of wind, and the figure of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun appeared in front of them.

It turned out that the pillar of starlight dispersed and the formation also disappeared, and the other party hurried towards here.

As soon as Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun landed on the ground, she saw Shen He, who was crying constantly. She was stunned at first, and then a look of joy appeared on her face:

Shen He, can you cry?


Seeing Lord Liu Yun Jiefeng appear in front of him, Shen He quickly raised his right hand to wipe away the tears on his cheeks with the back of his hand, and then slowly showed a stiff smile to him.


Even though Shen He's smile was a little stiff and didn't look particularly beautiful, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't help the joy in his heart and kept cheering.

Being able to cry and laugh means that his apprentice's suppressed emotions have finally returned.

Seeing the red rope firmly held in Shen He's hand, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun was relieved and couldn't help but turn his gaze to his little apprentice.

Han Xiao, has your senior sister Shen He's problem been completely solved?

So far it seems so.

Is there a possibility of recurrence?

Probably not. Senior Sister Shen He's fate has completely changed at this time.

Just when Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was about to continue asking, Shen He, who had calmed down at the side, first expressed his current feelings:

Master, Han Xiao is right. I can no longer feel the evil energy in my body, but my strength seems to have declined a lot.

This is normal.

Hearing Shen He express his feelings, Han Xiao had already expected it.

Senior Sister Shen He's destiny seat has been completely modified. All the previously lit destiny stars have naturally become invalid. If you want to restore your strength, you may have to re-lit the destiny stars.

Chapter 859 After the ceremony

It's okay, it's just that the strength has been reduced, it doesn't matter.

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun shook his head indifferently, as long as Shen He was no longer troubled by Guchen Jiesha's destiny.

As for the problem of declining strength, anyway, Han Xiao also said that Shen He can regain his strength through practice in the future by re-lighting the destiny star of the new destiny constellation.

Since the lost strength can be regained through cultivation, it is no big deal.

Besides, you can get rid of Guchen Jiesha's destiny with just a little bit of lost strength. This is definitely a way to make a lot of money, isn't it?


Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to carefully look at Shen He's body up and down, and then looked at Keli at the side. She was so keen that she noticed that the physiques of the two of them seemed to have improved visibly after being illuminated by the pillar of starlight.

From this point of view, even though Shen He's strength has declined due to the loss of his originally lit destiny star, it is not a particular loss in terms of improved physical fitness.

It’s possible to make a profit even if the guarantee is not complete.

After realizing this, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun did not pay too much attention to this matter. Instead, he turned to look at Keli and said with a pleasant face:

Since you are the daughter of the witch, I will not be polite. Miss Keli, thank you for being invited to help Shen He this time.

I don't know what you want. As long as I have it, I can give it to you, even knowledge of machine arts is no problem.

No, Liuyun... No Liuyun...

Just call me Aunt Liuyun.

Okay, Aunt Liuyun, brother Hanxiao said he would take me to Aozang Mountain to fry immortal fish after everything is finished!

At the mention of fried fish, Keli's whole body was instantly full of energy, and her eyes showed an eagerness to try.

Um? ?

Should we go to Mount Ouzang to fry fish or fry Immortals?

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun was stunned for a moment, then turned to glare at Han Xiao who was laughing endlessly.

The original Alice was a witch among witches, and she caused a lot of trouble in Mondstadt.

Even when Alice set foot in Liyue, in order to prevent her from causing trouble in Liyue, the emperor chose to personally accompany her and monitor her.

As the biological daughter of the troublesome witch, Keli naturally inherited her mother's talent in her blood.

There is a blasting master in Mondstadt who can serve as a Spark Knight at the age of eight. She has heard about it in Mingyun Town in recent years.

Now that I think about it, Keli probably didn't run away.

Now that Han Xiao actually agreed to take him to the water pool in front of his cave to fry the Immortal Fish, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but give his young apprentice a hard look.

I am afraid that the cave where I have been stable for thousands of years is not a pill.

Hmm...Aunt Liuyun, why can't you fry fish in Mount Aozang?

Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's expression suddenly changed after he mentioned the fish frying in Aozang Mountain, Keli couldn't help but ask a cautious question.

It can be blown up. Who says it can't be blown up? Aozang Mountain is the one that will blow up the Immortal Immortal. I agreed!

Unexpectedly, in the face of Keli's inquiry, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun agreed to the other party's request without hesitation.

It's just a matter of frying fish in Mount Ouzang, and it's nothing compared to Shen He's fate.

And what if the cave was accidentally affected by Keli.

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