Don't forget what Han Xiao is trying to do. He intends to change a person's destined fate.

Aunt Alice once said that what astrologers divine in Teyvat is a predetermined destiny that cannot be changed.

Now that Han Xiao wants to change this stereotype, does it seem normal for the world to respond proactively?

Chapter 856 Han Xiao’s back-up plan

That's true.

Listening to Abedo mentioning what Ms. Alice once said, Lisa also nodded silently.

The other party is very knowledgeable in astrology and knows much more about the world or destiny than they do.

Since even Ms. Alice said that the fate of the Teyvat continent is hard to change, and now Han Xiao wants to challenge this rule, it seems that it is easy to explain why she has attracted the attention of the world.

But then she thought about it, and Lisa couldn't help but cast her sights on Albedo:

Albedo, even if Han Xiao expected it, but the world is watching, does he really have a way to solve the problem?

I don't know the specifics, but judging from the tone of Aunt Alice's message to me later, she seems to believe that Han Xiao has the ability to deal with the trouble of the world's active gaze.

In response to Lisa's inquiry, Abedo spread his hands helplessly and shrugged.

Although he didn't know exactly what kind of trump card Han Xiao held in his hand to be able to accomplish the feat of changing his destiny under the active gaze of the world.

But considering that the knowledgeable Aunt Alice chose to agree, the probability of success of this trump card must be very high.

So you made your judgment based on Ms. Alice's attitude!

After hearing this, Lisa finally understood why even though he saw the vision in the sky above Jueyunjian, Albedo's expression remained unchanged, as if the old god was there.

The emotional partner trusts Ms. Alice’s judgment.

Kelly is Aunt Alice's favorite. She will not let her get into danger.

Looking at the black sky where the direction of the clouds has become more and more obvious, Albedo comforted Lisa.

So we'd better wait with peace of mind.

hope so.

Seeing what Abedo said, Lisa didn't know how to refute for a moment. She could only pin her hopes on Han Xiao as Ms. Alice said, hoping that he could break the common sense that the fate of the Teyvat continent was destined.


What happened in Jueyunjian at this time has attracted the attention of many people.

Except for few people who knew about it, everyone else was curious about this phenomenon that appeared out of thin air. Even those who were closer to Jueyunjian and could see it more clearly were already talking about it in Guili City.

Hey, what do you think this is? How come the sky is dark among the clouds in broad daylight?

Who knew this? This is so abnormal!

I think this matter probably has something to do with the immortals. Don't forget that there are immortals living in Jueyun!

Is it related to the immortals? Are the immortals angry?

Why is it anger? It can't be anything else!

Hey, look at the sky between the clouds, it's so dark, there's thunder and lightning, it looks very scary, what else can it be besides being angry?

Don't think blindly. Let's wait for the news. The officials must have seen such a big change. It is estimated that they will send people to Jueyunjian tomorrow to investigate. Then we will just listen to the announcement.

Kuixing Tower, rooftop.

This noise is really big, Hanxiao, Hanxiao, you are really trying to find something for me to do!

Standing on the rooftop balcony and looking at the black sky in the direction of Jueyunjian, Xingqiu covered his forehead with his right hand and had a headache.

As an insider, he certainly knew how the black clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky above Jueyunjian came from, and it was absolutely inseparable from the ceremony held by Han Xiao.

It's just that Xingqiu never expected that the other party's ceremony would cause such a big commotion, and even attract the attention of the people in the city.

Now that he thought that he had to give a reason for the unusual weather in Jueyunjian that could be accepted by the residents of Liyue, he felt extremely headache.

After all, there was no precedent for this kind of thing, so he didn't know what kind of reasons he should use to get the people of Liyue to accept it.


Just when most people were confused, insiders were worried, and Xingqiu was having a headache, there was a different scene in Jueyunjian.


A wild wind blew up outside the formation, and purple-red light flashed from time to time in the sky.

The whole area was like being in hell, terrifying and abnormal.

However, within the formation, Han Xiao and the others did not look scared at all, including the young Keli.

Keli even looked at the strange environment around her with curiosity.

The reason for this is very simple.

Because the raging wind seemed to be unable to blow into the formation at all, the adamantium energy wall composed of molas buried in the ground perfectly blocked the wind from the formation, and the entire formation remained stable as usual.

Looking at the apocalyptic scene around her, Han Xiao didn't panic at all.

As he said before, he and Yixiao had anticipated this situation a long time ago.

It's just that now the prediction has come true, and he has taken measures to deal with it.

He calculated in his mind the approximate time it would take for his backhand to take effect, and when he felt it was about the same, Han Xiao took a step forward, made a hand seal, and recited the last spell loudly.

The soul is pure and clear, and my heart is broken. Look at the South Dou on the right, and the seven stars on the left. The essence of the flower is shining brightly, and the Yuanling is scattered. I am looking forward to endlessly. Send me the light to relieve misfortunes and transform disasters. Urgency is like Doumu Yuanjun's decree!


When Han Xiao's incantation came to an end, the black clouds roared fiercely as if they were provoked, and at the same time, a purple-red thunderbolt thicker than a bucket struck straight down towards Han Xiao.

Just when Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and others who were watching from outside the formation thought that Han Xiao would be struck by lightning, the purple-red thunder and lightning dissipated without a trace the moment it was about to hit.

It was as if it had never appeared.

The sudden change immediately surprised Zhongli and several others who were watching the ceremony.

However, before they could react, the sky shrouded in black clouds and thunder suddenly began to stir violently, as if it had been invaded by something.

The next moment, a hole was torn open in the black clouds by some strange force, and a brilliant starry sky descended from the sky and completely enveloped Han Xiao and the three people in the formation.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the pillar of starlight expanded, and then tore apart the black clouds and thunder and lightning covering the sky with a devastating force, and at the same time swallowed up the violent winds raging everywhere.


Good guy, is this Han Xiao's response?

Somewhere on the top of a mountain among the clouds.

Seeing a pillar of starlight descending from the real starry sky outside the sky, penetrating the false sky and reaching between the clouds, the corners of Ruotuo Dragon King's mouth couldn't help but twitch as he spoke.

This commotion is a bit loud!

The movement is indeed not small, but the effect is very good.

Unlike the surprised Dragon King Ruotuo, Zhongli smiled slightly as he felt the vast and sacred power on the Pillar of Starlight.

Although Han Xiao's preparation this time caused a lot of noise, the effect seemed to be very good.

At least he could feel that the suppressed aura in Jueyunjian suddenly dissipated without a trace.

Chapter 857: Fate Change

Return to the city.

The people who were still discussing the reason for the appearance of the black clouds above Jueyunjian suddenly fell silent. Everyone stared blankly at the scene where the beam of light from the sky broke through the black clouds.

The next second, when everyone came to their senses, the whole city was filled with people.

Oh my god! What the hell is that!

The beam of light falling from the sky, my dear, can't this be Prince Yan and his old man appearing in the sky?

I think it's possible, but Lord Yan didn't die at all back then, but successfully survived the thunder tribulation!

This... shouldn't be possible. Didn't we all see the Immortal Ancestor's transformation when he invited Emperor Xian Dian Yi to do so?

Stupid, you have forgotten that Liyue has a saying about the ascension of the soul!

That's right, the emperor has the identity of the ancestor of the immortals. He must have ascended back then!

At this time, Zhongli, who was watching the ceremony from a distance on the top of Jueyunjian Mountain, didn't know yet. Because Hanxiao's movements caused the people in Liyue to think that this was a manifestation of his spiritual power after his 'ascension', they all began to pray in the direction of Jueyunjian. .


Let us turn our attention back to Jueyunjian.

In the formation, the beam of light with a sacred and vast aura easily tore apart the black 'sky', swallowing up the strong wind and thunder and lightning, and at the same time completely submerged the figures of Han Xiao and the others.

However, Han Xiao and the others, who were bathed in the starlight, felt that their bodies were warm, and their physiques were gradually improving under the influence of the power of the stars.

This is a bit serious.

Keli and Shen He are only mortals after all. It is normal for them to increase their physical fitness after being infected by the Pillar of Starlight. However, Han Xiao's life level has already transformed to the level of the demon god. In this way, they can also increase their physical fitness. It can be seen that the Pillar of Starlight will increase their physical fitness. The level of power contained is really not low.

Just as Keli and Han Xiao were silently experiencing the changes in their bodies, Shen He, who was sitting cross-legged in the formation, slowly opened his eyes, and for the first time, his indifferent eyes revealed changes in emotion.

At the same time, the black lines manifested by the Guchen Jiesha fate pattern on her body were also hit hard immediately, and the inspiration of Keli and Hanxiao in her body blocked the way.

In desperation, the black lines had to break away from Shen He's body and become rootless duckweeds.

In order to ensure that they would not be destroyed, the black lines rushed to squeeze into the precious jade crystal on the opponent's chest, but starlight soon followed.

In the end, he could only choose to settle in the nine turtle gourd in front of Shen He.

However, all these movements were seen by Han Xiao, who had already calculated everything.

He waved his right hand vigorously in the air, and a light blade condensed with blue power instantly hit the Nine Turtle Gourd.


With a cracking sound, the Nine Turtle Gourd shattered, and the majestic power of the stars instantly completely submerged the black lines with nowhere to go and crushed them into nothingness.


The moment the black lines disappeared, Shen He heard the sound of a tight string suddenly breaking in his ears, and his whole body relaxed.

At the same time, the Fate Seat in the sky, which originally represented its destiny, also began to become chaotic and began to reorganize.

Not long after, a brand new Fate Seat appeared in the sky.

Her destiny was completely changed.


In the chat group, the atmosphere in the group reached its peak from the moment the Starlight Pillar broke through the dark clouds.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Is this the backup plan you and Yuanxiao are preparing for?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Yes, the majestic power of the stars symbolizes destiny. It is normal to use destiny to crush destiny.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I've learned a lot this time. I didn't expect that fate could be broken like this.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, is this a brute force attack?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Don't worry about violence or not, just say whether it works or not.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It works indeed. I saw those fates manifested as black lines and were crushed into powder by the power of the stars. The question is, won't such violence cause other problems?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: You mean Sky Island?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Well, the Seat of Fate has been artificially altered. Will the maintainer of heavenly principles really not wake up from his slumber?

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Don't worry, it's not a big problem!

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Yuanxiao and I have already considered this issue when we decided to prepare for the ceremony in private. We came to the conclusion that this ceremony will probably attract the attention of Sky Island, but it should not cause the other party to have any problems. Suspect.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: That's interesting. Can you tell me in detail what's going on? What does it mean to attract attention but not arouse suspicion?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Actually, the answer is very simple. There is a 90% chance that Sky Island will detect the power of the stars falling from the real starry sky, but do you still remember the star-extinguishing incident in the early activities in the game that has not returned?

After being mentioned in this way, everyone in the group immediately remembered the meteor falling from the sky in the early days of playing games in their previous lives.

I remember that it was the destiny seat of the adventurer Leonard, the former designer of Wings of Wind.

Well, the seat of destiny?

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