Taking this opportunity, Han Xiao turned to look at Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and signaled him to come out of the battle quickly.

After all, it was his first time to perform a ceremony, so he was somewhat unprepared for the sudden expansion of the array.

It was precisely because Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun suddenly appeared in the formation that the black lines of fate manifested found a flaw in the aura of his and Keli's heaven and earth fate.

I know it!

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun was also a clever person. As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, she fluttered her wings and said a word before galloping away from the formation, even using all her immortal power.

In just a few breaths, the opponent had already flown several kilometers away. The speed was really rare.

At the same time, Han Xiao also focused all his energy on the formation again, making secrets with his left hand, drawing talisman with his right hand, and not forgetting to recite the incantation in his mouth.

The way of heaven is clear, the way of earth is peaceful, and the way of humanity is quiet. Three talents are in one place, the universe is mixed, hundreds of gods are destined to return, thousands of generals are accompanying them, and the devil star will be gone forever!

Along with the incantation, the Destruction Talisman of Zhuanming Palace took shape on his fingertips and stuck directly to Shen He's back.

In an instant, the black lines that were still wandering seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and were suppressed by the ruined talisman of the Destiny Palace and could not move.

The ruined talisman of the Ming Palace.

If there is a great ruin in the fate palace of a mortal, if you use this talisman to avoid disaster, this kind of talisman to suppress evil and eliminate great ruin is one of the nemesis of Guchen Jie evil destiny.


Just when the black lines formed by the destiny were suppressed by Han Xiao using the Destruction Talisman of the Mingming Palace combined with the large formation, several thunders suddenly exploded in the originally clear sky.

Purple lightning accompanied by deafening thunder fell from the sky and struck the ground, exploding large and small holes in the ground in an instant.


Thundering out of thin air is not a good sign!

Zhongli, who was far away on the top of the mountain, looked a little solemn as he looked at the sudden lightning and thunder in the sky above the clouds.

He could finally see that this was the final counterattack of Guchen Jiesha's fate in Shen He's body. The previous one was just a precursor.

Tsk...could it be that Hanxiao's ritual is going to fail?

Zhongli could tell that the situation faced by Han Xiao and the others was not good, and Dragon King Ruotuo could also tell that.

Han Xiao's previous preparations were not without purpose. It can be said that Guchen Jiesha's fate was suppressed by the opponent from the beginning to the end with all kinds of restraint.

It was precisely because of Han Xiao's world-shattering methods that the real starry sky descended on thunder. Obviously, the fate-reversing formation set up by the other party for Shen He had caused the world itself to react independently. ,

This is a reminder to try to get the ritual to stop actively.

Morax, are you ready to rescue people?

Seeing that things were slipping in a not so good direction, Ruotuo Dragon King asked calmly.

In his opinion, Han Xiao had a sign of failure.

No, wait a moment.

Upon hearing Dragon King Ruotuo's question, Zhongli just shook his head, with no intention of taking action.

Believe me in Han Xiao, since he is sure to hold the ceremony, he should have been prepared for it.


On the other hand, there was also a heated discussion in the chat group about the phenomenon of thundering out of thin air.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Thunder came out of thin air, and sure enough, the fate-reversing ritual attracted the attention of the world.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: It's normal. What Yuan Xiao is facing is Gu Chen's fate, and his final counterattack is still very powerful.

[Failed Knight·Hanxiao]: It looks a little bad. Is it possible that the Lantern Festival ritual failed in Yixiao?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: If ordinary people encountered this kind of phenomenon similar to the world's response, I would probably think that the other party would definitely fail, but the magic circle used by Yuanxiao was provided by Yixiao, and I don't believe they were unprepared for this.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Is what Yixiao, Guixiao said correct?

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: That's right. Yuanxiao and I are naturally prepared for this.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: If that's the case, then why doesn't Yuanxiao use any means to resolve the thunder out of thin air?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: You are wrong, Xingxiao. It's not that Yuanxiao has not been cast, but it has been cast long ago. It just takes some time for it to take effect.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: It seems that the ritual is about to fail. The countermeasures you have prepared are still waiting to take effect. Could it be that it is too late?

Just when Yiye was about to explain to everyone, his eyes accidentally saw what was happening on the screen in the live broadcast room, which made him change his tone instantly:

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: It seems that there is no need for me to explain, the method is starting to take effect!

Has it taken effect?

After hearing Yiye's words, other people in the chat group couldn't help but return their eyes to the screen in the live broadcast room.

Soon, they saw a scene that surprised them.

The clouds that were originally clear and clear turned abnormally dark.

Chapter 855 The world’s negative response

Black clouds are threatening to destroy the city.

The first sentence of the poem The Journey of the Grand Administrator of Yanmen written by Li He of the Tang Dynasty completely describes the celestial phenomena among the clouds at this time.

The dark clouds that had gathered together at some unknown time covered the entire Jueyunjian, and a strong wind blew up in an instant.

The dull thunder became louder and louder, and purple-red lightning rolled around in the sea of ​​clouds like a dragon, as if it wanted to tear apart the shackles of the clouds and free itself.

Looking at the extremely boring scene in front of them, other people watching Han Xiao's ceremony in the live broadcast room of the chat group couldn't help but sweat.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Yixiao, are you sure this is the method you prepared to take effect? ​​Why do I feel that you have intensified the power of thunder and lightning?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I feel the same, a bit like Leodro.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Don't worry, it just looks a little scary. It will change soon.

Changes coming soon?

After hearing Yiye's explanation, everyone in the group couldn't help but look at the dark sky covered by dark clouds and dense with thunder and lightning on the screen.

Given this terrifying scene, can the methods prepared by Yixiao and Yuanxiao really work?


Things are getting worse and worse!

Not only the people in the chat group felt that something was wrong, but Dragon King Ruotuo who was watching from the top of the mountain also couldn't stand it anymore.

Although he didn't know how Han Xiao did it, it was obvious that it was the other party's ritual that prompted the world to respond proactively.

But this response didn't seem to be a kind one.

Morax, do we have to wait any longer?

If we keep waiting like this, if this thundercloud spreads from Jueyunjian to Guili City and Liyue Port, we will be in big trouble!

Take action first to trap the surroundings!

Hearing his old friend's worries and looking at the obvious strange phenomenon in the sky above Jueyunjian, Zhongli also knew that he should make some preparations.

Although he believed that Han Xiao would not fight an uncertain battle, appropriate defensive measures still had to be deployed.

Thinking of this, Zhongli slowly raised his hands, and the bright rock elements slowly condensed into an earthy yellow light group in his palms.

“Taking it all in!”

As he opened his hands to both sides, a circular wave quickly expanded outward with it as the center point.

Bang bang bang——

At the same time, rock ridges carved with strange patterns broke out of the ground and stood on the earth. The land with a radius of dozens of miles around Jueyunjian formed a rock element protective shield with these rock ridges as nodes.

Mountains and seas transform into shapes!

Seeing this, Ruotuo Dragon King also raised his right hand. As an elemental dragon king, his innate talent allowed him to easily mobilize the earth veins near Jueyunjian.

After a while, the earth seemed to come alive and actively clung to the elemental protective shield set by Zhongli.

From a height, the entire Jueyunjian looks like it is completely surrounded by circular mountains.


This is...the power of the Emperor and Dragon King?

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who had just flown out of the range of the formation, found that Jueyunjian was suddenly surrounded as soon as he landed, and she was even more familiar with the power within.

Those are the defensive array of the emperor and the mountain and sea transformation technique of Dragon King Ruotuo.

The Emperor and Dragon King also took action!

Seeing that the entire Jueyunjian was temporarily trapped, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The noise caused by Han Xiao was really loud, and she was worried about whether it would cause harm to Liyue.

It's better now. With the help of the Emperor and Dragon King Ruotuo, at least there is no need to worry that if the ritual fails, the harm will spread to the whole of Liyue.

But then again...

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng quickly couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It had really been a long time since she had seen the Emperor and the Dragon King join forces.

I think these two people cooperated like this during the Demon God War.

First, Ruotuo Dragon King used mountain rock walls to cut the battlefield, and then the Emperor used rock ridges to set up a protective shield to trap the enemy, and then entered the field with his gun to harvest directly.

Unexpectedly, I saw these two people working together to set up a defense for Han Xiao.

My little apprentice has indirectly enjoyed the treatment of the demon gods who invaded Liyue during the Demon God War.

Although he lamented that he had once again seen the scene of the emperor and Ruotuo Dragon King joining forces that could only be seen a thousand years ago, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's mood was quickly overwhelmed by worry.

After all, the Jueyunjian at the moment has been shrouded in black clouds, and there are even more thunder and disasters in it, which looks extremely terrifying.

Is Han Xiao really okay with him?


Not long after the vision in Jueyunjian appeared, many residents in Guili City noticed it.

Come to think of it, if a black area suddenly appears in the originally clear sky, everyone will notice it, right?

Something feels wrong, Abedo!

Standing on the balcony on the second floor, looking at the scene covered by dark clouds in the distance, Lisa had a flash of worry in her eyes.

Others may not see anything wrong with these sudden black clouds, but she is different.

In her early years, Lisa had physical problems due to her excessive pursuit of knowledge, but this knowledge also allowed her to learn some secrets that the people of Teyvat did not know.

The current scene made it clear that the ceremony held by Han Xiao had somehow influenced the world's response, and it seemed to be a negative response.

Lisa actually didn't care much whether Han Xiao's ceremony could succeed, but the problem was that Keli was also in the ceremony.

At present, the ceremony has triggered active responses from the world, and it seems to be negative. Is it true that nothing will happen to Keli?

Don't worry, Keli will be fine.

After hearing Lisa's worries, Albedo, who was standing with her on the balcony, looked as calm as ever, as if he didn't care about the vision in Jueyunjian at all.

Are you so sure?

Because of the current situation, Han Xiao told Aunt Alice before when she called her.

Has Han Xiao told Ms. Alice?

Lisa raised her eyebrows and asked thoughtfully:

In other words, Han Xiao actually predicted this situation before the ceremony started?

Yes, everything is as he expected so far.

Abedo nodded and admitted Lisa's guess.

This is really surprising.

After receiving Albedo's response, Lisa was stunned for a moment before sighing.

A surprise, but not necessarily.

Hearing Lisa's emotion, Abedo immediately shook his head, and then said meaningfully:

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