[Secret·Hanxiao]: It's not that I can see anything, I just feel that there seem to be a lot of elements in the formation you designed.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Actually, you are right. Regarding how to resolve the Guchen Tribulation, Taoism actually has a set of proprietary procedures. Unfortunately, it is not available in Yuanxiao, so I can only deduce this based on local conditions. Four different formations.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Then what was the original process of resolving Guchen's calamity fate?

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: It was originally very simple. To make up the eight-character five-element talisman, please ask Taishang Laojun, Shui Dexingjun and the Five Elements Immortal God to use the shifting method to move the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. This talisman will be practiced and then It can be said that the effect is surprisingly good after being enshrined in front of Taishang Laojun God for three days.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Ah, is the original version so simple?

[Failed Knight·Hanxiao]: It looks really simple, but it's a pity that Yuanxiao can't use it.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Who says it's not the case? As long as Yuanxiao has the concepts of Taishang Laojun and Shui Dexingjun, the fate of Guchen Jiesha can be easily resolved.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: I'm not very interested in the original version, but I think the array elements you designed are quite rich in Yixiao.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Oh...can't it be rich? The formation I designed is based on the Three Combinations of Heaven, Earth and Man, and then incorporates the Diamond Wall in Maoshan Technique, the Taoist Secret Technique Heavenly Medicine Gourd Nine Turtle Formation, Tiangang Formation and Big Dipper Xuanji Formation.”

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Tsk, tsk, there are a lot of things integrated into it!

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Although it looks like a bit of a hodgepodge, please believe that I, the 81st generation successor of the Wenshi Sect, will definitely achieve the same results!

[Original God·Han Xiao]: If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have set up the formation according to your design. It's just that it's a bit troublesome to set up this formation.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Emmm, actually, I just got some inspiration to increase the power of the magic circle.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Huh? There's more!

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Don't worry, it's very simple this time. Just take out five molas.

Looking at Yixiao's messages in the group, Hanxiao pursed her lips and thought for a while, then took out five more molas from his pocket.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Very good, then you carve the real name of an earthly ruler on each mola. This is called the Teyvat special version of the Five Emperors Copper Coin Transformation Formation!

Good guy, is this okay?

Han Xiao curled her lips and asked him to carve the real names of the five demon gods directly. Are you really going to play this big?

However, Han Xiao then thought about it. Since Yixiao said that it could increase the power of the magic circle, he thought he could still add it to try.

With this thought, Han Xiao took out the carving knife and started to move under the watchful eyes of Keli, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Shen He.

Morax is earth, Buyel is wood, and Phukalos is water...

After carving the Teyvat version of the 'Five Emperors', he placed the five molas in the formation in sequence.


As time went by, the sun gradually climbed higher and higher, and soon reached its peak.

Looking at the sun hanging high above his head, Han Xiao took off his accessories, put on the robe prepared for him by Yixiao and slowly stepped into the formation.

It’s about to begin!

Looking at Han Xiao's movements, whether it was Keli and Shen He in the formation, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun outside the formation, or Zhongli and Ruotuo Dragon King far away on the top of the mountain, they all immediately It turned out that the so-called auspicious time of the other party had arrived.

Qinglong, Tiande, Yutang, Siming, Mingtang, and Jingui, take things as the key link, God as the eye, things as the scripture, and God as the weft!

In the east, Jia and Yi are in opposition to the Mao, in the east the Shang gate is in opposition to the four green dragons in shock, in the west the Geng Xin metal is in opposition to the unitary element, in the west the Jia gate is in opposition to the two white tigers...

Under the gaze of everyone, Han Xiao silently recited the Taoist formula, stepped forward and backward, one step at a time, one yin and one yang.


Mora, who was buried in the ground, reacted immediately, and a transparent wall of adamantine energy instantly covered all sides of the magic circle.

At the same time, a flash of spiritual light burst out from Han Xiao and Keli at the same time. The two entangled and intertwined in the air and poured into Shen He's body.


In an instant, Shen He felt as if her soul had been hit hard, and she couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and wisps of ominous black lines appeared on her exposed skin.

The imperial edict comes from the ocean, the sun rises in the east, I give you a spiritual talisman to sweep away all the bad luck!

Seeing the black lines emerging from Shen He's body, Han Xiao did not dare to neglect, started a double duel with both hands, and said the spell without stopping at all:

There are three wonders in the sky, the sun, moon and stars, and the ghosts and gods are astounding throughout the sky!

Accompanying Han Xiao's spell, all the fine jade stones representing the sun, moon and stars scattered throughout the formation burst out with dazzling light in an instant.

Chapter 853 The ceremony begins

As the fine jade stones scattered in the formation all burst out with dazzling light, Han Xiao, Keli and Shen He in the formation were all 'submerged' in the light.

But soon, all the light was sucked into the body of the three people, and Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng outside the formation was also able to get a glimpse of the current situation inside the formation.

The light sucked into Han Xiao and Keli's bodies seemed to be just passing through a transit station. It only stayed in their bodies for a moment and then extended outwards along with their auras. Finally, it gathered around Shen He and slowly sank into her body. .

The gods bow their heads in obeisance when they see it, and the evil spirits will not stop when they see it...

After finishing the duel, Han Xiao made a secret with one hand with his left hand. The index and middle fingers of his right hand came together to form sword fingers. Power was poured into his fingertips to draw complicated and mysterious spells in the void.

The next moment the talisman was formed in the void, he slashed hard with his right hand and shouted loudly:

Hurry as the law dictates!

The next moment, the talisman formed in the void quickly stuck around Shen He's body as if commanded, and then turned into silver 'silk threads' and seeped into her body.


coming soon!

On a mountaintop somewhere among the clouds, Dragon King Ruotuo, who watched the entire process of Han Xiao's formation with his super strength, narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

The black lines on Shen He's body are actually the product of the 'fate materialization' that was forced to appear by Han Xiao using formations.

And those threads transformed by light and spells are invading Shen He's body bit by bit. As long as the entire black lines are invaded by external forces, it means that his fate is also gradually changing.

The next thing is the important thing.

Zhongli, who had also watched the entire ceremony, heard his old friend's muttering. He couldn't help but answer, and at the same time he looked up at the direction of Sky Island.

Although he didn't know what spell Han Xiao had just recited, Zhongli found that the other party seemed to have mobilized a star force in the real starry sky outside the false sky of Teyvat.

Please God?

No, that's not right.

There may be gods in other worlds who can protect this kind of fate-changing function, but here is Teyvat, where the other party has little concept and cannot penetrate at all.

The power of the stars that are about to fall from the sky is more like simulated with symbolic meaning.


While Zhongli and Ruotuo Dragon King were waiting for the power of the stars to come down, the chat group was also extremely lively.

They watched the entire ceremony through the lens of the live broadcast room, and Han Xiao's every move was also observed by everyone in the group.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: That's amazing. I didn't expect Yuanxiao to have a bit of the demeanor of a heavenly master in his movements. I remember he just learned numerology from Yixiao, right?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Indeed, is it possible that Yuanxiao is actually very suitable for the Eastern system?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, is Yixiao so good at teaching others? How long has it been since Yuanxiao has behaved so well?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: You have all misunderstood. It's not that I teach well or that Yuan Xiao learns quickly. The reason why you think he behaves like that is actually mainly because of Yuan Xiao's own personality. High, thus driving the vitality of Zhoutian.

From Yixiao's point of view, the reason why Hanxiao was able to perform so miraculously in a short period of time was certainly because of the opponent's diligent study and practice during this period.

But the more critical factor is that Yuanxiao's special status in Teyvat Continent accounts for most of the factors.

Do you really think that a person can just appear on the ‘Heaven Position’ in the triad of heaven, earth and man?

Yuanxiao is the seven stars of Liyue, and it is also the Tianshu star, the first of the seven stars.

It just so happens that the handle of the Big Dipper is called Tiangang.

Moreover, there are thirty-six Tiangang stars in the Big Dipper cluster, which are exactly the Tiangang of the thirty-six Tiangang and the seventy-two Earthly Evils in the previous life.

Another theory is that Tiangang is the Beichen or Ziwei star, which happens to be directly in front of Tianshu star in the starry sky, so the Big Dipper is also called Little Tiangang.

The ancients understood the Beidou and the Pole Star as a whole. The Beidou is at the center of the starry sky, and the stars rotate around it, like the ruler of the sky. The Beidou has become the maker of the order of heaven and earth, and is the center of the transformation of all things in the world.

So no matter which theory is used, Yuanxiao, the Liyue Tianshu star, is inextricably linked to Tiangang in numerology.

In addition, the opponent may not be qualified in terms of strength, but its own personality is the third pole that is different from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum.

If placed in some fantasy worlds, it would be equivalent to existences with the same status as the two creation gods of imaginary numbers and quantum.

In terms of this personality and authority, no one on the continent of Teyvat can match it.

Therefore, taking into account many factors, the Lantern Festival will show an extremely high level in the ceremony.

In fact, he just learned a pattern, and the real miracles are caused by his own personality.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Tsk tsk... Personality, I am very familiar with this.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: I almost forgot that personality is not very useful in a world like mine, but worldly identities like Weixiao and Yuanxiao seem to be really useful.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Indeed, the status in the mysterious world is more important than the Tiyvat continent. People with low status cannot even understand the secret knowledge, and they will go crazy once they understand it.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Stop talking, Yuanxiao is about to take the next step!

Ao Xiao's words instantly interrupted everyone's interest in chatting in the group, and everyone involuntarily turned their attention back to the screen in the live broadcast room.


Jueyunjian·The location of the ceremony.

As Han Xiao's spell was completely formed, the clouds that were originally flowing in the mountain breeze suddenly seemed to be still, the entire atmosphere was stagnant, and the surroundings were even more silent.

After a while, every pattern of the magic circle at the feet of Han Xiao, Keli and Shen He emitted light that was almost like the real thing.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory light circle was reflected above the three of them.


When the formation composed of light appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the atmosphere suddenly shook violently, and then the light formation quickly expanded in the air as if it had been poured into a growth potion.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the array that was originally only a few meters in size expanded into a giant array covering a radius of more than ten miles.


Caught off guard, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's expression suddenly changed.

She was originally watching from outside the formation, so why was she enveloped by the formation in the blink of an eye?

It's over. Will Han Xiao's formation completely fail because of his sudden intrusion?

It can warn against all kinds of evil and not pardon the demons. With a thunderous sound, all calamities will be wiped out!

Before Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun could react, Han Xiao recited a spell loudly, and kept drawing spells in the void with his right hand.

Chapter 854 Counterattack

Han Xiao's sword finger on his right hand was glowing with a faint blue light of power. He first drew a stroke to the right, then pointed down in the middle. He then moved in circles, first to the left twice, then to the right twice, and then folded down. Go to the bottom and make another circle to the right and add Sanyi in the middle.

Here, the four evil talismans for suppressing evil spirits and criminals are completed!


As Han Xiao made a sonorous and powerful sound, the void-formed spell instantly hit the ground beneath Shen He.

In an instant, the nine-turtle gourd placed in front of Shen He greatly increased in spirituality, giving the impression that it suddenly came to life.

With the spiritual awakening of Jiugui Gourd, the black lines on Shen He's body surface seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and wanted to be hidden again.

Unfortunately, the light that Keli and Han Xiao continuously poured out was like an airtight city wall that blocked them all.

Seeing that the shadow was unable to escape, the black lines formed by the manifested destiny instantly went berserk and began to run around in Shen He's body, trying to force the host to actively destroy the formation.


The black lines manifesting her fate made such a noise, Shen He's whole body felt like being struck by thunder, and she let out a muffled groan, and a wisp of bright red blood slowly dripped from the corner of her mouth to the ground.

What was even more frightening was that the blood falling on the ground made a sizzling sound, and at the same time a stream of white smoke came out.

It is the image of blood corroding clay.

Senior Sister Shen He, this is a fate backlash, please hold on!

Seeing the black lines manifested on Shen He's body acting like this, Han Xiao knew that this was probably the other party's last ditch effort, so he hurriedly reminded his senior sister not to fail here.

Hearing Han Xiao's loud reminder, Shen He did not speak, but closed his eyes tightly and forced himself to sit cross-legged in the formation.

Master Liuyun, please retreat quickly!

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