Back then, for the sake of Liyue's stability, Morax would never allow any unstable factors, but now he didn't grow up in Hanxiao to explore this secret, and even let the other party act as if he didn't notice it.

Could it be that he is getting softer as he gets older?

I'm past the age where I have to take care of everything.

Facing the shock of Dragon King Ruotuo, Zhongli looked calm.

It doesn't matter if Han Xiao has a secret, as long as he won't cause harm to Liyue.

He had noticed that Han Xiao had a secret a long time ago, and the other party didn't even hide it.

This can be seen from the fact that Han Xiao takes out some things from another world from time to time, and both of them actually understand this tacitly.

You are betting that Han Xiao's secret will allow him to grow up to the point where he can protect Liyue from the threat of the one in the sky.

Looking at the old god Zhongli, Ruotuo Dragon King's mouth twitched slightly.

Only now did he understand the logic of his old friend's behavior towards Han Xiao.

...When did Morax become so bold?

Do you dare to bet on this?

The situation in Teyvat has become increasingly worse over the years.

After hearing his old friend's judgment, Zhongli, who originally looked normal, showed a slightly tired look for the first time.

He never liked gambling.

But the increasingly dire situation in Teyvat forced Zhongli to consider Liyue's future.

Why did Han Xiao sign a contract with the Ice Queen before Han Xiao showed his prominence, intending to hand over the Heart of God to her?

That's because Zhongli knew that Teyvat would undergo a complete upheaval soon. If Liyue wanted to survive this storm that would affect the entire continent, she had to choose a side.

However, many facts prove that Tianli is more like a harsh and harsh leader to Teyvat. If he chooses to side with her, Liyue is likely to follow in the footsteps of ancient countries such as Camria and Shar Fendenir at any time. .

This is what Zhongli doesn't want to see.

In fact, the seven gods are very clear about Tianli's attitude, and they have each made different decisions.

Ice God chose to resist openly.

The water gods and the others are inclined towards heavenly principles.

Zhongli and Wendy, on the other hand, chose to act impartially on the surface, but secretly used obscure means to increase their chips on the Ice God.

If it weren't for Han Xiao, Zhongli would have even been prepared to make one last stand for Liyue when Teyvat undergoes drastic changes.

This is actually reflected in the game plot.

History can be recorded, but history is not reliable.

In order to prevent the history of Liyue from being distorted in time, he even planned to imprint the entire history of Liyue in the memory of Yingmei, a person who traveled far and wide across the sky and the sea of ​​stars.

To put it simply, as long as travelers can record it, there will be a [backup of existence] for the era and history of Teyvat.

However, this preparation has changed due to the emergence of the variable Han Xiao.

When Zhongli discovered that in addition to travelers, there was another descendant who was born in Liyue through reincarnation, he decisively chose to block other tentacles that came to explore from Liyue.

Then he quietly waited for the growth of this coming person, Han Xiao.

At the beginning, Han Xiao's growth was no different from that of ordinary people, which made Zhongli a little disappointed. The other person was at most smarter than ordinary people, so he did not continue to pay attention to him for a long time.

Until three years ago, Han Xiao broke into his sight again.

At that time, Zhongli was vaguely aware that the other party had acquired a physique far beyond that of ordinary people overnight.

After learning about this situation, he once again raised his expectations for Han Xiao, and the strategy proposed by the other party was very good.

That's why Zhongli asked Han Xiao directly in his dream to become a candidate for Tianshu Star.

Chapter 851 Arrangement of Formation

So this is how Han Xiao became a Tianshu star?

After listening to Zhongli's story, Dragon King Ruotuo suddenly showed a look of realization on his face, as he realized that his old friend had been paying attention to him since Hanxiao's reincarnation.

Han Xiao's own abilities are also on the one hand. The strategies he proposed successfully allowed millions of unemployed miners in the Strata Abyss to settle down again.

Zhongli first praised Han Xiao's personal abilities, and then told another reason that he had kept buried deep in his heart.

But what really matters to me is his overnight evolution from an ordinary person to a superhuman physical fitness. This is the fundamental reason why I personally recommended him to become a seven-star player.

There have been many capable people in Liyue for thousands of years, but Zhongli usually rarely interferes in the selection of the Seven Stars.

In addition, Han Xiao at that time did not show the strategic vision and skills that he does now, and the advice given by the other party at that time was not particularly outstanding. At most, it could only be ranked in the middle of the seven-star level in the past.

If it weren't for the secret, Han Xiao might be able to become a Seven Star in the future with her own abilities, but her climb would definitely not be as fast as it is now.

To put it bluntly, when Zhong Li came on stage, the position of Tianshu Star was already Han Xiao's without any further tests.

After all, in Liyue, who dares not to listen to the emperor as long as he speaks.

Didn't you see that Tianshu Xing himself, who had already decided on the candidate, decisively changed his intention after learning Zhongli's opinion?


Hearing this, Dragon King Ruotuo couldn't help laughing, then looked at Zhongli with a hint of joking, and said jokingly:

Morax, are you using your power for personal gain?

That's certainly true.

Faced with the teasing from his old friend, Zhongli didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, the corners of his mouth raised and the corners of his eyes revealed a smile.

I was betting that the secret in the hands of Han Xiao, the descendant, was big enough. After all, the several named descendants in Teyvat are not ordinary people.


After hearing Zhongli's explanation, Ruotuo Dragon King also stopped smiling and sighed solemnly.

Now it seems that you won the bet!


Zhongli spoke modestly, but the curve of the corners of his mouth did not decrease at all.

As Han Xiao transformed from a mortal into a demon god in less than two years under his nose, he then gained power that even he felt threatened, and now he has the power to check and balance the laws of heaven.

Zhongli knew that his big gamble had really won.

This is why Han Xiao disrupts the Ice Queen's plans time and time again, but Zhongli always acquiesces.

Because he knew that no matter what kind of trouble Han Xiao caused in Teyvat, even if it caused the hostility of heaven, he would be able to contain it and ensure that Liyue would not be destroyed by disaster.

Now the only thing Zhongli cares about is Liyue's continuation. Since Han Xiao can keep Liyue under the sanctions of heaven, then what does he have to worry about.

It can be said that Zhongli's current life can be regarded as a real leisure time in the world.

Speaking of which, Morax, the Ice God isn't angry with Han Xiao for disrupting her plan?

Seeing that his old friend was truly relieved of the burden of thousands of years, Dragon King Ruotuo was relieved, but he also couldn't help but feel a little more worried.

With Han Xiao, Liyue may be saved.

But he got two God's Hearts, which can be regarded as completely destroying the Ice Queen's plan. Is the other party really not angry at all?

I'm a little angry, but more of a surprise.

Surprise? Could it be that you said something to the other party in private?

I just revealed some information that Han Xiao can tell the truth about.

Zhongli did not deny the question raised by Dragon King Ruotuo.

When Han Xiao's appearance led him to propose changing the contract to the Ice Queen, the other party already knew some clues from his attitude.

After the Sumeru Moon incident occurred, the Ice Queen privately contacted Zhongli using her spiritual thoughts to know which side he planned to stand on now.

Therefore, when she learned that Han Xiao had the ability to protect Teyvat Continent under the intervention of Tianli, she changed her strategy and chose to befriend Liyue.

This is why the young girl Columbia came to Liyue to serve as a diplomat.

You must know that the young girl Columbia is the second-ranked executive officer of the Fools. Her demon-god-level strength is the top combat power in the winter. Letting her serve as a diplomat is purely an understatement.

Although there are reasons why the puppet Sandone and the servant Arecino shirk their responsibilities and run away, in the end the Ice Queen can acquiesce in the candidate selected by the Harlequin Piero, which is enough to explain the other party's attitude.

...You are so scheming with Han Xiao, aren't you afraid that the boy will give up the job if he finds out?

You are wrong. I have never hidden my thoughts from him.

Zhongli shook his head repeatedly to indicate that Dragon King Ruotuo was overthinking. His more than six thousand years of life had taught him that lies would have unpredictable consequences when exposed.

Sincerity is the eternal surefire!

So from the beginning, Zhongli let Han Xiao know one thing, that is, the purpose of Demon God Morax from beginning to end was to protect Liyue from being destroyed by disaster.

As for what secrets he had, he didn't care at all.

Zhongli is not that stupid to deceive Han Xiao, whose future potential has no upper limit.

Han Xiao, who also understood his thoughts, also tacitly understood this, so the two of them always got along happily.

Tsk tsk...

Just when Dragon King Ruotuo continued to speak, Zhongli suddenly raised his hand to interrupt him, and then pointed to the distant location of the ceremony:

Let's not talk about it for now, the ceremony is about to begin!

Is the ceremony about to begin?

After hearing Zhongli's reminder, Ruotuo turned his attention to the place where the ceremony was held.


While Zhongli and Ruotuo were chatting on the top of the mountain, Han Xiao was not idle either. He directly opened the chat group and found Yixiao.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Place the dust-cleansing bell, jade Ruyi and the seal in front of the formation according to the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: In addition, take the best jade and take the three lights of the sun, moon and stars and fall them into the formation.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Treat the entire formation as a small world, take copper coins, or mola, and use mola to bury it in the formation with thirty-six heavenly positions.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Finally, let Shen He be in the position of the formation, and hang up the glazed crystal. Keli is the three wonders of the earth, occupying the position, and Yuanxiao you are the Tiangang, occupying the position of heaven.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: After doing all this, you can wait for the auspicious time to come.

Under Yixiao's series of instructions, Han Xiao first took out thirty-six molas and found the thirty-six Tiangang positions according to the star map provided by Zhongli. Then, he carved the molas with their representative names one by one and buried them in the ground of the formation.

Then he took out seventy-two fine jade stones and scattered them throughout the formation.

Chapter 852: Cold Night, Formation

What a strange formation!

Seeing Han Xiao's series of arrangements, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who was outside the formation, couldn't help but show his happy eyes.

Although the formation arranged by his apprentice and the formation deduced by their immortals are slightly different in ritual, they are similar in both meaning and technique.

If Shen He's matter wasn't the most important thing at the moment, she would have wanted to take Han Xiao to understand how the opponent's formation worked.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who did not dare to disturb Han Xiao, had no choice but to suppress the curiosity in his heart and stare at the opponent's method of setting up the formation, for fear that he would miss the steps.

After the cold night in the formation sprinkled the finest jade stones symbolizing the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, he took out the evil-resolving magic weapon [Nine Turtle Gourds] carved and consecrated by Yixiao from the jade pendant and placed it on the table where he sat. In front of Shen He in the formation's eyes.

In the live broadcast room, watching Han Xiao arrange the formation step by step, the group was also quite lively.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Interesting, this is probably the first time we have seen Taoist formations in reality, right?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: It should be said that this is the first time I have seen a Taoist formation that can be effective in reality.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: It seems a bit cumbersome.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: It's complicated, but it's still effective.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Yixiao, please give me some books on formations later. I want to see if I can combine Chinese and Western methods to add some functions to my magic formation. Maybe it will have miraculous effects.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Good guy, Xixiao, you are going to have two flowers!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Emmm, why do I feel like there are so many weird things mixed in your formation overnight?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Oh, Wei Xiao, what did you see?

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