If Alice were from Liyue, it would not be an exaggeration to call her an immortal.

Keli understands, mom is a fairy!

Ah this...

Just when Han Xiao was explaining immortals to Keli using Alice as an example, a strange look flashed in the eyes of Shen He, who was sitting on the seat behind the electric car.

The thoughts in my junior brother's mind feel a bit strange.

How can an immortal explain it this way?

Moreover, the lady named Alice could actually be considered by Han Xiao to be similar to an immortal?

Is the mother of the little girl named Keli in the passenger seat really so powerful?

Chapter 849 Before the ceremony begins

Between the clouds.

The high mountains in the northwest of Liyue are surrounded by clouds and mist all year round and are deserted.

It is rumored that there are wonderful sights in the mountains between Jueyunjian, but due to the complex terrain and steep mountain roads, there are few people. It is a secluded place for the immortals who guard Liyue, and it is therefore sought after by some people who seek immortality and pray for blessings.

After driving non-stop for a day and a night, Han Xiao, Keli and Shen He finally arrived at this place where few people except those seeking immortality have set foot on the next day.

As the electric car slowly parked at the destination of Jueyunjian, Han Xiao and the other three opened the door and walked out.

As soon as they got off the car, they saw Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who had been waiting here for a long time.

Wow, what a big bird!

The first time she saw Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, Keli couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise at the crane in front of her that was as tall as a person.

How presumptuous, I have a name and a surname, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is the one!

Sorry...Master Liuyun!

Unexpectedly, Keli's first words when she saw Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun were this. Han Xiao on the side quickly apologized on his behalf.

Keli just made a slip of the tongue. Please forgive me, Master Liuyun.

Um...I'm sorry, Keli didn't mean it.

Seeing the big bird in front of her speaking human words, although Keli was still a little confused, she was still very obedient and apologized to the other person.

That's all, he who doesn't know is not guilty.

Hearing Han Xiao's apology, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone of voice instantly softened.

In fact, she just subconsciously retorted.

And as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng knew that he had said the wrong thing. Keli was the helper Han Xiao invited to help his disciple Shen He. She should not have acted as strong as usual just now.

Fortunately, the steps given by Han Xiao and Ke Li prevented things from slipping into a bad direction.

Han Xiao, is this Alice's daughter Keli?

Hey, stay...stay...

When she heard Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun say her mother's name, Keli immediately raised her head and looked at him. She was about to speak but got stuck on the name.

Liuyun borrows the wind, Zhenjun.

Seeing this, Han Xiao quickly whispered the full name of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun in Keli's ear.

Oh yes, Aunt Zhenjun knows my mother?

Alice? I have indeed met her several times.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who was called aunt for the first time, was silent for a moment, and then answered Keli's question.

She and Alice were not very familiar, they had only met a few times, and it was the Emperor who really knew each other well.

However, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was quite aware of its super destructive power. After all, when the other party came to Liyue, the old man Dijun accompanied him throughout the process.

This special treatment is probably the only one in thousands of years.

Master Liuyun, let's get down to business.

Realizing that Lord Liuyun Jiefeng didn't want to say much about Alice, Han Xiao spoke very discerningly and brought the topic back on track.

I wonder if you are ready for the ceremony required by Senior Sister Shen He?

Don't worry, I have already prepared the rituals required for the ceremony.

When Han Xiao asked about the preparation progress of the ceremony, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng answered quite simply.

That's good.

After learning that all the rituals required for the ceremony had been prepared, Han Xiao continued:

Please also ask Zhenjun to take Senior Sister Shen He to fast for a day and wait for an auspicious time.

Fasting? I know, Shen He, you come with me.

Yes, master.


Time soon came to the day before the ceremony was about to begin.

Early in the morning, Han Xiao took Keli to the open space where the ceremony was held.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Shen He, who had finished fasting, appeared here early to wait for Han Xiao's arrival.

I leave Shen He's affairs to you, Han Xiao!

Seeing the arrival of his apprentice, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun just told him, then took a few steps back and came not far from the ceremony to give up the stage to Han Xiao.


Han Xiao nodded vigorously, and then looked at Shen He who was silent.

Senior Sister Shen He, please sit down in the middle of the ritual circle.


Keli, you move the small bench and sit at the top of the ritual circle.

I know, brother Hanxiao!

After hearing Han Xiao's instructions, Keli carried Xiao Maza to the sharp corners above the magic circle and sat down without saying a word.

After both of them sat down, he closed his eyes and 'pretended to calculate', but in fact he called Yiye out in the chat group and prepared to let the other party 'do it for him'.

Just as Han Xiao was making final preparations before the ceremony began.

At this time, two figures were standing on the top of a mountain somewhere among the clouds.

One of them has a slender and well-proportioned figure, while the other is slightly taller.

It was Zhongli and Ruotuo Dragon King who arrived at unknown time.

Morax, do you think Han Xiao can really help Shen He change Guchen Jiesha's destiny?

After watching Han Xiao's every move with his excellent eyesight for a long time, Ruotuo Dragon King just turned his head and looked at Zhongli beside him, his words full of curiosity.

You must know that Teyvat's fate is determined. Han Xiao's move is completely challenging the impossible.

Is this really possible?

It was for this reason that when Zhongli told him that Han Xiao planned to help Shen He resolve the evil spirit of Gu Chen's fate, he chose to come and watch.

I can only say that it is possible. Whether it can succeed or not depends on Han Xiao's ability.

Faced with his old friend's question, Zhongli did not give an absolutely positive answer.

Because even he was not sure whether Han Xiao could succeed.

Although Zhongli learned about the steps and operation of the ceremony in detail through the information brought by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

Judging from his knowledge base, the technique of transforming evil spirits that Han Xiao prepared this time is indeed unique, and it also makes sense based on the principles of astrology, numerology and other aspects.

But Zhongli couldn't guarantee whether the other party could completely break Gu Chen's fate-shattering ritual.

After all, as Dragon King Ruoduo knows, the fate of everyone on the continent of Teyvat is trapped under this false sky by the one in the sky.

Thousands of years ago, it was not impossible to try to break this established destiny, but unfortunately they failed.

So many people can't do it, do you think Hanxiao can do it?

Hearing that his old friends were a little uncertain, Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but frowned.

Morax is also willing to let Han Xiao try such an uncertain thing?

Isn't he afraid of attracting Sky Island's attention?

It doesn't matter.

Regarding Dragon King Ruotuo's concerns, Zhongli looked indifferently as he looked at Han Xiao, who was fiddling with the ritual in front of the ritual formation.

Han Xiao already has a trump card that makes the man in the sky have to give in.

Chapter 850 Zhongli’s Gambling

A trump card that can make Tianli give in?

Ruotuo Dragon King looked at his old friend in surprise and found that the other person's expression was as usual, and he didn't seem to be joking.

Morax, are you really kidding me?

That boy Han Xiao actually has a trump card in his hand that can make the man in the sky give in?

What do you think?

Turning his head to meet Dragon King Ruotuo's gaze, Zhongli raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It is precisely because he has already achieved the goal that I did not prevent the ceremony from being held this time.

If it had been two years ago when Han Xiao first showed his prominence, or when he later transformed into the demon god level, Zhongli probably would not have allowed the other party to hold such a ritual to transform evil spirits and change fate.

The reason is simple. This kind of ceremony must be held in a place with abundant earth veins and spiritual energy.

Don't forget that Tianli can use the earth's veins to detect any information she wants to know.

Once it is discovered that Han Xiao uses the real starry sky behind the false sky and means outside the world to help people change their destiny, he will inevitably become the target of natural justice.

But things are different now.

Han Xiao has the ability to reverse the world bubble, which means he has the power to flip the table directly.

If Tianli really wants to hold Han Xiao responsible for this matter, he can completely invert Teyvat into his body with a backhand, and then use his power to infect Teyvat, making him the third person to break away from the Sea of ​​Quantum and the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. The three poles are attached to the world, thereby avoiding the 'examination'.

It was precisely because Han Xiao now had the power to lift the table that Zhongli allowed him to perform a fate-changing ritual near the earth's veins.

Presumably even if Tianli knew about it, he would probably consider whether she and Han Xiao would become enemies.

If I remember correctly, you told me before that Han Xiao seemed to be an ordinary mortal three years ago?


In just three years, he has transformed from a weak mortal to the level of a demon god. He still holds a trump card that even the one in the sky can weigh. Isn't this growth a little too fast?

After listening to Zhongli's explanation, Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but look at the place where Han Xiao held the ceremony.

Three years?

Three years may be considered a long time for mortals, but in the eyes of many demon gods in Teyvat, three years is almost negligible.

Han Xiao's ability to grow from a mortal to what he is today in such a short period of time can no longer be described as fast. It can be said to subvert common sense.

Thinking of this, Ruotuo Dragon King said angrily:

It seems that Han Xiao has a great secret.

I know.

You know? Then you didn't check what was going on. Isn't that unlike you?

Hearing Zhongli's unchanged voice, Ruotuo Dragon King looked at his old friend in surprise.

He was not surprised that Morax knew Han Xiao's secret, because even he could see it, how could his old friend not see it.

Ruotuo Dragon King was surprised that Morax didn't pursue Han Xiao's secret.

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