After realizing this, Lisa decisively changed her previous attitude towards the Internet and expressed her hope that Hanxiao could set up an Internet network in Mondstadt as soon as possible.

After all, the potential of the Internet is too great. If it continues to be delayed, by the time the Internet network is laid in Mondstadt, Liyue may have already united with large and small chambers of commerce to occupy most of the 'tracks' on the Internet.

Such a good opportunity to embark on the 'fast lane' is right in front of us, and it would be a pity to miss it.

That's why Lisa uncharacteristically raised the issue of setting up an Internet network in Mondstadt again to Han Xiao.

Sorry, Miss Lisa.

Faced with Miss Lisa's inquiry, Han Xiao narrowed her eyes and instantly entered work mode.

The production capacity of desktop computers is limited. It is difficult to fill the gap in Liyue in a short time, let alone Mondstadt.

But I can assure you that as long as Liyue ends the promotion of desktop computers, Mondstadt will be next.

Capacity is limited?

After hearing the excuse given by Han Xiao, Lisa immediately sneered.

I also know something about alchemy. Although the cost of a desktop computer is high, it is not unacceptable. At least it is within Liyue's affordable range.

And you and Abedo should have already started conducting cost reduction experiments on desktop computers. Maybe the experiment has been successful?

Not that fast.

Regarding Han Xiao's speculation, Lisa shook her head.

Abedo and Diluc have a very good relationship with each other, so there are still several desktop computers in Mond.

As someone who already had a certain knowledge of alchemy, she had naturally set her sights on the desktop computer just launched by Guilicheng. At the same time, she had also personally dismantled one to examine the internal parts.

So Lisa knew very well that Han Xiao and Abedo had used a large number of common alchemy materials to reduce the cost of making desktop computers and reduce the difficulty of construction.

The output of desktop computers may be a little low, but it will never be as pitiful as Han Xiao said.

It seems that the other party has no plans to extend the Internet to Mondstadt now.

Thinking of this, Lisa understood the reason why Han Xiao did this. Its main purpose was probably to give Liyue people a certain amount of development time so that Liyue could take a leading position in the future Internet field.

If you think about it this way, it’s easy to understand why he chose to delay the launch of the Internet in Mondstadt.

Hanxiao, can you give me an accurate idea of ​​how long Mond will have to wait before deploying the desktop computer industry and the Internet?


Seeing Lisa's expression as if she was bound to get accurate information, Han Xiao couldn't help but reach out her hand and rub her chin while she fell into thought.

Fortunately, he didn't keep Lisa waiting long and made a decision quickly.

Half a year, I guarantee that Liyue will abide by the contract and help Mondstadt build the Internet network after half a year.

Sure enough, it’s about half a year!

Hearing Han Xiao's answer after much thought, Lisa's eyes flashed with understanding.

Then it's settled, Han Xiao!

It's natural!

Shortly after Han Xiao and Lisa finalized the decision to set up an Internet network for Mondstadt in half a year, Albedo reappeared in the living room with Keli who had packed up to pay homage.

Hanxiao, Keli will be taken care of by you these days!

Holding Keli's little hand and walking to Han Xiao, Abedo looked at Han Xiao and said seriously.

Don't worry, I will bring Keli back as soon as the ceremony is over. Nothing will go wrong.

After promising Abedo, Han Xiao left Abedo's residence with Keli, got in the car and drove towards Jueyunjian.

Miss Lisa, you probably have some ideas about observing the ceremony when you come to Guili City this time. Why don't you choose to follow?

Looking at Han Xiao and Keli getting into the car and disappearing, Abedo just retracted his gaze and turned to look at Lisa beside him.

He knew very well that it was impossible for a scholar like Lisa who came from the Imperial Academy not to be curious about Liyue's numerology.

Just like Abedo himself was very curious about what kind of ritual Han Xiao planned to carry out to change a person's fate, but because he could not leave for the time being, he did not choose to go together.

The person who escorted Keli this time was Lisa. Abedo didn't think that she came just to see Keli back and forth from the city.

I'm definitely curious.

Hearing Abedo's inquiry, Lisa nodded and admitted that she did accept the task of escorting Keli with the idea of ​​observing the numerology ceremony at first.

But soon her conversation changed:

However, I have just reached an agreement with Brother Hanxiao. In order to ensure that the agreement goes smoothly, I will not interfere in Liyue's private affairs involving the immortal and his disciples, so as not to cause unnecessary twists and turns.

Of course, Lisa is very concerned about numerology rituals that can change a person's life.

However, as she said, she had just reached a resolution with Han Xiao to set up an Internet network for Mondstadt in half a year.

The party participating in the ceremony involves the immortal from Liyue and the immortal’s disciples.

In order not to cause unnecessary troubles, Lisa chose to give up the idea of ​​​​proposing to Han Xiao that she also wanted to go and observe the ceremony.

After all, compared with a numerology ritual, the Internet, which can quickly transform Mondstadt, is more important.

Lisa had only received Han Xiao's verbal promise before. Before everything was settled, she didn't want this matter to have any more changes out of thin air.


After hearing Lisa's explanation, Abedo was silent for a while, and then looked stunned.

It's a matter of the Internet. It seems that you have obtained Han Xiao's promise.



Seeing that Lisa had to admit it quite straightforwardly, Albedo couldn't help but shook his head when he understood:

You're thinking a little too much. In fact, I don't think Han Xiao will mind your idea of ​​watching.

I know, but I don't want to take the chance.

Chapter 848 Keli: Immortal, fresh person!

For Han Xiao, although the ceremony held this time was worthy of attention, it was not a secret that needed to be kept secret.

To put it bluntly, he didn't know whether this ceremony would be able to resolve Shen He's fate of Guchen Jiesha.

So if Lisa proposed that she wanted to follow him and observe, Han Xiao might not refuse.

Lisa also saw some clues from the other party's unabashed attitude.

But in the end she chose to give up.

The great mystery of changing a person's life may be worthy of attention, but it is still far behind the promise of the Internet.

What's more, this ceremony may not be successful, right?

But I think Han Xiao is very confident.

After hearing Lisa's views on the whole matter, Abedo nodded unequivocally, and then expressed his views.

In Abedo's view, Han Xiao looks lazy on the surface, as if he doesn't care about anything, but in fact, he has carefully considered everything he does beforehand.

It is precisely because of this character of making decisions before taking action that Han Xiao was able to seize the opportunity to rise from an ordinary puppet master to one of the seven highest-level leaders in Liyue in a short period of time.

The other party even took advantage of this to break out of Qixing's original circle of interests and create a big 'new cake' on its own that would be coveted by many Liyue people.

You must know that although Han Xiao has given up Tianshu Star's power in Liyue Port as a bargaining chip in exchange for Qixing's interests, the real person in charge of Guili City is still him, the new Tianshu Star.

And judging from the current development of Guilicheng, Han Xiao can be said to be the kind of person who makes a lot of money.

Therefore, Albedo thought that since Han Xiao had gone to great lengths to create such a big stir, he even did not hesitate to invite Keli from Mondstadt to participate.

He didn't believe it at all if the other party was not more than 80% sure of solving the problem of Gu Chen Jie Sha's fate in Shen He's body.

It was a pity that Lisa chose to give up observing the Great Mystery because of temporary concerns.

Whether Han Xiao is successful or not is actually not particularly important to me.

Lisa didn't show any pity at all when she heard that Abedo believed that Han Xiao had more than 80% chance of successfully solving Shen He's problem.

After all, fate problems are too rare, so rare that Mondstadt has basically never encountered such a situation.

So no matter whether Hanxiao can succeed or not, Lisa will not regret missing this opportunity to observe.

What's more, if she really wants to know the content of the ceremony, there is no chance.

As long as this ritual is successful, Keli will naturally take most of the credit. She can rely on Keli's relationship to obtain the knowledge of the ritual.

Lisa believed that Han Xiao would not refuse.

The other party invited Keli to help through official channels. Whenever you ask someone to do something, you need to pay a certain price. This is an eternal law.

It just so happened that Keli herself didn't lack anything, and Han Xiao herself probably had a headache as to what price she would have to pay.

The reason why the other party set aside half a year for Mondstadt was, on the one hand, to ensure Liyue's leading position in the Internet field in the future, and on the other hand, to allow Mondstadt to raise some chips to pay the price during this period.

Shen He's matter may be important to the immortals, but it is not necessary for Liyue as a whole.

At least Keli's contribution in the ceremony was not enough to offset Hanxiao's use of something as important as the Internet.

But if Keli's contribution is exchanged for a knowledge of numerology rituals that can change one's destiny, that would be more than enough.

Of course, this does not mean that Lisa has decided to use Keli's contribution in exchange for knowledge.

She would not waste this kind of favor on herself.

She is not the kind of 'bad person' who snatches children's things.


While Lisa was wondering what exactly Keli would gain from the ritual.

On the other side, on the electric car driving towards Jueyunjian, Keli knelt on the leather seat of the passenger seat, holding her hands on the edge of the window, her little golden head pressed tightly against the glass, her big burgundy eyes filled with tears. He looked curiously at the rolling hills outside the window.

Brother Hanxiao, what's it like in Jueyunjian?

Keli, who was tired of looking at him for an unknown amount of time, turned to look at Han Xiao, who was sitting next to her in the driver's seat, and asked the question she wanted to know.

In the past few years, Keli secretly went to Liyue to play several times, and she also encountered a large lizard with strange patterns.

However, she has never been to a place like Jueyunjian, which is shrouded in clouds and mist and has many mountains.

This is a rare opportunity to come to a place that she has never been to before. Of course Keli wants to know what the environment here is like.


Hearing Xiao Keli's inquiry, Han Xiao, who was closing her eyes to rest, slowly opened her eyes and pondered for a while before giving her own opinion.

Jueyunjian is an inaccessible place. Even people from Liyue rarely come here. Only some people with aspirations will come here to gain a chance despite the hardships.

Oh, why?

Because Jueyunjian has been a place where immortals live since ancient times.

Fresh people?

Keli tilted her head with questions on her face.

Are there fresh and stale people?

Xiao Keli understands it wrong. Immortals refer to people with superb talents and extraordinary abilities.

Well... Keli doesn't quite understand!

Regarding Han Xiao's explanation, Keli was a little confused and couldn't understand what the so-called transcendent person was.

Seeing the confused little Keli, Han Xiao thought about it for a moment, and then said an inappropriate metaphor that Keli could definitely understand:

Well... from a certain perspective, Ms. Alice can be called a fairy.

Mom is a fairy?

Hearing Han Xiao mention her favorite mother, Alice, Keli's eyes suddenly shone with excitement.

That's understandable.

Han Xiao smiled and nodded.

Although the systems are different, Alice actually has the ability to be called an immortal.

The other party has an extremely long lifespan, and her personal strength ranks among the top in the Teyvat continent. She even possesses countless special secret knowledge.

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