Master Liuyun, why are you here?

Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Han Xiao quickly walked to him and asked unexpectedly.

Hanxiao, I heard that people from Mondstadt are here?

Seeing his young apprentice coming to his side, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun turned his head and looked at him, his eyes full of expectation.

Now that the person you are waiting for is here, can Shen He's treatment begin?

I'm afraid we have to wait for a few more days, Master Liuyun.

Looking at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who was acting a little eager, Han Xiao couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch his head, and then explained to him.

I still need to calculate a good and auspicious day to hold the ceremony.

Is that so...where is the location?

Hearing that the date for the ceremony still needed to be determined, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun expressed his understanding even though he was a little disappointed.

The numerology she mastered was also very particular about dates, locations, etc. It was normal for Han Xiao to still deduce the date of the ceremony.

If the location is confirmed, I might as well go and prepare it first.

The ceremony can be held in a place where the power of Jueyunjian's earth veins is abundant.

Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun asking about the location, Han Xiao quickly revealed the location she planned to choose to hold the ceremony.

Well, I will go to Jueyunjian to prepare the rituals needed before the ceremony!

After learning that Han Xiao had chosen the location she was most familiar with, Jueyunjian, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was immediately overjoyed and immediately said that all the preparations required for the ceremony would be left to her.

Well, I will contact you as soon as the date is confirmed.

In this case, I will take my leave first!

After saying that, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun did not stop, he flapped his wings, and the whole bird flew directly to the direction of Jueyunjian.


In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

On this day, when Han Xiao was purchasing the materials needed for the ceremony and delivering them to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiufeng, there was finally movement in the chat group.

After receiving the message, he left the store and returned to his study at home before slowly opening the chat group.

As soon as she opened the group, Han Xiao saw a message from Yixiao.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Lanxiao, I've calculated the date, it's three days after Teyvat time!

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Whether it is Keli, who is a noble person of the Three Wonders, or you, the little Tiangang star, the fortunes of both of you will reach a peak value on that day, and the ceremony will be held The success rate will be greatly improved.”

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Three days from now? I understand. Thank you for one night!

After learning that the date for holding the ceremony was three days later, Han Xiao raised her eyebrows, thanked Yixiao in the group, and then quickly disappeared.

After all, there were only three days left before the best time to hold the ceremony. He had to take Keli and Shen He to Jueyunjian as soon as possible.

With this idea in mind, Han Xiao first came to Kuixing Tower to find Xingqiu, and then told him that he would disappear for a while in the next few days, and that he would leave all the affairs in Guilicheng to him for the time being.

If we really encounter any trouble, we have to wait until he comes back.

In addition, Han Xiao did not forget to pay more attention to the reaction of most people in Liyue after the launch of the Internet. It might be useful when improving desktop computers in the future.

After explaining everything, he came to the house where Shen He had settled down for the past few days.

Dong dong dong——

After reaching out and knocking on the door, Han Xiao soon heard the rather cold voice of her second senior sister.

Please come in.

Senior Sister Shen He.

Han Xiao, who had been allowed to enter, saw Shen He sitting on the floor of the living room meditating as soon as he entered. He briefly greeted him and then informed him that the ceremony was about to begin.

The date for the ceremony has been set. It will be held in three days, and the location will be Jueyunjian.

Senior sister, you can leave for Jueyunjian now. Master Liuyun is waiting for you there.


Chapter 846 Hanxiao: Go to Aozang Mountain to fry fish then

After notifying Shen He, Han Xiao went out and went to Abedo's residence. He saw Lisa operating a desktop computer in the living room, Keli drawing in front of the sofa coffee table, and Abedo sitting on the sofa reading a book.

Albedo, Miss Lisa, Keli!

Brother Hanxiao!

Seeing Han Xiao walking into the living room, Keli was so excited that she dropped the crayons in her hands and rushed in front of him like a cannonball.

You're finally here!

Sorry sorry!

Han Xiao immediately knelt down with a smile on her face and apologized in a doting tone to Keli who raised her little face.

I've kept you waiting for so long, Xiao Keli!

It seems the time has come?

Abedo didn't know when he had closed the book in his hand.

Although the words were spoken in questions, the tone was more affirmative.

But think about it, Han Xiao has been running around preparing for the ceremony in the past few days, so naturally everything is ready to appear here, just waiting for Keli to get in place.


Hearing Abedo's question, Han Xiao hummed softly.

The date has been calculated. Three days later is the best time to hold the ceremony. I am here to pick up Keli and take her to Jueyunjian to participate in the ceremony.

Okay, you can go out and play!

Before Abedo could speak, Keli, who learned that Han Xiao was taking her to Jueyunjian, jumped three feet high and couldn't help bursting into cheers.

Xiao Keli, our primary purpose of coming to Huilicheng this time is to help your brother Hanxiao!

Lisa, who was operating the desktop computer, turned around when she heard Kelly's cheers and corrected her casually.


After remembering that she had something serious to do this time, Keli immediately looked at Han Xiao and assured him:

Don't worry, brother Hanxiao, Keli will work hard!

But after this is over, Kelly wants to go fry fish!

No problem, I will take you to Aozang Mountain for fish frying when the time comes. There is the best Immortal Immortal there, and the meat is very delicious!


When she heard that Han Xiao planned to take her to fry fish after the incident was over, and it was to fry fish that was particularly rare and delicious, Keli immediately jumped three feet high.

...Han Xiao, are you really not afraid of getting beaten for doing this?

Different from Keli's cheers, Albedo on the side couldn't help but put his hand to his forehead, and his expressionless face showed a bit of pain.

The Immortal Immortal is a special species from Liyue, and its meat is indeed delicious, but the Aozang Mountain where it lives is the location of the Immortal Cave.

And if I remember correctly, the immortal living in Aozang Mountain seems to be Han Xiao's master, the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, right?

Although Abedo doesn't want to speak ill of his sister, there is no doubt that Keli's destructive power is amazing.

Is Han Xiao so bold as to take Keli to his master's house for fish frying?

Is he really not afraid that the landscape in front of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's cave will change?

Don't worry, Abedo. Since I dare to make such a promise, I am sure of it!

Regarding Abedo's worries, Han Xiao looked calm on her face, and did not seem to consider the possibility that the master-disciple relationship was ruined by Keli at all.

emmm, how should I put it?

He really didn't lie this time.

Whether in the past life or now, Han Xiao has a deep understanding of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

Although this bird looks unkind and has a nice mouth, in fact, the other party attaches great importance to the juniors, has a special kind of pampering for the apprentices, and is also very particular about contracts.

If Shen He and Gu Chen's fate can be successfully resolved this time, then Keli will be the chief contributor.

When the time comes, Keli will be the first to fry fish in the waters of Aozang Mountain. Han Xiao estimates that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun can take Keli to fly all over the major waters in Liyue.

...Forget it, just be sure.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't seem to be planning to change his promise to Keli, Albedo could only let him go.

Hanxiao, are you leaving now?

Well, it's better to leave early.

Three days later, it was an auspicious day as predicted by Yiye. Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng had already gone to Jueyunjian to arrange the rituals for the ceremony.

Han Xiao estimated that it would be best for them to leave for Jueyunjian today, so as not to miss some details in a hurry and cause the ceremony to fail.

Kelly, you and I go to the room to pack the things you need to bring.

Okay brother Abedo!

Keli nodded, and then followed Abedo into her room to pack her luggage, leaving only Han Xiao and Lisa in the living room.


Seeing Keli and Abedo leaving temporarily, Lisa suddenly put down the mouse she was holding, and then turned around to look at Han Xiao.

There's something I want to ask you.

What's the matter, Miss Lisa?

When do you plan to launch the Internet?

Lisa raised her finger and pointed at the desktop computer in front of her, with a serious expression on her face.

Although she had experience using the void system for a long time, she was still surprised by the Internet capabilities provided by desktop computers.

Originally, Lisa thought that the Internet built by Han Xiao and Abedo might lag behind the void system in terms of functionality because it had just been launched.

However, after actual hands-on experience, she discovered that the Internet may still lag behind the Void System in terms of link speed, but its strong scalability is destined to have unlimited future achievements.

There are two main reasons why Lisa made this judgment.

One is that desktop computers are built using mechanisms, alchemy and other technologies that humans can master. This means that with the development of technology, industry and many other industries, desktop computers in the future can gradually iterate like most creations.

On the other hand, although the void system had powerful functions when it first came out, because it was a divine creation, there was very little room for people to intervene and modify it.

Another point is more obvious in this regard.

That is, the internal software of desktop computers is all written in machine language. Anyone who learns this machine language can program the functions they want to achieve in desktop computers.

Coupled with the communication function of the Internet, Lisa can vaguely foresee that a brand new market with broad prospects will be born within a few years after the launch of the Internet.

Liyue will also usher in an unprecedented industry change.

The Internet, it's probably only available for a few days.

Thinking that she had left the promotion of the Internet to Xingqiu, and based on the other party's work efficiency, Han Xiao estimated that she would be able to see that the Internet was popular in Guili City when she returned from Jueyunjian.

“Can’t we really deploy the desktop computer industry and the Internet in Mondstadt as soon as possible?”

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to have decided on the time to launch the Internet, Lisa couldn't help but ask.

Chapter 847 Finalizing the date for the establishment of the Mondstadt Internet

In the past, although Lisa was very optimistic about the Internet, she didn't really care when the Internet would be laid in Mondstadt.

A little later than half a year is not a problem at all, as long as it is not extremely slow.

Because she knew very well that there were numerous conflicts of interest between Mondstadt and Liyue, and it was even revealed that Liyue Qixing had signed a contract with the Knights to help each other.

But all this changed after Lisa personally experienced the functions of the Internet.

She discovered that the Internet has great potential, and the changes it will bring may be even more drastic than when the Void System appeared in Xumi.

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