In addition, apart from the superficial knowledge gained by the exorcist alchemists about Liyue's numerology, most of the real essence lies in the hands of immortals.

Therefore, although she learned that Liyue had this subject in the library of the Imperial Academy, she knew very little about it.

But there seems to be a good opportunity now.

Thinking of this, Lisa couldn't help but turn her gaze to Han Xiao opposite.

This Tianshu star from Liyue has shown all kinds of magic since he appeared in the public eye, and nothing seems to be out of place for him.

Who is Han Xiao’s master?

That was Liyue's Immortal Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

She didn't believe that this Liyue Immortal didn't know Liyue numerology.

But even so, the other party still had no way to deal with the fate problem of his disciple, which showed that the fate problem of the Xian family disciple named Shen He was absolutely difficult.

However, in the face of this difficult situation, Han Xiao showed that he might be able to solve it, and even came up with a plan that was recognized by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and other immortals.

This means that the other party's attainments in numerology are probably even greater than those of the immortals.

To be honest, even Lisa herself felt a little ridiculous when she came to this conclusion.

How old is Hanxiao this year?

However, he was only a young man under the age of twenty. Before he became Tianshu Star, he was only a puppet master famous for his clay puppet craftsmanship.

However, after the other party became Tianshu Star, he not only showed a strong strategic vision and governance skills, but his alchemy skills reached a level that could work with Albedo in just a few years.

Now he has shown his numerology skills that are enough to surpass those of immortals?

Comparing with Han Xiao, Lisa instantly felt that her genius, which was said to be rare in two hundred years by the Order Council, was not fake!

After all, she didn't think that her research on astrology and destiny could compare with, let alone surpass, the immortals who had been studying this for many years.

After suppressing the shock in her heart, Lisa considered it carefully before slowly speaking to Han Xiao:

Han Xiao, I am very interested in Liyue's numerology. At the same time, I also want to know why Keli has become the core of your treatment plan. I wonder if you can elaborate on it for me?

No problem at all.

Seeing that Lisa was interested in the plan he came up with to treat Shen He and wanted to know more about numerology, Han Xiao nodded happily.

Immediately, he gave Lisa a general overview of the concepts he learned from Yixiao about Feng Shui, astrology, four pillars and eight characters.

As for whether Lisa would learn numerology on her own, Han Xiao was not worried at all, because he was a beginner himself, and it was Yixiao who really understood this stuff.

Moreover, the classics on numerology are very obscure and difficult to understand.

Even a native of Liyue would have a hard time understanding it, let alone an outsider like Lisa.

Chapter 844: Choose an auspicious day

Sure enough, things did not go beyond Han Xiao's expectation.

Even with him interpreting it from the side, Lisa still had only a vague understanding of numerology.


It's not that Lisa isn't smart. As a genius that the Xumi Order only sees once in two hundred years, how could she not be smart?

The reason for this is entirely because Han Xiao, who interprets numerology for him, is a second-hand swordsman himself, and most of the metaphysical knowledge was handed over to him after Yi Xiao's conception was completed.

Let a second-hand swordsman teach a person about numerology, which is itself obscure?

If Lisa could still learn it like this, it would be like seeing a ghost.

Fortunately, although Han Xiao was a master of numerology, she had at least learned some basics. In addition, Lisa was really smart, so she roughly understood the treatment plan proposed by the other party.

In other words, Xiao Keli's lucky blessing is not only reflected in astrology, but also in numerology, she is a rare destiny holder, right?

After listening to Han Xiao's basic knowledge about numerology, Lisa relied on her strong reasoning ability to draw the conclusion she derived.

Kelly's destiny is not rare, but an extremely rare and noble destiny.

Han Xiao decisively corrected Lisa's conclusion.

Whether it is the fate of the Three Strange Nobles, the Two Virtues of the Sky and Moon, or the fate of the Taiyi Noble, these fates are already rare for ordinary people to see.

And I have never seen a fate like Keli's that has all four elements, even for one night.

This is really...should I say that she is worthy of being Xiao Keli?

Hearing Han Xiao's correction, Lisa couldn't help but sigh while shaking her head.

She had known a long time ago that Keli, whose birthplace was a four-leaf clover, was much luckier than ordinary people, but she never expected that in Liyue's numerology, Keli could no longer be explained by the word lucky. , but the kind that can be called a miracle.

But it was precisely because of Han Xiao's explanation that Lisa finally understood why the other party needed Keli to help solve the fate problem of the Xian family disciple named Shen He.

Listen to Han Xiao’s description of Keli’s fate.

Anyone who encounters three strange things in his life will be one of the most curious, knowledgeable and capable people in the world.

If you are in Taiyi, you will have someone to help you when you are in trouble, and you will have someone to rescue you when you are in danger. This is the star that turns bad luck into good luck.

There are two virtues of heaven and moon in the horoscope, which means that there will be less dangerous things, all evil spirits will be avoided, and there should be no disasters.

Which one of them does not symbolize good luck?

That's why you need Xiao Keli to help you.


Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh. The conditions for solving Shen He and Gu Chen's fate were quite stringent, and he had no hope of doing so.

In the end, he didn't expect that he would meet a little guy like Keli who could be called a lucky star in this world.

So much so that Han Xiao now has a premonition that the strange technique he set up this time can still be successful even if it has not been verified to be effective in the Teyvat continent.

Even this premonition is extremely strong.


Hearing that the treatment plan in Han Xiao's hand was based on hunch instead of verification, Lisa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and looked at him with surprise.

Are you sure you can really succeed based on a hunch?

Isn't this a little too rigorous?

Miss Lisa, you don't understand, I'm not just relying on a hunch.

Han Xiao shook her head, with a confident look on her face.

Although the treatment plan in his hand has not been put into practice, he has already experienced the influence of fate.

After meeting Keli for the first time, Han Xiao felt that she was extremely compatible with her, and could even iterate the explosive formula for dozens of generations in a short period of time.

This incident also caused Albedo's consternation.

At that time, he thought that he and Keli had a spark of thinking just because of their explosive talents.

Now it seems that talent is one aspect, and fate also accounts for part of the reason.

If Keli's noble life meets him as the auspicious star of Tiangang, everything will go smoothly in her career and she can achieve great things.

If Albedo hadn't brought Keli back to Mondstadt, maybe they would have accomplished great things.


It's just that this great achievement may make other people's hearts beat faster.

That's it... Then when are you going to start dealing with the fate of your senior sister?

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed confident, Lisa didn't say much, but asked him what he planned to do with his strange skills.

After all, after Han Xiao's answer, she was now more and more interested in this matter, and she even couldn't wait to see with her own eyes the so-called magic of transforming evil spirits.

Let me choose an auspicious day.

Han Xiao pondered for a moment before giving her answer.

Although he also wanted to deal with Shen He's bad luck as soon as possible, he still needed Yiye's help to calculate the date of action.

Then sister, I'll be waiting for news from you!

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Lisa had no choice but to suppress her excitement for the time being and wait for that day to come.


After saying goodbye to Lisa, Han Xiao went out and walked towards her home.

When he went back, he did not forget to open the chat group through his mind and tell Yiye about it.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: One night, Keli and the others have arrived at Guili City. Have you figured out the date?

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: How can it be so fast? I'm still looking through the astronomical calendar records of Liyue in the past years that you sent me. Records that span thousands of years! How can the people of Liyue be so capable!

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Good fellow, are all the records for thousands of years there?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I think it's normal. Maybe when Liyue was first established, there were constant disasters at the end of the Demon God War, but since the capital was moved to Liyue Port, Liyue has not encountered any major disasters. It’s a shock, isn’t it?”

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Xixiao said so. Even the war of Warcraft five hundred years ago was stopped by the Qianyan Army and Fushe Yaksha in the Layer Rock Abyss, Liyue Port itself. It has not been violated, so it is not surprising that so many ancient books have been preserved.”

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: And you have forgotten that if Yuanxiao itself is not a seven-star, he probably would not be able to archive the astronomical calendar records over the years.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Although I know what you said is right, records of thousands of years really seem to cost people's lives, okay?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: And what's even more outrageous is that no one of you came to help me!

[Locus·Hanxiao]:'s not that we don't help, it's just that we don't understand this stuff!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Indeed, this is our first contact with this thing. It's already good if we can barely understand it.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Sorry, I have tried hard to learn again, and I can't help you yet.

Chapter 845 The date of the ceremony is determined

Just like Han Xiao said in the group, although he has indeed been understanding the basics of numerology during this period, it is a subject that has been around for thousands of years, and the content is complicated and difficult to understand.

Even if Han Xiao's learning talent increased exponentially to a terrifying level because of the chat group, he would not be able to complete a subject in a few days.

After all, numerology is not just theoretical knowledge, it also contains a large number of methods that can only be mastered through practice.

To be honest, Han Xiao's ability to understand the basic knowledge of numerology in a short period of time is already very impressive.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Alas...there are still too few people in the group who are proficient in the Eastern style.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: There is no way, who makes the world we live in have its own problems, just like the east here is self-contained, and it is difficult for outsiders to integrate.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: If you didn't tell me about Xingxiao, I would have almost forgotten it. Most of you have become spiritual gardeners.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Ah...Yexiao, you are getting an advantage and still behave like this. You will get beaten if you do this!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: It hurts my heart, it seems like I'm playing a dark game with Yexiao!

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Although the blood elves are indeed a race of handsome men and beautiful women with long lifespans, I am still used to my original appearance.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: That's enough for you. Can you stop talking about this? Are you as miserable as me? I'm the one who's about to burst apart!

Han Xiao, who comes from the mysterious world, said this as if she was going to die, and the entire chat group fell silent for an instant.

That's right, the most they can do is change to another country or another race. It would be a real tragedy for someone like Wei Xiao to even change their gender.

After a long time, Han Xiao finally broke the strange silence in the group.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Ahem...One night, how many more days will it take for you to deduce the best date for the magic of transforming evil spirits?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: It's almost time. I have found the pattern based on the Teyvat star map and the millennium calendar records you provided. I only need to give me two days to calculate and I should be able to get an accurate one. days.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Then I'm sorry to trouble you. I have to deal with this matter as soon as possible and then pay attention to the reaction after the Internet is introduced to the market.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: No problem, leave it to me!


After asking in the group all night and getting accurate answers, Han Xiao just closed the chat group.

At this time, he also walked to the door of his house.


Following the sound of the door being pushed open, Han Xiao stepped in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun standing in his yard.

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