Although the real starry sky in Teyvat is somewhat different from the star map in Han Xiao's hand in some arrangements, the basic core has not changed.

So after Zhongli handed over the real star map to Han Xiao, he thought that there was still hope for him.

Chapter 842 Keli’s Arrival

I always feel like you are teasing me a little bit.

Seeing that Zhongli's expression was no different from usual, Hu Tao's bright plum blossom pupils were filled with a strange look.

She seriously suspected that her guest was not telling the truth at all.

This is not Hu Tao's random guess, she has evidence.

In Hu Tao's eyes, Zhongli, the guest of the Palace of Purity, had a mysterious identity. His grandfather had great respect for him back then, even Han Xiao.

And judging from his old-fashioned character and some other details, the other party's true identity is likely to be an immortal.


That is to say, Zhongli didn't have the habit of carrying mola, otherwise Hutao would have connected Zhongli with Emperor Yanwang.

So Zhongli, who is suspected of being an immortal, said that he didn't know whether Han Xiao's method had a success rate. Who would believe it!

Fortunately, Hutao didn't particularly care about Zhongli's true identity, so she deliberately maintained this unspoken understanding and returned her attention to the chat group.

[The second tablet is half price]: Han Xiao, your treatment plan should be shown to the immortals, right?

[Guili City Lord]: This is natural. Master Liuyun and the others also think that my plan has a certain possibility of success.

[Child of Chalk]: Can you talk about the process of treatment in detail? I'm still a little confused about how Keli can help Miss Shen He in the treatment?

Alchemy workshop.

Looking at the chatting content on the screen, Abedo directly asked his doubts.

Although Han Xiao had mentioned some treatment plans to him before, he still couldn't figure out some proper terms such as the so-called Sanqi nobles.

[Guili City Lord]: Are you worried that little Keli will be in danger? Don't worry, she just came to help me hold the formation. She only needs to stand in the center of the formation for a while, and there won't be any problems.

[Guili City Lord]: As for the treatment process, it is quite simple. It is to set up a magic circle in a place with abundant earth veins, and then use the magic circle to activate my and Keli's fate to move forward and break through the fate of Senior Sister Shen He. yoke on.

Han Xiao did not lie.

Shen He's treatment is not like visiting a doctor after a traditional illness. The question of her identity involves a predetermined fate.

To break this fate, he could only rely on the method of changing fate against the will of heaven provided by Yiye.

[Tian Quan]: It sounds like this movement is not small. Han Xiao, where do you plan to set up the formation?

[Lord of Guili City]: I have discussed with Master Liuyun and the others that the location of the formation should be near Jueyunjian, where the ground is abundant and sparsely populated. Choosing that location will not have any impact on Guili City.

[Secretary of Yuehaiting]: Hanxiao, I wonder if I can watch from the sidelines then?

[Guili City Lord]: What? Senior sister Gan Yu is also interested in numerology?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Compared with numerology, I care more about whether your treatment method can be successful.

Moon Sea Pavilion.

Gan Yu, who was taking a nap, expressed his thoughts in the chat group before starting the next task.

She knew the numerology of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and other immortals, but she was not very interested in the so-called numerology at first, so she only knew a rough idea.

Now Han Xiao plans to use the knowledge of numerology to solve the condensation of evil spirits in Shen He's body, which naturally arouses Gan Yu's concern.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: It’s a pity that Han Xiao left the issue of launching the Internet to me, otherwise I would also like to see what the so-called Qimen Art is like.


Time flies like an arrow, and time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed since Han Xiao chatted with Ningguang and the others in the group. Both the treatment of Shen He and the launch of the Internet have also reached the final stage.

Early that morning, Han Xiao got up from bed early, washed up, and quickly walked out of the house to the outside of Guili City.

Today is the day when Keli and the others are about to arrive in Guili City.

Just when he arrived outside the city, under the wall at the city gate, Abedo had been waiting here for a long time.

Albedo, why are you here too?

Seeing Abedo leaning against the city wall with his arms folded, Han Xiao asked in surprise.

I have contacted Captain Qin before. Keli and Lisa will stay at my place temporarily this time. There is no need to arrange special accommodation.

That's okay. Next, I may take Keli to Jueyunjian. Lisa, I'll ask you to take care of her.


While Han Xiao and Abedo were chatting, the roar of an engine came from the cement road in the distance.

The two looked around and saw a black electric car speeding toward Guili City.


With a sudden sound of braking, the speeding electric car stopped in front of Han Xiao and the others.

As soon as the car stopped, the window was rolled down, and then Keli with blond hair stuck her head out of the window and greeted the two of them cheerfully:

Brother Abedo, brother Hanxiao!

Long time no see, little Keli!

Seeing Keli who was like a little sun, a warm smile appeared on Han Xiao's face.

Ah... Another day of trying to steal my daughter from Ms. Alice!

Kelly, be careful, don't hit it!

Abedo, who also saw Keli on the other side, couldn't help but remind Keli.

I know, brother Abedo!

After hearing Abedo's warning, Keli first smiled at Han Xiao, and then retracted her little head.

At the same time, the door on the other side of the electric car was pushed open, and Diluc and Lisa walked out of the car one after another.

Miss Lisa, welcome to Guili City.

Seeing Lisa getting out of the car, Han Xiao first said hello to her, and then looked at Diluc.

I didn't expect that Master Diluc would send them two here this time.

I just happened to see them passing by the winery and had nothing to do.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Diluc leaned against the car and explained the reason for his coming here in a calm tone.

As soon as the person is delivered, I will go back first.

Aren't you going to stay in the city for a few more days?

Let's talk about it later.

After a brief chat with Han Xiao, Diluc got back into the cab, turned the car around and slowly left in the direction of Mondstadt.

After sending Diluc away, Han Xiao just turned her attention to Albedo, who was chatting with Keli, and Lisa, who was standing beside him with a smile.

I didn't expect that the person who sent Keli here this time would be Miss Lisa. I thought it was Captain Qin.

Oh, Hanxiao, don't you welcome me, sister?

Seeing Han Xiao walking up to her, Lisa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and teased in a special elegant tone.

No, no, no, of course I welcome Miss Lisa to come, but it's just such a long journey. Is your health really okay, Miss Lisa?

Chapter 843 Numerology and Astrology

Oh my, I didn't expect little brother Hanxiao to care so much about me, my sister!

Hearing Han Xiao ask about her physical condition, the corners of Lisa's mouth raised slightly, and her eyes couldn't help but turn into two crescent moons.

The traffic conditions between Mondstadt and Liyue are now very good. Sister, my health is not so bad!

Before Han Xiao could speak, she suddenly changed the topic:

Don't talk about this, Han Xiao, I heard that Abedo said that you invited Keli here this time to complete the strange skills related to numerology to cure diseases and save people?

You could say that.

Han Xiao nodded, turned around and looked around before saying:

This is not the place to talk. How about we go to the city first?

That's fine.

After looking at the increasing flow of people at the city gate and the glances directed towards them from time to time, Lisa immediately agreed with the other party's opinion.

Later, Han Xiao and Abedo took Keli and Lisa to Abedo's residence in Guili City.

Brother Abedo, Keli wants to go out to play!

As soon as she got home, Keli hurriedly ran to Albedo's side, stretched out her hand and pulled the corner of his clothes and shook him vigorously, while praying.

Abedo, since Xiao Keli wants to hang out in Guili City, you should accompany her. Aren't you just free these days?

Seeing Keli's high interest, Han Xiao immediately told Albedo her suggestion with a smile.

There's no rush about the Qimen Technique. I'll just explain the details to Miss Lisa here.

That's fine.

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Abedo just nodded, and then led Keli towards the door.

Sister Lisa, brother Hanxiao, goodbye!

Goodbye Xiao Keli!

After watching Abedo and Keli leave, Lisa walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Then she raised her head and looked at Han Xiao, who was sitting opposite her:

Now there are only two of us here. There were some things that Abedo didn't explain clearly before. Now I can tell my sister.

It's natural.

Han Xiao thought for a moment, then asked in a tentative tone.

I wonder how much you heard from Abedo, Miss Lisa?

I don't know the specific details. I just know that you seem to be planning to use numerology to treat a patient's fate problem, and you need Keli's help in your treatment plan.

The cause and effect of the matter are exactly as Miss Lisa learned.

Seeing that Lisa knew everything except the details, Han Xiao nodded slightly, and then explained some details of the matter to her in detail.

The person suffering from the fate problem is my second senior sister Shen He. My master has been trying to solve the fate problem for him for many years, but unfortunately he has failed.

It just so happens that I have a method in my hand that may be able to help my second senior sister solve the fate that has been troubled for many years, so after discussion, we decided to give it a try.

Xiao Keli is just the right person for you to use this method?

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Lisa opened her mouth to complete what the other party had not yet finished.

Yes, according to my detailed calculations, Keli is the necessary core for my methods.

Necessary core?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Lisa immediately fell into deep thought.

From the other party's words, she could see how much he valued Keli.

Doesn't this mean that without Keli, Han Xiao's methods cannot be used?

Thinking of this, Lisa couldn't help but feel curious and asked directly:

Could it be that Han Xiao, your method is Liyue's mysterious and mysterious numerology theory?

Oh, is it possible that Miss Lisa also studies the theory of numerology?

I don't dare to say research, I just heard a little bit about it.

Lisa shook her head.

Although Liyue's numerology and the popular astrology in Teyvat both interpret stars and destiny, the difference between them is indeed not small.

This can only be said that Liyue is indeed the oldest of the seven countries of Teyvat. Its ancient language is so obscure that even the younger Liyue people may not be able to understand it, let alone the people from the other six countries.

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