Seeing that Hu Tao was so interested in desktop computers, Zhongli naturally wouldn't be disappointed.

Then he slowly explained to Hu Tao the basic knowledge of operating a desktop computer.


Hu Tao was following Zhong Li's explanation to figure out how to use the desktop computer bit by bit. At this time, there was also a different kind of excitement on the undeveloped Internet.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Another day where Hanxiaoren can’t be seen!

[Keqing]: That bastard missed work again?

[Future No. 1 Alchemist]: The word Yuhengxing is used very well. Before, Han Xiao was still sorting out the electronic household registration data with me and Abedo in the alchemy workshop, but he suddenly left the meeting and then disappeared. Appeared again.

[Keqing]: It’s really easy for him to be a seven-star. We must find something for him to do!

[Tianquan]: Keqing, this is wrong!

[Tian Quan]: Although Han Xiao does not work at his desk all year round like you and Gan Yu, he has not fallen behind on what he should do. Even without his plan, Guili City would not have been able to do it in less than three years. It has developed to where it is now within a short period of time, right?

Seeing that Ke Qing in the chat group was resentful of Han Xiao's laziness, Ning Guang in Qunyu Pavilion couldn't help but smile.

Han Xiao chose to be lazy after work, and the rest of the Seven Stars, including her, didn't really care.

After all, everyone has their own work process, as long as it doesn't delay the business.

The only exception is Keqing, who is a complete workaholic.

[Keqing]: If Han Xiao puts more energy into work, the current Guili City may be built better.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: No, please don’t!

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: My current work is almost overwhelming. Adding more workload to me will be fatal!

[Tianquan]: I really didn’t expect that Young Master Xingqiu, who the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce liked to steal half a day’s leisure from, would be so good at government affairs. How about it? Do you want to work in the General Affairs Department?

[Guili City Lord]: I can't bear this anymore, Ningguang!

[Lord of Guili City]: Xingqiu is my chief steward in Guili City, so you don’t dig corners like this!

[Keqing]: Hanxiao, have you missed work again recently?

[Guili City Lord]: I have other things on hand, and besides, I have my good brother Xingqiu!

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: You'd better come to Kuixing Tower quickly. You have to keep an eye on the electronic household registration. I still have a lot of official business to deal with.

[Guili City Lord]: Wait a minute, there’s a new person in the group, I’ll add her to the group.


Several people in the group who are currently online have expressed interest.

You must know that the Internet is still in the stage of internal testing, and the people who can be brought in by Han Xiao are basically everyone's acquaintances.

So who will be the newcomer this time?

While everyone was still guessing about the identity of the new member, the new member of the group also said his first words after joining the group.

[The second monument is half price]: Oh yo yo, are you all chatting?

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: This tone of voice... Hutao?

[The second monument is half price]: Hey, Xingqiu, why do you still use questions?

[Future No. 1 Alchemist]: The seventy-seventh generation master of the Rebirth Hall in Liyue who has been inherited for thousands of years?

[The second monument is half price]: Yes, yes, it is me, the master of this hall! Are you interested in learning about the latest services launched by Shengshengtang?

[Future No. 1 Alchemist]: Uh...that's not necessary. I'm just curious why Hall Master Hu has such a nickname?

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: The nickname given by the most eccentric Master Hu in Liyue, Angus... If it were me, I would definitely not want to ask.

[Keqing]: I’ve said it so many times, Hutao, the Purity Hall is in the funeral industry, and the half-price second monument business is not suitable at all.

[Future No. 1 Alchemist]: Ah, it turns out that the second monument is half price, so excuse me!

[The Second Monument at Half Price]: You can’t say that, Keqing. The Second Monument at half price is actually very suitable for adventurers, and I recently plan to launch limited edition styles such as couple models, master-disciple models, etc.

What kind of statement is this that will drastically reduce the SAN value!

Seeing that Hutao in the group even made couple items, Hanxiao was speechless for a while.

This operation is quite explosive whether it is placed in the industry that specializes in couples business or the funeral industry.

In order to prevent others in the group from being affected by the 'spiritual shock' that Hu Xiaotao had when he spoke, he quickly waved his fingers on the keyboard to bring the topic down to business:

[Guili City Lord]: Ningguang, Keqing, how is the census progress in Liyue Port these days?

[Keqing]: It’s going pretty well so far. Nearly 10% of people have registered for the latest electronic household registration.

[Guili City Lord]: 10%...Whether the goal can be accomplished in that month, I have already set a date for launching the Internet.

[Tianquan]: Don't worry, I have sent Baiwen and the others to the General Affairs Department to assist Gan Yu and Keqing. It should take one month to complete the population registration in Liyue Port.

[Lord of Guili City]: Then I can rest assured. I may have some things to deal with when the Internet is launched in a few days. Guili City will leave it to you to handle, Xingqiu.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: ...Okay, I knew it was me again!

[Guili City Lord]: Well, I really have something important to do this time.

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: It must be about Junior Sister Shen He, Han Xiao!

[Keqing]: Hey, Gan Yu, are you done?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Well, it’s my time to take a nap now, so I just have time to take a look. I’ll leave later.

[Guili City Lord]: It is indeed Senior Sister Shen He’s matter.

Chapter 841 The success rate of curing Shen He

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: I have heard Zhenjun Liuyun explain the specific details of the matter in detail. I don’t know much about numerology. Han Xiao, are you really sure to deal with Junior Sister Shen He’s problem?

[Tianquan]: Shen the disciple of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, the white-haired immortal who has been popular among people in Liyue these years?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Yes.

[Keqing]: Is she the one who has been by your side during this period? I think she looks pretty good. Doesn’t she look like someone who is sick?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Junior Sister Shen He’s problem is not a disease, but a rather vague fate issue.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: I recently received Miss Shen He, and I always felt that Miss Shen He looked at me with a slightly sinister look, which made me dare not talk to her casually. Han Xiao, did I offend her unintentionally?

[Guili City Lord]: Um...didn't you read the information I gave you?

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: I have been busy recently. What’s wrong? Does Miss Shen He have any special identity?

[Guili City Lord]: It’s not really special to say that she is special, but it is more special to you because Senior Sister Shen He is Chongyun’s aunt in terms of blood relationship.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Ah this...

In Kuixing Building, when he saw Han Xiao reveal the identity of Shen He and Aunt Chongyun, Xingqiu suddenly froze in front of the desktop computer.

It was only then that he finally understood why the other party sometimes stared at him with fierce eyes.

It seems that her nephew, Chongyun, is often 'bullied' by her.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: So she doesn’t want to teach me a lesson because of Chongyun, right?

[Secretary of Yue Haiting]: Probably... not so much. Although Junior Sister Shen He is ignorant of the world because she has lived in Jueyun for a long time, she has learned a little bit about the ways of the world after living with me for a while... right?

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Lord Gan Yu, could you please be more certain? It seems that I will have to call Chongyun when I go to see Miss Shen He in the future.

[Tianquan]: The question of fate, this is really a bit mysterious. Just like what Gan Yu asked, Han Xiao, are you really sure?

In the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang's eyes were slightly focused.

As the Tianquan star who has been in charge of Liyue for so many years, she naturally understands the mysterious concept of fate.

This thing seems ethereal and invisible, but it always affects everyone. It belongs to an area that is extremely difficult for ordinary people to touch.

Now hearing Gan Yu talk about Han Xiao's plan to solve Shen He's destiny problem from the perspective of numerology, Ning Guang was naturally a little curious.

Others in the group were equally curious.

Just like Keqing, who is also a seven-star.

Although she has always believed that hard work can change your destiny, as one of the top seven people in power in Liyue, she is still very aware of some secrets that others cannot access.

Among them is the theory of destiny that Keqing really doesn't want to admit.

[Guili City Lord]: ...Do you want to hear the truth or lies?

[Tianquan]: How do you tell the truth? So what if it’s a lie?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Of course I want to hear the truth.

[Guili City Lord]: The lie is that I am 100% sure to solve the fate problem of Senior Sister Shen He.

[Guili City Lord]: As for the truth, it depends on whether the starry sky in Teyvat will give me face.

In the Hall of Rebirth, looking at the truth spoken by Han Xiao, Hu Tao frowned and subconsciously looked at Zhongli beside her.

Since she has been dealing with the yin and yang of life and death all year round, it can be said that in the entire chat group, besides Gan Yu, she is the one who believes in the theory of destiny the most.

So Hu Tao doesn't understand why Han Xiao brings the issue of fate into the spotlight. Is there a connection between the two?

Zhongli, what do you mean by Han Xiao? Why can't this hall master understand you?

Actually, it's easy to understand, Hall Master.

Glancing at the discussion about Shen He's destiny in the chat group, Zhongli's eyes flashed with sudden realization, but his expression remained calm as he explained to Hu Tao:

As a disciple of the Immortal family, Shen He must have thought about how to solve his fate problem.

It's just that since even the immortals are helpless about Shen He's destiny, it proves that her destiny is extremely difficult to deal with.

This hall master understands what you are saying, but can Han Xiao really solve the things that even the immortals cannot do?

Han Xiao has knowledge from another world in his hands. I think you, Hall Master, have some speculation.

Regarding Hu Tao's doubts, Zhongli did not directly explain it, but said it in a meaningful way.

This hall master has indeed made some speculations about this...

When Zhong Li asked him if he knew that Han Xiao had knowledge from another world, Hu Tao nodded immediately.

When the other party gave these little friends various books that were not available in Teywat during the Hai Lantern Festival, she had some assumptions about this.


Different world? face?

In an instant, a flash of light flashed in Hu Tao's mind, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his gorgeous plum blossom pupils.

This Hall Master understands!

Zhongli, what you mean is that Han Xiao knows that even the Immortal Family is helpless about Shen He's destiny problem, so he tried to use knowledge from another world to solve Shen He's troubles.

The hall master really understands everything.

Seeing that Hu Tao had guessed the truth about Han Xiao's plan to use his methods, Zhong Li still praised his hall master with an expressionless expression.

So that's what happened!

After receiving Zhongli's approval, Hutao lowered his head and repeated a few words in a low voice. He couldn't help but feel extremely curious about the methods Han Xiao was going to use.

She now finally understood why Han Xiao said that whether Shen He's destiny problem could be cured or not depended on whether Teyvat's starry sky gave him face.

Because the 'treatment' method designed by the other party for Shen He did not come from Teyvat at all, but was purely numerology knowledge from another world.

In other words, if everything goes well, Shen He's fate problem is likely to be solved.

But if Han Xiao's method does not match the Teyvat continent, the treatment will most likely end in failure.

Thinking of this, Hutao couldn't help but raise her head and look at Zhongli, who had been standing next to her very calmly, and couldn't help but ask:

Zhongli, do you think the method prepared by Han Xiao can be used on the Teyvat continent?

I can't be sure until I see the real thing.

This is a lie.

As early as some time ago, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng came to him personally to ask him about this issue.

In this regard, Zhongli's opinion is that it can be given a try.

After all, for some unspeakable reason, he had actually seen the real starry sky behind the false sky.

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