Su, aren't you the best at mental operations? How come you didn't interfere successfully?

Knowing that the disaster in Changkong City still broke out inside the city just like in the previous game plot, Han Xiao's expression was filled with surprise.

As a spiritual fusion warrior, it stands to reason that Su should be able to use mental manipulation to move the location of the Honkai outbreak from the city to the suburbs.

Why did the collapse finally break out in Changkong City?

To be honest, I don't know very well.

In response to Han Xiao's question, Su's face also showed some confusion.

It was obvious that he had hinted many people to leave Changkong City at this stage through mental manipulation, and even tried to create something to cause Raiden Mei, who carried the Conquest Gem in his body and looked very much like his friend Mei, to temporarily leave the academy and go to the suburbs.

But the result was beyond Su's expectation.

The third great collapse came so suddenly that all his plans were wiped out.

Changkong City is still in the disaster of destruction and collapse as predicted by Han Xiao.

What a surprise!

After listening to Su's explanation, Han Xiao didn't know what to say for a while.

However, Su seemed extremely calm about Han Xiao's emotion, and even said a somewhat mysterious conclusion.

Accidental, maybe.

Su, what do you mean?

It's nothing, I'm just lamenting the malice of fate.

Although Su looked calm on the outside, his heart was already turbulent.

After all, when I think about it, even if he intervened in advance to try to reduce the disaster level of the third collapse, the fact still broke out as predicted.

This feeling of destiny made Su, a man who once faced the end of the world, feel a chill.

Han Xiao's prophecy came from a higher-dimensional will. He learned that the prophecy tried to reduce the disaster but in vain. Could it be that in the eyes of those higher-dimensional wills, the outcome of their world was already doomed?

Su did not tell Han Xiao his guess, and even chose to change the topic when the other party opened his mouth:

By the way Han Xiao, I have a big doubt now.

What do you want to ask?

I have already seen the Herrscher of Thunder who was born in the Third Great Collapse. How should I put it? His abundant humanity can even defeat the Herrscher's personality.

Speaking of Raiden Meiyi, who was somewhat similar to his friend Dr. Mei, Su's face suddenly showed a look of hope:

Hanxiao, does this mean that Alicia's dream has really come true?

That flawless person.

Hearing Su talk about the beautiful girl who was as gorgeous as flying pink flowers, Han Xiao's tone became a little more emotional:

You guessed it right. Her dream did come true. She personally ignited the fire of humanity for future generations of Herrschers.

Really? It's true!

After receiving Han Xiao's affirmation, Su couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face while sighing.

Her comrade-in-arms who had always loved humans finally realized her dream in later generations.

After sighing for a moment, Su quickly regained his composure and asked another question that puzzled him:

Han Xiao, you said before that Changkong City was the place where the first and the end were connected, so can you tell me who the white-haired girl with a face that looks like the Herrscher of the End is?

Is she really the end of this era?

Not yet, but it may not be the case in the future.

Hearing Su ask him about Kiana's situation in a very serious tone, Han Xiao did not hesitate to talk to her, but directly pointed out the possibility of her being reincarnated in the future.

After all, in the collapsing world, Kiana's face has almost become a meme.

Chapter 839: Destroying the Hope of the World

This is really surprising.

When he learned that the white-haired girl named Kiana Kaslana who looked exactly like hers was not only the descendant of her good brother Kevin, but also had the possibility of becoming the Herrscher of Terminus, and Tinghan Xiao's tone seemed like the possibility was still small, and even the well-informed Su couldn't help but sigh.

However, besides sighing, he felt a little happy in his heart.

Although he didn't know why even the Herrscher of the End was born with a human body, Su vaguely felt that this should have an inseparable relationship with his comrades.

To be more precise, it's Dr. May and Mebius.

The reason for this speculation is because whether it is his Hengsha Plan, Hua's Fire Plan, Graciu's Ark Plan, or Kevin's Stigma Plan, these were all formulated by Dr. Mei and Mebius. salvation plan.

Theoretically, no one knows what other plans the two of them are hiding.

Perhaps it was these plans that he didn't know that allowed the Herrscher of the End to be born from the human race.

In addition, Alicia successfully ignited the fire of humanity for the Herrscher of the New Age.

Putting all the conditions together, Su suddenly discovered that people in the new era might actually have an 'examiner' on their side in the future.

You said how could this not make him happy.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this that Su understood why Gao Dimensional Will told Han Xiao the prophecy that this era was likely to survive the disaster of collapse.

Since the examiners are now on the human side, the chances of passing the Honkai test are naturally greatly increased.

Thinking of this, Su turned his gaze to Han Xiao again.

I finally understand why you say that Changkong City is the place where the beginning and the end are connected. Maybe humans in this era can really achieve miracles that we have never been able to do.

No, without your sacrifice, there might not be such an opportunity in this era, right?

Han Xiao shook her head.

Although Kiana's era had a chance to survive the test of the collapse, it could not escape the legacy of the previous civilization where Su lived.

Not to mention anything else, if Alicia had not ignited the fire of humanity in the Herrschers, the Herrschers of this era would still have no humanity at all like the Herrschers of the previous civilization, and would only follow the Honkai Impact and destroy mankind.

At the same time, there will be no Herrscher of Reason who chooses to side with humanity at the expense of carrying the thoughts of 300,000 people, and the Third Herrscher who is now awakened by human nature.

Maybe we did make a negligible contribution, but after all, it is the humans of this era who have seized this opportunity that is so small that it can be ignored, right?

When Han Xiao attributed the origin of everything to the efforts of these pre-civilizations, Su just chuckled, and then gave the current civilization even greater praise.

Before Han Xiao could speak, he suddenly let out another laugh that was almost self-deprecating but full of joy.

I have been observing the parallel world for thousands of years, but I still can't find a way to survive the collapse. I didn't expect that in the end, a miracle would be right under my nose.

The Hengsha completed!

Yeah, congratulations, Sue!

Until she hung up the call, Han Xiao could still recall the first time Su showed a sincere smile in front of him.

Sigh... The Collapse World has hope of passing the test, but what about Teyvat?

He now doesn't even know what terrible disasters the Teyvat continent will encounter in the future, so he can only passively choose the last and most helpless inversion world bubble as a means of salvation.

It would be great if Teyvat had a clear hope that was difficult but achievable like the Collapse World.


the following few days.

Liyue Port and Guili City are still carrying out census and electronic household registration filing work in an orderly manner.

People in Liyue who had completed registration before also received the first batch of ID cards produced by Hanxiao using Teyvat's difficult-to-imitate technology.

Liyue Port·Pangshengtang.

Interesting, really interesting!

Hu Tao, who usually travels out to sell customers, did not go out at this time. Instead, he was lying on the stone table in the courtyard of the Palace of Life, playing with the small hard card in his hand, or it would be more appropriate to say it was an ID card.

Name: Hutao

Nationality: Liyue

Address: Feiyunpo Rebirth Hall, Liyue Port.

Coding: XXXX...

Looking at his information record on the ID card, Hutao couldn't help but turn his attention to Zhongli, who was sitting opposite him and drinking tea leisurely.

Zhongli, are you also involved in this matter?

Oh, why did the hall master say this?

When he heard Hu Tao ask whether he was related to the ID card, Zhongli just put down the tea cup in his hand and asked in a calm tone.

Hehe, are you looking down on me?

Seeing that the expression on his guest's face was still the same as before, Hutao raised the ID card in his hand and said with a smile:

If you didn't participate, then why did you call me back in such a hurry, and as soon as I came back, you took me to the General Affairs Department to handle this thing?

You must know what this thing does!

The hall master is really smart.

Zhongli did not deny Hu Tao's speculation.

After all, on the surface, he is just one of the insiders who formulated the ID card system for Han Xiao, but in fact, without the approval of him, the King of Rocks, this system cannot be implemented, right?

The reason why Zhongli chose to agree was naturally because he experienced the convenience of the Internet.

It was precisely because he understood what opportunities and changes the Internet would bring to the people of Liyue that he retrieved Hutao from the outside and asked him to apply for the first batch of documents.

Zhongli, is the Internet really as powerful as you say?

Hutao didn't particularly care about Zhongli's praise. She was more concerned about the Internet from her guest.

Since Hutao is not in Liyue Port most of the time but is traveling around, she often lags behind in information.

Therefore, Hutao didn't know much about desktop computers and the so-called Internet before. Some of the specific information was what Zhongli gave her after she came back.

The Hall of Rebirth is one of the first members to be qualified for internal testing of the Internet. Since the hall master is curious about the Internet, why not experience it for yourself?

Hey...that's what I meant!

Hearing Zhongli's suggestion, Hutao's eyes immediately lit up, and he put his ID card into his God's Eye space with his hands flying. He jumped up from the stone table in an instant, hanging on Zhongli's head like a koala. on the back:

Quick, Zhongli, take me to experience it!


Feeling that his neck was being strangled tightly by Hu Tao's hands, Zhongli couldn't help but feel a headache:

You are not young anymore, so you should pay attention to the differences between men and women!

Hey, old antique, don't worry about these details!

Chapter 840 Hutao: I plan to launch a couple model

Pulling him into the study room in the Hall of Purity, Hutao saw a large desktop computer placed on the desk as soon as he entered.

Oh, this is the desktop computer that Hanxiao and the others launched before?

Jumping off Zhongli's back, Hutao rushed to the desk in three steps. He looked up and down at the seemingly heavy machine in front of him, and couldn't help but marvel.

Then the Internet requires this thing to use, right?

The hall master is smart.

Zhongli walked up to the desk, complimented Hu Tao casually, and reached out to press the power-on button of the desktop computer.


As the fan inside the chassis rotates, the display with a glass-like panel also lights up.

Interesting, really interesting!

Looking at the lighted up display screen, Hutao quickly pulled out the chair in front of the desk and sat down. At the same time, he did not forget to look back at Zhongli and urged him:

Come and teach me how to use this thing, guest guest Zhongli!


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