[Secretary Yue Haiting]: I also agree with Mr. Zhongli’s opinion.

[Tianquan]: Even Gan Yu is a little inclined to anonymity, whatever... Then I will listen to it, what about you, Keqing?

Seeing that even Ning Guang, who was on her side at the beginning, started to lean toward anonymity, Ke Qing, who was in the office of the General Affairs Department, felt helpless and had no choice but to type this line in the chat group:

[Keqing]: If the idea proposed by Han Xiao can solve the hidden dangers caused by nicknames, I have no objection.

[Keqing]: However, even if the anonymity system is adopted, I will apply for the real-name system as a backup. If something goes wrong, I suggest that the real-name system be adopted immediately.

[Guili City Lord]: Okay, let me first talk about the supplementary model of the household registration system.

Soon, Han Xiao popularized the so-called coding system model in the ID card system to everyone in the crowd.

After listening to his story, most people in the group understood what the other person meant.

Nowadays, Liyue's household registration system is actually relatively complete. Han Xiao just added a coding system to the original system this time.

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Is it really useful to just add a coding system?

[Tian Quan]: Gan Yu, having an additional identity code is not of much use in reality, but I think Han Xiao is preparing for the Internet, right?

[Guili City Lord]: As expected of Ningguang, it seems you have guessed what I want to do?

[Tianquan]: Well, you want to establish an electronic household registration archive, am I right?

[Guili City Master]: The correct answer is that with the electronic household registration archives, it is easier to register various accounts on the Internet, and it can also solve the problem of real-name accounts.

Chapter 837 Census

In the Qunyu Pavilion.

After learning about Han Xiao's plan, Ningguang quickly expressed his opinion in the group.

[Tianquan]: Hanxiao, if you want to build an electronic household registration archive, the workload is not small.

[Keqing]: Ningguang is right. Currently, the total population of Liyue is about 10 million. If a census of the whole territory is conducted and the digital coding is implemented, it will take at least several months to complete.

[Keqing]: And Han Xiao, you are planning to launch the Internet as soon as possible. Could it be that you have to wait a few more months to launch the Internet because of this matter?

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: It feels a bit disadvantageous to delay the launch of something as convenient as the Internet.

Xingqiu's words touched the minds of most people in the group.

Although they have just come into contact with the Internet, whether it is office management systems, remote email sending and receiving, and now multi-person instant online communication.

All these prove that Liyue’s next turning point in the future is the Internet in front of them.

[Lord of Guili City]: Well... I have an idea. How about we first use Guili City as a pilot area to implement electronic identification, and then spread it to the entire Liyue area.

[Guili City Lord]: In this way, the launch of the Internet will not be delayed.

[Tianquan]: As for Liyue Port, didn’t we agree that the two places would launch it simultaneously? If we do this, wouldn’t Liyue Port be several months behind?

[Lord of Guili City]: I don’t mind that Guili City and Liyue Port conduct censuses and electronic household registrations first, but the problem is that the population of Liyue Port is several times that of Guili City.

[Keqing]: Leave this matter to me and Gan Yu. We will try our best to ensure that the launch of the Internet in the two places is synchronized.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: Ah... Keqing, are you planning to work overtime?

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: Hanxiao, has the time for the launch of the Internet been set?

[Guili City Lord]: In fact, it can be launched at any time now, but because some of the software and hardware facilities supporting the Internet are not yet complete, I have been holding back and not rushing to launch it. I estimate that it will take about a month.

[Secretary Yue Haiting]: One month? That's not a big problem, Keqing and I should be able to complete it.

[Second Young Master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce]: As expected of Lord Gan Yu, the great steward of Liyue, I still have a lot to learn!

[Ke Qing]: Anyway, Han Xiao, you'd better come up with the digital encoding system as soon as possible. Gan Yu and I will discuss the work process later.

[Guili City Lord]: ...Okay.


After ending the conversation in the chat group, Han Xiao turned to look at Albedo and Angus beside her.

It seems that next we need to invest our energy in the digital encoding system first.

no problem!

When Han Xiao asked them to participate in the research and development of the digital coding system, Abedo agreed simply.

Recently, his research has hit a bottleneck stage, so he would like to change his research as a way to relax his brain.

As soon as Abedo finished speaking, Angus on the side couldn't wait to express that he was the same.

My current research is on chat software, which is now basically ready for use. I can help you.

Okay, let's start developing the digital coding system from tomorrow and try to complete it within three days.

Seeing that both Abedo and Angus agreed to join the research and development team of the digital coding system, Han Xiao did not hesitate and directly gave a simple charter.


Time flies and the afternoon of the third day comes.

After several days of dedicated research and development, the three of them finally completed the development of the digital encoding system as expected.

Phew...it's done!

Looking at the digital coding system that had taken shape on the desktop computer screen, Angus immediately raised his hands and stretched, with fatigue written all over his face.

In order to complete it within the estimated time, they can be said to have lived directly in the alchemy workshop these days, writing code almost all day every day.

This work is more intensive than writing systems before.

Thanks for your hard work!

Looking at Angus and Abedo who looked tired, Han Xiao quickly thanked her and continued:

I haven't had any research projects recently. You guys should take a good rest these days.

After sending Angus and Albedo away, Han Xiao took out her cell phone and dialed Ke Qing's number.


After a few rings, the phone was quickly connected.

Hello. Who is this?

Me, Hanxiao!

Hearing Ke Qing's voice from the other end of the phone, Han Xiao didn't leave any ink and got to the point directly.

We have completed the development of the digital coding system. I will send it to you and Senior Sister Gan Yu via email later. You can familiarize yourself with how to operate it.


In the office of the General Affairs Department, Ke Qing, who was working, brightened her eyes, and then she couldn't help but let out a sigh:

I know that as long as you work hard, your efficiency will never be slow! If only you could stay like this!

Please forgive me, working like this all the time will make me exhausted!

Seeing that Keqing actually wanted to become a 996 social animal like her, Han Xiao immediately refused.

It’s a joke, it’s okay to work overtime occasionally.

But want him to become a workaholic too?

Sorry, that's impossible!


Keqing, whose proposal was once again rejected by the other party, just clicked her tongue this time, but did not continue on this topic.

After all, he wanted to make the lazy Han Xiao work seriously, unless he was willing to do so.

Otherwise, it would be more difficult than reaching the sky.


On the other side, just as Keqing and Ganyu were getting familiar with the digital coding system, Xingqiu also got the system at the same time.

However, unlike Keqing and the others who still need to be familiar with the system, Xingqiu almost figured out the functions and operation of the digital coding system after getting the system.

Emmm, the reason for the difference is naturally due to Han Xiao's original decision.

Since the advent of desktop computers, he has been asking Fa Lushan to teach the staff in Guilicheng basic programming language knowledge.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a group of people in Liyue who can be said to be the most familiar with desktop computers except Han Xiao and others that the progress on Xingqiu's side will be faster than that on Keqing's side.


On the night when Xingqiu got the system, TV programs, radio broadcasts and the bulletin board in the square all broadcasted in Guilicheng that Guilicheng would start a census tomorrow, and new identity documents would also be issued. .

On the other side of Liyue Port, Keqing and Ganyu also issued the same announcement as Guili City the next day.

This statement, which was less than a day apart but had exactly the same content, immediately aroused the curiosity of the people of Liyue.

Chapter 838 Su’s communication request

Census, what the hell is this?

In a certain tavern in Guili City, a Liyue man who drank a lot of wine couldn't help but complained harshly to his drinking companion sitting next to him:

Why would Lord Hanxiao make such a strange announcement?

Who knows, but literally it should be to find out the total population of Liyue.

Compared with the complaints from such a drinker, the drinker who was questioned by the other party was thoughtful and guessed part of the truth of the matter based on the announcement made by Han Xiao.

According to his speculation, Liyue will probably conduct a large-scale census next.

Ha, find out the total population of Liyue?

Hearing his drinking friend's speculation, the slightly drunk Liyue man had doubts written all over his face:

It's just a question of population size. Is it necessary to conduct a census?

He didn't quite understand why seven-star figures such as Han Xiao and Ning Guang suddenly issued such an announcement.

How can we guess the thoughts of the big shots? It's just a matter of registering them. It won't take much effort.


As the conversation ended, the two fell back into alcohol.

Since Liyue people saw the announcement from various channels, similar scenes have been staged in many areas.

Although no one understood the true purpose of Qixing's joint census this time, their trust in Qixing over the years made them choose to abide by the instructions of the announcement.

Soon, whether it was the General Affairs Department of Liyue Port or Kuixing Tower in Guili City, they all welcomed huge crowds of Liyue residents.


Just as the Liyue area was conducting an orderly census and trial-running the digital coding system, Han Xiao, who was processing resident data with Abedo and others in the workshop, suddenly received a communication from Su who was far away in the quantum sea world bubble.

After receiving the communication request, he immediately found an excuse to leave the workshop and return to the secret room in his home.

After confirming that it was safe, Han Xiao opened the communication.

Hanxiao, the third Honkai outbreak has occurred!

Originally, he thought that Su would ask him why it took him so long to connect to the communication, but he didn't expect that the first sentence the other party spoke made his face instantly become serious.

Changkong City was hit by a disaster?


Can you tell me the specific situation?

no problem.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Su told him everything he had observed during this period.

Ever since Su learned from Han Xiao about the third great collapse that broke out in Changkong City and the beginning of the new era of mankind, he did not dare for a moment to relax his surveillance of the ME Club, which may be responsible for the Changkong City incident.

As soon as he started monitoring, Su discovered that ME Company was beginning to lay out the entire Changkong City.

He said that he could not change the general situation, but he still tried to move the location of the third Great Collapse to the suburbs. ,

However, what Su didn't expect was that even if he infiltrated his power into the world layout, the outcome would remain unchanged.

The third great collapse was driven by the anti-entropy radical Cocolia and broke out directly in Changkong City, turning the entire city into ruins.

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