Lord Hanxiao!

Master Ningguang is here too!

There are also Master Keqing and Miss Ganyu!

In front of the viewing platform, several Seven Stars, also in formal attire, listened to the chorus of shouts from the residents below. Tianxuan turned her head to look at Kaiyang with a smile on her face and teased:

I suddenly feel a little bit at a loss. If I had known earlier, we could have shown our faces.

Come on, I don't want to show up in public.

But it seems that Han Xiao is very popular.

Ignoring the teasing among the seven stars, let us turn our attention back to the podium.

Yan Fei, Abedo and many people who have made great contributions to the new city are standing on both sides, with three microphones arranged on the podium in the middle.

Chongyun and several alchemist disciples whom he called to help lit up the talismans in their hands, and the etching on the microphone was immediately connected.

Ningguang and Keqing looked at each other, then walked to the microphones on both sides, leaving the middle seat to Han Xiao.

Gan Yuze came to Yan Fei and said hello, then turned his attention to Han Xiao.

The time has finally come.

Feeling the eyes of everyone on her, Han Xiao took a deep breath, then walked to the microphone and pressed down her hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

The next moment, the cheers stopped.

Everyone in Liyue, good morning. I am Han Xiao.

The loudspeakers on the flagpoles in the city started operating at the same time, and everyone clearly heard Han Xiao's voice through the loudspeakers.

Three thousand years ago, the emperor and the king of Chen finally brought the people of Liyue to establish Guiliji, the original home of the Liyue people, on the Guiliyuan.

It's a pity that it was a period of war, and our ancestors had to abandon their homes and travel across mountains and rivers to build the prosperous Liyue Port today.

Three thousand years later, we came back to Guiliyuan and built Guili City on the former site.

In front of the podium, as a series of exciting words came out of Han Xiao's mouth, all the residents of Liyue felt proud in their hearts.

Yes, our ancestors were forced to leave their homes three thousand years ago, and now they have finally returned to the land that originally raised the Liyue people.

Seeing that the people below were ignited by his words, Han Xiao's words became louder and louder:

After three thousand years, the Liyue people are back!

The new Guili City will never forget its past history!

Here I would like to express our response to the ancestors of Liyue on behalf of everyone.

Guili City is officially completed!

In an instant, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared.



Prince Yan bless Guili City!

Everyone roared wildly along with Han Xiao's words.

The cheering lasted for about ten minutes, and Ning Guang felt that it was almost time to raise her hand to signal everyone to be quiet. She had something to say.

Everyone in Liyue, I am Tianquan Xing Ningguang.

Today is a great day for the completion of the new city, Guili City. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone in advance.

Thank you all for your hard work and sweat in the establishment of Guili City.

at the same time...

The conversation changed, and Ning Guang looked at Han Xiao who was in the C position in the sight of everyone downstairs:

I have another announcement to make to everyone.

After discussions at the Seven Stars Meeting, Tianshu Xing has decided to step down.

Wait...Master Tianshuxing is resigning?

Shouldn't it?

All Liyue residents in the audience thought of a possibility almost at the same time.

As they expected, Ningguang quickly said the same thing as what they were thinking:

The Seven Stars unanimously decided that Han Xiao would be the new Tianshu Star.

Responsible for taking charge of everything in the new city.


Ningguang's words were like big rocks thrown into the water, causing huge splashes.

Oh my god, what did Lord Ningguang say?

Master Hanxiao was actually elected to the Seven Stars!

Great, I think Mr. Han Xiao is well-deserved for being elected!

Listening to the noise coming from below, Ningguang raised his eyebrows at Han Xiao with a smile on his face:

Come on, our new Tianshu star, let's say a few words to everyone.

The unexpected news made Han Xiao stunned for a moment, then subconsciously stretched out his hand to straighten his collar and spoke into the microphone:

Well, first of all, I would like to thank the Emperor and Qixing. It is an honor to serve as the Tianshu Star.

At the same time, I am here to assure you that I will do my best to make Guili City a dazzling pearl on our land of Liyue.

At this point, Tianshu Star Hanxiao officially stepped onto the stage where Teyvat Continent was about to be turbulent.

Chapter 72 Intermission (3/4)

The completion ceremony of Guili City came to an end soon, but the residents in the city were still discussing privately what had happened before.

While the residents were thinking about the next days of living in Guili City, they were chatting with others about the gossip about Han Xiao becoming Tianshu Star.

After all, whether it is the announcement of the official completion of the new city or Han Xiao's election as Tianshu Star, it is big news that can cause a sensation in Liyue.

But no matter which news it is, it is a good thing for the residents of Guili City.

It's just that unlike these residents whose faces are full of longing for the future, the Kuixing Tower at this time is less festive and more solemn.

Because Liyue Port was inseparable from people, Gan Yu and Qixing both took Ningguang's Qunyu Pavilion and left first, leaving only Ningguang and Keqing behind.

At the same time, the two of them also brought some bad news to Han Xiao.

For this reason, Han Xiao had to hastily end the dinner party originally used to celebrate the success, and walked into the conference room with Ke Qing and Ning Guang.

Ningguang, are you telling the truth?

As soon as he entered the conference room, Han Xiao couldn't wait to ask Ning Guang.

I don't want to bring you bad news when you first take office, but it's unfortunate that it's true.

Zhidong Kingdom has sent a new envoy, and they want the Bank of the North to settle in Liyue.

Ning Guang nodded.

Some time ago, she met with the new envoys sent by the Zhidong Kingdom, and was told that the Zhidong side wanted the North Country Bank to move into Liyue. However, she made an excuse to delay the application.

Originally, Ningguang didn't want to break the good atmosphere of double happiness, but now Han Xiao has officially become Tianshu star, one of the seven stars.

Reasonably and emotionally, she should let the other party know the news, and the Zhidong side has been delaying it for a while, and it would not be good to delay it any longer.

Northland Bank.

Han Xiao's slender fingers kept tapping on the table, and she kept mumbling the words Beiguo Bank.

When he was playing games before, he did know that Beiguo Bank was stationed in Liyue, and he also knew that Zhidong had sent Young Master as an envoy.

But Han Xiao really doesn't know what the specific situation of Beiguo Bank is.

After all, he only opened the Abyss Palace when he traveled through time, and the news about the Layer Rock Abyss was only known by the insider.

Can you tell me more about this Northland Bank?

Let me tell you, you may have guessed that the person behind Northland Bank is none other than Pantalone, the ninth executive officer of the Fools.

Ke Qing on the side took over the topic and educated Han Xiao on the situation behind Beiguo Bank.

The ninth seat of the executive of fools, the rich Pantalone.

Most likely they are from Liyue.

They don't know why Keqing became an executive, but Yelan had a fight with her through Zhiyi some time ago.

In Yelan's words, the other party is quite difficult to deal with.

In addition to Ye Lan, Uncle Tian also made an evaluation of the wealthy Pantalone before retiring. The things planned by the other party may even shake the foundation of the world.

Oh, the rating is so high.

After listening to Keqing's story, Han Xiao was also a little surprised.

He did not expect that the executive behind Beiguo Bank would be given similar views by Ye Lan and his predecessor Tianshu Xing.

According to the information I have received, Pantalone provides the entire Fools' funds. From a financial point of view, I may not even be able to win.

Ning Guang also added something on the side.

Can you think of a way to prevent Northland Bank from entering?

I'm afraid not. All the procedures submitted by Northland Bank are legal. From a diplomatic perspective, we have no reason to reject the other party.

After saying that, Ning Guang also sighed slightly.

The Dr. Fools caused a big mess in Mondstadt some time ago, and now the Northland Bank has suddenly applied to me to settle in Liyue. I have to be on guard.

It's just that the other party didn't reveal any clues. At present, I can only send Yelan to keep an eye on Beiguo Bank privately.

It seems that's all it can do.

For Beiguo Bank, Han Xiao could not give a good solution for a while.

After all, they submitted the application for settlement in accordance with formal diplomatic procedures. From the legal perspective of Liyue, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Even if you know that the other party may have problems, you cannot refuse.

After much deliberation, Han Xiao gave Ningguang and Keqing an alternative solution:

Let's do this Ningguang, Guilicheng and Liyue Port will work together to launch a state-owned bank in Liyue as soon as possible. We can't stop Beiguo Bank from entering, but the bank must not fall into the hands of businessmen from other countries.

You mean fighting in the ring?

Ning Guang pondered for a moment and quickly calculated the pros and cons in his mind.

Keqing still remained silent.

There is no way that she is a civil engineering lady, her main job is land construction, and she really doesn't have the energy to take care of diplomacy.

There were too many twists and turns inside, not suitable for her.

It seems that this is the only solution for now.

After a long time, Ningguang came back from his thoughts and nodded in agreement with Han Xiao's suggestion.

Matters such as the bank, which are related to the country's finances, cannot be influenced by other countries. She plans to personally take charge of the bank's affairs.

Then I'll leave it to you to deal with it. Guili City will plant food as soon as possible to get rid of Liyue's food import problem.

Ningguang Hanxiao agreed to leave the bank matter to Ningguang Hanxiao. The other party was a 'chosen son' who had worked his way up from a small businessman to a seven-star business through commercial means.

Compared with this kind of wall-mounted business method, Han Xiao thought that she was not smart enough.

Winter Country.

While Ningguang and Han Xiao were discussing how to deal with Beiguo Bank, a conversation also took place among the Fools.

Pantarone, I heard that you suffered a little loss in Liyue.

It's just an idle chess piece that has been pulled out, Puccinella.

The man wearing glasses and a plush coat, whom Han Xiao and the others called the wealthy Pantalone, didn't care at all about the 'mockery' of his colleagues.

In his opinion, Zhiyi was indeed just a chess piece he set up after he sent someone to contact him.

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