I just didn't expect that this chess piece would be exposed so quickly, causing Pantalone's plan to use it to interfere with the change of Liyue Seven Stars to fail.

Fortunately, he asked Yusupov and Theofan to evacuate in advance with their troops.

In terms of losses, there wasn’t much.

I hope your actions will not affect the Queen's affairs.

Facing Pantalone's nonchalant expression, Rooster Puccinella frowned and said something.

Don't worry, Dadalia volunteered to take over the Queen's mission. I believe our colleague will handle it well.

A maniac with a head full of fighting, alas... I'd better help him.

But Pantalone, you should already know what happened in Liyue recently.

You are talking about the young man named Han Xiao, right? A puppet master who was once famous for his clay puppets in Liyue.

According to the urgent secret report, that boy has been included as a candidate for Tianshu Star.

Puccinella paused, looked at Pantalone's suddenly frozen face and laughed out loud:

He also dug out your chess piece. It seems we have another opponent.

Volume 3·The Beginning of the Adventure


Chapter 73 Han Xiao’s first doll (4/4)

Half a month has passed since Guili City was established.

In just half a month, Guili City has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, workers who obtained resident certificates used the salary they saved while working to buy their own houses at relatively favorable prices.

However, they only have the permanent right to use the house itself, and the land itself still belongs to the city government. After expiration, they must pay a certain land rights transfer fee to renew the land.

This is the result of discussions between Ke Qing and Han Xiao.

In the past, in Liyue Port, the land permanently belonged to private individuals after buying a house, which resulted in the construction land in Liyue Port becoming more and more expensive.

So after talking to Keqing, Han Xiao approached Ningguang and Yanfei and legally changed the land ownership model.

After talking about houses, let’s talk about business.

As promised to the big businessmen in Liyue Port, Han Xiao approved their request to settle in Guili City after it was established.

These businessmen spent huge sums of money to rent stores in the best locations in the business district, and then began to build branches and goods storage warehouses.

In order to thank Xingqiu's father for his support, the most prosperous piece of land in the business district was leased to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce by Han Xiao.

As for the business wars between these chambers of commerce, he is too lazy to take care of them. He just needs to do macro-control.

If it was really illegal, wouldn't there be Qianyan Army?

In addition to Liyue, many businessmen from Mondstadt also came to Guili City to rent land to build a warehouse center because of the agreement between Qin and Han Xiao.

Apart from anything else, the bar opened by Chenxi Winery on the commercial street has become a favorite place for many residents who have returned from the city to rest.

Hanxiao had naturally been there too, but unfortunately the bartender in the bar was just a branch manager hired by Diluc with money.

In fact, Han Xiao wanted to go to Mondstadt to poach Diona, but considering Maomao's own aversion to alcohol, he finally gave up on this tempting idea.

In short, after half a month, Guili City is on the right track, and with the arrival of merchants, tax revenue has begun to come in.

The functional plan of Guili City's commercial operations center has been successfully realized.

All that remains is the agricultural aspect.

The plains outside the city have been treated with lime powder and other alkali-containing substances. The salinized land has been neutralized to some extent, and a new batch of rice seeds have been sown.

In order to increase the efficiency of sowing, Han Xiao obtained the drawings of Quyuan plow and other tools from the chat group and gave them to the Yunhan family for production.

It can be said that as long as the first batch of grain is received, the two major functions of establishing Guili City can be realized.

By the way, because the development of Guili City is on the right track, Han Xiao's workload has also been greatly reduced.

He now spends most of his time in the workshop with Abedo, studying with Abedo while conducting his own alchemy experiments.

Good morning, Mr. Hanxiao!

Good morning, Master Hanxiao!

Well, it's early for you too!

Going to the street to the workshop, the residents on the roadside saw Han Xiao walking along the street and greeted him with sincere smiles on their faces.

Han Xiao smiled and nodded in response to everyone, and walked along the road to the workshop.

When he opened the door, he saw Albedo busy in front of the alchemy table.

Morning, Albedo.


Abedo, who was working, replied without raising his head, still focusing on the things in his hands.

No way, Han Xiao really fulfilled his promise and gave him a lot of tasks that looked very challenging.

For example, mass-produce Dudu communication devices that are cheap, stable and confidential.

Can we collect the electricity from thunder flowers and thunder slimes as new energy?

And how to install a stable power core on a carriage to replace horse power.

There are also topics such as using alchemical technology to transform existing production tools and living tools.

It can be said that these many topics make Abe both painful and happy. The topics are all good topics, but Han Xiao can't just stick to him and work hard.

In response, Han·Capitalist·King of Street Lamp·Xiao said that you, Abedo, will only work for me for three years. If I don’t squeeze you dry, I will be sorry for the tax-free strategy of Mondstadt businessmen.

Anyway, Fontaine even built a prototype of the difference engine a year later. If a catastrophe were to happen, Liyue would have to be able to resist.

After all, if you don't even have the ability to resist at all, what's the difference between that and waiting to die?

By the way, Albedo, the alchemy workshop over in Mingyun Town has basically taken shape. Do you want to move there?

Being not.

The alchemy workshop over there is used as a production line. I can just conduct research in Guili City.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo put down his work and thought for a moment before rejecting the proposal.

Originally, he planned to go to Mingyun Town, but with the rapid development of Guilicheng's commercial district, there are now shops selling alchemy materials from various countries.

Therefore, considering factors such as convenience, Abedo chose to stay in the alchemy workshop in Guili City after weighing it.

That's good. It will be more convenient for me to find you.

Seeing that Abedo planned to stay in Guili City, Han Xiao had no objection. Anyway, being closer would give him more time to learn his alchemy skills.

After speaking, Han Xiao walked to his workbench and started his research.

On his workbench, a doll that is only six inches in size (14-20cm) is lying on it.

As an ancestral Chongguo native, the doll made by Han Xiao has typical white hair and red eyes, and its face is very similar to the vampire Sophie in her past life memory.

Gently stroking the doll's skin with his fingers, feeling the skin touch from his fingertips, Han Xiao smiled with satisfaction.

As expected of the artificial material skin provided by Albedo, it feels almost the same as a normal person.

Reaching out to open the chest of the puppet, the modified puppet's machine core was inlaid with a castrated version of the Eye of All Things containing a self-destruct device, which was being assembled by densely packed mechanical parts in an orderly manner.

I have to say that your puppetry skills are indeed very impressive.

Seeing Han Xiao carefully adjusting the internal parts of the doll, Albedo couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

The Eye of All Things is no different in function from the Eye of God. At most, it is the youth version in terms of power.

Generally speaking, finding ways to increase the power of the Eye of All Things is the choice for most people.

What Abedo didn't expect was that Han Xiao actually found a new way to develop elemental combat skills using silk threads to control puppets.

Of course, in addition to admiration, what made him feel even more insane was that Han Xiao not only combined the castrated Eye of All Things with the puppet machine core as the power source of the puppet, but also added a self-destruct device inside.

Thanks for the compliment.

By the way, does this doll have a name? It's just like the stained sheep No. 3 from before.

Yes, let's call her Miss Qiu.


Just kidding, her name is Yanxing.

Chapter 74: The Immortal Invitation Ceremony (fifth update)

Soon, the residents of Guili City learned the news.

That is their city lord, Master Hanxiao of Tianshu Star, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Now every day, whether he goes out or works, there is a beautiful doll wearing a traditional gauze skirt of Liyue sitting on his shoulders.

The residents were a little surprised by this at first, but then everyone suddenly realized it when they remembered that Han Xiao was the most famous puppet master in Liyue before Qixing.

Even though our Lord Hanxiao became a big shot, he never forgot his hobbies.

It can be said that the appearance of the doll not only did not damage Han Xiao's image, but also improved his reputation in Guili City.

This was something Han Xiao didn't expect.

He carries Yanxing with him just because the Eye of All Things does not yet have the space function that comes with the Eye of God, and he made this choice as a last resort.

After learning from secretary Xu Wan the reason why her reputation had increased, Han Xiao could only say she had nothing to say.

He was convinced by the association ability of the residents of Guilicheng.

After handling the daily affairs, Han Xiao opened the chat group to see what other people were doing.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Today is another day without new people.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: +1, I didn't expect the slowness of this group of newcomers.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Just be content. Who knows which worlds our soul fragments have fallen into? It would be nice to still be able to contact them.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I am in urgent need of all kinds of knowledge now anyway. I hope some big guys can come and let me learn from it.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: This is incredible, Yuanxiao, you are going to take the omniscient route.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Hakoba's kind of omniscience?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: I think he should be the rational type of the Enneagram. His characteristic is the pursuit of knowledge.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Hey, this seems to belong to psychology. I remember we haven't studied psychology before?

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Ahem...I'm self-taught. Think about the fact that there are so many taboo dolls around me. You should help them with their psychological problems.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Holy Light, look there is a dog over there that you want to kill!

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Learn psychology (X), deal with harem relations (√)

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Actually, I think I also need to learn a little psychology.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Zhuo, I feel unwell, so I'm hiding!

Looking at the Pirate King himself, Han Xiao couldn't help but cursed and closed the chat group, preparing for an out-of-sight, out-of-mind situation.

Damn it, when you travel to another world, there are people barking in groups.

What a different self.

It's absolutely amazing.

Dudu - Duduke -

At this moment, Han Xiao's beeping communication device suddenly rang.

Which one?

It's me, Ningguang.

What's wrong?

It's time for you to return to Liyue Port.

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