So it seems more inclined to farming.

At the end of the second volume, Han Xiao already has a certain ability to protect herself.

Starting from the third volume, it is the story of Han Xiao, who is in a high position, developing a new city while improving his own strength, and at the same time, he interacts with characters and travelers from other countries.

As for the other Han Xiaos in the chat group, my idea is to have a side story later.

Because temporarily changing the perspective would have a strong sense of fragmentation and would be very uncomfortable to read, so I chose to abandon this writing method.

But I often peek at the screen, so sometimes I will secretly write a complaint or something.

Finally, let’s talk about the updates after launch.

If it goes on the shelves tomorrow, there will probably be 4 updates, and from now on I will update 2-3 times a day.

If the results are better, I will play more numbers, or at worst I will give up a few alt accounts and stop playing.

Just like I haven't done it every day yet, Gan.

Finally, I beg you to subscribe, to give the newbie some motivation to code!

Chapter 70 New Town Completion Ceremony (1/4)

Liyue Port·Qunyu Pavilion

It's amazing, young people today are really amazing.

It seems that I really can't accept old age.

Looking at the invitation to the completion ceremony of the new city passed from Ningguang's hand, Uncle Tian couldn't help but let out a mixed emotion.

Although Han Xiao was not the recommender he had planned before, he still had a great impression of Han Xiao because of the emperor's relationship.

In the end, Han Xiao's ability proved that the other party did not disappoint the emperor.

Uncle Tian is also happy to hand over the position of Tianshu Star to such a young man.

Even after training, the poison in his body has been eliminated and his energy has recovered a lot.

However, on the other hand, many of the planning strategies for new urban areas proposed by Han Xiao made Uncle Tian, ​​an emperor sect, feel dissatisfied.

Hence the sigh from Uncle Tian above that contained complex emotions.

Uncle Tian, ​​I see what you said, you are still in good health.

Yaoguang looked at Uncle Tian and continued with a smile on his face.

Anyway, I recognize Han Xiao's ability, and I support him becoming our colleague.

In Ke Qing's absence, as a member of the 'Rule of Man Faction', Tianxuan straightforwardly raised the banner of supporting Han Xiao to become the Seven Stars.

Feiyun Chamber of Commerce has paid a lot more business taxes. From this alone, we can see that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, which built a warehouse in the new city, has made a lot of money recently.

There has also been a drop in commodity prices in Mondstadt.

As soon as Tianxuan finished speaking, Kaiyang shook the documents in his hand that recorded commercial taxes and market prices and said:

Tianxuan is right. The new city has already brought so many benefits to Liyue even before it is officially put into use.

This answer sheet is perfect in my opinion.

For a while, the scene became quiet.

Ningguang held the cigarette rod in his hand and did not speak, but silently observed the expressions of the seven stars.

Qixing Zhongtianxuan, Ke Qing and himself are considered to be on Han Xiao's side. Now Lian Kaiyang has made a vague choice after seeing the benefits brought by the new city.

Yaoguang himself was neutral, but the birth of the flying thunder cannon poked his weakness, and Yaoguang finally chose to acquiesce.

The only ones left are the attitudes of Uncle Tian and Tianji.

After a long time, Uncle Tian finally spoke to break the silence.

I...agree with you.

Han Xiao will inherit Tianshu Xing's position and be in charge of the affairs of the new city.

As for the affairs at Liyue Port, I suggest that Gan Yu, secretary of Yuehai Pavilion, manage it on your behalf.

Seeing that Uncle Tian himself had already agreed, Tianji followed up and said:

Now that Uncle Tian has made a decision, I agree with it.

Old fox.

Ning Guang raised his eyebrows, and when the retort came to his lips, he changed the topic again.

In that case, let's set a date.

In my opinion, the inauguration ceremony of this new city is a good opportunity. It's a double happiness!

The other seven stars all agreed with Ning Guang's suggestion.

Moon Sea Pavilion.

Gan Yu also received an invitation from Han Xiao asking her to attend the ceremony, and at the same time the decision from Qixing was also passed on.

After carefully reading the contents of the invitation letter, she raised her head and looked at Baiwen who came to deliver the letter:

You go back and tell Miss Ningguang that I will go with them on the day of departure.


After sending Baiwen away, Gan Yu put away the invitation letter without changing his expression, but ripples appeared in his heart.

The benefits brought by the new urban area have already been reflected in Liyue Port, especially Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, which has been very popular in Liyue's business community recently.

The rest of the businessmen were filled with envy and hatred, and they all regretted why they didn't stand up to support Han Xiao's plan immediately.

In the past six months, other merchants had not thought about going to the new city to set up a warehouse transfer station like the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, but they were all replied by Han Xiao that they would wait until the new city was implemented before discussing in detail.

In addition to the dynamics of the Great Chamber of Commerce, prices in Liyue Port have also dropped a lot due to the emergence of the new city. Coupled with a series of strategies formulated by Han Xiao before, the possible turmoil caused by the closure of the Layer Rock Abyss has been eliminated.

With these achievements, it was no surprise that Han Xiao was elected Tianshu Star Gan Yu, but as the link between humans and immortals, she felt a little confused.

Time flies and the date recorded on the invitation letter comes.

New town area.

All the workers who came to work in the new city put on new clothes purchased from the stores established by the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce in the business district.

Everyone's face is full of joy.

Because today is the day when Lord Hanxiao announces the completion of the new city!

Hey, Wang Wu, have you obtained your resident certificate?

It's done. It was done in the past two days!

Along the wide street, many workers who knew each other happily greeted each other and showed off the resident certificates they had just obtained.

After all, from today on, the new city will have a name that belongs to it, and they will become the first official residents here.

There is a flagpole erected every other distance on both sides of the street. On it are not only lanterns for lighting at night, but also loudspeakers etched with fairy magic.

The time for the inauguration ceremony is getting closer and closer, and many people are walking along the street towards the large square in the center of the new city.

At this time, the square was already filled with people, and everyone was looking eagerly at the tall building named Kuixing Tower standing in front of the square.

In addition to the already crowded square, countless Liyue people stood on the city walls, opened their windows and lay on the windowsills, and gathered at temporary stalls under the flagpoles on the roadside.

Kuixing is upstairs.

Countless staff members were making final checks with nervous faces.

With his hands open, Han Xiao allowed secretary Xu Wan and others to put the heavy classical dress on him, while he asked Chongyun, who was wearing the ancient sacrificial robe of an alchemist next to him:


When I speak later, can you ensure that the speakers in the entire city can transmit sound simultaneously?

Don't worry, I have invited many children from the alchemist family to help. I have tried it several times and there is absolutely no problem.

That's good.

Han Xiao nodded, Chongyun was relatively reliable in doing things, as long as he didn't eat spicy food.

It's just that these clothes are so heavy.

After Xu Wan and the others arranged their clothes, Han Xiao felt the weight of the dress on her body and couldn't help but complain.

The completion of the new city is a big event, so naturally everything must be grand.

Before anyone arrived, the sound came in.

Han Xiao looked back and saw Ningguang, who was also wearing a formal dress, leading Gan Yu and Ke Qing in.

Ningguang, Keqing and Miss Ganyu.

You are welcome to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new city.

But why are you the only one and where are the other Seven Stars?

They don't want to overshadow you because they don't know you well. They should have gone to the viewing platform by now.

Chapter 71 Tianshu Star·Hanxiao (2/4)

These Seven Stars adults are really out of touch.

After hearing Ning Guang say that the other seven stars went straight to the viewing platform, Han Xiao was polite to them.

Ke Qing, who was on the side, listened to Ning Guang and Han Xiao speaking in official accents, and couldn't help but roll her eyes at them, and interrupted directly:

Hanxiao, have you decided on the name of the new city?

You said it yourself that you would complete this matter.

Of course I have thought about this a long time ago.

Hearing Ke Qing's question, Han Xiao smiled confidently.

Gan Yu, who had not spoken since he came in, immediately pricked up his ears, intending to hear what Han Xiao wanted to name the new city.

Han Xiao did not pretend to be mysterious and directly expressed his thoughts in front of several people:

The new city is built on Guiliyuan. I think the first choice is naturally Guiliji, the name given to the old capital by the emperor and King Chen.

But since it is a new city, the name must be different.

So I plan to still use the word Guili and change it into a city.

Return to the city.

Now that I have left the people, we are all living and working in peace and contentment, and we are almost returning home together.

Gan Yu subconsciously recited Han Xiao's official name for the new city, and his memories were suddenly pulled back to a thousand years ago.

But she soon came back to her senses, and her eyes looking at Han Xiao were a little softer.

Although Han Xiao's thoughts made her confused.

But from the fact that the other party could remember the last name of King Chen, Gan Yu still had a good impression of Han Xiao in his heart.

Guili City, what a good name.

Ningguang expressed her approval for Han Xiao's name.

The new urban area was built on the former Guiliji. Hanxiao chose to inherit the word Guili, which also means rebirth from the ashes.

Sir, the ceremony is about to begin.

While a few people were chatting, Xu Wan, who got the news, walked up to Han Xiao and the others and reminded them softly.

I see.

Han Xiao nodded, then smiled and invited Ningguang and the others:

Can any of you come with me to witness this moment?

There is nothing wrong with it.

Downstairs from Kuixing, the crowd in the square looked expectantly at the podium that had been set up above.

When Han Xiao and Ning Guang appeared, everyone shouted like a mountain roaring and a tsunami:

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