Isn't it just half a month? I and Shen He can afford to wait!

Thinking that it would take less than half a month to witness the so-called transformation of evil, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't care at all that he came a little early.

She and Shen He had waited more than twenty years to come here, just half a month.

Thinking of this, before Han Xiao could speak, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun continued:

Since the Qimen Bureau will take half a month to open, I will take Shen He to Mingyun Town to stay for a few days.

When you are ready, I will bring Shen He here.

Master Liuyun, how about you all stay in Guili City during this period?

Seeing that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun planned to take Shen He away first, Han Xiao quickly spoke to persuade him to stay.

It's only half a month. There is also a certain distance between Mingyun Town and Guili City. It will take close to ten days to go back and forth.

It makes sense for you to say that.

After hearing Han Xiao lay out the facts in front of him, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also believed that what his young apprentice said was reasonable.

The distance between Guili City and Mingyun Town is not short.

Instead of spending a lot of time traveling back and forth on the road, it is better to stay directly in Guili City, recharge your batteries, and be in the best condition to welcome the opening of the evil era.

Then Han Xiao, please help your senior sister Shen He arrange a place to live in first, and keep your spirits up until the evil situation begins.

Master Liuyun, don't you want to stay?

I can't. Mingyun Town cannot do without me.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun simply shook his head.

There are too many mortals in Guili City. For her, living in Guili City is far less comfortable than living in Mingyun Town.

Moreover, the relatively long distance between Mingyun Town and Guili City is actually not that far away in the eyes of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

The reason why it took so many days was simply to take care of Shen He's schedule.

Do you really think her wings are just decoration?

If Shen He was not around, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng could fly from Guili City to Mingyun Town in less than two hours under his full strength.

No problem, leave it to me!

I will take good care of Senior Sister Shen He.

Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun leave the matter of taking care of Shen He to him, Han Xiao simply agreed.

After all, as the lord of Guili City, arranging someone is not simple.

Not to mention just staying for half a month, half a year or five years is nothing to him.

Then I'll go back to Mingyun Town first. I'll come back when the evil-removing situation begins in half a month.

After hearing Han Xiao's assurance, Lord Liuyun Jiefeng said a word of relief, then fluttered his wings and flew up in front of him and Shen He, and then disappeared from their eyes.

Looking at the figure of Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun gradually disappearing into the sky, Han Xiao just turned her head to look at the taciturn Second Senior Sister Shen He in front of her.

Senior Sister Shen He, how about I arrange for you to stay first?


When Han Xiao asked for his opinion, Shen He still nodded expressionlessly and answered quite simply and simply.


After getting Shen He's consent, Han Xiao immediately called Xu Wan and asked her to take her to the villa area in Guili City where distinguished guests were stationed, and picked a vacant room for her to settle down.

Han Xiao was not idle either. After arranging Shen He, he went directly to the alchemy workshop and found Abedo who was doing experiments.

Albedo, when will Keli come over?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo put down the alchemy reagent in his hand, turned his head to look at the other party and said slowly:

They have just set off from Mondstadt. It is expected to take half a month to reach Guili City. What's wrong?

It's not a big deal, but my senior sister has arrived in Guili City, so I want to ask Keli where they are.

Your senior the person who has the destiny of Guchen Jiesha?

Seeing Han Xiao mention Shen He, Abedo's eyes suddenly lit up, and his whole tone became a little hasty.


Seeing Abedo's suddenly excited expression, Han Xiao frowned slightly and had a vague idea in his heart.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask Albedo in a tentative tone:

Albedo, why do I feel like you care about my senior sister?

I do care!

Contrary to Han Xiao's expectation, Abedo not only did not quibble, but actually admitted this point quite simply.

Chapter 832 Angus enters a critical period

As a top alchemist, Albedo has all the beautiful qualities that a scholar should have.

Such as diligence, studiousness, talent and strong curiosity.

Although he didn't know much about divination, he still had basic knowledge.

Just because he knows some basic knowledge of divination, Abedo also knows that skilled astrologers have a very high understanding of destiny.

I also know that sometimes some ill-fated people will be born in the Teyvat continent.

Although he had only heard of Liyue's unique numerology before and had never actually seen it, he thought it should be similar to astrology.

Since Shen He was identified by Han Xiao and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun as having the destiny of Guchen Jiesha, he was the kind of person whose destiny was filled with evil spirits.

According to Albedo's understanding, Shen He should be a person born with a rough destiny in the eyes of astrologers.

Therefore, he would naturally become interested in Senior Sister Han Xiao.

I also want to know what kind of fate Han Xiao and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun call him Guchen Jiesha.

You must know that Abedo has been in Liyue for several years, and he also knows some Liyue dialect that is relatively difficult to pronounce.

Gu Chen Jiesha, the meaning behind these four words is not simple.

So you want to see with your own eyes the unique fate of my senior sister?

After listening to Abedo's explanation, Han Xiao probably understood what he was thinking.

The other party wanted to see if the existence that was almost called the ‘Lonely Star of Heavenly Evil’ in numerology was really as scary as the rumors.

Yes, you guessed it right.

Abedo nodded and admitted his curiosity.

He has an extremely lucky person like Keli by his side, so naturally he also wants to meet someone like Shen He who is on the opposite side and has a bad fate.

If possible, I would like to meet your senior sister with my own eyes, or study her destiny up close.

Why did you suddenly become interested in numerology?

Han Xiao did not immediately agree to Abedo, but instead asked the other party with a confused look on his face.

He had never seen Abedo show his desire to research in this area before?

You have been studying numerology recently, so I read the academic journals about fate in the Steam Bird and the academic articles about numerology in the Liyue Daily in previous years, and then I became very interested. .”

Facing Han Xiao's doubts, Abedo answered quite simply.

The reason why he became interested in astrology and numerology was because Han Xiao recently put down his alchemy experiment and turned around to study numerology.

This made Abedo extremely surprised by the other party's choice, so he planned to find out for himself.

As a result, after research, he found that both numerology and astrology seemed to believe that the relatively illusory concept of fate is real and can be touched.

After coming to this conclusion, Abedo's curiosity as a scholar jumped again.

Of course, he had a more important reason that he didn't say.

Since the last time he found the prophecy of the subjugated princess of the ancient Snow Mountain Kingdom Shar Fendenir in the Snow Mountains, Albedo has actually had the seeds of curiosity about fate.

The reason is also very simple.

The princess of the ancient country who didn't know how many years ago had actually met her brother, the demon dragon Dulin, who would cause disaster in Mondstadt and eventually die in the snowy mountains.

In addition, even their actions of reviving the silver ancient tree were recorded.

All of this made Abedo feel that what they experienced back then was actually doomed.

It was from that time that he inexplicably understood why the young astrologer named Mona, who had recently settled in Mondstadt, often expressed the feeling that destiny was determined in articles in the Liyue Daily.

As Han Xiao began to study numerology, Abedo knew that the other party was preparing for his senior sister Shen He to get rid of his own relatively sad destiny.

This moment aroused Abedo's strong curiosity.

He eagerly wanted to know whether Han Xiao, a man who had created many miracles, could break the so-called destiny in astrology.

So in order to better understand how the other party planned to break his almost destined fate, Abedo began to study astrology and numerology.

Likewise, he will naturally become interested in another client, Shen He.

Seeing that Abedo was so interested in Shen He's so-called destiny, Han Xiao pondered for a moment and then gave his advice:

Well, I can help you ask Senior Sister Shen He for her opinion. If she agrees, I will arrange for you to meet.

Then I'll leave it to you, Han Xiao!

Hearing that Han Xiao was willing to help him communicate with Shen He, Abedo immediately thanked him profusely.

Deng Deng Deng——

Just when Han Xiao and Abedo were preparing to further discuss Shen He's fate, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the workshop.

Then there was just a clang, and the door of the workshop was pushed open. They saw Angus rushing in and heading towards the desktop computer.

It was as if he didn't even notice that there were two people, Han Xiao and Abedo, in the alchemy workshop.

what happened to him?

Seeing Angus sitting down in front of the desktop computer as if there was no one around, and starting the machine very skillfully, Han Xiao couldn't help but look at Albedo next to her in surprise, wanting to ask herself what the situation was in front of her.

I don't know the specifics.

Although Han Xiao didn't speak, Abedo still understood the meaning in the other person's eyes, so he whispered in his ear and explained:

But since the last time you gave some advice to the software developed by Angus, he has been acting like this recently.

Have you fallen into madness?

After hearing Abedo's explanation, Han Xiao quickly asked in a low voice, and her eyes looking at Angus couldn't help but feel a little more worried.

This is the core R\u0026D talent that I have appointed in the future, and I cannot let the other party go crazy just because of such a trivial matter.

I'm not that irrational!

Before Albedo could speak, Angus, who was sitting in front of the desktop computer, spoke to deny Han Xiao's guess without looking back.

Ah...did you hear that?

Seeing that Angus was not in a state of indifference and could still sense his surroundings, Han Xiao felt a little embarrassed but also a little surprised.

Then you didn't even say hello before, which made me think you couldn't get out of the trap research.

Because I have reached the most critical testing stage.

While Angus was manipulating his hands to press codes on the keyboard, he explained the real reason why he broke in before without looking back.

Chapter 833: Blurred picture quality

“Is it so difficult to solve multiple people chatting online at the same time?”

Han Xiao couldn't help but frowned when he heard that Angus had just started the most critical test of the new features of the chat software today.

It's been more than half a month since he last made a suggestion, and the other party has just finished the multi-person online chat function at the same time?

Is this progress a bit slow?

Obviously, it only took Angus two months to complete all the functions of the entire chat software from scratch.

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