Zhenjun, please wait a moment, I will send someone to bring Junior Sister Shen He here!

Knowing that Lord Liuyun Jiefeng came specifically to see Shen He, Gan Yu couldn't help but feel relieved, and then called his secretary to ask her to bring Shen He over.

After giving all these instructions, she looked at Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun with curiosity.

Zhenjun, why did you suddenly come to see Junior Sister Shen He this time?


Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun nodded slightly, and then told Han Xiao that he planned to use Qimen's formation to help Shen He break Guchen's fate.

It turned out to be because of Junior Sister Shen He’s fate.

After listening to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's story, Gan Yu immediately fell into deep thought.

She naturally knew that Shen He had the destiny of Gu Chen Jie Sha.

At the same time, she also knew that Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and several other immortals had been trying to find ways to resolve the evil spirits brought about by the fate of their junior sisters.

It's a pity that after so many years, they have not found a way to completely break the fate, and in the end they can only choose to use the red rope to bind the soul to temporarily suppress the evil spirit.

What Gan Yu didn't expect was that his junior brother actually had a way to solve something that even Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Cutyue Zhuyang Zhenjun and other immortals couldn't do it?

Why does she feel that since Han Xiao became Tianshu Star, she always brings surprises to people from time to time?

Thinking of this, Gan Yu immediately raised his head and looked at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, and asked in a tentative tone:

Zhenjun, I wonder how confident Han Xiao is that he can resolve the evil spirit in Junior Sister Shen He's life?

I don't know exactly what I know.

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun shook his head. As for whether Han Xiao could use the situation of Qimen to remove the evil spirit from Shen He's body, even now she could not guarantee that she would succeed.

Then why are you willing to let Junior Brother Han Xiao try it?

It's good to give it a try. It won't get worse anyway, right?

Although Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said so, there was actually one thing she didn't tell Gan Yu.

That is, after getting the idea from Han Xiao to resolve the evil aura of Shen He's destiny, she went to find the emperor who was wandering around in the world of Guili City.

It was precisely because the emperor said that he could give it a try that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun decided to take a gamble.

After all, as she said, even if you fail, things will not get worse.


At this moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Then Shen He's figure appeared outside the door.

Master! Senior Sister Gan Yu!

Seeing Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Gan Yu in the office, Shen He walked into the office with long legs and said hello to them expressionlessly.

Shen He, you are here.

Seeing the arrival of his apprentice, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun asked directly:

You should know the matter, right?

Chapter 830 Shen He agrees to participate

Well, thank you master for running for me.

Shen He had known for a long time that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was running around in order to resolve his fate of Guchen Jiesha.

However, she remained expressionless when thanking him, and her eyes did not waver at all.

It was as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

It's not that Shen He's humanity suppressed by the red rope soul-binding method has completely disappeared, but that his master has tried this many times to find someone to help him resolve the evil spirit.

If Shen He still had a glimmer of hope at the beginning, now after several twists and turns, she no longer has any hope.

After all, when Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun begged the Rock King Emperor, there was still no way to solve it. He still needed to use the red rope to bind the soul to bind the evil spirit.

Even the gods are helpless against his Guchen Jiesha destiny, so Shen He doesn't think anyone else can do it.

Besides, she felt that it was actually pretty good now.

The method of binding the soul with the red rope may bind human nature, but Shen He believes that he is a person who practices immortality, and it does not seem to be a problem if he is pure and devoid of desires.

If she had too many strong emotions and desires, it would probably hinder her practice.

Alas...if you don't experience the world of mortals, how can your immortality continue to make breakthroughs?

As Shen He's master, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was still aware of her apprentice's thoughts even though he kept a expressionless face, which made her sigh helplessly.

Although the Liyue Immortals practice their immortality with a transcendent mind, if they want to improve their immortality to a higher level, experiencing the world of mortals is also an important part of it!

Without the influence of the smoke and fire of the world of mortals and firm belief, blind practice can only be a castle in the air, and it is easy to breed inner demons on the road of practice.

This is one of the reasons why Lord Liuyun Jiefeng sent Shen He to Gan Yu.

But now it seems that Shen He still hasn't realized her intention.

Master, let's get down to business!

Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun chatting for a long time about his cultivation issues, Shen He quickly opened his mouth and tried to get the topic on the right track.

...All right.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who was interrupted from talking, let out a long sigh, and then followed his apprentice's wishes to explain his preparations for turning evil spirits this time.

The person I hired to help you eliminate evil this time is your junior brother Han Xiao. He put forward a very interesting theory.

Thinking of the numerology concepts proposed by Han Xiao such as the Three Strange Nobles, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's tone of voice also improved a lot.

Even Gan Yu and Shen He noticed that their master seemed to have high expectations for Han Xiao's method of eliminating evil spirits.

Gan Yu and Shen He felt right about this.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng indeed has a lot of confidence in the method proposed by Han Xiao.

After learning that her young apprentice planned to use numerology to solve the fate of Shen He and Gu Chen, she first found the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang and the True Monarch of the Li Shui Dieshan to have a discussion.

Although they were all exposed to new concepts like Sanqi Nobles for the first time, the three of them believed through rigorous argumentation that these concepts were at least not fabricated out of thin air.

In order to ensure that their argument was correct, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun went to the emperor to explain it in detail.

The emperor also came to the same conclusion as them, and he was positive about Han Xiao's plan.

It can be said that it was the emperor's nod that gave Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng a little more confidence.

As for why Zhongli was positive about Han Xiao's plan?

The reason is also very simple.

After all, in his eyes, that boy Han Xiao had even managed to resurrect the Great Merciful Tree King and eliminate the pollution of the World Tree. It might not be difficult for Shen He to have the destiny of Gu Chen Jie Sha in his hands.

Although Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't know this, she also knew that her young apprentice had cured the demon scale disease and pure Yang body.

This also added a little more expectation to her.

Chongyun's pure Yang body was solved by Han Xiao from the problem of excessive Yang energy?

When he learned from Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng that the excessive yang energy that had troubled Chongyun for many years had been solved by Han Xiao using a half-martial and half-immortal method, Gan Yu's beautiful eyes widened and her cherry-like mouth subconsciously opened. Opened, the entire beautiful face was filled with surprise.

She was naturally familiar with Chongyun, who belonged to a family of exorcists. Like Xingqiu, he was a friend who chased and slapped Han Xiao on the streets of Liyue Port when they were young.

Because of his pure Yang body, the exorcist family came to ask Gan Yu for help to see if they could solve it.

It's just that she doesn't have a good idea about it.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao solved this problem quietly.

If Gan Yu was a little hesitant before Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun said that Han Xiao had a way to resolve Gu Chen's fate, then after learning about the successful cases in the other party's hands, she also inexplicably gained some confidence.

Maybe Han Xiao can really solve the evil spirit brought by Shen He's destiny?

Not only Gan Yu, but also Shen He, who remained expressionless on the side, also had a slight ripple in Gujing Wubo's eyes after hearing this.

This is nature, I have seen it with my own eyes!

Seeing that Gan Yu still seemed to have some doubts, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun immediately said that after hearing about this incident, she went to observe Chong Yun in private and found that he was indeed not troubled by excessive yang energy.

On the contrary, after practicing the techniques provided by Han Xiao, his physique seemed to have improved.

If this trend continues, maybe within a few years, Chongyun's physique will be able to catch up with Shen He, who has been practicing immortality since childhood.

After answering Gan Yu's doubts, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun turned his attention to Shen He.


I know that you don't have high hopes for this due to previous failures, but maybe Han Xiao can do it this time?

I understand, master.

Hearing the expectation hidden in his master's words, Shen He finally nodded heavily under the gazes of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Gan Yu.

I listen to you.

That's good, you and I will set off for Guili City now. Han Xiao seems to want to observe your fate with his own eyes.

Seeing that Shen He agreed to accept the plan prepared by Han Xiao, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng immediately urged him to go to Guili City with her.

True Lord...

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun moved very quickly. Just when Gan Yu raised his right hand to say something, the other party had already left Yuehai Pavilion with Shen He in a hurry.

She was left standing there with a face full of astonishment.

I'm curious too!

Looking at the empty office, Gan Yu put down his right hand speechlessly and sat back at his desk.

But in her heart, she kept thinking about Han Xiao's plan to eliminate the evil.

As a half-human and half-immortal, she also wanted to see what kind of numerology the other party had researched!

It's a pity that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun ran a little too fast!

Chapter 831 Abedo’s curiosity about Shen He

Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun and Shen He traveled very quickly. In less than half a day, they rushed from Liyue Port to Guili City, and saw Hanxiao sunbathing in front of the stone table in the courtyard of his home.

Master Liuyun, Senior Sister Shen He, are you here so soon?

Seeing Lord Liuyun Jiefeng appear in front of her with Shen He, Han Xiao hurriedly stood up and greeted the two of them.

It's a major matter concerning Shen He, and I will naturally not neglect it.

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed a little surprised that she and Shen He had arrived so quickly, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

Thinking about it, Shen He has been troubled by the fate of Guchen Jiesha for more than 20 years, even though she and Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang tried their best to solve it.

Now that he finally came across a solution that might solve Guchen Jiesha's fate, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was naturally very interested in it.

If she didn't know when all the preliminary preparations required for the evil game would be available, she would have wanted to urge her young apprentice to directly start the Qimen game.

Is it possible that the preliminary preparations for the evil situation have not been completed yet?

Seeing that Han Xiao was surprised that she and Shen He were coming to visit now, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng immediately frowned.

It seems that she and Shen He came a little early!

However, unexpectedly, just when Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought that Han Xiao had not yet found the core to arrange the evil situation, what the other party said made her happy.

That's not true. I have found the Three Strange Nobles and some other preparations.

It's just that the distinguished guests with the fate of the Three Strange Nobles are still on their way to Guili City. It will take about half a month to arrive.

It only takes half a month!

Hearing Han Xiao's answer, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was immediately overjoyed.

I never expected that the other party would actually find a noble person with one of the so-called three wonders in his destiny in a short period of time, and even see him in half a month.

In other words, she and Shen He only need to board for another half month until the distinguished guest comes to preside over the evil.

At that time, we will know whether the Qimen Transformation Evil situation mentioned by Han Xiao can actually reverse Shen He Guchen's destiny.

At the same time, it can also confirm whether what the other party said [those with calamity fate can be solved by encountering three strange things] is true.

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