Now just adding a multi-person online chat function to the software, why does the other party spend a quarter of the time?

Ah, you mean the function of having multiple people online at the same time?

Angus was stunned for a moment, then realized that Han Xiao had gone astray, and quickly explained.

I have completed that function a long time ago!

Has it been completed long ago?

Han Xiao's brows jumped and her eyes couldn't help but fall on the string of codes on the display screen.

Since you have already completed the simultaneous online chat function, what are you doing now?

“Of course it’s a new feature!”

Speaking of the new function he was researching, Angus immediately became excited and took out a square box about half the size of a cigarette box from his pocket.

The entire box was pitch black, with a thin wire extending from the end. There was also a lens the size of a five-cent coin embedded on the other side of the box.

Video communication is the perfect solution for people in two places to communicate face-to-face through the Internet!

Shaking the square box in his hand, Angus's face was filled with pride.

How about it, my newly developed function is quite acceptable!

Hey guys, isn’t this just a camera and remote video chat?

Awesome, indeed awesome!

Han Xiao immediately gave Angus a thumbs up.

He didn't expect that he hadn't seen him for half a month, and that the other party not only completed the function of online chatting with multiple people at the same time, but also gave him such a big surprise.

Is it similar to a remote projector?

Han Xiao praised Angus without hesitation, while Abedo on the side obviously began to analyze the principles of remote video chat, and he hit the key points very sharply.

They had previously conducted a public archaeological event on the Salt of the Earth. At that time, Han Xiao used a remote projector to allow people in Liyue Port to see the Salt of the Earth scene through the machine.

Now it seems that Angus should have used this inspiration to create the remote video chat function.

correct answer!

After hearing Albedo's analysis, Angus readily nodded and admitted that this was indeed the source of his inspiration.

Then what are you waiting for? Try it now and see the effect!

Han Xiao didn't really care about what inspired Angus to create the remote video chat function. Anyway, this function could increase the practicality of the desktop computer.

So now he is more concerned about the effect of remote video chat function on desktop computers.


Seeing that Han Xiao was so eager to know the effect of the remote video chat function, Angus simply responded and plugged the wire interface on the back of the square box into the interface of the desktop computer in front of the two of them.

Then control the mouse to open the chat software.

Abedo was not idle either. He sat directly in front of another computer and started the machine. After the desktop was displayed on the screen, he also opened the latest version of the chat software he had just installed.

Then Abedo found the friends column in the software and clicked on the avatar that was already lit up.

A simple chat window popped up.

I'm ready.

After doing all this, Abedo just turned his eyes to Angus aside.

Then take a look!

Seeing that Abedo was ready, Angus immediately controlled the mouse to open the chat window, and then clicked on a camera-like button in the upper left corner of the window interface.


The next moment, a sound similar to a mobile phone communication suddenly came from the desktop computer's speakers, and then Abedo saw a dialog box pop up in his chat window.

[Experiment No. 1 is applying for a video link, do you agree? ]

Abedo didn't hesitate and clicked the agree button at the bottom of the dialog box.

As the video communication was connected, a real-time picture with poor pixels popped up in the small window on the right side of the chat window bar in front of Abedo and Angus.

What appears above is Angus facing the camera.

Why do I feel the resolution is a bit low?

Han Xiao, who was standing behind the two of them, carefully glanced back and forth at the screens in front of Angus and Albedo respectively, then frowned and gave his opinion.

The remote video chat function was indeed implemented by Angus, but the video display quality is a bit worrying.

It looks extremely blurry, full of the picture quality of Han Xiao's previous life in the last century.

Indeed, the picture quality is simply incomparable to the previous images displayed on remote projectors.

Albedo on the side also echoed Han Xiao.

I'm improving on that.

Seeing that both Han Xiao and Abedo focused on the quality of the final video, Angus couldn't help but sigh softly.

He also wants the remote video chat function to present a high-definition picture similar to that of a remote projector. The problem is that he cannot yet achieve it with his existing technology.

The reason why the projector can present high-definition images is because of the size of the machine itself and the solid materials used in all parts, so the quality of the final image is quite high.

But what about the camera he made for desktop computers?

In order to adapt to the size of a desktop computer, Angus cannot make the camera very large, which would look extremely uncoordinated.

So he could only choose to reduce the size of the camera.

Once the size is reduced, the materials used in the parts will be relatively poor, and the final picture will naturally be much worse than that of the projector.

In addition, the final picture quality problem of the desktop computer remote communication function and the camera only account for a small part, and more of them are video encoding problems.

After all, the images captured by the camera will eventually be transmitted to another computer through the network in the form of signals, and then the images will be restored through video encoding.

However, judging from the current video encoding technology of desktop computers, it is still unable to parse high-definition image quality.

The issue of high-definition picture quality can be considered later. In short, the video function is normal now, right?

After learning that the image quality problem could not be solved in a day or two, Han Xiao decisively postponed it and let Angus try to improve it later. He was now more concerned about whether the functions were working properly.

Chapter 834 Chat software internal testing

There's no problem with normal operation.

Faced with Han Xiao's inquiry, Angus nodded, looking particularly confident.

After so many days of running and testing the software, he has basically perfected the chat program, and some very obvious bugs have been fixed.

Although Angus cannot guarantee that the chat software will be bug-free, at least it will run normally without any problems.

Since it can function normally, it's no problem!

Han Xiao immediately pulled up a chair and sat down in front of another desktop computer, and then said to Angus:

Send me the installation package first.


Although he didn't know what Han Xiao was planning to do, Angus followed what the other party said and uploaded the latest version of the chat software installation package to the email management system as an attachment and sent it.

On the other side, the moment the desktop in front of him lit up, Han Xiao controlled the mouse to open the email management system, found the latest unread email, and then downloaded the installation package inside.

This was not over yet. After Angus and Abedo watched the new version of the chat software installed, they forwarded the email to several people.

Hanxiao, what are you doing?

Seeing Han Xiao's operation, Abedo raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is he planning to pilot the chat software function internally first?

“Angus’ software will eventually be made available to the public, so before doing so, we must first listen to the opinions of software users.”

While answering Abedo's doubts, Han Xiao took out her mobile phone from the jade pendant space and dialed several people's numbers in front of the two of them.

Hey, Ning Guang...

Keqing, it's me...

Mr. Zhongli...


Qunyu Pavilion.

chatting software?

Hearing the busy beep coming from the phone receiver, Ningguang couldn't help but mutter to himself as he put down the phone.

Han Xiao and Abedo have come up with something new?

With a slightly curious expression, Ningguang stood up directly, walked quickly to the side of the wireless version of the desktop computer specially built by Han Xiao for Qunyu Pavilion, sat down and started the machine.

Soon, as the screen lit up, she skillfully opened the email management system and repeated Han Xiao's previous operation to install the software package.

Then she saw a square login box on her desktop.

The content on the login box is simple and easy to understand, with only two input fields for account number and password.

Below are the buttons to register and log in.

This thing is quite simple!

With just one glance, Ningguang roughly understood the function of the login box, so she clicked on the registration button according to her understanding.

Sure enough, with a click of the system prompt, a web page automatically popped up.

Account registration...Mobile number and password creation?

It’s interesting!

Looking at the content on the web page, Ningguang was immediately interested and typed his own information on the keyboard with both hands.

Name: Ningguang.

Gender: Female

Region: Liyue.

Mobile phone number: XX...

Nickname: Tianquan

After filling in all the information on the web page, Ningguang pressed the submit button, and then she got a string of account numbers.

She took out a pen and wrote down this string of numbers on the notepad she carried with her. Then she entered the account number and the previously set password into the corresponding places in the login box.

Soon, Ningguang saw the login box on his desktop showing that the login was successful, and then the real appearance of the software jumped out.

Friend bar, blacklist, etc...

It's as simple and easy to understand as what was shown on the login box before.

It's just that the friends column is empty at this time, with no friends at all.


At this moment, a sudden sound like a cough came from the computer speaker, startling Ningguang, but immediately she saw that the small speaker under the software was flashing continuously.

She controlled the mouse and clicked it, and a chat box showing friend application appeared in front of her.

[City Lord Guili applies to be your friend, do you agree? ]

Lord of Guili City...

Looking at the four words representing the nickname in the chat box, Ning Guang raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

Given this nickname, it seems that Han Xiao has not run away.

After casually clicking to agree, she saw the avatar of City Lord Guili appeared in the friends column of her software.

What's even more amazing is that the photo on the avatar is actually a panoramic view of Guili City taken from top to bottom?

Didi didi——

Another new prompt sounded. This time, Ning Guang was mentally prepared and was not frightened anymore. Instead, he glanced at the display area of ​​the software.

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