Um...Ms. Alice, you have a heavy responsibility in guarding the border of Teyvat. How dare I disturb you so easily.

Faced with Alice's strange aura, Han Xiao could only smile awkwardly, and then explained in a low voice why she didn't communicate with the other party often.

Fortunately, Alice only teased a few words, and then she returned to her serious mode.

Then why are you looking for me this time, Xiaohanxiao?

Here's the thing.

Seeing Alice asking him why he contacted her, Han Xiao hurriedly told Shen He's story from beginning to end. After finishing speaking, he did not forget to assure the other party:

Ms. Alice, don't worry. I guarantee that Keli is absolutely not in any danger. I'm just borrowing her destiny to facilitate the Qimen situation.


The only response to Han Xiao was the wordless silence on the other end of the communication device.

After a long time, just when Han Xiao was getting anxious, Alice's voice finally rang again from the communication device.

It's a strange magic technique that can transform fate into evil spirits. I never thought that I could hear familiar sayings in Teyvat!

Hearing Alice's voice almost talking to herself, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her brows slightly.

He knew before that Alice must have been to a world similar to Earth. After all, the other party had mentioned the Rubicon River to Zhiqiong before in the game.

But what Han Xiao didn't expect was that Alice even knew something about Eastern metaphysics.

It should be said that she is a knowledgeable witch. She has a wide range of knowledge!

I said Hanxiao!

Just when Han Xiao was still lamenting that the other party had covered too much, Alice's words again brought him back to his senses.

If you have anything to say, Ms. Alice.

It's not a big deal. I just want to ask if my baby Keli's fate is really so special?

Yes, according to classical numerology and astrology, Keli is indeed an extremely precious person who can avoid all disasters.

This is really the best news I've heard in recent times!

After hearing Han Xiao's confirmation, Alice's voice was obviously raised a lot, and her entire voice gave people a feeling of excitement.

I agree with Keli, but you need to talk to Keli and Qin yourself, Hanxiao!

As long as you are willing, I will convince Captain Qin.

After receiving Alice's permission, Han Xiao felt a lot more relaxed.

Albedo and Alice have both agreed to his request, and Qin is the only remaining main guardian.


While Han Xiao was dealing with Alice, Captain Qin, who was far away in Mondstadt, also received a call from Albedo.

Han Xiao wants Keli to go to Liyue to help?


Then what did you and Ms. Alice think about?

We all agreed, the rest is up to you.

I can't give you an answer to this matter right now. Let me think about it before letting you know my decision.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, Qin did not agree immediately. Instead, she dropped a sentence to let her think about it first and then hung up the communication.

Qimen Bureau?

Sanqi nobleman?

What is this?

Leaning her whole back on the back of the chair, Qin slowly raised her hand and pinched the bridge of her sore nose, lost in thought.

Although Meng Meng and Liyue have been neighbors for so long, she really rarely hears about strange things or numerology.

To be honest, these concepts basically don't exist in Qin's mind.

Lisa seems to have some research on fate.

Thinking of her best friend, she quickly stood up and walked out of the office, opened the door of the library opposite and walked in.


Seeing Lisa sitting behind the front desk of the library, sipping black tea and reading a book, Qin immediately called out to her, and then quickly walked up to her.

Hey, it's really rare!

Hearing someone calling her name, Lisa raised her head and looked at the defense line where the sound came from.

Seeing that the visitor was Qin, who stayed in the group leader's office all year round, she joked with surprise.

Jin, why did you come out of the office?

I came to see you for something. Do you know Liyue's numerology?


Lisa was stunned at first, then she frowned her delicate eyebrows, and after thinking about it for a while, she said slowly:

I don't know much about Liyue's traditional numerology. I only know that it is a method similar to astrology for deducing destiny.

Similar to astrology?

After listening to Lisa's general introduction, Qin nodded thoughtfully, and then told Han Xiao that she wanted to invite Keli to Liyue to help.

Need Xiao Keli's help? This is a bit strange!

Lisa was immediately interested.

Usually, other countries invite Keli to go abroad to help, but usually they take on some blasting tasks.

This was the first time she had encountered this kind of invitation that didn't seem to match Keli at first sight.

It is said that it is because Keli is very lucky. In addition, Ms. Alice and Albedo seem to have agreed to this request and want to ask my opinion.

Seeing Lisa's interested look, Qin was actually quite curious about what Han Xiao was planning to do.

She couldn't quite understand the professional terms Abedo spoke.

So you can't make up your mind now?


Since Ms. Alice and Abedo have agreed to Han Xiao's request, this matter must not be harmful to Keli. Then why don't you ask Keli herself for her opinion?

Ask Kelly for her opinion?

After hearing the advice given by Lisa, Qin couldn't help but lower her head and fell into deep thought.

Seeing that her best friend was still hesitant, Lisa immediately made a decision for her:

Let's do this, you can find Keli now and we'll ask him face to face.

Chapter 829 Heading to Guili City

Captain Qin, my confinement period is not over yet, why are you letting me out now?

When Qin asked the soldiers of the Knights of the West Wind to release Kelly from the solitary room and take her to the library, the first words the little guy spoke to them made the two of them smile.

That's right, Kelly.

With a slight smile, Lisa slowly stood up from the chair, then walked to Keli's side, bent down slightly and reached out to touch her little head.

Your brother Abedo called Qin just now and said that Han Xiao wanted you to go to Guili City to help.

Are they Brother Abedo and Brother Hanxiao? Great!

When Lisa said the names of Abedo and Han Xiao, Keli's immature face immediately showed a look of joy, and she couldn't help but cheer.

Kelly is going to help!

Maybe it will be dangerous?

With Brother Abedo and Brother Hanxiao here, Keli is not afraid of danger!

Faced with Lisa deliberately making the matter serious, Keli still didn't look scared at all. On the contrary, she felt a little bit more eager to try.

If you encounter bad guys, Keli will teach them a lesson with a bouncing bomb!

How about it, Jean?

Seeing that Keli agreed to the request to go to Guili City to help without hesitation, Lisa straightened up and looked at her best friend with a smile.

It's useless for you to ask.

Looking at Lisa's gaze, Qin couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

How could Keli refuse the other party's question?

After all, this is a perfect opportunity to escape from the confinement room openly and play outside.

Fortunately, with the support of Alice and Albedo, she did not continue to sing the opposite.

In this case, let Amber...

Wait a minute, Jean!

Before Qin finished speaking, Lisa suddenly reached out and interrupted her.

Let me take Xiao Keli to Guili City this time.


Upon hearing Lisa's self-recommendation, Qin immediately subconsciously made a confused sound, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes when she looked at the other party.

She is very aware of her best friend's lazy personality.

Lisa is a little unusual today!

Lisa, why are you so proactive today?

Because I am very interested in the numerology mentioned by Albedo!

Faced with Qin's doubts, Lisa did not hide anything and bluntly stated her purpose.

She acted really lazy in Mondstadt, as if she didn't care about anything.

But no matter what, she is an outstanding scholar trained by the Order Academy.

Although Lisa's physical condition was caused by her excessive pursuit of knowledge, it could not erase her curiosity about the unknown.

Regarding numerology, a metaphysical method that has always been in the hands of Immortal Liyue, Lisa said that she had long wanted to experience it.

Now that Han Xiao was going to set up a strange trap in Liyue, she naturally didn't want to miss this golden opportunity.

Okay, then I'll leave everything to you.

After listening to Lisa's explanation and understanding the other person's thoughts, Qin immediately nodded.

no problem!

After smiling and promising her best friend, Lisa turned her attention back to Kelly.

Xiao Keli, can we leave for Guili City now?

Okay, let's go to Guili City!


Just when Lisa and Qin on Mondstadt decided to take Keli to Guili City, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun also appeared in the sky above Yuehai Pavilion.

Against the gaze of a large number of Yuehai Pavilion staff, she went straight to find Gan Yu who was working in the office.

Gan Yu!

True...True Lord!

The moment he saw Lord Liuyun Jiefeng appear in front of him, Gan Yu almost froze, and the pen he held in his right hand fell to the table.

Why are you here?

I am here to see Shen He. I remember that you have been taking care of her since she came to Liyue Port.

Upon hearing Gan Yu's inquiry, Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun bluntly stated the purpose of his coming.

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