Most of the materials Abedo brought to make the Dudu communication device have been used, and the rest is not enough for Hanxiao to do experiments.

And what is the most indispensable material in Liyue?

Naturally, it is a material containing rock elements.

Just like the Eye of All Things in Han Xiao's hand, its core is the amber spar known as the 'Heart of Rock', and the material for etching the elemental circuit is a mixture of basalt tower powder and rock essential oil. , the shell is also a solid topaz with excellent conductivity.

Therefore, the Eye of All Things not only brings together the wisdom of the four worlds on a technical level, but the materials used are also quite expensive.

Fortunately, once you have it for the first time, there will be countless times.

After this successful experience, Han Xiao is confident that he will be able to get all the remaining elements of the Eye of All Things.

When the new city is completed, the plan to travel to six countries will probably be put on the agenda.

Thinking that he could make the Eye of All Things with seven elements in the future, Han Xiao's chuunibyou, which had disappeared for many years, suddenly recurred.

I saw him covering half of his face with one hand, spreading his fingers forward with the other hand, and shouting loudly:

Starting from today, I will turn everything around!


At this moment, the door of the temporary workshop was suddenly opened, and the figures of Keqing and Abedo appeared at the door.

Hanxiao, what are you doing?

Seeing Han Xiao with strange shapes in the workshop, Keqing couldn't help but widen her eyes, and her tone of voice became urgent and shocked.

As for Albedo, who was on the side, he couldn't help but cover his face and sigh. He didn't expect that Han Xiao was a hidden middle-aged child like Fischer.

Ah this...

Seeing the two people who suddenly appeared, Han Xiao quickly put away her clothes and pretended that nothing was wrong.

It's nothing, just a little bit excited.


Keqing didn't quite understand why Han Xiao was excited at first, but she suddenly understood when she caught a glimpse of the All-Seeing Eye on Han Xiao's waist from the corner of her eye.

Have you obtained the Eye of God?


That's it. Congratulations.

After understanding why Han Xiao was excited, Ke Qing also had a smile on her face.

Keqing didn't like the Eye of God at first.

Because all her achievements were clearly achieved through her own efforts, in the eyes of others, they were attributed to the eyes of God.

However, as time went by, Keqing gradually recognized the Eye of God.

She realized that this item was not hosted by the consciousness of God, but also provided practical help in many things, so she decided to make use of this power.

Now this power is an indispensable part of Keqing.

So she was very happy for Han Xiao to get the Eye of God.

After all, as a pragmatist, having the power to drive oneself is also a good help, but Ke Qing couldn't help but complain:

I didn't expect that what you obtained was the eye of God of the rock element. How did you get noticed by Prince Yan for being so lazy?

Maybe because I'm white-haired?

Glancing at Albedo who was silent next to him, Han Xiao tilted his head and thought for a moment before giving an answer that left Ke Qing speechless.

By the way, why were you busy in the workshop before? You didn't come out for so many days.

Oh, I will study new puppet circuit technology and plan to develop new products.

Has there been any results?

Not yet, just a little bit of an idea.

Then don't study it for now. There are still a lot of things waiting for you to deal with in the new city.

Chapter 69 Dreams come true

After explaining the matter and making sure that nothing happened to Han Xiao, Shi Qing turned around and left the workshop, leaving only Abedo and Han Xiao.


After confirming that Keqing had really left, Abedo closed the door of the workshop, turned to look at Han Xiao, and the look on his face became quite serious.

That one of yours isn't the Eye of God.

Unlike Keqing, as an alchemist, Abedo saw the Eye of All Things on Han Xiao's waist as soon as he entered the door.

At first he thought it was the Eye of God, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong. It always felt like it had a hint of alchemy.

So Abedo didn't speak just now, just observing.

Finally, after detailed observation, he determined that the one on Han Xiao's waist was not the Eye of God, but instead looked like the Evil Eye that had appeared in Mondstadt before.

It is indeed not the Eye of God. This is the Eye of All Things that I developed.

Looking at Albedo with a serious face, Han Xiao thought for a moment and understood why the other person was so nervous.

As a member of the Knights, Abedo naturally knew the reason why Diluc's father died, and it was normal for him to worry that he would choose the evil eye because of greed for power.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao smiled and explained:

Don't worry, the Eye of All Things is not the evil eye. Apart from the fact that it exerts less power than the Eye of God, it does no harm to the human body.

It seems that you have been studying this these past few days?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo's expression looked much better and his complexion returned to normal.

He knew that Han Xiao was not a careless person. Since the other party knew about the evil eye and the side effects of the evil eye, then this so-called eye of all things might really be as Han Xiao himself said, no danger to the human body.

Yes, it took me a long time, but fortunately I figured it out.

It turns out that you obtained the Eye of God during your research.

Although Abedo didn't know how Han Xiao bypassed the obstacles of the Eye of God to create the Eye of All Things, he still chose to keep it a secret for Han Xiao.

It’s not okay if you don’t shut up.

Once the news about the Eye of All Things leaks out, it will definitely make a large number of people who want to gain power go completely crazy.

In the end, Abedo decided to pretend nothing happened.

The Eye of All Things that Han Xiao wears on his waist is not the Eye of All Things that he made himself. He obtained the Eye of God by receiving the attention of the gods during his research.

Yes, it is like that!

Seeing that Abedo was about to start brainwashing himself, Han Xiao raised his eyebrows, acquiescing to the other party's choice.

I felt a little pity in my heart.

If Abedo didn't suddenly change his mind and pretended that nothing happened but continued to question himself, he could take this opportunity to increase the other party's employment time.

Soon, the secretaries working in Xincheng District all saw the Eye of All Things tied around Han Xiao's waist.

Look, what is that on Lord Hanxiao's waist!

It turns out to be the Eye of God. Sure enough, I knew how someone as powerful as Master Han Xiao could not have the Eye of God!

Well, who says it's not? This is the gap.

As the secretaries talked privately, many people in the new city soon came to know that the person in charge of their new city, Mr. Han Xiao, had also become a 'human master' with the eyes of God.

For Han Xiao to suddenly become the owner of the Eye of God, most people were just envious.

Except for a certain confused old man, our Prince Yan Zhongli.

He was now rather puzzled as to how Han Xiao obtained the Eye of God.

However, after Zhong Li observed it privately with his spiritual mind, he realized that the one on Qian Hanxiao's waist was not the Eye of God, but an imitation that could absorb elemental particles in the air anytime and anywhere.

Although it was an imitation, in Zhongli's opinion it was no worse than the Eye of God.

At least compared to the evil eye made by the doctor from Zhi Dong Fool, the imitation made by Han Xiao obviously does not require the payment of vitality, and can truly circumvent the restrictions of the Eye of God.

After confirming that the imitation product had no harm to Han Xiao, Zhongli stopped taking care of it.

He already had several extra 'jobs' unexpectedly, and he didn't want to take up the little free time he had left because of the cold night.

The fact that Han Xiao became the owner of the 'Eye of God' only caused a little stir in the new city, but it was quickly replaced by intense work.

It has been almost half a year since the construction of the new city began. At this time, Guiliyuan is already very different from the original.

On both sides of the Bishui River are dikes made of cement that firmly resist the water rushing down from the upstream and flowing into the sea along the dug river channel.

The original compacted earth roads were also paved with a thick layer of cement, making it more convenient for horse-drawn carriages to travel.

Of course, the biggest change is the new city that has risen from the ground in Guiliyuan.

The new city is built on high ground, and buildings with Liyue characteristics are located within the city walls made of stone and cement.

Not far outside the city, a huge circular cave is divided into two floors with cement in the middle. There is only an outlet connected to the sea below.

The upper floor not only installs large pipes connected to the city's underground sewers, but also installs a replaceable sewage filtration system composed of Shijiyang No. 3 in the middle of the pipes connecting the upper and lower floors.

In this way, the stagnant water and domestic sewage generated in the city flow into the upper layer of the large hole through the underground sewer, and then are converted into clean water by the filtration system and flow into the lower layer. Finally, when accumulated to a certain extent, the valve is pushed open and flows into the sea.

At the front of the city, the large raised rocks in the plains have long been flattened by workers, and the entire center of Guili has been transformed into a large flat and open land.

Many workers are spraying powder made of gypsum and limestone on it, obviously taking measures to improve the land.

The monsters originally entrenched in this old site have long been cleared away by the Qianyan Army and adventurers.

As for the treasure stealing group, they chose to evacuate very decisively. Of course, those who ran slowly were captured by Han Xiao's Qianyan Army and sent to labor camps.

Maybe after these treasure-stealing gang members are reformed through labor, they can be transformed into urban residents.

On the tallest building in the city center.

Han Xiao leaned on the wooden railing and overlooked the entire city.

The inner city area has been clearly divided, and the main residential areas, commercial areas, teaching areas and other places have entered the final acceptance stage.

Although the river embankments are still being built and the land in the plains is being improved, there are still some buildings in the city that are only half-built.

However, Han Xiao believes that it won’t be long before there will be a large ‘golden’ ocean on Guiliyuan.

This is my city.

Looking at the new city that basically had residential, commercial and other functions, Han Xiao couldn't help but murmur, with a look of joy and pride on her face.

In less than a year, the new urban area really turned from a dream into a reality in his hands!

Remarks on the launch


It’s time to write my acceptance speech again.

As a newbie who has only come back to code again after several years, we are extremely panicked now.

After all, it's time to drop the collection and face life and death.

First of all, thank you all readers for your recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards and blades.

Because I’m easily distracted, I’ve always closed any chat tool and concentrated on typing. Even the editor can’t find me (laughs)

I’m really sorry that I can’t thank you one by one!

As for the readership issue.

Spread your hands and let's wait until the rack is finished. Now my whole body is hanging on it, TAT.

I probably wouldn't dare to offer a reward or anything like that, because after all, people who don't have manuscripts in their hands are afraid they won't be able to pay it back.

Of course, the monthly recommended ticket is still required (laughs).

Let’s talk about the follow-up arrangements first.

There are many types of chat groups, and most of them improve their strength too quickly. The stupid author cannot grasp such a fast pace, so he can only write down step by step.

The first two volumes are mainly about Han Xiao, an ordinary person who rose from a salty fish to a high position, and led the development of Liyue as the main line.

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