This was all arranged by Han Xiao, and it seems to have worked well.

Compared to Chongyun and Xiangling's exclamations, Xingqiu also nodded with satisfaction.

It should be said that Han Xiao is the one with the most clever ideas in their small group. His ideas are novel.

Chapter 812 Diagnosis and Treatment of Hanxiao

Xingqiu and the others did not stay in the store for long, but quickly asked the clerk to buy a TV and commissioned a merchant to install it at their door.

After walking out of the store, he did not forget to ask the two friends next to him:

Chongyun, Xiangling, don't you two buy one?

I don't need it. Dad is going to buy four units at a time at the store in Liyue Port today, and he will send two units to me then.

Upon hearing Xingqiu's inquiry, Xiangling waved her hand carelessly.

Her father, Master Mao, had already planned the purchasing strategy, and each of the two stores installed one for customers to watch.

The remaining two are installed at home in Guili City and Liyue Port for use when resting.

I don't plan to buy it either, because I won't use it at all.

Unlike Xiangling, who had already decided on the purchase plan, Chongyun had no intention of purchasing at all.

As an exorcist, he travels around Liyue all year round. He has so little time at home that buying a TV is a waste.

If you really want to see what the big deal is, just go to Xingqiu's place and rub it in.

Okay, let's go find Han Xiao now?

let's go!

After saying that, Xingqiu and his party walked towards Han Xiao's residence and left this TV store with many customers.


What a rare visitor. Why are you three here?

Han Xiao, who was leisurely reading miscellaneous books at home and waiting for the sales report call, saw Xingqiu and three people who suddenly came to the door together. He first enthusiastically welcomed the three of them into the living room, and then asked curiously.

Could it be that you have trouble with me?

I really have something to do with you.

Xingqiu, who was sitting on the sofa, gave a decisive hum after hearing this, and then pointed at Chongyun who was still eating popsicles beside him:

The reason we came here this time is to ask you if you have any way to suppress the Pure Yang Body.

Suppress the pure Yang body.

After hearing the reason why Xingqiu and the others came to visit, Han Xiao immediately fell into deep thought.

He didn't know much about Chongyun's body of pure yang, but similar physiques such as the body of nine yin often appeared in martial arts novels in previous lives, so it was very simple to understand.

Isn’t it because you are born with too much yang energy and an imbalance of yin and yang?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao turned her gaze directly to Chongyun and motioned for him to stretch out his hand.

Okay, let me check it first and then talk about it.

Then it's up to you!

Seeing that Han Xiao was about to inspect it himself, Chongyun immediately stretched out his free left hand and watched as the other person put his hand on his wrist.

Hey, Brother Hanxiao, when did you learn medical skills?

Seeing Han Xiao's decent gesture of checking Chongyun's pulse, Xiangling couldn't help but look at him with surprise on her face, as if she was curious.

No, I'm just pretending!

Hearing Xiang Ling's inquiry, Han Xiao explained casually.

The reason why he felt the pulse was just to use his power to check Chongyun's body. He really didn't know the medical skills.

Soon, Han Xiao pulled her hand away from Chongyun's wrist and spoke the conclusion of her investigation.

After checking, the specific situation is roughly clear.

How about it? Can Chongyun's problem be solved?

Seeing Han Xiao finishing the inspection, Xingqiu on the side quickly asked.'s hard to say right now.

Seeing Xingqiu, Xiangling and Chongyun all looking at him expectantly, Han Xiao pondered for a moment, and then decided to explain the so-called pure Yang body to the three of them in detail.

It is said that he did not know much about Taoist theory in his previous life, but the Qi connected to the Great Zhoutian, which is the so-called extraordinary meridians and all eight meridians, is what Taoists call a body of pure Yang.

Originally, Han Xiao did not have a very deep understanding of the so-called eight extraordinary meridians. At most, she only knew about the two meridians of Ren and Du that were often mentioned in novels.

However, after traveling to Liyue, which was similar to his previous life in ancient times, he also practiced martial arts since he was a child, and naturally also systematically learned the knowledge of human acupuncture points.

So just now when Han Xiao used his power to explore Chongyun's body, he discovered that the other party's eight extraordinary meridians were naturally unobstructed, so he was born with pure yang.

In his previous life, Chongyun would have been a proper immortal cultivator, or a Taoist disciple.

Is it pure Yang to be born with all eight extraordinary meridians?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Xingqiu couldn't help but frown.

As the supreme genius of the Guhua Sect, he who can comprehend the three secrets of the Guhua Sect on his own certainly understands the functions of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

The reason why he frowned was that Xingqiu himself had opened up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, but he didn't have Chongyun's problem.

Is it possible that this thing is a matter of nature and nurture?

...I can only say that Chongyun's physique is closer to that of an immortal. Of course, there is also the issue of fate.

Han Xiao, who didn't know how to explain it, immediately thought of the immortals in Liyue, and then pulled Shen He out to give an example to them.

Shen He has practiced under Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng for many years, and her physique is gradually transforming into an immortal. Coupled with her own fate, this makes the opponent's physical strength extremely powerful and far beyond ordinary people.

Thinking of Shen He, Han Xiao couldn't help but return her gaze to Chongyun:

Speaking of which, I remember that Chongyun and Senior Sister Shen He seem to be related, right?

Well, in terms of seniority, I should call her aunt.

Chongyun nodded, and then understood the reason why the other party asked, and immediately asked with a surprised look on his face:

You mean, is it possible that our family's physique is different from others?


Han Xiao did not deny Chongyun's speculation.

After all, your family is a family of exorcists who have been practicing for many years. Maybe so many generations of practice are actually improving your family's physique step by step, until you and Senior Sister Shen He had a small outbreak here.

This is a very convincing inference.

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Xingqiu reached out and rubbed his chin to express his agreement.

If one can be called a pure yang body simply by opening up the eight extraordinary meridians, then this physique is too worthless.

But if you want to add the idea of ​​​​fate, he thinks it makes sense.

Otherwise, if there were so many martial arts practitioners in Liyue, and there were quite a few people who had access to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, why would Chongyun be the only one with a pure Yang body?

Not to mention that Shen He, who belonged to the same clan as Chong Yun, was also incredibly powerful.

I don't quite understand what fate you are talking about...

The series of conversations between Han Xiao and Xingqiu made Xiang Ling feel a little confused. Taking advantage of the pause, she immediately chose to interject:

Brother Han Xiao, I just want to ask if Chongyun's situation can be solved?

I have to think about this.

Faced with Xiang Ling's question, Han Xiao made a bear gesture towards several people.

He didn't do much research on the Pure Yang Body, so he didn't dare to be sure whether he could solve the troubles that the Pure Yang Body caused Chongyun.

Of course, Han Xiao didn’t stop talking:

But I can try to suppress it first.

Chapter 813: Temporary Suppression Bracelet

Is there no way to completely solve the side effects of a pure Yang body?

Xingqiu asked a little greedily after hearing that Han Xiao just proposed to help Chongyun suppress the side effects of the Pure Yang Body.

Over the past few years, as a child, he was able to come up with new and eye-catching inventions from time to time, which gave him a vague understanding that there was no difficulty that could hinder Han Xiao.

It's hard to say right now.

Giving Xingqiu a speechless look, Han Xiao just explained to Chongyun and Xiangling who were full of expectancy:

Don't listen to Xingqiu's nonsense. I only found out a little bit about the pure Yang body problem today. I'm not omnipotent, so I can only try to find a way to suppress it first.

As for the way to completely solve the side effects of the Pure Yang Body, I don't have a clue yet.

Thank you anyway.

Chongyun was so grateful that he thanked Han Xiao.

Although Han Xiao did not boast that he could solve the problem of the pure Yang body, the fact that the other party could think of suppressing the idea was enough for him to express his gratitude.

After all, Chongyun himself has been troubled by the pure Yang body for so many years, and it's not like his family didn't find someone to try to help.

It's a pity that after more than ten years, countless experts in Chongyun's family were unable to do anything about his pure Yang body.

Only the uncanny Atractylodes doctor came up with a method that might fundamentally solve the problem of the pure Yang body.

That is to directly destroy the constitution of Chongyun's pure yang body, so that the troubles caused by the pure yang body can be cured without medicine.

It's a pity that although Chongyun himself is actually willing to do this, his family members won't agree to it.

You must know that even in a family of exorcists, a pure Yang body is a rare physique, and it is a great weapon for exorcism and demon suppression.

How could they be willing to let Chongyun ‘disable his martial arts skills’?

Therefore, under the insistence of Chongyun's family members, Atractylodes could only prescribe superficial treatment methods of using external cold to suppress internal dryness.

From then on, no matter whether it was cold or hot, Chongyun basically kept the popsicles in his hands every day.

Don't thank me in a hurry. I don't know if it will work or not.

Hearing Chongyun's thanks in his ears, Han Xiao repeatedly waved his hands to indicate that it would be better not to thank him yet.

At present, he still doesn't know whether his method can help Chongyun suppress the heat problem caused by his pure Yang body.


After continuing to talk for a while, Xingqiu and his party left with hope, leaving Han Xiao alone in deep thought.

A body of pure Yang!

how should I solve this?

While Han Xiao was thinking about how to design a plan for the Pure Yang Body, she came to the secret alchemy room at home.

Then he took out all the materials that his Jade Perry felt could be used.

Among them are not only the precious alchemy materials on the Teyvat continent, but also rare items collected from various worlds in the group.

Since there is currently no way to think of a best-of-both-worlds solution that can both maintain the operation of the pure Yang body and eliminate internal dryness, Han Xiao can only follow Atractylodes' previous suppression ideas and extend them downwards.

Fortunately, the solution given by Bai Zhu before was very simple, which was to take the initiative to swallow the air-conditioned popsicles to restrain the internal 'fire poison'.

With an idea in mind, Han Xiao quickly selected the materials he thought he could use from the pile of materials in front of him.

For example, it comes from the Titanite iron mine that has been in the cold environment of Northrend all year round, and the eternal ice that Xingxiao obtained from the Gem Man comes from the permafrost anomaly zone that will not melt even at normal temperatures, etc.

Basically, they are all kinds of materials related to ice elements.

He planned to create a prop for Chongyun that could continuously invade the human body and actively release cold air.

This is actually the same principle as Chongyun's own suppression by swallowing popsicles.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao started to take action.

Soon, with the help of alchemy, materials such as Titan Iron Ore, Eternal Ice, and Crystal Condensation were combined into a flowing liquid and poured into the mold he had prepared long ago.

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